Monday, April 21, 2008

Schiitenführer droht mit "offenem Krieg" im Irak

Foto von Moktada al Sadr dank der BBC

DIE PRESSE: Sadr appelliert an die irakische Regierung, "den Weg des Friedens zu wählen". Wenn die Angriffe auf seine Milizen nicht aufhören, bedeute das Krieg.

Der radikale Schiitenführer Moktada al Sadr hat mit einem "offenen Krieg" im Irak gedroht, sollten die Angriffe der von US-Truppen unterstützten irakischen Armee gegen seine Milizen nicht aufhören. Er fordere die irakische Regierung zum letzten Mal auf, "den Weg des Friedens zu wählen und die Gewalt gegen ihr eigenes Volk zu beenden", erklärte Sadr am Samstag in Najaf. Andernfalls sei die Regierung eine "Regierung der Zerstörung" und er werde zum "offenen Krieg bis zur Befreiung aufrufen". Sadr forderte den schnellstmöglichen Rückzug der irakischen Truppen. Schiitenführer droht mit "offenem Krieg" im Irak >>> | 20. 04. 2008

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France on the Way to Eurabia - Riazat Butt Goes to Paris: Islamophonic

Riazat Butt goes to Paris

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'Makkah Mean Time' Should Replace 'Greenwich Mean Time', Say Muslim Scientists and Clerics!

Photo of the Ka’aba in Makkah (Mecca) courtesy of Google Images

BBC: Muslim scientists and clerics have called for the adoption of Mecca time to replace GMT, arguing that the Saudi city is the true centre of the Earth.

Mecca is the direction all Muslims face when they perform their daily prayers.

The call was issued at a conference held in the Gulf state of Qatar under the title: Mecca, the Centre of the Earth, Theory and Practice.

One geologist argued that unlike other longitudes, Mecca's was in perfect alignment to magnetic north.

He said the English had imposed GMT on the rest of the world by force when Britain was a big colonial power, and it was about time that changed.

Mecca watch

A prominent cleric, Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawy, said modern science had at last provided evidence that Mecca was the true centre of the Earth; proof, he said, of the greatness of the Muslim "qibla" - the Arabic word for the direction Muslims turn to when they pray.

The meeting also reviewed what has been described as a Mecca watch, the brainchild of a French Muslim.

The watch is said to rotate anti-clockwise and is supposed to help Muslims determine the direction of Mecca from any point on Earth.

The meeting in Qatar is part of a popular trend in some Muslim societies of seeking to find Koranic precedents for modern science.

It is called "Ijaz al-Koran", which roughly translates as the "miraculous nature of the holy text".

The underlying belief is that scientific truths were also revealed in the Muslim holy book, and it is the work of scholars to unearth and publicise the textual evidence.

But the movement is not without its critics, who say that the notion that modern science was revealed in the Koran confuses spiritual truth, which is constant, and empirical truth, which depends on the state of science at any given point in time. [Source: Muslim Call to Adopt Mecca Time]

Greenwich Mean Time

And Now Muslims Want ‘Mecca Mean Time’ >>> By Adrian Morgan | April 25, 2008

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Indonésie : la Jemaah Islamiyah qualifiée d'"organisation terroriste", son chef condamné à 15 ans de prison

LE MONDE: Un tribunal indonésien a officiellement qualifié, lundi 21 avril, le groupe islamiste Jemaah Islamiyah d'"organisation terroriste" et condamné son commandant militaire à quinze ans de prison. Abu Dujana a été reconnu coupable de conspiration dans le but de commettre des actes terroristes, d'avoir caché des fugitifs et stocké des armes illégalement.

Durant les quatre mois de son procès, le chef du mouvement a toujours nié avoir participé directement aux attentats qui ont tué plus de 240 personnes depuis 2002. La cour de Djakarta aurait pu le condamner à mort, mais l'activiste a condamné publiquement les attentats à plusieurs reprises au cours des dernières semaines. Le président du tribunal a expliqué sa relative clémence en se disant persuadé que M. Dujana pourrait jouer un rôle positif en prison et aider d'autres terroristes détenus à se repentir.

