Thursday, February 09, 2017

White House Considers Designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terror Organization

John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., on whether the U.S. should designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror organization.

Eric Shawn Reports: Is Muslim Brotherhood a Terror Group?

Trump administration mulling possible terrorist designation

FOCUS - The Growing Pains of Iran's Tourist Industry

Nabila Ramdani: Why Marine Le Pen Won't Do a Donald - Viewsnight

Viewsnight is BBC Newsnight's new place for ideas and opinion. Here, French-Algerian journalist Nabila Ramdani argues Marine Le Pen will not win in France - as Donald Trump did in the US - because of the legacy of her father.

Joe: 'Presidents Do Not Speak This Way' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

US Travel Ban: "US President Trump's Ban Faces Its Biggest Legal Test Yet"

Muslims and Gays ‘Are Unwelcome Here’ - BBC News

A village in Hungary has banned Muslim dress, the call to prayer and and “homosexual propaganda”. By leading what it calls "the war against Muslim culture", it hopes to attract other Christian Europeans who object to multiculturalism in their own countries. Its mayor, Laszlo Toroczkai, says that while he would welcome people from Western Europe to live in the area, “we wouldn't like to attract Muslims to the village". Lesley Ashmall reports.

"I Hope American People Will Wake Up" – Ex Mexico President Vicente Fox - BBC News

Former Mexico president Vicente Fox, speaking on BBC HARDtalk, tells US President Donald Trump "we are not paying for that stupid wall".

Trump vs Nordstrom: Do US President's Tweets Raise Ethical Concerns?

US - Donald Trump Takes Aim at Nordstrom for Dropping Ivanka's Clothing Line

After Brexit: The Battle for Europe - BBC News

Katya Adler meets some of the leaders of the populist Eurosceptic movements and some of the EU’s top Eurocrats and politicians to ask whether the union can survive, or will it be swept away by a populist revolution?

The Rise of Islamism in Denmark and Sweden (Part 2)

Part 1 »

Shocking New Muslim Immigration Poll

Majority of Europeans want migration stopped; 'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates

Close Ties between US President and Fox News

The president’s daughter was a trustee of Mr Murdoch’s children by his ex-wife Wendi Deng up until the US election. Matt Garrahan reveals the close ties that exist between the two families.

The Danish Muhammad Cartoon Controversy (Part 1)

Flemming Rose (Danish journalist & author) joins Dave Rubin to discuss his decision to publish the cartoons of Muhammad back in 2005 which led to what is now referred to as the 'Danish Muhammad Cartoon crisis.'

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Germany: Frauke Petry Welcomes Trump Presidency

Frauke Petry, the leader of Germany's anti-immigration ADF movement, believes Donald Trump's success could bolster her party's prospects.

Geert Wilders - President Donald Trump's Travel Order & Brexit Is Great

How The Government Could Sacrifice Freedom For Safety | MSNBC

Donald Trump made a speech about the security of Americans, but it raises questions regarding how far will the government go to ensure that safety. A MSNBC panel discusses.

Weltwoche: Chefredaktor Roger Köppel präsentiert die Themen der neuen Weltwoche - Donald Trump verstehen

Weltwoche »

Bill Maher Tells Us What He Thinks About Donald Trump

Maher compares Donald Trump's behavior to that of a spoiled child.