Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Publicité en ligne : Bruxelles menace Google de démantèlement

LE FIGARO : La vice-présidente de la Commission européenne Margrethe Vestager s'attaque à l'empire du géant américain dans les technologiques publicitaires.

Bruxelles attaque Google en plein cœur de son modèle économique. Ce mercredi 14 juin en milieu de journée, Margrethe Vestager, la vice-commissaire de la Commission européenne, chargée des questions de concurrence, a annoncé le dépôt d'une plainte contre le géant américain pour abus de position dominante dans le domaine de la publicité en ligne. «Nous craignons que Google n'ait illégalement distordu la concurrence dans l'industrie de l'adtech», a-t-elle martelé lors d'une conférence de presse. » | Par Claudia Cohen | mercredi 14 juin 2023

Google’s Online Advertising Practices Violate Antitrust Laws, E.U. Says: European Union regulators filed new antitrust charges against Google, which could lead to fines and orders for the company to change its business practices. »

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Martha Argerich: Schumann Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 (2022)

Sep 23, 2022 | Wiener Philharmoniker conducted by Zubin Mehta September 18, 2022 | Musikverein, Goldener Saal

Rainbow Railroad and LGBTQI+ Refugees | 60 Minutes Archive

Jun 13, 2023 | Railroad evacuated more than 600 LGBTQI+ individuals from hostile countries from 2006 to 2019. "People that we help have told harrowing stories of being hunted down," Executive Director Kimahli Powell told 60 Minutes in 2019.

Donald Trump Set to Appear in Court in Miami - BBC News

Jun 13, 2023 | Donald Trump is due to surrender to authorities in Miami to face charges that he mishandled classified documents. The first former president ever to face federal charges, he is accused of 37 criminal counts of unauthorised possession of classified material, obstruction of justice and making false statements to law enforcement. Mr Trump's court appearance is his second in less than three months.

Atatürk: Founder of Modern Turkey

Aug 4, 2016 | Atatürk: Founder of Modern Turkey is the most comprehensive and most-acclaimed documentary ever produced on the life and career of Atatürk. Through archival film and photos, contemporary photography in historical locations and interviews with international experts and those who’ve personally known Atatürk, the film presents a unique and unprecedented portrait of one of 20th centuries most influential leaders.

Democracy Now! Trump Indictment: Scholar of Fascism Says GOP Has Become an “Autocratic Party” Led by a “Cult Leader”

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 13, 2023

England's Sparkling Future | Documentary

The British have a love for sparkling wine. Over the past fifty years, the number of vineyards has increased by eight hundred times. The new English winemakers have a specific goal in mind: to rival French champagne. They are benefiting from climate change, which is transforming the southern regions of England into a fruitful wine-growing region. The race is on...

England's Sparkling Future | Documentary
Available until the 20/11/2025

WIKIPEDIA: Wine from the United Kingdom.

Billionaire George Soros Hands Over Control of His Investment Empire to His Son | DW News

Jun 12, 2023 | George Soros is handing over control of his investment and philanthropic empire to his son Alexander. Mr Soros's 25-Billion-dollar business holdings include the nonprofit Open Society Foundations, which funnels around one and a half billion dollars a year to human rights and pro democracy causes. George Soros is 92 years old and has often been targetted by right-wing autocrats and governments for his backing of liberal causes. His son says he's more of a politician than his father and has pledged to broaden the foundation's priorities to include voting and abortion rights, as well as gender equity. For more on the Soros legacy and what this change at the top is likely to mean, we talk to Journalist and Author Emily Tamkin who joins us from the Austrian capital, Vienna. She's author of "The Influence of Soros," which looks at his life and how he became a favourite target of the right. Her most recent book Bad Jews looks at the history of Jewish American politics and identities.

”Awesome Without Allah”

This doctor is awesome without a capricious deity. Check it out here.

Monday, June 12, 2023

'Punishable by Death': Uganda's New Violent Anti-gay Law | About That

Jun 12, 2023 | Uganda passed one of the strictest anti-homosexuality laws on the planet. Andrew Chang looks into how this law came to be and how the international community is reacting.

UK: Kingdom of Diversity? | Documentary

Jun 9, 2023 | The British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf both come from migrant backgrounds. As many ethnic minority politicians now hold high office in the country, is the United Kingdom becoming a truly diverse society?

UK: Kingdom of Diversity? Documentary
Available until the 16/05/2024

Harold Macmillan Giving a Speech on Margaret Thatcher's Privatisation Policies

This is Starmer’s moment. Thatcherism has collapsed, and the Tories are at each other’s throats: This is no passing crisis, it is existential. Look at the polls – people don’t want the Tories or their agenda any more »

Pride Month: Defying the Nazi Campaign to Control Sexuality

Jun 1, 2023 | Berlin was known as the gay capital of the world until Nazis began terrorizing LGBTQ+ people and shut down the Eldorado Club in 1933. But love persisted in spite of Nazi persecution. Repeated arrests and beatings couldn’t crush the bond between Jewish dancer Margot Holzmann Liu and her partner, Marta Halusa. The inhumane conditions at the Ravensbrück concentration camp didn’t prevent prisoners Nelly Mousset-Vos and Nadine Hwang from beginning their lifelong romance. Join us as we commemorate Pride Month with their legacies of resilience and rebellion during Nazi rule.

Please note that the man being interviewed has the same name as my pseudonym, Mark Alexander. This is purely coincidental. I am not he. – Mark Alexander

British Girl Shot Dead in France While Playing in Garden - BBC News

Jun 12, 2023 | An 11-year-old girl from a British family was shot dead while playing on a swing in her garden in France. A neighbour began firing shots at Solaine Thornton and her eight-year-old sister as their parents tended the barbecue in the village of Saint-Herbot, north of Quimper in Brittany. The suspect, described as a 71-year-old Dutch national, reportedly shut himself in his house following the incident but eventually surrendered to police and was arrested along with his wife.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 12, 2023

Silvio Berlusconi May Be Gone, But Trump’s Still Here. The Rotten Populist Legacy Is Everywhere

THE GUARDIAN: The former Italian PM, who combined celebrity antics with rightwing populism, laid the groundwork for Trumpism

Silvio Berlusconi on the set of TV show Porta a Porta on Rai 1, in Rome, 2018. Photograph: Alberto Pizzoli/AFP/Getty Images

When he hurriedly left the prime minister’s official residence, Palazzo Chigi, for the last time on 16 November 2011, Silvio Berlusconi looked like a humiliated man. Italy’s finances were in trouble, with international investors betting against the country’s treasury bonds; prosecutors were on his heels due to the infamous “bunga bunga” scandal, which involved an underage sex worker; European allies Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel had made their displeasure with him public. Few would have guessed at the time how much future politics would follow Berlusconi’s populist template.