L'Indonésie, plus grand pays musulman du monde, pourrait maintenant interdire officiellement la Jeemah Islamiyah, soupçonnée d'être à l'origine des attentats qui ont visé essentiellement des touristes à Bali et des intérêts étrangers à Djakarta, entre 2002 et 2005. [Source: Indonésie : la Jemaah Islamiyah qualifiée d'"organisation terroriste", son chef condamné à 15 ans de prison] | 21.04.08

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Saudi Women ‘Kept in Childhood’

Photo of Saudi women courtesy of the BBC

”It's astonishing that the Saudi government denies adult women the right to make decisions for themselves but holds them criminally responsible for their actions at puberty[.]" - Fardis Deif, Human Rights Watch

BBC: Saudi women are being kept in perpetual childhood so male relatives can exercise "guardianship" over them, the Human Rights Watch group has said.

The New York-based group says Saudi women have to obtain permission from male relatives to work, travel, study, marry or even receive health care.

Their access to justice is also severely constrained, it says.

The group says the Saudi establishment sacrifices basic human rights to maintain male control over women.

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are not allowed to drive.

Saudi clerics see the guardianship of women's honour as a key to the country's social and moral order.

'No progress'

The report, Perpetual Minors: Human Rights Abuses Stemming from Male Guardianship and Sex Segregation in Saudi Arabia, draws on more than 100 interviews with Saudi women.

Farida Deif, women's rights researcher for the Middle East at Human Rights Watch, said: "Saudi women won't make any progress until the government ends the abuses that stem from these misguided policies." Saudi Women ‘Kept in Childhood’ >>>


Saudi Women Appeal for Legal Freedoms >>> By Daniel Howden and Rachel Shields | April 21, 2008

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Dutch Gays Prefer Conservative Parties

NIS: HILVERSUM, 18/04/08 - If only homosexuals were to vote, Proud of the Netherlands (TON) would be the biggest party in the Lower House. Conservative parties are more favoured among them than progressive ones, a poll by TV programme NOVA reveals.

NOVA carried out the survey in cooperation with gay publications Gaykrant and TON pulled in the votes of 19 percent of the readers of Gaykrant. From, the party of Rita Verdonk won as much as 33 percent. Among all of the Dutch, 13 percent would vote for TON, according to NOVA.

The centre-left D66 party scored best with Gaykrant readers: 22 percent. With, it scored 14 percent. Together, this makes D66 the second party for homosexuals. Among all of the Dutch, only 3 percent would vote D66.

NOVA said this was the first time a survey has been carried out on such a large scale of the gay vote. It did say that compared with a Gaykrant survey from 1997, leftwing parties have dropped out of favour. TON and the Party for Freedom (PVV) of anti-Islam champion Geert Wilders have prompted strong growth towards the right.

In 2007, the Socialist Party (SP), Labour (PvdA) and the leftwing Greens (GroenLinks) together captured 40 percent of the gay vote, compared with just 25 percent now. Together with TON and PVV, the conservatives (VVD) and Christian democrats (CDA) would now win a combined 45 percent, up from 35 percent in 1997. TON's Verdonk and Wilders' PVV have emerged from the VVD.

In the NOVA poll, PvdA scores 7 percent on average among the gays. GroenLinks does better with 10 percent, while the SP gets 7 percent of the gay vote. The VVD would win 9 percent of the votes and PVV, 8 percent. CDA, the biggest Lower House party, traditionally has a very low score among homosexuals (4 percent). [Source: Dutch Gays Prefer Conservative to Leftwing Parties]

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Big, BIG Brother and His Small, Small Sister, Jacqui Smith!

