Showing posts with label Tzipi Livni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tzipi Livni. Show all posts

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tzipi Livni Scoffs at Tory Pledge to End Threat of Arrest for Israel Officials

THE TELEGRAPH: A Conservative party pledge to end the threat of arrest hanging over visiting Israeli officials has received short shrift from the senior politician whose arrest was sought by a London court in December.

Tzipi Livni, leader of the Israeli opposition, responded with notable coolness when she was paid a visit by Edward Garnier, the shadow attorney general, this week.

Mr Garnier relayed a promise from David Cameron, the Conservative leader, that legislation to guarantee immunity for visiting Israeli officials would be one of his government's top priorities following a general election expected in May.

"I've been asked officially to relay to you on behalf of the Conservatives that immediately after we are elected, we will handle this matter, end this affair and make it possible for you to go to Great Britain," Mr Garnier told Mrs Livni, according to Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper.

A Westminster magistrate's court last December granted an application by pro-Palestinian groups to issue an arrest warrant for Mrs Livni over war crimes allegedly committed during Israel's Gaza offensive a year ago when she visited. At the time of Israel's military operation, Mrs Livni was foreign minister.

But if Mr Garnier expected gratitude from the Israeli opposition leader, he was to come away disappointed. >>> Adrian Blomfield in Jerusalem | Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Livni: Turkey Must Choose Between ME Moderates and Fundamental Islam

THE JERUSALEM POST: As the most recent confrontation with Turkey began to abate, Kadima and opposition leader Tzipi Livni said Thursday that Ankara would have to decide which side to align itself with.

"Every country in the region must decide which side it is on. This goes for Turkey, too," Livni said. "The choice is not between Israel and the Palestinians or the Jews and the Arab but between Israel, the legitimate Palestinian Authority, Egypt, and Jordan and the world of fundamental Islam."

Livni was adamant that Valley of the Wolves, the Turkish TV series depicting Mossad agents as kidnappers and baby-killers, could only serve to incite violence. "Erdogan's words are also very worrying," she said.

"If anyone thinks that games of [musical] chairs are the way to defend Israel's interests ... they are making a strategic mistake," Livni concluded. [Source: The Jerusalem Post] Staff | Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Abuse of Process

TIMES ONLINE – LEADER: The targeting of Israeli ministers by the courts is not justice, it is a disgrace

The application of law to warfare is among the greatest advances in Western civilisation over four centuries. In the name of human rights, that tradition is being traduced by a politicised campaign to harass the statesmen of a democracy. It is unlikely that you will have needed to read this far to learn that the targeted nation is Israel.

Tzipi Livni, the leader of the Israeli Kadima party, accepted an invitation to speak at an Anglo-Jewish event in London last weekend. It emerged in the meantime that British magistrates had issued an arrest warrant against Ms Livni for alleged war crimes committed during Israel’s military campaign in Gaza last winter, when she was Foreign Minister (see page 14). The warrant was the latest attempt by pressure groups to seek British court authority for the arrest of Israeli leaders. It was rescinded only when the court learnt that Ms Livni had cancelled her trip to Britain, apparently because of a scheduling clash. The Israeli Foreign Ministry nonetheless expressed fury.

The Israeli reaction is far from overwrought. Ms Livni’s is the second such case in recent months. Ehud Barak, the Israeli Defence Minister during the Gaza offensive, attended a meeting at the British Labour Party conference in September. Campaigners unsuccessfully sought an arrest warrant against him from the same court.

The difference between the cases appears to be that Mr Barak was still a serving minister, whereas Ms Livni is not. Lawyers acting for the campaigners cite the principle of “universal jurisdiction”. Under it, courts in England and Wales have jurisdiction over certain crimes regardless of where in the world they were committed. >>> | Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Isi Leibler’s Opinion: Can Bibi Do It?

YNET NEWS: Will Benjamin Netanyahu be able to overcome major challenges ahead?

Tzipi Livni is betraying her primary electoral pledge to promote the national interest above any personal or political ambitions. Worse, she is basing her strategy on the premise that under the pressure of events, a narrow Netanyahu government will soon collapse which is tantamount to wishing a plague on all our houses to further her own selfish benefit.

Today, in the midst of a genuine state of national emergency, Livni is brazenly displaying contempt to her constituents, the vast majority of whom passionately yearn for a broad national unity government. She has also deprived us of the opportunity of instituting desperately needed reforms in the electoral system and promoting legislation to bring an end to the exclusive and inflexible haredi control of marriage and conversion. In addition, she has enabled small one-dimensional parties to continue leveraging their sectional interests at the expense of the community.

Livni must regard us as imbeciles when she hypocritically pleads that joining a Netanyahu government would compromise her “political principles.” We are aware that she had no problem in acquiescing to virtually all of Lieberman’s demands when she begged him to support her. The reality is that her party is overwhelmingly dominated not by ideologues, but by pragmatists and yes, opportunists, few of whom would have moral dilemmas in joining a government headed by Netanyahu.

Livni also alleges that her main obstacle against joining the government is that Netanyahu refuses to utter the mantra “two states for two peoples." Yet, Netanyahu has repeatedly expressed his intention to continue negotiations and reiterated his preference not to rule over Palestinians. Besides, as foreign minister, Livni had years of negotiations to adopt a two-state plan. Not only did she fail, but to this day we are still in the dark as to what concessions she offered Mahmoud Abbas behind locked doors.