Berlusconi has died at 86 – he had been in hospital in Milan, undergoing treatment for a lung infection. Yet look around, and you can see his legacy everywhere. In fact, the years that followed Berlusconi’s exit from office vindicated his political style, which combined extreme personality politics, a skilful use of visual media and an unashamed demagogy – all to tap into voters’ disillusionment and cynicism about the status quo. It is hard to think of another politician more prefigurative of politics to come. » | Paolo Gerbaudo* | Monday, June 12, 2023

* Paolo Gerbaudo is a sociologist at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy, and King’s College London, and the author of The Great Recoil

Silvio Berlusconi obituary: Media tycoon and Italy’s longest-serving postwar prime minister whose period in power ended in sex scandals, a debt crisis and convictions for tax fraud »

Silvio Berlusconi, Former Italian Prime Minister, Dies Aged 86

THE GUARDIAN: Health of flamboyant media tycoon who led three Italian governments had deteriorated markedly in recent years

Silvio Berlusconi was often considered the ‘kingmaker’ in Italian politics. Photograph: Antonio Masiello/Getty Images

The former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has died aged 86, according to the country’s leading news agency, Ansa.

The media tycoon, who led three Italian governments between 1994 and 2011 and whose Forza Italia party is a junior partner in the current ruling coalition, had been suffering from leukaemia for some time.

Berlusconi was one of Italy’s most flamboyant politicians, making a political comeback in 2017 despite a career tainted by sex scandals, countless allegations of corruption and a tax fraud conviction.

He died at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan, where he had spent six weeks this spring undergoing treatment for a lung infection linked to a chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia before being readmitted. » | Angela Giuffrida in Rome | Monday, June 12, 2023

Silvio Berlusconi, a Showman Who Upended Italian Politics and Culture, Dies at 86: He introduced sex and glamour to Italian TV, and then brought the same formula to politics, dominating the country and its culture for more than 20 years. »

Silvio Berlusconi, figure majeure de la droite italienne, est mort : Le Cavaliere, parvenu à trois reprises à la tête du gouvernement italien, entrepreneur de médias, longtemps propriétaire du club de football Milan AC, a vu sa carrière marquée par une série de scandales publics et privés. Il est mort à Milan, le 12 juin. »

Silvio Berlusconi gestorben: Der frühere italienische Ministerpräsident Silvio Berlusconi ist tot. Er starb am Montag im Alter von 86 Jahren. Wegbegleiter würdigen ihn als „großen Italiener“, der sich um viele Bereiche verdient gemacht habe. »

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Surviving Together | Queer Holocaust Survivor Margot Heuman(n) | Pride Month | USC Shoah Foundation

Jun 1, 2023 | “You have to have it within yourself, and whatever comes from the outside is secondary. You can cope with it, if you have someone you care for, if you have certain principles you abide by, and if you do what you feel is right and not what the world tells you to do. I think that’s more important than anything else.”

In the Theresienstadt ghetto, teenage Margot Heuman(n) entered a romantic relationship with a girl named Dita. After being deported to Auschwitz, Margot and Dita continued their romance in the camp, and survived together.

When Margot Heuman(n) told us her story in 1994, she censored the nature of her and Dita’s relationship. More than two decades later, Margot was able to come out to her family. Many online resources now cite Margot as being “the first queer Jewish woman known to have survived Nazi concentration camps” (Wikipedia contributors. "Margot Heumann." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 25 Mar. 2023. Web. 31 May. 2023).

To celebrate the first day of Pride Month, we honor LGBTQ+ survivors of the Holocaust, and recall how difficult living - and speaking - candidly was until recent years. In our Visual History Archive, which contains interviews with over 55,000 interviewees, only ~10 interviewees openly identify as queer in their interviews. Margot and Dita remained close until Dita’s passing in 2011. Margot passed away in May 2022.

Nicola Sturgeon: Scotland's Former Leader Released Without Charge after Arrest - BBC News

Jun 11, 2023 | Scotland's former first minister Nicola Sturgeon has been released without charge pending further investigations after being arrested by police on Sunday. Sturgeon was arrested in connection with the ongoing investigation into Scottish National Party funding and finances. After being questioned by detectives the former first minister was released from custody on Sunday.

Related articles.

Nicola Sturgeon, ancienne première ministre écossaise, a passé sept heures en garde à vue dans le cadre d’une enquête sur le financement de son parti : Ce placement en garde à vue, qui a duré sept heures, fait suite à d’autres interpellations de dirigeants du SNP, le Parti national écossais. »

What Are France's Retirement-age Protests Really about? | Focus on Europe

June 11, 2023 | Many French oppose President Macron's pension reform delaying retirement until age 64. According to a study, less than half feel valued at work and want to retire sooner to enjoy life. But not everyone agrees.

Boris Johnson’s Legacy? He Has Ruined Britain’s Place in the World

THE OBSERVER – OPINION: The former PM’s insistence to ‘Get Brexit Done’ is the biggest historic mistake this country has made in peacetime

‘Moral bankruptcy’ – Johnson according to Max Hastings, his former editor at the Daily Telegraph. Photograph: Andrew Boyers/PA

As a master of public manipulation, Boris Johnson has few equals. His resignation has all the characteristics of a disaster turned into an opportunity. For weeks now, an all-party committee of the House of Commons has been crawling over the evidence of his behaviour behind closed doors when the rest of us were locked down. This report appears to have confirmed his worst fears. A suspension from the House of Commons, a recall petition from constituents, a difficult byelection and political humiliation.

Most of us would have cowered at the prospect. But with one spectacular coup de théâtre, he was free. The Commons report could hardly recommend a 10-day suspension for an MP who had already gone. The debate would no longer focus on whether he did or did not lie to the Commons. It would become centred on Boris and his future. » | Michael Heseltine | Sunday, June 11, 2023

There is no need to mourn the departure of this clown. The country is well rid of him. He has done immense damage to this country. The UK's reputation in the world has taken a huge hit directly as a result of him and his self-centred actions. To say nothing of millions of people losing their European citizenship merely to get BoJo the keys to Number 10.

