Showing posts with label Ursula von der Leyen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ursula von der Leyen. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Little Appetite on Streets of Brussels for Drama of Crunch Brexit Dinner

THE GUARDIAN: European quarter deserted before high-stakes meeting between Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen

It may have been billed as the dinner that will decide the fate of Brexit, but on the half-frozen and almost wholly deserted streets of Brussels’ windswept European quarter there were few who seemed to know, and even fewer who cared.

“Are they really?” asked Emma Delprez, 37, a PR consultant, informed that the British prime minister, Boris Johnson, and Ursula von der Leyen, the European commission president, were due to meet later in a do-or-die attempt to break the impasse.

“I had no idea. I’ve kind of given up following it, to be honest. It seems to have been going on for ever. I don’t understand the ins and outs of it but the English do seem to be causing a lot of trouble. I hope whatever they get is worth it.” » | Jon Henley in Brussels | Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Poland's 'LGBT-free Zones' Have No Place in the EU, Says Ursula von der Leyen

In her first ‘state of union’ speech, the European commission president said Poland’s LGBT-free zones were 'humanity-free zones' that had no place in the EU in her strongest criticism yet of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party.

It comes amid a dispute between the EU and Poland over the rule of law, since the country embarked on policies that weaken independent courts.

Von der Leyen said the EU was 'a union where you can be who you are and love who you want to without fear and recrimination'

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Boris Johnson: I Went to the Same School as Ursula van der Leyen

Boris Johnson and Ursula van der Leyen reminisced about going to the same school - the European School in Uccle, Belgium - although she left just before he joined.

It was a lighter note on a day that she warned the UK there are "tough talks ahead" in free trade negotiations over the next year.

Ursula von der Leyen: UK Deadline Makes Full Brexit Deal Impossible

THE GUARDIAN: EU commission chief questions Johnson’s timeframe as she arrives for Downing Street talks

The president of the European commission has said it will be “impossible” for the UK to negotiate a comprehensive deal covering all aspects of Brexit within the timeframe set by Boris Johnson.

Speaking before her first face-to-face bilateral meeting with the prime minister in Downing Street on Wednesday, Ursula von der Leyen said the price of the clean-break Brexit the prime minister is pursuing was a “distant” partnership with the EU.

Unless the UK accepted a level playing field in the UK and EU’s trade positions after Brexit, there would inevitably be barriers for British manufacturing, she said in a speech at the London School of Economics.

At the same event, the EU’s Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, warned in an impromptu exchange that leaving the EU was not a simple process and involved renegotiation of “600 international agreements” as well as the new free trade agreement.

“It is basically impossible to negotiate all,” said Von der Leyen. » | Lisa O'Carroll, Brexit correspondent | Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ursula von der Leyen: Hard Brexit Would Be Massive Blow for Both Sides

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: newly elected EU chief suggests there could be emergency help for Ireland

The European commission’s new president has said a hard Brexit would have “massively negative consequences” for both Britain and the EU, and said Brussels could provide emergency help for nations such as Ireland that bear the brunt of such an outcome.

In her first interview since narrowly being approved for the post by the European parliament on Tuesday, Ursula von der Leyen said the withdrawal deal concluded between Theresa May and the commission’s chief Brexit negotiator, Michael Barnier, would remain the basis of any future talks.

“We don’t want a hard Brexit, it’s a bad outcome for both sides. We have a good withdrawal agreement,” she said in an exclusive interview with the Guardian and four other European newspapers.

Both of the contenders to succeed May, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt, have vowed to renegotiate the exit deal with the EU, declaring that the most controversial component, the Northern Ireland backstop, is unacceptable.

