Showing posts with label swine flu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swine flu. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Les musulmans entament le pèlerinage de La Mecque

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: ARABIE SAOUDITE | Des centaines de milliers de pèlerins affluaient ce mercredi à la vallée de Mina, près de La Mecque, pour entamer les rites d’un pèlerinage placé sous haute surveillance, en raison de la grippe H1N1.

A pied ou en bus, au milieu d’inextricables embouteillages, les pèlerins en tunique immaculée parcouraient la dizaine de kilomètres séparant la première ville sainte de l’islam de la vallée rocailleuse de Mina, où ils doivent passer la nuit.

Les autorités saoudiennes n’ont pas précisé le nombre total de pèlerins cette année mais selon une source officielle, le royaume a délivré des visas à 1,6 million de pèlerins étrangers, auxquels s’ajoutent des centaines de milliers de fidèles du royaume.

Près de 100.000 agents des forces de l’ordre assurent la sécurité du pèlerinage. Le personnel médical affecté au hajj est constitué de 20.000 personnes, face aux craintes d’une propagation de la grippe H1N1.

Peu de pèlerins portaient mercredi des masques en se rendant à Mina, malgré les injonctions des autorités. La route était sillonnée de cliniques mobiles et d’ambulances.

Des caméras thermiques ont également été placées aux entrées de la vallée de Mina pour détecter les pèlerins ayant une température élevée.

Ryad a toutefois écarté le risque d’une propagation de la grippe H1N1 durant le hajj, marqué jusqu’ici par l’annonce de quatre cas mortels parmi les fidèles. >>> AFP | Mercredi 25 Novembre 2009

Rain Soaks Hajj Pilgrims in Mecca

THE TELEGRAPH: Muslim pilgrims were forced to take shelter in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on Wednesday as the opening of the annual hajj was hit by the heaviest rains in years and fears of swine flu.

Pilgrims seeking shelter from the heavy rain in Mina, Saudi Arabia. Photograph: The Telegraph

Muslims circled Islam's holiest site, the Kaaba, wearing traditional white robes, but they also bore new additions - umbrellas and face masks.

Saudi authorities had already geared up for months with precautions for fear that the pilgrimage could become a perfect incubator for the H1N1 swine flu virus. The event is one of the most crowded in the world, with more than 3 million people from every corner of the globe packed together shoulder to shoulder in prayers and rites for four days.

The unexpected downpours could worsen the perennial dangers of the gathering, particularly deadly stampedes.

Just a slip on a wet pavement at the hajj rites could be deadly.

In 2006, a dropped piece of luggage amid a moving crowd tripped people, causing a pile-up that killed more than 360 people at one of the holy sites.

This year's rains have brought fears of flash floods or mudslides in the desert mountains where the rites take place. >>> | Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Islam: Schweinegrippe bedroht Millionen Hadsch-Pilger

WELT ONLINE: In diesen Tagen beginnt der Hadsch. Für Millionen Muslime ist die Pilgerreise der religiöse Höhepunkt ihres Lebens. Diesmal ist einiges anders, denn in Mekka herrscht Angst vor der Schweinegrippe. Saudi-Arabien bemüht sich um die Eindämmung des Problems mit Atemmasken, Thermo-Kameras – und Gebeten.

Mit Mundschutz: Eine Teilnehmerin des Hadsch am Flughafen von Dschidda. Bild: Welt Online

Ausgerechnet Schweinegrippe! Ausgerechnet jetzt! Das Schwein gilt im Islam ohnehin als unrein und wird gemieden, der Verzehr seines Fleisches ist Muslimen verboten. Unverständnis von Marokko bis Malaysia: Wie kann man sich denn da anstecken? Dass die Weltgrippe nichts mit Essgewohnheiten und auch nur entfernt überhaupt mit dem Schwein zu tun hat, kann die Muslime kaum beruhigen. Und das schlimmste ist: Der Hadsch steht bevor, die islamische Wallfahrt nach Mekka mit fast drei Millionen Pilgern aus rund 160 Staaten.