That he has lost his political career should give all Remainers a strong sense of schadenfreude. BoJo has had his comeuppance. Praise ye the Lord! – © Mark Alexander

Farewell, Boris Johnson: Britain will not miss your attempts to play Trump: His era in power was marked by squalor and self-promotion. In the end, he proved himself afraid of parliament – and democracy »

The Observer view on Boris Johnson’s resignation: the Tory party is complicit in this disaster: His departure should prompt reflection among senior Conservatives about how and why they supported him for so long »

‘Pantomime has to end’: how Tories turned on Boris Johnson – and how it could break them: After a statement laced with anger and Trump-like lack of contrition, the ex-PM’s demise could tear his party apart »

What’s next for Boris Johnson after leaving the Commons?: The former PM says he is only stepping down ‘for now’. But other opportunities seem likely to tempt him »

Joel and Harry : If You Go Away | Gay Themed

Jul 27, 2023 | Mini Series Name: Flowers in the Attic: The Origin 2022 Music: If You Go Away Performed by Scott Walker

Pride Month 2021: Defying Nazi Persecution | Reupload

Jul 6, 2021 | It was a daring and dangerous mission. To try to protect the true identities of Jews and resistance fighters hiding behind false ID cards, members of a Dutch resistance group knew they had to destroy the originals. Dressed as policemen, they entered the Amsterdam Registry and set off explosions that burned 800,000 identity cards. During this digital program, Museum experts told the stories of Frieda Belinfante, one of Europe’s first female conductors and a lesbian, and painter Willem Arondeus, a gay man and a leader of this group of artists turned resisters.

Dr. Klaus Mueller, European Representative, International Archival Programs, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Dr. Edna Friedberg, Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The Gay Holocaust | Complete Documentary: The Pink Triangles | Reupload

Premiered Jan 21, 2021 • The vastly ignored history of Germany's war on gay men during World War 2. A special note: Trans women were also persecuted but Germany categorized them as gay men so there's no official records to refer to.


The Pink Triangles - The Story of the Gay Holocaust (Complete Documentary) from James Somerton on Vimeo.

This documentary contains material which some people will find very disturbing. Viewer discretion is therefore strongly advised. It is not suitable for children. – Mark Alexander

The Lincoln Project: "Espionage"

Jun 11, 2023 | Hanssen, Aldrich, Montes, Walker, Pelton - Trump is joining the traitor hall of fame for stealing our county’s secrets and covering it up. He belongs in prison and not the White House.

The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. Our fight against Trumpism is only beginning. We must combat these forces everywhere and at all times — our democracy depends on it.

Donald Trump Could Be 'President from behind Bars' | Danny Shaw

Jun 11, 2023 | "4.4%, the US population, that's around 12 million US adults, say violence is justified to restore Trump to the White House." If Donald Trump is convicted of federal charges in Florida it is possible he could be president while in prison, Danny Shaw tells #TimesRadio.

Donald Trump Should Never Again Be Trusted With the Nation’s Secrets: It is hard to overstate the gravity of the criminal indictment issued against Donald Trump late Thursday by a federal grand jury. For the first time, a former president has been charged with violating federal laws, laws that he swore to uphold just over six years ago. It is the first time a former leader of the executive branch has been charged with obstructing the very agencies he led, and the first time a former commander in chief has been charged with endangering national security by violating the Espionage Act. »

Nicola Sturgeon Arrested in SNP Finances Inquiry

THE GUARDIAN: Former Scottish first minister interviewed as part of Police Scotland inquiry into claims SNP misspent £600,000 of donations

Nicola Sturgeon has been arrested by police investigating allegations of financial misconduct by the Scottish National party.

Sturgeon, who quit as first minister and SNP leader in early April, is the third person to be arrested as part of Operation Branchform, the Police Scotland investigation into allegations that more than £600,000 in donations for an independence campaign was misspent by the party. » | Severin Carrell and Libby Brooks | Sunday, June 11, 2023

Schottlands frühere Regierungschefin Sturgeon festgenommen: Die ehemalige schottische Regierungschefin Nicolas Sturgeon wurde im Zusammenhang mit den laufenden Ermittlungen zur Finanzierung der Scottish National Party festgenommen. Bereits in der vergangenen Woche durchsuchten Beamte ihre Wohnung. »

A Closer Look: Jackie Kennedy’s New York City Apartment | Cultured Elegance

Jun 9, 2023 | In this video, we will explore the home of Jackie Kennedy Onassis. We will be touring her penthouse apartment at 1040 fifth avenue in New York., travelling back in time.

Inside Prince Harry’s Tumultuous Court Case and Meghan Markle Marriage Woes | 60 Minutes Australia

Jun 11, 2023 | Spare a thought for the spare. Prince Harry has endured a hell of a week explaining his hell of a life to a judge in a London court. He claims that for years the English tabloids harassed and hounded him into misery by hiring private eyes to constantly follow him, as well as hacking his phone to get the scoop on his secrets. Harry says he’s now had enough, and it must stop.

But as Sarah Abo reports, for a man who has recently released a money-making autobiography and given multiple television interviews spilling the dirt on his famous family’s squabbles, Harry’s demand to hold the newspapers to account could just as easily be seen as a case of breathtaking hypocrisy.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

LGBT Stories from the Holocaust | Aid Provider Henri De Kryger | Pride Month | USC Shoah Foundation

Jun 9, 2023 | Henri De Kryger was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands (Holland) in 1919 to a Christian family. …

Saudia Arabia: The West I Documentary

Dec 16, 2021 | Saudi Arabia is reputed to be one of the richest and most conservative nations on the planet. But how do its citizens live today?

Saudia Arabia: The West I Documentary
Available until the 20/06/2023

Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 83 - IV. Allegretto grazioso · Maurizio Pollini · Berliner Philharmoniker · Claudio Abbado

Jul 30, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

How Saudi Arabia Bought into Golf - BBC News

Jun 10, 2023 | The PGA Tour and DP World Tour have agreed to merge with Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund [PIF] in a deal that ends the split in the game. The surprise announcement comes after a year of unprecedented disruption in the men's game following the launch of LIV Golf, which is funded by the PIF. It means pending litigation between the tours will be halted and they will move forward as part of the same enterprise. BBC analysis editor Ros Atkins explains why a surprise deal between golf’s two main tours and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund has sent shockwaves through the world of men’s professional golf.

Why Saudi Arabia can afford to play a long game in bid to control sport: The kingdom’s astounding deal to control men’s golf is part of a patient, multibillion-pound strategy to change its global reputation »

The Observer View on Uganda’s Anti-gay Laws: Grotesque, Legalised Bigotry

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: Yoweri Museveni has introduced the death penalty for homosexual acts, but his legislation threatens more than the people it demonises

‘Homophobia is sadly prevalent among Uganda’s elite’. Above, the president, Yoweri Museveni. Photograph: Abubaker Lubowa/Reuters

Uganda is one of the youngest and fastest growing countries in the world. Nearly half of its 45 million-strong population in 2020 were under 14. Roughly 75% were under 30. Total numbers are projected to grow to 141 million by 2065. Against this extraordinarily fecund demographic backdrop, fears expressed by its president, Yoweri Museveni, that homosexuality threatens the “procreation of the human race” appear absurdly and offensively misplaced.

