Thursday, January 14, 2016

Al Jazeera America to Shut Down

USA TODAY: Al Jazeera America, the American cable news outlet owned by Qatar-based Al Jazeera, plans to shut down less than three years after its much-ballyhooed launch, unable to overcome low ratings, operational problems and a lack of advertisers. » | Roger Yu, USA Today | Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Opinion: State of Disunion

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: The beginning of the end to a divisive presidency.

“I stand here confident that the State of our Union is strong,” President Obama summed things up last night. To which one might have puckishly responded: Strong maybe, but what union?

The invited audience at the annual address included many human symbols of national division: culture-war conscientious objectors Kim Davis and the Little Sisters of the Poor; Jim Obergefell, victor in the Supreme Court battle that occasioned Davis’s objection; representatives from Black Lives Matter and the Council on American-Islamic Relations. There were even empty seats to show disrespect for the Second Amendment and opposition to abortion.

The president acknowledged the country’s divided state in the most interesting line of his address:
It’s one of the few regrets of my presidency—that the rancor and suspicion between the parties has gotten worse instead of better. There’s no doubt a president with the gifts of Lincoln or Roosevelt might have better bridged the divide, and I guarantee I’ll keep trying to be better so long as I hold this office.
Likewise, there’s no doubt our column would improve if we wrote as well as Shakespeare: We thank God for our humility.

It would have been more interesting—and shown real self-awareness—if the president had acknowledged his political talents are in some respects wanting when compared not with the universally acknowledged great presidents but with the successful presidents of his own lifetime. We’re thinking here of Reagan and Clinton, who like Obama held office during fractious (if not quite as fractious) periods under divided government. In terms of both compromising with the opposition and emerging victorious from confrontations with it, Reagan and Clinton each enjoyed considerably more success than Obama. » | James Taranto | Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Merkel spricht Unsinn! Angela Merkel über die Angst vor einer Islamisierung Europas 03.09.2015

Bei der Überreichung ihres Ehrendoktortitels, den Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel am 03.09.2015 von der Universität Bern entgegennahm, bezog sie Stellung zu Fragen aus dem Publikum. Auf die Frage hin, wie sie Europa vor einer Islamisierung schützen möchte...

French Imam Mohamed Khattabi Discusses "Man-Made" French National Anthem: The Quran Is Our Anthem, Our Identity, Our Constitution

Taharrush: Muslim Gang Rape Custom SWEEPING Europe

Ezra Levant explains "taharrush" -- the Muslim custom of swarming and gang raping women -- and shows shocking video of these mobs in action. Trudeau’s Liberals MUST halt plans to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees to Canada.

UK Government Accused of Selling Weapons to Saudis, Admits Helping Choose Targets in Yemen

The British government has admitted that its military is helping choose targets for the Saudi-led coalition's air strikes in Yemen.

Angela Merkel Faces New Rebellion Over Refugees

THE TELEGRAPH: More than 40 MPs from Angela Merkel's Christian Democrat party sign petition calling for Germany's borders to be closed to asylum seekers

Angela Merkel is facing a fresh rebellion over her refugee policy, with more than 40 politicians from her Christian Democrat party reportedly signing a petition to close Germany's borders to asylum seekers.

The rebels plan to call for a vote on the proposal at the next party meeting on January 26.

Mrs Merkel has come under intense pressure to change her “open-door” refugee policy since it emerged that asylum seekers were among the suspects in the New Year’s Eve sex attacks in Cologne.

More than 650 women have now come forward to file criminal complaints over the attacks, around 45 per cent of them for sexual assault. » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Wednesday, January 13, 2016

DrB spricht über die Lage in Deutschland: Wie geht's weiter?

Die Hoffnungen auf eine positive Lösung der Flüchtlingskrise rücken immer weiter in die Ferne

Ezra Levant Show: Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to Introduce New Hijab Uniform

Ezra Levant of reports that the RCMP is bringing in an official women’s police uniform featuring a Muslim hijab.

Sign the petition here

Rhetoric Shift: Germany Imposes Stricter Rules on Refugees after Cologne Sex Assaults

Chancellor Angela Merkel is expected to discuss the string of mass sexual assaults on New Year's Eve in cities across Germany, when she speaks in parliament later on Wednesday. The attacks are suspected of being carried out by migrants. Following those assaults, the government is now set to change its deportation laws. RT’s Daniel Bushell has more.

USA: Germans Are Going to Riot, Overthrow Merkel – Trump Talks Cologne in Iowa

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump held a rally at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Saturday, using a parable to hit out at German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s immigration policies, and the events that struck Cologne on New Year’s Eve.

The West's Terminal Radical Islam Denial Syndrome

TOWNHALL.COM: Last year, there were 452 suicide terror attacks across the world. Four hundred and fifty of them were committed by Muslims. Last month, Muslims pledging allegiance to ISIS murdered 14 people in San Bernardino, California. Last week, thousands of Muslims around Europe, from Germany to Sweden to Switzerland, sexually assaulted hundreds of young women on New Year's Eve. Just days ago, a Muslim man shot a Philadelphia cop at point-blank range and declared that he did it in the name of Islam.