Was kommende Woche in Mekka geschieht, ist das exakte Gegenteil von dem, was die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) zur Eindämmung des H1N1-Virus empfiehlt: Hunderttausende Menschen in großer Enge und Hitze, die zusammen beten, essen und dieselben rituellen Gegenstände berühren. Der Pilgerort droht zum riesigen Inkubator zu werden. >>> Von Dietrich Alexander | Freitag, 20. November 2009

Swine Flu Kills Four in Saudi Arabia on Hajj Pilgrimage

BBC: Four pilgrims have died of swine flu as they take part in this year's annual Mecca pilgrimage, Saudi officials say.

Three of the victims, a woman from Morocco and men from Sudan and India, were in their seventies.The fourth was a 17-year-old girl from Nigeria.

The Health Ministry said none of the four foreign victims had been vaccinated against the H1N1 virus.

The latest figures from the World Health Organization show the virus has so far killed 6,750 people worldwide.

Up to three million Muslims from around the world take part in the holy pilgrimage every year, but health officials have expressed fears that it could provide a breeding ground for the virus. Egyptian fears >>> | Saturday, November 21, 2009

BBC: Video: Swine flu 'is not yet pandemic' >>> | Sunday, November 01, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kairo versinkt im Dreck: Die Schlachtung aller Schweine bringt die Abfallentsorgung durcheinander

NZZ am SONNTAG: Um die Schweinegrippe zu bekämpfen, hat die ägyptische Regierung im Mai die Tötung aller Schweine befohlen. Eine Massnahme, die nichts nützt – und neue Probleme schafft.

«Die Regierung hat unsere Schweine getötet – nun soll sie den Abfall in Kairo selber wegräumen», meint Zaki Anwar trotzig. Er ist einer der zahlreichen privaten Abfallsammler in der Grossstadt am Nil und lebt mit seiner Familie in Manshiet Nasr, einem von Zuwanderern gebauten Quartier. Dort leben viele Menschen vom Geschäft mit dem Kehricht. Jedenfalls war es so bis im vergangenen Mai.

Damals ordnete der ägyptische Präsident Hosni Mubarak an, sämtliche Schweine am Nil zu keulen. Damit sollte der Schweinegrippe, wie auch in Ägypten die Erkrankung durch das H1N1-Virus genannt wird, Einhalt geboten werden. Rund 350 000 Schweine wurden getötet, denn niemand wagte es, Mubarak zu widersprechen oder ihn auf die Untauglichkeit der Massnahme hinzuweisen.

Dadurch geriet Kairos Entsorgungssystem aus dem Gleichgewicht. Während in Ägyptens Kleinstädten jeder allein für die Abfallbeseitigung sorgen muss, war sie in Kairo bis zum Mai ein einträgliches Geschäft. Kleinunternehmer, die sogenannten Zaballin, die mehrheitlich christliche Kopten sind, holten den Kehricht für eine Monatsgebühr von umgerechnet 1 Franken ab. Geschäft mit der Schweinemast >>> Kristina Bergmann, Kairo | Sonntag, 27. September 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Cairo Protests at Swine Flu Bans

BBC: Angry scenes have been reported at Cairo airport as security forces barred Muslim pilgrims from travelling to Mecca because of fears over swine flu.

Hundreds staged a sit-in on Sunday when the Egyptian authorities implemented a plan to prevent anyone over 65 and under 25 from travelling to Mecca.

Another 180-200 belonging to the banned age groups were held back on Monday.

The curbs could affect large numbers of old people, some of whom expend great efforts to visit Mecca before dying.

An airport official said about 15% of would-be passengers to the Muslim holy city had been turned back on Monday.

"The people banned from leaving are those over 65 and those under 25 because they are the most at risk of being contaminated by swine flu," the official added. >>> | Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

No Alcohol, Please. I’m Muslim!

MAIL ON SUNDAY: Some Muslims have refused to use alcohol-based hand gels to combat the spread of swine flu because they claim it is against their religion.

Some of those employed by St Albans Council in Hertfordshire have complained about the antibacterial lotion, which is considered a key strategy in containing the virus.

Officials were concerned because the Koran bans Muslims from consuming alcohol, so council chiefs issued them with non-alcohol hand gels, which studies have shown to be less effective in killing bugs. Muslims refuse to use alcohol-based hand gels over religious beliefs >>> Mail On Sunday Reporter | Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Swine Flu May Force Muslims to Abandon Haj Pilgrimage to Mecca

TIMES ONLINE: The annual Haj pilgrimage to Mecca could be under threat because of swine flu.