Museveni, 78, cannot be counted among these new Ugandan generations. He has been in charge since 1986, having seized power in a violent coup. In 2005, he agreed to the creation of a multi-party democracy, but his authoritarian grip on the country has never relaxed. Corruption and intimidation of political opponents are rife. Vote-fixing and fraud have marred successive elections, according to the UK, EU and US. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, June 4, 2023

Duck à l' orange | Akis Petretzikis

Dec 22, 2022

Get the recipe here.

Boris Johnson Resigns

Jun 10, 2023 | In an emergency podcast, Rory and Alastair react to the news that Boris Johnson is standing down as a Conservative MP with immediate effect after an investigation into the Partygate scandal found he misled parliament and recommended a suspension from the House of Commons.

How Westminster Reacted to Boris Johnson Stepping Down as MP

Jun 10, 2023 | Boris Johnson has stood down as a Conservative MP after an investigation into the Partygate scandal found he misled parliament and recommended a lengthy suspension from the House of Commons. The former prime minister angrily accused the investigation of trying to drive him out, and claimed there was a 'witch-hunt under way'. MPs from both major political parties have attacked Johnson – Labour's Angela Rayner called him a 'coward', while former Conservative MP Anna Soubry described his 1,000-word statement as 'shameful'

BoJo is a dangerous clown. This country is well rid of him. He has done immense damage to this country. – © Mark Alexander

From ‘Pariah’ to Partner, Saudi Leader Defies Threats to Isolate Him

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has repeatedly leveraged Saudi Arabia’s wealth and influence to overcome international condemnation of the kingdom’s human rights violations.

President Biden vowed during his quest for the White House to make the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, a “pariah” over the killing and dismemberment of a dissident. He threatened the prince again last fall with “consequences” for defying American wishes on oil policy.

Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator, called Prince Mohammed, the oil-rich kingdom’s de facto ruler, a “wrecking ball” who could “never be a leader on the world stage.” And Jay Monahan, the head of golf’s prestigious PGA Tour, suggested that players who joined a rival Saudi-backed league betrayed the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks — carried out by hijackers who were mostly Saudi citizens.

Now, their words ring hollow. » | Ben Hubbard, Reporting from Istanbul | Saturday, June 10, 2023

Colombia Plane Crash: Four Children Found Alive in Amazon after 40 Days - BBC News

Jun 10, 2023 | Four children have been found alive after surviving a plane crash and spending weeks fending for themselves in Colombia's Amazon jungle. Colombia's president said the rescue of the siblings was "a joy for the whole country". The children's mother and two pilots were killed when their light aircraft crashed in the jungle on 1 May.

Melber: This Is the First Day of the Rest of Trump's Life. It's Going to Get Worse from Here.

Jun 9, 2023| Ari Melber reacts after a federal grand jury indicts Donald Trump on seven criminal counts in connection with Jack Smith's classified documents probe. A federal grand jury indicted Donald Trump on seven criminal counts in connection with his mishandling of more than 100 classified documents that were discovered last year at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

Donald Trump Faces 37 Criminal Charges, US Justice Department Confirms | DW News

Jun 9, 2023 | The indictment charging former US President Donald Trump with misshandling classified documents has been unsealed. It's the first official confirmation from the Justice Department of a criminal case against Trump, who faces 37 criminal charges.

He is alleged to have ignored the department's demands to return documents, and even directed advisers to hide some of them. It's the first time a former president has been prosecuted for federal crimes. Trump could face 10 years in prison if found guilty.

Owen Jones: Bye, Bye Boris Johnson!

Jun 9, 2023 | "Don't let the door hit you on the way out”

Boris Johnson Is 'Tearing Apart the Conservative Party' in His Final Act as MP | Adam Boulton

Jun 10, 2023 | "What you can see is him hoping that Rishi Sunak fails, that Labour become the government, that they run into trouble and that the Conservatives turn to him in as their hero in their hour of need." Boris Johnson is serving the Tories by 'dividing and damaging it,' says Adam Boulton.

Michael Lambert: Pathetic Sunak Endlessly Repeats His 5 Pledges Whilst Planning to Control AI Worldwide

Jun 10, 2023 | Rishi Sunak is weak and pathetic. He was a failure as Chancellor of the Exchequer and is now struggling as Prime Minister with a divided party and a collapsing post-Brexit economy.

He repeats his five missions endlessly in reply to just about any question. He talks of halving inflation, growing the economy, repaying debt, reducing NHS waiting lists and stopping small boats of asylum seekers crossing the Channel, despite most of these being beyond his control.

Last week he went to Dover by helicopter to repeat his pledges and claim success for his small boat policy. Later in the week, he went to Washington DC where he met Joe Biden, agreed a meaningless 'Atlantic Declaration' and discussed organising a conference where he will take charge of controlling the spread of AI worldwide.

In the meantime, his wife has given $3 million to a college in California where, it seems likely he will move when he loses the forthcoming general election

Friday, June 09, 2023

Trump Charged under Espionage Act for Taking US Nuclear Secrets - BBC News

Jun 9, 2023 | Federal prosecutors have brought 37 charges against Donald Trump. He’s the first ever former President to face federal criminal prosecution. Mr Trump is accused of retaining top secret documents when he left the White House two years ago -and of conspiring to obstruct justice. Prosecutors say the documents contained details of the defence and weapons capabilities of the United States and other countries, along with details of US nuclear programmes and information about the potential vulnerability of the United States and its allies to military attack. Mr Trump is accused of taking dozens of boxes of documents from the White House to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and storing them in a ballroom, a bathroom, and even a shower. Mr Trump, who's due to appear in court in Florida, insists he's innocent. Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reporting by north America editor Sarah Smith in Washington and Nomia Iqbal in Florida.

Boris Johnson: Former UK Prime Minister Quits as MP over Partygate Report - BBC News

Jun 9, 2023 | Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is to step down as an MP with immediate effect after receiving the Partygate report. That report by the MP-led Privileges Committee looked into whether he misled Parliament over lockdown-breaking parties at Downing Street. His statement said: "They have still not produced a shred of evidence that I knowingly or recklessly misled the Commons."

Trump Lawyers Quit after Second Indictment

Jun 9, 2023 | For the second time this year, a lawyer for Donald Trump confirmed he'll surrender to the authorities after being criminally indicted. This time though the charges are federal - a first for a former US president - and the scene of the drama will be a Miami courthouse on Tuesday. Mr Trump is already using the indictment to energise his latest bid for the White House, claiming it's evidence of the political witch hunt of which he's long claimed to be a victim.

Boris Johnson Resigns as MP with Immediate Effect over Partygate Report

THE GUARDIAN: Committee found former prime minister had misled the House of Commons and recommended lengthy suspension

Boris Johnson accused the privileges committee of trying to force him out. Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA

Boris Johnson is standing down immediately as a Conservative MP after an investigation into the Partygate scandal found he misled parliament and recommended a lengthy suspension from the House of Commons.