In response, Hillary Clinton declared, "Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with Islam." She agreed this week that "white terrorism and extremism" are just as much a threat to Americans as ISIS and radical Islam, and then proceeded to blame "gun violence." The mayor of Cologne, Germany, told young women not to walk within "arm's length" of young Muslim men, and leftist commentators explained that the wave of sexual harassment resulted from some generalized, nonspecific religious patriarchal attitudes. The mayor of Philadelphia said that the attack on the police officer had nothing to do with "being a Muslim or the Islamic faith," and that instead, we ought to focus our attention on the pressing issue of gun violence: "There are just too many guns on the streets, and I think our national government needs to do something about that."

If the West keeps this up, there won't be any West of which to speak. » | Ben Shapiro | Wednesday, January 13, 2016

State of the Union: Obama Regrets Era of 'Rancor' and Ponders Divided America

President says it’s biggest regret of presidency but appeals to America’s better self in calling for rejection of hostile rhetoric: ‘We can’t afford to go down that path’

Read the Guardian article here | David Smith and Dan Roberts in Washington | Wednesday, January 13, 2016

In PM Justin Trudeau, "Canada Just Elected an Idiot"

Denmark to Force Refugees to Give Up Valuables under Proposed Asylum Law

THE GUARDIAN: UN warns that bill requiring refugees to pay for accommodation while applying for asylum will fuel fear and xenophobia

Denmark is set to force refugees to hand over their valuables in order to pay for their accommodation while applying for asylum, in a move the UN has warned may fuel fear and xenophobia. The Danish government has secured a parliamentary majority in favour of legislation that will severely curb the rights of refugees, and is expected to pass the legislation in parliament on Wednesday.

The bill states that asylum seekers who arrive with more than 10,000 kroner in cash “will have to [use] the surplus above 10,000 kroner to pay for their stay”, Danish government spokesman Marcus Knuth told the Guardian.

After criticism of an earlier draft of the law, refugees will no longer have to give up items of sentimental value, such as wedding rings, or items deemed as essential, such as watches. Gold bullion could still be seized, but Knuth said that in the case of any dispute of sentimental value, the asylum seeker would have the final say.

Responding to comparisons between the new law and the treatment of Jews during the Holocaust, Knuth said the claim was “ludicrous” because similar laws apply to Danish citizens on welfare benefits. “We’re simply applying the same rules we apply to Danish citizens who wish to take money from the Danish government,” he said. » | Patrick Kingsley Migration correspondent | Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sister of Saudi Blogger Raif Badawi Arrested and Jailed in Same Prison

Samar Badawi received the 2012 International Women of Courage
award for her efforts to promote women's equality in Saudi Arabia.
THE GUARDIAN: Samar Badawi believed to have been arrested Tuesday for posting to Twitter account used to advocate for release of former husband Waleed Abu al-Khair

Samar Badawi, a prominent Saudi human rights advocate – and the sister of jailed blogger Raif Badawi – has been arrested and is being held in the same prison as her brother, according to activists and family members.

In a series of tweets Raif Badawi’s wife, Ensaf Haidar, said Samar had been arrested and transferred to Dharhan central prison after four hours of questioning.

According to Haidar, Amnesty International and the Raif Badawi Foundation – a Canadian advocacy group – Samar is believed to have been arrested Tuesday for posting to a Twitter account used to campaign for the release of her former husband, Waleed Abu al-Khair, and for publishing of photo of him in jail.

Abu al-Khair is a Saudi human rights lawyer currently serving a 15-year sentence, in part for defending Raif Badawi.

In a statement, Amnesty called Samar’s arrest “the latest example of Saudi Arabia’s utter contempt for its human rights obligations and provides further damning proof of the authorities’ intent to suppress all signs of peaceful dissent”. Read on and comment » | Jessica Murphy in Ottawa | Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Germany: Sexual Assaults 'Not a Totally New Phenomenon in Germany' - Interior Minister

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière addressed the events of New Year's Eve in Cologne, during a press conference in the city on Monday.

Germany: PEGIDA and AntiFa Supporters Clash in Munich

Several arrests were made after clashes erupted between PEGIDA-supporters and anti-PEGIDA counter-protesters in the Bavarian city of Munich, Monday, on the one-year anniversary rally of the Munich branch of PEGIDA.

Kanzlerin der Schande

Syrian Mothers Urge UK Women Not to Take Their Families to War Zone

In this video released by the Metropolitan police, Syrian refugee mothers speak directly to women in the UK, and urge them not to take their families to their war-torn country. The number of girls and women travelling from the UK to Syria is increasing – 56 are believed to have fled to the war-torn country in 2015