Friday, November 13, 2015

Refugee Camps Multiply in France, as Calais Migrants Flee Fearing ISIS Moving In

Thousands of refugees have traveled to northern France hoping to cross into Great Britain but are stuck in refugee camps. The media has mostly focused on the Calais camp, dubbed the 'Jungle', but there are many others. RT's Poly Boiko went to one of them and found that refugees have been leaving amid fears Islamist extremists and former ISIS members have moved in..

‪Lebanon: Police Forensic Experts Inspect Double Bomb Site in Southern Beirut‬

Policemen and forensic investigators worked on Friday at the bomb site where double suicide attacks killed at least 43 people and left more than 200 injured, Thursday, in the suburb of Bourj al-Barajneh in southern Beirut.

Germany: Merkel Welcomes Australian PM Turnbull with Full Military Honours

German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to Berlin with full military honours, Friday.

Iran : la visite de Rohani, "une insulte aux juifs de France"

LE POINT: Le président iranien, qui a déclaré mercredi sur France 2 qu'"Israël n'était pas un État légitime", sera reçu en France à partir de dimanche.

Le Crif a estimé jeudi que la visite de Hassan Rohani à partir de dimanche en France, une première pour un président iranien depuis dix ans, constituait "une insulte" pour la première communauté juive d'Europe. Dans un communiqué, le Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (Crif) "condamne avec fermeté les propos du président iranien Hassan Rohani qui a déclaré sur France 2 (mercredi soir) : Israël n'est pas un État légitime". » | Source AFP | jeudi 12 novembre 2015

A Brutal New Germany: What's Happening to My Country?

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Germany could approach the refugee crisis without surrendering its civility. But instead, the basest of anti-foreigner sentiment is taking hold in many places. If it continues, we could soon witness an atmosphere of brutality not seen in decades.

Recently, I just returned to Germany after spending a couple of years in the United States as a foreign correspondent. In that time that I've been back, I've become concerned, wrought with worry that my own country is losing its civility. » | A Commentary by Markus Feldenkirchen | Thursday, November 12, 2015

David Cameron: Airstrike on Mohammed Emwazi 'Act of Self Defence'

David Cameron confirms the United States carried out an airstrike against Isis executioner Mohammed Emwazi but could not confirm if he was dead. In a statement outside Downing Street on Friday morning, the prime minister says the UK has been working ‘round the clock’ with the US to track down Emwazi

UK: Anti-Modi Activists Picket Downing Street to Protest Indian PM's Visit

Hundreds of protesters rallied outside Downing Street in London on Thursday as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with British Prime Minister David Cameron. Protesters, joined by London mayoral candidate George Galloway, chanted slogans condemning Modi and his government.

Der Anfang vom Ende

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU)

ZEIT ONLINE: Merkels "Wir schaffen das" ist abgeschafft. Sie selbst schweigt dazu. So endet der Mythos von der Krisenmanagerin, die nie verliert.

"Mama Merkel" ist nicht mehr da. Die Kanzlerin, die Anfang September ihre Arme für Syrer öffnete, sie unbürokratisch ins Land und sich dafür weltweit bewundern ließ, sie hat sich abgewandt von denen, die alle Hoffnungen auf sie richten. Nur sie spricht nicht darüber.

Seit dem Wochenende haben mehrere Ankündigungen Verunsicherung ausbrechen lassen unter den Flüchtlingen. Wird es für sie künftig noch möglich sein, die Familien nachzuholen? Werden sie ihren sicheren Schutzstatus verlieren, gar wieder zurückgeschickt in die für sie so ungastlichen Länder Ungarn oder Italien?

Die Koalition befindet sich zwar im Kommunikationschaos, aber das Signal ist bereits jetzt glasklar: Deutschland macht dicht. Wie die Kanzlerin dazu steht, das wissen wir nicht. Hat sie inzwischen auch die Sorge, dass die deutsche Hilfsbereitschaft und -fähigkeit an ihre Grenzen geraten ist? Allein im September ließen sich in der Bundesrepublik 85.000 Syrer, 18.000 Iraker und 19.000 Afghanen registrieren. Die Stimmung in den Erstaufnahmelagern und davor wird aggressiver. Tausende schlafen in Zelten, sie haben noch nicht mal einen Asylantrag gestellt. In der Union wächst die Sorge um die Mehrheit und vor der AfD. Und in der EU ist kaum jemand bereit, den Deutschen zu helfen. Weiter lesen und einen Beitrag abgeben » | Ein Kommentar von Lisa Caspari | Mittwoch, 11. November 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

World MEDIA Cover-up of Islamization : Wake-up! (2012)

Isis Releases New Video Threatening Attacks in Russia ‘Very Soon’

THE INDEPENDENT: The militant group reportedly suffered significant losses on the battlefield on Thursday

The Isis militant group has released a new video threatening to launch attacks in Russia “very soon”.