The former prime minister angrily accused the investigation of trying to drive him out. He hinted that he may try to make a return to politics, saying he was “very sad to be leaving parliament – at least for now”. » | Rowena Mason | Friday, Jun 9, 2023

Boris Johnson Resigns From Parliament: The former prime minister quit after getting a confidential report about whether he had lied to lawmakers about lockdown-breaking parties. »

Ex-Premier Boris Johnson tritt als Abgeordneter zurück: Nach Ansicht des zuständigen Ausschusses hat Boris Johnson das Parlament im Skandal um illegale Lockdown-Partys belogen. Für das Mandat in seinem Londoner Wahlbezirk muss nun eine Neuwahl stattfinden. »

Boris Johnson’s disheartening, shoddy honours list is an apt political epitaph: The ex-PM leaves parliament with a list evoking all that was wrong with his chaotic and damaging years in office »

‘It is sad to be leaving … for now’: Boris Johnson’s resignation statement in full: Former PM says he is standing down as an MP and says he has been driven out of parliament »


Boris Johnson renonce à son mandat de député : L’ex-premier ministre britannique a annoncé sa démission, qui prend effet immédiatement, en invoquant l’enquête parlementaire sur le « partygate ». »

Khatia Buniatishvili: Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, Op. 23 | Klaus Makela & Orchestre de Paris

Sep 15, 2022

Record Dengue Fever Outbreak in Peru as Climate Change Helps Mosquitoes Thrive

Jun 9, 2023 | Peru has suffered by far the worst covid death toll of any country in the world per capita - and it's currently battling another deadly disease. A record 130,000 cases of Dengue Fever have been reported so far this year. Spread by mosquitoes - it can cause fevers, nausea and in the most serious cases - death. Health authorities warn this outbreak could get worse - as the warming El Niño climate effect helps the insects thrive. Our Latin America Correspondent Guillermo Galdos has travelled to the northern town of Piura - one of the areas that's been worst-affected. A warning, his report contains distressing scenes from the beginning.

Nouvelle confrontation à l’ONU autour des droits LGBTQ+

LE MONDE : Un groupe de pays africains et l’Organisation de la coopération islamique ont refusé d’inclure une mention relative à l’orientation sexuelle et à l’identité de genre dans le programme et le budget de l’Organisation internationale du travail.

Une nouvelle confrontation entre Etats membres de l’ONU autour des droits LGBTQ+ a pour la première fois empêché, vendredi 9 juin, l’adoption du programme et du budget de l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT). Ces différences de vues sur l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité de genre pourraient retarder durablement l’approbation du budget biannuel de 885 millions de dollars de l’OIT ou même conduire à une impasse, en plein mois des fiertés LGBTQ+. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 9 juin 2023

Audrey Hepburn: Remembered | The Hollywood Collection

Feb 23, 2016 Audrey Hepburn was one of movies best-loved stars, blessed with beauty, talent, an elegant sophistication, and an enduring aura of youthful innocence.

As Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF, she spoke for the world’s suffering children and families, earning an affection and admiration that only increased with news of her untimely death.

From the star herself we learn of her career, and the family and friendships that were her priority. Directors Billy Wilder, Blake Edwards and Stanley Donen, composer Henry Mancini, actors Gregory Peck, Mel Ferrer, George Peppard and Roger Moore, fashion designer Hubert de Givenchy and others, join Rob Wolders and Sean Ferrer to help complete this loving portrait. With clips from Roman Holiday, Sabrina, War and Peace, Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Charade, My Fair Lady, Two for the Road, Robin and Marian and more.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 9, 2023

Archbishop of Canterbury Urges Ugandan Church to Reject Deadly Anti-gay Law

PINK NEWS: The Archbishop of Canterbury has expressed his “grief and dismay” at a Ugandan law banning homosexuality in a letter urging Church officials in the country to reject it.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has rejected Uganda’s Anti-Homosexual Activity law, and is calling for Anglican Ugandans to oppose the bill. (Getty)

Lead bishop Justin Welby wrote to Ugandan Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba on Friday (9 June) publicly condemning Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act.

“I make this public statement with sorrow, and with continuing prayers for reconciliation between our churches and across the Anglican Communion,” Welby wrote.

“I am deeply aware of the history of colonial rule in Uganda, so heroically resisted by its people.

“But this is not about imposing Western values on our Ugandan Anglican sisters and brothers. It is about reminding them of the commitments we have made as Anglicans to treat every person with the care and respect they deserve as children of God.” » | Amelia Hansford | Friday, June 9, 2023

LGBT Veterans Want Military Ban Report Immediately

BBC: Campaigners are urging the government to immediately release the findings of a review into the treatment of LGBT veterans who were forced out of their jobs as a result of being gay.

Until 2000 it was illegal to be gay in the British military - with more than 5,000 veterans thought to be affected.

Some have given evidence to a review launched last year but are concerned the report has not been published yet.

The government said it would consider the recommendations "in due course".

One veteran told BBC News she wants the government to apologise because gay officers' lives "were robbed" by the ban. » | Lauren Moss, LGBT correspondent & Josh Parry, LGBT producer, BBC News | Friday, June 9, 2023

Michael Beschloss: Trump Indictment Makes Nixon Look Like a Schoolboy

Jun 9, 2023 | MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell is joined by NBC News Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss to discuss the history being made with Donald Trump's federal indictment in the Justice Department's classified documents case.

GOP Leaders Flip Out over Trump Indictment

Jun 9, 2023 | MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the completely deranged and dangerous response by Republicans to Donald Trump’s indictment by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Trump Indicted: Rachel Maddow Joins Lawrence O’Donnell to Discuss Charges

Jun 9, 2023 | MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow joined Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss the federal indictment against Donald Trump by Special Counsel Jack Smith in the Justice Department’s classified documents investigation. The charges include, according to The New York Times, a violation of the Espionage Act.

Watch the South China Morning Post’s video here.


L’Ombre des Mollahs : Général Soleimani, le stratège de l'Iran | ARTE

May 5, 2023 | En janvier 2020, les drones de Trump éliminaient un des personnages les plus craints du Moyen-Orient, le général iranien Qassem Soleimani. Retour sur celui qui fut l’homme de l’ombre des mollahs et le héros de tout un peuple, à qui l’Iran doit sa puissance actuelle.