THE TELEGRAPH: Routine journeys carried out by millions of British motorists can be monitored by authorities in the United States and other enforcement agencies across the world under anti-terrorism rules introduced discreetly by Jacqui Smith.

The discovery that images of cars captured on road-side cameras, and "personal data" derived from them, including number plates, can be sent overseas, has angered MPs and civil liberties groups concerned by the increasing use of "Big Brother" surveillance tactics.

Yesterday, politicians and civil liberties groups accused the Home Secretary of keeping the plans to export pictures secret from Parliament when she announced last year that British anti-terrorism police could access "real time" images from cameras used in the running of London's congestion charge.

A statement by Miss Smith to Parliament on July 17, 2007, detailing the exemptions for police from the 1998 Data Protection Act, did not mention other changes that would permit material to be sent outside the European Economic Area (EEA) to the authorities in the US and elsewhere.

Her permission to do so was hidden away in an earlier "special certificate" signed by the Home Secretary on July 4.

The certificate specifically sets out the level of data that can be sent to enforcement authorities outside the European Economic Area (the EU plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) by anti-terrorist officers from the Metropolitan Police. It says:

"The certificate relates to the processing of the images taken by the camera, personal data derived from the images, including vehicle registration mark, date, time and camera location." New Anti-Terrorism Rules 'Allow US to Spy on British Motorists' >>> By Toby Helm and Christopher Hope | April 21, 2008

Government to Quiz Households on Sex Lives and Salaries: "Day by day, the liberty and privacy of the British public is being undermined by Labour's surveillance state. People will be shocked that taxpayers' money is being spent on intrusive surveys. Now state spies want to log and record who sleeps with whom and how often. Not even the Stasi went this far." - Eric Pickles, the shadow communities secretary >>> By Lewis Carter | April 21, 2008

Barack Obama's Hopes Fade in Blue-Collar Ghost Towns >>> By Alex Spillius in Clairton | April 21, 2008

Can Barack Obama Survive His Remarks? >>> By Janet Daley | April 21, 2008

Yes, Barack Obama, We Are Bitter >>> By Mary Grabar | April 20, 2008

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Saudi Arabien: Todesstrafe gegen Türken wegen Gotteslästerung

WELTONLINE: Ein Wutanfall in Saudi-Arabien könnte einem türkischen Friseur das Leben kosten. Nach einem Streit war er ausgerastet und hatte über Gott und den Propheten Mohammed geschimpft. Zwei Zeugen zeigten ihn wegen Blasphemie an. Ein Gericht verurteilte den 31-jährigen Handwerker zum Tod durch das Schwert.

In Saudi-Arabien sitzt ein türkischer Friseur in der Todeszelle, weil er in einem Wutanfall auf Gott und den Propheten Mohammed geschimpft hat. Die Zeitung „Arab News“ berichtete, ein Berufungsgericht in der Stadt Mekka werde kommende Woche über den Fall von Sabri Bogday (31) entscheiden, der Ende März von einem Gericht in Dschidda wegen Gotteslästerung zum Tod durch das Schwert verurteilt worden war. Ein ägyptischer Schneider und ein saudischer Zeuge hatten ihn, nachdem er mit dem Ägypter gestritten hatte, wegen Blasphemie angezeigt.

Die Zeitung berichtete, Bogday habe während einer ersten Anhörung vor Gericht zugegeben, in seinem Friseursalon geflucht und dabei Gott und den Propheten beleidigt zu haben. Später soll er dies jedoch bestritten haben.

Der türkische Friseur, der seit 13 Monaten im Gefängnis sitzt, lebt bereits seit elf Jahren in Saudi-Arabien. Seine Frau erklärte gegenüber türkischen Medien, ihr Ehemann kenne die Gesetze des islamischen Königreiches sehr genau. Er hätte deshalb niemals in der Öffentlichkeit auf Gott geschimpft. Der ägyptische Schneider, der nicht vor Gericht erschienen sei, habe gelogen, erklärte sie. Das türkische Außenministerium hatte in der vergangenen Woche erklärt, es kümmere sich um den Fall des Friseurs.