Issued by the group’s foreign language propaganda wing, the al-Hayat Media Centre, the video combined footage of the Charlie Hebdo shootings and graphic depictions of executions with a threat that “soon, very soon, the blood will spill like an ocean”.

It was issued on Thursday afternoon in an apparent bid to distract international attention from the significant losses it was suffering on the battlefield in Iraq.

Subtitles on the video described Russia as “dying”.

“The kafir throats will tremble from the knives. The Kremlin will be ours,” it said. Read on and comment » | Thursday, November 12, 2015

‪Sverige - Sweden Waking Up? Islam Is Changing Sweden?‬

‪India PM to Visit UK amid Demands to Return British Crown Jewel to India‬

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is heading to Britain, and he's expected to get a rock star reception... But amid the lavish and warm welcome, there could be a bone of contention as Indians plan legal action against the UK, demanding the return of Britain's most-famous crown jewel.

WIKIPEDIA: Koh-i-Noor »

Greece: Athens Burns amid General Strike against Austerity

A general strike called in Greece to protest against austerity measures being imposed by the Syriza government turned into clashes between police and protesters on the streets of Athens, Thursday.

EU Flag Burned as Tens of Thousands Join Warsaw Nationalist Demo

THE TELEGRAPH: Organisers said that up to 50,000 were on the march which marked the anniversary of Poland's independence after the First World War

Tens of thousands of protesters poured into Warsaw's streets on Wednesday for a demonstration organised by the far right, marching under the slogan "Poland for the Polish" and burning an EU flag.

Police said 25,000 people joined the march, which marked the anniversary of Poland's return to independence after the First World War, while organisers put the numbers at 50,000.

"God, honour, homeland," chanted the protesters as they marched under a sea of red-and-white Polish flags.

Demonstrators trampled and burned a European Union flag at one point, while a banner added to the anti-EU theme with the slogan "EU macht frei" ("Work [?] makes you free" in German), a reference to the slogan over the gates at Auschwitz.

"Yesterday it was Moscow, today it's Brussels which takes away our freedom," chanted one group of protesters. Other banners read "Great Catholic Poland" and "Stop Islamisation". » | AFP | Thursday, November 12, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Portugal Government Falls Amid Austerity Backlash

Portugal’s pro-austerity government has been forced to resign by a leftist anti-austerity block, despite being sworn in only two weeks ago.

Germany: Hamburg Pays Tribute to Deceased Ex-Chancellor of West Germany Helmut Schmidt

Hundreds of people queued at Hamburg's City Hall to pay their respects to the late former Chancellor of West Germany Helmut Schmidt, in Hamburg on Wednesday.

Norway: Huge Blaze Engulfs Refugee Accommodation Centre in Hemsedal

A reception centre for refugees burned down in a massive blaze in the Norwegian municipality of Hemsedal, early on Wednesday morning. The fire comes as arson attacks continue to dog migrant accommodation across Scandinavia.

Worlds Apart: David Rothkopf, Editor of Foreign Policy Magazine

The Russian air campaign against ISIS has paved the way for another major push towards a political solution in Syria. And though the Obama administration has been raising its stake in the conflict while engaging in the Vienna talks, his critics back home argue it's too little too late. Could a deal be reached to satisfy the major stakeholders, and is it likely to be sustainable, considering the complex geopolitical factors at play? Oksana is joined by David Rothkopf, the CEO of FP Group and Editor of Foreign Policy magazine, to analyse these issues.

Theresa May's Proposed Spying Law Is 'Worse Than Scary' United Nations Says

THE INDEPENDENT: The draft Investigatory Powers Bill would give the Government sweeping new spying powers

Theresa May’s proposed surveillance and spying laws are “worse than scary”, the United Nations’ privacy chief has said.

Joseph Cannataci, the UN's special rapporteur on privacy, said the draft Investigatory Powers Bill heralded a “golden age of surveillance” unlike any that had come before.

The draft law, published by the Home Secretary earlier this month, would require internet companies to hand over any and all of their users’ communications as required by authorities.

Other provisions in the bill require the visited websites of all users to be stored on record for a year.

Technical experts have said that the proposed rules on intercepting communications could lead to some services like WhatsApp and iMessage to be de-facto banned because their secure encryption makes it impossible for their host companies to read users’ messages. Read on and comment » | Jon Stone | Wednesday, November 11, 2015

ISIS Beheadings of Shiite Hazaras Spark Biggest Protest in Afghanistan in Years

Thousands of people rallied in the Afghan capital Kabul in protest against the killing of seven people by Afghan militants claiming loyalty to the Islamic State. The protesters said the security situation in the country deteriorated after the incident and government did not take any measures to deal with it. The victims were kidnapped by the terrorists along a main road in Ghazni months ago.

WIKI: Hazaras »