Un assassinat personnalisé et ultrasophistiqué. Le 3 janvier 2020, alors qu’il se trouve à Bagdad, Qassem Soleimani est abattu par des drones américains. Commandité par Donald Trump après de nombreuses hésitations, l’assassinat du général iranien constitue une catastrophe pour ses compatriotes. Révéré telle une icône, charismatique et courageux, le commandant de la Force Al-Qods, l’unité d’élite des Gardiens de la révolution, était en effet considéré comme le numéro deux du régime des mollahs. Celui qui se révéla très jeune comme un meneur d’hommes pendant la guerre Iran-Irak (1980-1988) fut surtout l'infatigable artisan de "l'axe de résistance" : une extension de la puissance iranienne qui a permis à Téhéran de contrôler le "croissant chiite", un large territoire partant des côtes libanaises jusqu'aux frontières afghanes, en passant par la Syrie et l'Irak. Un destin exceptionnel pour ce fils de paysan des montagnes qui a réussi à influer sur la géopolitique mondiale.

Défier l’Occident

Comment Qassem Soleimani est-il devenu l’homme à abattre pour les États-Unis ? Avec cette élimination, les Américains ont-ils durablement affaibli l’Iran ? Ce documentaire retrace le parcours de celui qui eut le tort de si souvent défier le leadership américain : renforcement du Hezbollah, prise de pouvoir sur l’Irak grâce aux chiites locaux, attentats contre les intérêts américains, etc. À la fois brillant stratège, fin politique, maître espion et tueur sanguinaire, cette haute figure des Gardiens de la révolution personnalisait sans doute trop la puissance et la duplicité prêtées à la République islamique par ses ennemis. Iraniens, Irakiens et Américains, personnalités politiques, diplomatiques et militaires de premier plan dressent le portrait de ce personnage secret, mythique dans son pays, adulé autant que redouté.

Documentaire de Magali Serre (France, 2021, 52mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 08/07/2023

Religious US Broadcaster Pat Robertson Dies Aged 93 - BBC News

Jun 8, 2023 | Evangelical Christian leader Pat Robertson, who ran for president as a Republican, has died at the age of 93. He was one of the driving forces of a movement to increase the influence of the religious right in US politics. He founded the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) in 1960 and helped grow it into a cable media empire. CBN announced the news of his death on Thursday. No cause was given.

Pat Robertson, Who Gave Christian Conservatives Clout, Is Dead at 93: A Baptist minister and a broadcaster, he turned evangelicals into a powerful constituency that helped Republicans capture Congress in 1994. He had earlier run for president. »

How Pat Robertson Created the Religious Right’s Model for Political Power: The celebrity minister, who died Thursday, built a media empire and openly sought to leverage his popularity among evangelicals to influence government and the culture. »

Inside Miami’s Deadly Plastic Surgery Industry | Fault Lines Documentary

Jun 7, 2023 | In this episode of Fault Lines, we look into Florida’s cosmetic surgery industry, which has made national headlines for its high incidence of patient death and disfigurement, especially with regard to the extremely popular Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgeries.

The Florida Board of Medicine has spent years trying to place guardrails on the industry, particularly with regard to BBL surgeries, but our investigation reveals a pattern of surgeons engaging in unsafe practices and lobbying lawmakers to allow them to continue doing so.

Producer: Nicolas Pollock
Correspondent: Natasha Del Toro
Director of Photography: Jeremy Raff
Editor: Warwick Meade
Executive Producer: Laila Al-Arian
Fact Checker: Abdulai Bah
Sound Mixer: Linus Bergman
Production Manager: Anabelle Rojas
Archivist: Shelley Simpson
Legal: Mike Abed, Eithar Abu Taha
Special Thanks: Diarmuid Jeffreys, Rafi Mustafa

Donald Trump Indicted over Classified Documents - BBC News

Jun 9, 2023 | Former US President Donald Trump has been charged over his handling of classified documents after he left the White House. Mr Trump, 76, faces seven charges including unauthorised retention of classified files, US media reported. The charges are not yet public. It is the second indictment of Mr Trump and the first ever federal indictment of a former president.


Donald Trump Charged with Illegal Retention of Classified Documents

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-president is being prosecuted for violating Espionage Act and obstruction over documents held at Mar-a-Lago and has been summoned to court next week

The latest charges could prove to be the most significant legal peril yet for the former president. Photograph: Charlie Neibergall/AP

Federal prosecutors have charged Donald Trump over his retention of national security documents and obstructing the government’s efforts to retrieve them, according to multiple people familiar with the matter, a historic development that poses the most significant legal peril yet for the former president.

The exact nature of the indictment, filed in federal district court in Miami, is unclear because it remains under seal and the justice department had no immediate comment. » | Hugo Lowell in Miami | Friday, June 9, 2023


Donald Trump will in der Dokumentenaffäre angeklagt worden sein: Seit Monaten untersucht ein Sonderermittler den Fund streng geheimer Unterlagen in Trumps Anwesen. Über den Stand der Ermittlungen konnte bisher nur spekuliert werden. Nun behauptet Trump, am Dienstag vor Gericht erscheinen zu müssen. »


Etats-Unis : Donald Trump inculpé pour sa gestion des archives de la Maison Blanche : Le milliardaire républicain précise avoir été convoqué mardi 13 juin devant un tribunal fédéral à Miami. C’est la première fois dans l’histoire qu’un ancien président américain fait face à une inculpation fédérale. »

Thursday, June 08, 2023

El Niño Planet-warming Weather Phase Begins - BBC News

Jun 8, 2023 | El Niño, a natural weather event, has begun in the Pacific Ocean, likely adding heat to a planet already warming under climate change. US scientists confirmed that El Niño had started. Experts say it will likely make 2024 the world's hottest year. They fear it will help push the world past a key 1.5C warming milestone. It will also affect world weather, potentially bringing drought to Australia, more rain to the southern US, and weakening India's monsoon. The event will likely last until next spring, after which its impacts will recede.

French Cooking Academy: Tomato Tian (Tomato Bake) – A Simple Summer Dish Made with Ripe, Juicy Tomatoes

Tian de tomates

Jun 8, 2023

Get the recipe here.

Airpocalypse: David Wallace-Wells on Red Skies, Raging Wildfires & Pollution Link to Climate Crisis

Jun 8, 2023 | Record-breaking Canadian wildfires continue to fill skies across much of North America with smoke, putting about 100 million people under air quality alerts. New York City recorded the worst air quality of any major city in the world as a result of the haze. Around the world, air pollution is already responsible for as many as 10 million deaths per year, and the problem is likely to get worse, says New York Times opinion writer David Wallace-Wells. He explains how today's smoky skies are a glimpse of our future in the climate crisis, when warmer temperatures and dry conditions will continue to increase the size and severity of wildfires across the globe. "It's not just that we're getting more fires, and it's not even that they're getting larger. They're also getting much more intense, which means that they are cooking much of the landscape," says Wallace-Wells, author of The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming. We also hear from Cree/Iroquois/French journalist Brandi Morin, who just returned from reporting on the wildfires raging in the remote Indigenous community of Fort Chipewyan in Canada's North, which she calls the "epicenter of the effects of climate change because it's downstream from one of the largest oil production developments in the world, Alberta's oil sands."