When asked about their position, Von der Leyen said the withdrawal agreement was “not dead”. She said: “No, it is a good agreement, which was negotiated properly in accordance with the red lines drawn by the British government.” » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin | Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thursday, July 04, 2019

Who is EU Commission President Nominee Ursula von der Leyen? | DW News

The 28 EU member countries have agreed on their nominees for the bloc's top jobs. In a surprise move the leaders nominated. German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen was nominated for EU Commission President. The conservative Christian Democrat and former Labor Minister and Minister for Families was nominated to replace Jean-Claude Juncker after most of the front-runners for the post were rejected. Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel was one of the names being floated for the EU top job. But in a last minute reshuffling the liberal PM was nominated to replace Donald Tusk as EU Council President. International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde received unanimous backing as the next president of the European Central Bank. If confirmed she would be the first woman to head the ECB. Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell was nominated as High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The socialist would replace Federica Mogherini as the EU's top diplomat. But the biggest hurdle in this political race has still to be cleared. The European Parliament has to approve the line-up, and the Social Democrats have already set themselves against it.

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Die Suche hat ein Ende: Von der Leyen als EU-Kommissionspräsidentin nominiert

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Die deutsche Bundesverteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen soll Jean-Claude Juncker beerben. Die Chefin des Internationalen Währungsfonds, Christine Lagarde, soll künftig der EZB vorstehen.

(dpa) Die EU-Staaten haben die deutsche Verteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen offiziell als Präsidentin der EU-Kommission nominiert. Die Entscheidung fiel am Dienstag bei einem EU-Sondergipfel in Brüssel, wie EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk auf Twitter mitteilte.

Die neue Kommissionschefin muss aber noch vom EU-Parlament bestätigt werden. Dies soll planmässig Mitte Juli geschehen. Von der Leyen wäre die erste Frau an der Spitze der Brüsseler EU-Behörde. » | dpa | Dienstag, 2. Juli 2019

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Bundeswehreinsatz in Syrien: Von der Leyen schließt Kooperation mit Assad aus

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Ursula von der Leyen kann sich zwar grundsätzlich eine Zusammenarbeit mit syrischen Truppen vorstellen. Ein Sprecher der Ministerin stellte jetzt aber klar: Eine Kooperation mit Machthaber Assad werde es nicht geben.

Bei ihrem geplanten Anti-Terror-Einsatz in Syrien hat die Bundesregierung eine Kooperation mit Truppen unter dem Kommando des syrischen Machthabers Baschar al-Assad ausgeschlossen. "Jetzt wird es keine Zusammenarbeit mit Assad geben und auch keine Zusammenarbeit mit Truppen unter Assad", sagte der Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums, Jens Flosdorff, in Berlin. Das habe auch Ministerin Ursula von der Leyen klargemacht. » | kev/dpa | Montag, 1. Dezember 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Zahl der Geburten in Deutschland nimmt zu

Foto dank der Welt

Wenn die Wirtschaft in der Krise steckt, hat die Familie Konjunktur. So sieht das Familienministerin Ursula von der Leyen und die Zahlen geben ihr Recht. Seit 2007 werden in Deutschland wieder mehr Kinder geboren. Und der Trend hält auch in der Krise an. Besonders in einer Altersgruppe nimmt der Wunsch nach Kindern zu.

In Deutschland kommen wieder mehr Kinder zur Welt. 2007 seien 12.000 Kinder mehr als 2006 geboren worden, sagte Bundesfamilienministerin Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) der Zeitung „Bild am Sonntag“. Im vergangenen Jahr habe der Trend angehalten. Bis September seien 3400 Kinder mehr zur Welt gekommen als 2007.

„Besonders bei Frauen zwischen 30 und 40 Jahren hat die Zahl der Kinder zugenommen“, sagte von der Leyen. Gerade in diesem Alter überlegten Paare, ob sie ein Leben mit Beruf und Familie meistern können. Vor allem bei Männern nehme der Kinderwunsch zu. 

Die Vaterrolle ändere sich. „Die Männer wollen heute mehr Zeit mit der Familie verbringen“, sagte die Ministerin. Zudem hätten junge Menschen das Gefühl, die Gesellschaft lasse sie als Eltern nicht alleine.

Die Wirtschaftskrise werde auch nicht zu mehr Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen führen, sagte die Ministerin voraus. In rauen Zeiten sei die Familie für viele Menschen der wichtigste Halt. „Wenn die Wirtschaft wankt, hat die Familie Konjunktur“, sagte von der Leyen. >>> WeltOnline | Sonntag, 15. Februar 2009

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