In Saudi-Arabien wurden im vergangenen Jahr 143 Menschen auf Geheiß eines Richters enthauptet. Die Todesstrafe wird in dem islamischen Land meist wegen Mordes oder Drogenschmuggels verhängt. [Quelle: Todesstrafe gegen Türken wegen Gotteslästerung]

Blasphemy Case Moves to Appeals Court: No chance of a pardon because the ruling was “hadd” (based on Qur’an and Sunnah) >>> By Ebtihal Mubarak

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

This Wonderful Pope!

Pope Benedict Offers Prayers at Ground Zero

BBC: Pope Benedict XVI has visited Ground Zero in New York, the scene of the 11 September 2001 attacks on Twin Towers, at the end of a six-day tour of the US.

He greeted survivors, fire and police workers, and relatives of some of the 2,749 people who died there.

The Pope also prayed for rescuers, victims, as well as "those whose hearts and minds are consumed with hatred".

He later celebrated Mass at New York's Yankee stadium, concluding what analysts describe as a successful trip.

His visit has dominated the American media, and demand for the 55,000 tickets for Sunday's Mass has far outstripped supply, reports the BBC's David Willey in New York. Pope Offers Prayer at Ground Zero >>>

Pope Tells of Youth under Nazis

BBC: Watch Video:
Pope Benedict XVI on Life in Germany as a Teenager

Perceived Slights Have Left Many US Muslims Wary of Pope >>> By Robin Shulman and Keith B Richburg | April 20, 2008 (With thanks to Always On Watch for alerting me to this interesting article.)

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Ankara to Change One Law, But Others Still Muffle Dissent

Turkish flag courtesy of Google Images

SPIEGELONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Turkey has said it will soon move to amend a controversial law that makes "insulting Turkishness" a crime punishable by up to three years in prison. But a number of laws that will remain on the books also represent a threat to free speech.

This month, Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) plans to soften the controversial Article 301 of the Turkish penal code, which makes it a crime to "denigrate Turkishness." The law has been used to prosecute numerous intellectuals (more...) who dared to speak out about the 1915 Armenian killings during the last years of the Ottoman Empire, most notably Turkish Nobel Prize-winning novelist Orhan Pamuk and journalist Hrant Dink. A Turkish court later dropped the charges against Pamuk. Dink was found guilty and received a six-month suspended prison sentence. A nationalist teenager later shot and killed him.

The bill to amend article 301 was approved by a parliamentary committee on Friday and is set to go to the floor on Tuesday.

Late last year, the European Union warned Turkey that if it didn't move to cut or amend the law, its prospects for membership might be reduced to null. "It is not acceptable that writers, journalists, academics and other intellectuals ... are prosecuted for simply expressing a critical but completely non-violent opinion," EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn said at the time.

But even as the Turkish government moves to modify Article 301, legal experts are criticizing the fact that a number of statutes are still on the books in Turkey that pose a potential threat to free speech. Ankara to Change One Law, But Others Still Muffle Dissent >>> By Stefanie von Brochowski in Ankara, Turkey

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America’s Got Talent - Quick Change Artists: Be Prepared to Be Amazed, Astonished, Astounded!

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It Wouldn’t Be Muslims the Police Were Afraid of Upsetting, Would It?

Photo courtesy of The Mail on Sunday

THE MAIL ON SUNDAY: A St George's Day parade through an inner-city area hit by race riots has been cancelled following police advice.

Community groups had planned to stage the multi-cultural event in Bradford and 1,500 schoolchildren were due to take part.

Many of the youngsters had already made flags of St George to carry on the parade on April 23, which was designed to boost community cohesion.

But last week police and council chiefs told the organisers that the event could not go ahead as planned for 'health and safety' reasons. At a meeting, police demanded a shorter route which avoided two streets at the centre of the race riots in 2001.