Haiti on the Brink: “The Entire Country Is in Agony,” Says Renowned Doctor | Amanpour and Company

Jun 7, 2023 | Haiti is reeling from a deadly earthquake yesterday which claimed the lives of at least four people – just after devastating floods left thousands in the country homeless. Dr. Jean Pape tells Michel Martin why Haiti — plagued by gang violence and government instability — urgently needs international help to prevent a civil war. | Originally aired on June 7, 2023

France Knife Attack Has 'Shocked' Nation, Prime Minister Says - BBC News

Jun 8, 2023 | French Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne and the Annecy prosecutor have held a press conference following the knife attack in the town. Six people were injured - four children and two adults - with victims as young as 22 months and three years old. Some of the children injured are in a "severe state" in intensive care, Borne said. She also told reporters that the suspect, who has been arrested, is a Syrian national who had refugee status in Sweden - he also had no criminal or psychiatric record. The people of France are shocked but the prime minister said everyone was "standing firm".

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 8, 2023

Eurozone Sinks into Recession as Cost of Living Crisis Takes Toll

THE GUARDIAN: GDP shrank 0.1% in first quarter of 2023 and final three months of 2022 after revisions to earlier estimates

The eurozone slipped into recession in the first three months of the year, after official figures were revised to show the bloc’s economy shrank as the rising cost of living weighed on consumer spending.

Figures from Eurostat, the EU’s statistical agency, showed gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 0.1% in the first quarter of 2023 and the final three months of 2022 after revisions to earlier estimates. A technical recession is generally defined as two consecutive quarters of negative growth. » | Richard Partington, Economics correspondent | Thursday, June 8, 2023

Is Florida a Preview of America's Dystopian Future? | DW News

Jun 7, 2023 | Florida's Governor, who's in the running for the Republican presidential nomination, has repeatedly t

Yes, We’re in an L.G.B.T.Q. State of Emergency: This year there is a pall over Pride. »

The Guardian View on Sunak’s Foreign Policy: A Europe-shaped Hole

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: Britain’s alliance with Washington would be stronger if the PM cultivated better relations with continental neighbours

The alliance between Britain and the US, resting on deep foundations of shared history and strategic interest, is not overly affected by the personal relationship between a prime minister and a president.

Sometimes individual affinity is consequential, as when Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were aligned over cold war doctrine, or when Tony Blair put Britain in lockstep with George W Bush for the march to war in Iraq. But there is no prospect of Rishi Sunak forming such a partnership – for good or ill – with Joe Biden at this week’s Washington summit.

Viewed from the White House, the prime minister cuts an insubstantial figure – the caretaker leader of a country that has lost its way. That doesn’t jeopardise the underlying relationship. Britain is a highly valued US ally, most notably in the fields of defence, security and intelligence. On trade and economics, Mr Sunak’s position is less comfortable. The prime minister is a poor match with a president who thinks Brexit was an epic blunder and whose flagship policy is a rebuttal of the sacred doctrines of the Conservative party. » | Editorial | Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Mike Pence Tears into Donald Trump at 2024 Campaign Launch - BBC News

Jun 8, 2023 | Former US vice-president Mike Pence has fired accusations at Donald Trump during a speech launching his 2024 campaign. The Republican offered his most forceful repudiation of Mr Trump to date as he accused him of being unfaithful to the US constitution and of abandoning conservative values. The former Indiana governor and congressman formally commenced his White House campaign on Wednesday. The move pits him against his two-time running mate, who he served under in the White House from 2017-21.

France Knife Attack Leaves Children in Critical Condition - BBC News

Jun 8, 2023 | At least four very young children have been stabbed in a park near Lake Annecy, in France's south-east, the interior minister says. Police overpowered and arrested the attacker, Gérald Darmanin said. Reports say the children were aged about three years old and at least two were in a critical condition. Regional deputy Antoine Armand described the attack as "abominable" and French prime minister, Élisabeth Borne, is on her way to the scene.

Four Children and an Adult Injured in Knife Attack in French Alps

THE GUARDIAN: France’s interior minister says attack took place in a square in the town of Annecy

An aerial view of Annecy. Six children and an adult have been injured in a knife attack. Photograph: Thomas Garcia/Alamy

Four children and an adult have been injured in a knife attack in the picturesque town of Annecy in the French Alps.

At least three of the victims are in a critical condition in hospital.

At about 9.45am, a man armed with a knife entered a children’s playground near the town’s famous lake and attacked a group of children aged about three years old as they played, a security source and a local official told AFP.

One witness, named as Nelly, told France Info radio: “People were running, crying, panicking … it was horrible.” » | Angelique Chrisafis and agencies | Thursday, June 8, 2023

Attaque au couteau à Annecy, en direct : plusieurs enfants blessés, un homme interpellé : Cinq personnes ont été blessées lors de cette attaque qui s’est produite dans les jardins de l’Europe, près du lac d’Annecy. Deux enfants et un adulte sont en urgence absolue, selon un bilan mis à jour. »

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Die Thatcher-Jahre | Doku HD | ARTE

Jun 7, 2023 | Die Thatcher-Ära ist ein Meilenstein der Geschichte und gilt als Geburtsstunde unserer heutigen Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsordnung. Dennoch herrscht bei Weitem kein Konsens darüber, was Thatcherismus genau bedeutet – und zwar aus gutem Grund: Die drei von Margaret Thatcher geführten Regierungen setzten von 1979 bis 1990 erstmals die Konzepte des Neoliberalismus um.

Margaret Thatcher: eine polarisierende Person, die oft sehr undifferenziert wahrgenommen wird. Hinter ihrem übertriebenen Verhalten und ihren exzessiven Äußerungen verblasst der Kontext der damaligen Zeit. Übrig bleibt ein sehr vereinfachendes, nicht selten frauenfeindlich gefärbtes Bild: das einer unaufhaltsamen Dampfwalze, fest entschlossen, zum Erreichen ihrer Ziele alles plattzumachen, was sich ihr in den Weg stellt.

Dabei ist die Realität viel komplexer und chaotischer. Die Eiserne Lady hat nicht immer ihre neoliberalen Überzeugungen konsequent verfochten und entsprach auch nicht unbedingt dem Klischee der Frau aus dem Volk mit dem gesunden Menschenverstand. Gewiss hat sie das Vereinigte Königreich autoritär nach ihrem Bild umgestaltet, doch ein großer Teil dieses Bildes war ein Konstrukt, mit dem sie opportunistisch auf die politischen und kulturellen Verhältnisse ihrer Zeit reagierte.