Britain today joined a growing list of countries in the MIddle East and Africa to issue advice to Muslim pilgrims not to travel to Saudi Arabia if they are elderly, pregnant, very young or have a long-term medical condition that may leave them more vulnerable to the disease.

The advice, issued by the UK’s Association of British Hujjaj (Pilgrims), follows a recommendation by Saudi health officials that anyone travelling to Mecca or Medina should receive the seasonal flu vaccine at least two weeks before their visit.

The Saudi authorities also said that pregnant women, children, chronically ill and elderly people should skip the Haj this year.

Quarantine facilities have been set up in Saudi airports and millions of vaccine doses have been pre-ordered.

The Association of British Hujjaj said that Saudi Arabia’s warning had “sent a shock wave” through Britain’s Muslim community.

The association’s health experts warned: “British pilgrims have always been at high risk of infections due to the crowded conditions at ceremonies, accommodation sites and on public transport. Therefore pilgrims must follow the guidelines issued by the authorities and they should be vaccinated against the swine flu virus once this vaccine is available at least two weeks before their departure to perform pilgrimage.”

In a statement today the association said: “Take the swine flu threat seriously, be safe than sorry and contact your doctor before travelling.” >>> Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent | Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Friday, May 01, 2009

President Obama's Aide Catches Swine Flu

TIMESONLINE: The White House disclosed today that an official who helped to arrange President Obama's recent trip to Mexico had become sick and that three members of his family had later contracted probable swine flu.

The unnamed employee is an aide to Steven Chu, the Energy Secretary, and helped plan the Mexico trip. "This individual never flew on Air Force One," said Robert Gibbs, the press secretary. "He was asked specifically if he ever came within 6 feet of the president and the answer to that was no."

Although he attended a working dinner with Mr Obama on April 16, Mr Gibbs said the aide was never was close enough to put the President at risk.

Mr Obama himself has had no symptoms of the virus and doctors see no need to conduct any tests on his health, Mr Gibbs added. >>> Tom Baldwin | Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gov't Drops 'Swine Flu' Name over Pork Protests

Photo courtesy of USA Today

USATODAY: President Obama didn't have a single word to say about "swine flu" today. But he had a lot to say about the outbreak of the "H1N1" virus. That should make the hog industry happier.

U.S. officials, particularly the agricultural department, were under pressure from the pork lobby that fears the term "swine flu" is confusing people into thinking they can catch the virus from pork, which they can't, the AP says.

Or as Pork News explains, the government believes that the term swine flu "might be catchy, but it's not accurate."

Israeli officials have also weighed in. This week, deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman, who belongs to an ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect, suggested renaming swine flu as "Mexican flu," saying that the reference to pigs is offensive to Muslim and Jewish sensitivities over pork, The Guardian reports. >>> USA Today | Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Your Online Source for Credible Health Information Swine Influenza (Flu) >>>
Egypt Orders Slaughter of All Pigs over Swine Flu

ASSOCIATED PRESS: CAIRO — Egypt began slaughtering the roughly 300,000 pigs in the country Wednesday as a precaution against swine flu even though no cases have been reported here, infuriating farmers who blocked streets and stoned vehicles of Health Ministry workers who came to carry out the government's order.

The measure was a stark expression of the panic the deadly outbreak is spreading around the world, especially in poor countries with weak public health systems. Egypt responded similarly a few years ago to an outbreak of bird flu, which is endemic to the country and has killed two dozen people.

At one large pig farming center just north of Cairo, scores of angry farmers blocked the street to prevent Health Ministry workers in trucks and bulldozers from coming in to slaughter the animals. Some pelted the vehicles with rocks and shattered their windshields and the workers left without killing any pigs.

"We remind Hosni Mubarak that we are all Egyptians. Where does he want us to go?" said Gergis Faris, a 46-year-old pig farmer in another part of Cairo who collects garbage to feed his animals. "We are uneducated people, just living day by day and trying to make a living, and now if our pigs are taken from us without compensation, how are we supposed to live?" >>> By Maamoun Youssef | Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Obama in Swine Flu Scare

Barack Obama. Photo courtesy of the Daily Express

DAILY EXPRESS: BARACK Obama met a Mexican archaeologist who died less than two weeks later from symptoms similar to swine flu. >>> By Jo Willey, Daily Express Health Correspondent | Tuesday, April 28, 2009