As a result, organisers have decided to call off the event, which was due to attract more than 10,000 people.

Bradford City councillor Quasim Khan said: "We were told by the police at the meeting that the original route had not been risk assessed and if we wanted a march to go ahead on that date, St George's Day, we would have to accept a smaller, different route.

"The police officers were getting quite animated, saying things like 'look, this just isn't going to happen'." Police and council officials said they did not have sufficient warning of the event.

However, community leaders planning the parade said the event was blighted because of fears it could stoke up violence. They claimed a police inspector had actually begun the plans for the parade nine months ago. Cancelled on Police Advice: St George's Day Parade through the Bradford Race-Riot Zone >>> By Martin Smith | April 19, 2008

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France Determined to Help Morocco Get Advanced Status in EU

ANSAmed - RABAT, APRIL 18 - Visiting French Prime Minister, Francois Fillon pledged that his country is determined to help Morocco get an advanced status in its relations with the European Union. "We want to help Morocco to have the special status it seeks in the European Union," Fillon said on the sidelines of a dinner banquet held in his honor by his Moroccan counterpart, Abbas El Fassi, Map news agency reports. The French official, who started yesterday a two-day visit to Morocco to co-chair with El Fassi the 9th high-level Moroccan-French joint commission, added that "we seek to widen the cooperation with Morocco, given that the French government supports the wide-ranging orientations of the Moroccan policy in all fields". Recalling the various commitments taken by French President Sarkozy during his official visit to Morocco last October, during which the two countries signed agreements amounting to 3 billion euro on transport, justice, social security, mines and equipment, the minister stressed the importance of agreements to be concluded during the 9th high-level meeting. From his part, Abbas El Fassi said that the advanced status desired by Rabat is not only based on geographical proximity, but also on the adhesion to common values, namely the respect for human rights, individual and collective liberties, gender equality, justice and solidarity and the rule of law. Morocco, he went on, made the choice of establishing a regional Euro-Mediterranean zone of peace, stability and shared prosperity. Fillon is accompanied by an important ministerial delegation including Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner, Economy, Industry and Employment Minister, Christine Lagarde and Minister of Higher Education and Research, Valerie Pecresse. [Source: France Determined to Help Morocco Get Advanced Status in EU]

Hat tip: Dhimmi Watch

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Abu Izzadeen Jailed for Inciting Terrorism

DAILY MAIL: Abu Izzadeen, an outspoken Muslim activist who heckled former Home Secretary John Reid, was today jailed for four and a half years for terror-related offences.

He and fellow British-born Muslim convert Simon Keeler were both handed the same jail term after they were found guilty of fundraising for, and inciting, terrorism.

The charges relate to a series of rabble-rousing speeches made at a central London mosque by the two men accompanied by four other co-accused. Muslim Fanatic Who Heckled John Reid Jailed for 4 and a Half Years for Inciting Terrorism >>> | April 19, 2008

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Simon Heffer on Enoch Powell

THE TELEGRAPH: Sunday is the 40th anniversary of perhaps the most significant speech made in British politics since the Second World War: Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech.

It is also, therefore, near to the 40th anniversary of one of the greatest lies in British politics since the Second World War: that this remarkably accurate prediction of the dangers of enforced multiculturalism has "prevented" a rational debate on immigration, since anyone who seeks to engage in it will be branded as a "racist".

It would be a comfort if this position were merely ignorant. It isn't. Powell is used by the Left - and that includes many people in the Conservative Party - as a cynical excuse to conceal their own failures in imposing proper immigration controls and maintaining social cohesion.

They start by saying Powell was a racist, which is also a deliberate lie. They then say that anyone who mentions immigration will now be tarred with that brush, which must therefore be a lie as well. This is convenient for those who have betrayed the people of this country by imposing an immigrant community so large upon it that it struggles to integrate - and, indeed, who have betrayed many of those immigrants too. Yet it won't wash.