Der Dokumentarfilm erörtert das Erbe der Eisernen Lady und lässt Mitarbeiter, politische Gegner, Zeitzeugen, Aktivisten und Historiker zu Wort kommen, deren Aussagen ein neues Licht auf diese Jahre des Wandels werfen: Waren Margaret Thatcher und die Neoliberalen wirklich so modern, so „neo“, als sie die progressiven, angeblich archaischen Ideen der Linken in den Orkus beförderten? Oder waren sie nicht vielmehr selbst zutiefst archaisch mit ihrer Rückkehr zum brutalen Liberalismus des 19. Jahrhunderts und seiner rigiden viktorianischen Moral, von PR-Leuten clever als modern verkauft?

Margaret Thatcher war die Matrix des radikalen Konservatismus und verkörperte wie keine andere diesen unauflösbaren Widerspruch, der sich bis heute durch die Gesellschaft zieht.

Dokumentarfilm von Guillaume Podrovnik (F 2022, 92 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 12/08/2023

Tucker Carlson Peddles Conspiracy Theories on Twitter Debut from Barn

THE GUARDIAN: Ex-Fox News host backs Russia and insults Ukraine’s Zelenskiy in 10-minute monologue greeted with widespread derision

Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News shortly after it reached a $787.5m settlement with Dominion Voting Systems over its broadcast of election lies. Photograph: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Tucker Carlson’s debut on Twitter was greeted with widespread derision, as the former Fox News host backed Russia in its war with Ukraine, abused the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, invoked conspiracy theories about 9/11 and Jeffrey Epstein and mused on the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial life.

“Tucker Carlson’s lies cost Fox $800m,” said Anne Applebaum, a historian of authoritarianism, referring to the $787.5m settlement the network signed with Dominion Voting Systems over its broadcast of Donald Trump’s election lies, shortly before Carlson was fired.

“Now he is still lying, and Twitter will eventually pay the price too.”

At the end of Carlson’s first show, a 10-minute monologue in a barn, with a wide shot showing he was operating his own teleprompter, the host said he would bypass the mainstream media to tell viewers the truth, as Russians under communism once found ways to hear broadcasts from other countries. » | Martin Pengelly in New York | Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Canada Wildfires Blanket North American Cities in Smoke - BBC News

Jun 7, 2023 | Millions of people in North America woke up to dangerous air quality levels as intense wildfires burn across Canada. A haze hangs over the north-eastern US with some cities, including New York, briefly reporting the worst air quality of any major city in the world. Much of the smoke is coming from Quebec where 160 fires are burning.

Related material.

Meet One of the Middle East's First Openly Gay Celebrities — Internet without Borders

Jan 19, 201 | Egyptian gay rights activist Omar Shariff, Jr. is working to ensure that the media that reaches the televisions and smartphones of Egyptians reflects not only the diversity of Egypt, but the broader international community. We visited Omar at the 2016 Oslo Freedom Forum to discuss Egypt's cultural revolution, and how the LGBTQ community will play a role. Internet Without Borders, made in partnership with the Oslo Freedom Forum, is a four-part video series exploring how technology is being used to defend human rights

The LGBT Influencers Facing Arrest in Saudi Arabia • The Observers - France 24

Oct 25, 2022 | Under Saudi Arabia's restrictive cybercrime laws, even makeup tutorials or behaviour suggesting same-sex attraction can lead to arrest. Suhail al Jameel's photo on Twitter got him charged with sharing nudity online. TikToker Tala Safwan posted a conversation with a female friend and was accused of “suggestiveness that could have a negative impact on public morality". And Mohamad al Bokari was convicted of promoting homosexuality online and “imitating women”. Our Observer is a Saudi activist living in exile in the US. He told us more about how these LGBT influencers face danger and arrest by sharing their identities online.

Heat Health Alert Issued for England This Weekend

THE GUARDIAN: Warning covers London, east Midlands, West Midlands, east of England, south-east and south-west

The first heat health alert of the year has been issued for the coming weekend in England, where temperatures could reach a peak of 30C (86F).

The alert, issued by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the Met Office, covers six regions: London, the east Midlands, West Midlands, east of England, south east and the south west. It is in place from 9am on Friday to Monday morning. » | Sammy Gecsoyler | Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Ne-Yo : Because of … | Official Music Video


Greek Lamb Fricassée | Akis Petretzikis

Feb 2, 2017

Get the recipe here.

Rishi Sunak’s White House Jolly Can’t Mask the Fact That Brexit Britain Is a Fading Power

THE GUARDIAN: The prime minister arrives in Washington with no real leverage in Europe – and therefore no real leverage with Joe Biden

‘Joe Biden can bestow the normal diplomatic courtesies on Rishi Sunak at this week’s summit, while conceding nothing of strategic substance.’ Biden and Sunak in Belfast, April 2023. Photograph: Reuters

The Americans know how to make a prime minister feel special. It isn’t hard. Saying “you are special” or words to that effect, usually does the trick. It helps to say it in the White House, within earshot of the British press corps.

Westminster hacks and Downing Street aides, most of whom are unhealthily obsessed with US politics, love a Washington summit for the same reason that Harry Potter fans queue to visit the Warner Bros studio in Watford. Standing on the stage where the magic happens is its own reward.

That makes Rishi Sunak a cheap date for Joe Biden at this week’s summit. The US president can bestow the normal diplomatic courtesies, while conceding nothing of strategic substance. Downing Street then tells friendly journalists that the two men bonded over baseball, or some other shared cultural enthusiasm, or that their wives did. The prime minister flies home with burnished credentials as the leader of a very important country indeed. » | Rafael Behr | Wednesady June 7, 2023

Schoolboy meets granddad. Naturally, granddad puts schoolboy in his place. Also probably advising him to pay more attention to his homework, especially that relating to geopolitics. Granddad will surely also add that he has been a very silly boy to back Brexit, telling him he should have known better. – © Mark Alexander

Rish! demonstrates the incapabilities of artificial stupidity during US jolly: Despite big talk on AI, trade and Ukraine, it’s obvious to all PM’s visit is a waste of his and Joe’s time »

Rishi Sunak is most unimpressive. Has he ever done anything in politcs that impresses anyone? No, please don't mention his give-aways to his croney friends during the pandemic. That 'generosity' doesn't count. He should have helped EVERYONE, not just his select donors and chums. All of us had to live through the pandemic. We all suffered. Because of Sunak's policies, the select few made a killing; the rest of us had to go and sing for our supper, so to speak. – © Mark Alexander

A National State of Emergency: Human Rights Campaign Sounds the Alarm over Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws in US

The USA is falling into darkness. The mere thought that this country has dragged us out of the progressive European Union through that ridiculous Brexit referendum only to Americanize this European country fills me with dread. America, once the beacon of progressive hope, is now going back to the Stoneage. – © Mark Alexander

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — June 7, 2023