Long before Powell made his speech - which ought to be issued to every home in the land, since I rarely hear it quoted anything other than completely inaccurately - there was a code of silence about immigration. Long before we knew the term "political correctness", it was viewed as simply impolite to raise the subject. Enoch Powell: The Great Lie Survives >>> By Simon Heffer | April 19, 2008

’Rivers of Blood’: Enoch Powell’s Speech in Full

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The Pope Speaks at the UN

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Pope Benedict XVI Urges Global Unity on Crises

BBC: The head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, has told the UN in New York that member states should solve the world's crises together.

In his speech on the final leg of his six-day US tour, he said the world was still subject to "the decisions of a few", without naming countries.

He urged states to protect their people from "grave and sustained" human rights abuses or face outside intervention.
Benedict XVI is the third pope to address the UN.

The Pope has now arrived at a synagogue in New York for a ground-breaking visit, the first to a Jewish place of worship in the US by a Pope, just hours before the start of the Jewish Passover.

His agenda in New York, his last stop before returning to Rome, also includes visiting Ground Zero and celebrating Mass at Yankee Stadium. Pope Urges Global Unity on Crises >>>

Watch BBC Video:
Pope Benedict XVI Speaking to the UN General Assembly >>>

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The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Wilders Must Pay Rapper €3,000 in Fines for Using His Picture in Fitna

EXPATICA: AMSTERDAM - An Amsterdam court has ordered Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders to pay EUR 3,000 to the rapper Salah Edin for using his picture in his anti-Qur'an film Fitna. 

The picture was used by mistake to portray Mohammed Bouyeri, the Islamic extremist who killed film producer Theo van Gogh. 

The rapper bears a remarkable resemblance to Bouyeri. 

The final amount of damages Wilders will have to pay has not yet been determined; the EUR 3,000 is considered as an advance.
Wilders must pay EUR 5,000 to the photographer Ilja Meefout, who took the picture. [Source: Wilders must pay rapper EUR 3,000: The politician is fined for using rapper Salah Edin’s picture in his anti-Islam film] | April 18, 2008

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'Zawahiri Tape' Calls for Fortress Islam in Iraq

THE GUARDIAN: A message claiming to be from al-Qaida's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has called on Muslims to turn Iraq into the "fortress of Islam".

In the second such audio message in a month, the speaker said the battle for the establishment of a greater Islamic state was the "most important duty" of every Muslim.

The call to arms came in a 16-minute long audio file posted on the internet to mark the fifth anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq.

The authenticity of the tape could not immediately be verified but the voice was said by experts to sound like Zawahiri.

In the speech entitled, Five years after the Invasion of Iraq and Decades of Injustice by the Tyrants, the speaker refers to US Iraqi commander General David Petraeus's recent testimony to the US Congress, and to a textile worker strike in Egypt on April 6.

The tape reportedly said: "We will only get our rights back with our own hands and not through beggary or fraudulent elections."

It called on Muslims to make Iraq a "fortress of Islam" and railed against Shia Iran for siding with the US against Iraq – a plot which he said would lead to an explosion of violence in the Middle East.

Zawahiri, an Egyptian-born surgeon thought to be in hiding in Pakistan or Afghanistan, regularly appears in video or audio clips. Earlier this month, he pulled off a propaganda coup for al-Qaida by answering questions from hundreds of people invited to take part in an online "open meeting".

In the internet Q&A he justified attacks against "crusaders", Jews, and their agents, predicted that "jihadi influence" will spread to Jerusalem after the US leaves Iraq and attacked the UN as "the enemy of Islam".

He also claimed that Bin Laden was "healthy and well". [Source: 'Zawahiri Tape' Calls for Fortress Islam in Iraq] By Anil Dawar and agencies | April 18, 2008

Al-Zawahiri Audio Tape HERE

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Putin Strikes Libya’s Debts in Return for Deals

Photo of Putin with Gaddafi courtesy of the BBC

Read the story HERE

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