All we know is that like Hamas, Fatah still adamantly refuses to recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people, continues to insist on the right of return for Arab refugees, and demand that we retreat to the indefensible ‘67 borders. It is also now abundantly clear that it is only a matter of time before Fatah becomes submerged into Hamas. Would any responsible Israeli political party conceivably endorse the creation of such a terrorist state?

Prophets of doom

In the midst of this maelstrom, we have a new American administration determined to demonstrate progress and “engage” diplomatically with rogue states like Syria and Iran. A nuclear Iran unquestionably poses an acute existential threat to us and Netanyahu is utterly sober when he appeals for unity in the face of the greatest threat confronting Israel since 1948. This is surely a time when all responsible politicians should set aside their differences and create a unity government.

Netanyahu, who has consistently been vilified as an opportunist, must be commended for displaying leadership, acting like a statesman and promoting the national interest. Alas, he is being forced to establish a narrow government which will be dependant on the support of Yisrael Beiteinu and the haredi and small right-wing parties. This is hardly ideal but there is no alternative. >>> Isi Leibler | Tuesday, March 10, 2009

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Livni refuse d'entrer au gouvernement Nétanyahou

LE FIGARO: Cette fois, c'est un non définitif : la chef du parti centriste Kadima a officiellement refusé de participer au gouvernement, laissant Benjamin Nétanyahou isolé pour former un nouveau cabinet.

Un non ferme et définitif. La chef du parti centriste Kadima, Tzipi Livni, a annoncé vendredi qu'elle refusait de participer au gouvernement dirigé par le premier ministre israélien de droite Benjamin Nétanyahou, à l'issue d'une rencontre organisée dans un grand hôtel de Tel Aviv. Un refus qui fait écho à celui du chef du parti travailliste et ministre sortant de la Défense, Ehoud Barak, exprimé le 23 février dernier.

La ministre sortante des Affaires étrangères Tzipi Livni avait déjà refusé une première fois, mais en laissant la porte ouverte et en acceptant une nouvelle rencontre avec Nétanyahou. Vendredi, elle a finalement décidé de couper court aux discussions en rejetant de façon ferme l'offre du chef du Likoud. >>> Flore Galaud ( avec AFP | Vendredi 27 Février 2009

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Binyamin Netanyahu Gets Green Light from Avigdor Lieberman to Lead Israel

TIMES ONLINE: The Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu was in pole position to become Israel's next Prime Minister despite narrowly failing to win the country's general election, after an ultra-nationalist political leader pledged to back his coalition today.

Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the Yisrael Beitenu party, which finished third, said he would only support a government led by Mr Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party, but which also included the centrist Kadima party led by the election-winner, Tzipi Livni.

Whether Ms Livni, whose party narrowly won the February 10 poll by 28 seats to 27 for Likud, would agree to serve in a government with Mr Netanyahu as Prime Minister remains to be seen.

However, she has previously said that she would be prepared to lead a government which included Likud as a junior partner, with Mr Netanyahu presumably in a senior Cabinet role.

A right-leaning Netanyahu-led government would be regarded with gloom by President Obama and the so-called Quartet of international mediators, who had hoped to accelerate the Middle East peace process. >>> David Byers | Thursday, February 19, 2009

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tzipi Livni – Israel muss Teile des Landes aufgeben

WELT ONLINE: Will Israel einen dauerhaften Frieden mit den Palästinensern, muss das Land auf die Hälfte seiner Gebiete verzichten – diese Einschätzung hat Israels Außenministerin Tzipi Livni vor Vertretern jüdischer Organisationen aus den USA geäußert. Noch wird aber der Ausbau jüdischer Siedlungen im Westjordanland geplant.

Israel muss nach Ansicht von Außenministerin Tzipi Livni als Preis für einen dauerhaften Frieden mit den Palästinensern auf beträchtliche Teile seines Territoriums verzichten. „Wir müssen die Hälfte des Landes Israel aufgeben“, sagte sie am Montag vor Vertretern jüdischer Organisationen aus den USA. Sie benutzte einen Ausdruck, der sich auf die in der Bibel beschriebenen Grenzen des Landes bezieht, die das heutige Israel sowie das Westjordanland und den Gazastreifen umfassen.

Ein derartiger Rückzug sei zum Wohle Israels, um den jüdischen Charakter des Landes zu bewahren, sagte Livni weiter. Damit setzt sich die Wahlsiegerin vom vergangenen Dienstag klar von ihrem Rivalen Benjamin Netanjahu ab, dem Chef des rechtsgerichteten Likud-Blocks.

Netanjahu machte vor den Besuchern aus den USA klar, dass er einen einseitigen israelischen Rückzug ablehne. Den Abzug aus dem Gazastreifen im Jahr 2005 bezeichnete er als Fehler, da er der Hamas ermöglicht habe, dort die Macht an sich zu reißen. Die Palästinenser sollten sich zwar selbst regieren, aber Israel müsse die Kontrolle über alle Grenzen, den Luftraums und den elektronischen Verkehr behalten, sagte er. >>> AP/ks | Dienstag, 17. Februar 2009 Livni renonce au Grand Israël

Lundi soir, à Jérusalem, celle qui brigue le poste de Premier ministre a laissé entendre qu'elle était prête à d'importantes concessions territoriales en échange de la paix. Tzipi Livni s'oppose ainsi frontalement à son rival Benjamin Netanyahou. Le président israélien sera peut-être sensible à son discours de paix pour désigner la personne chargée de former le gouvernement.

Tzipi Livni tente de se démarquer de son rival Benjamin Netanyahou et joue l'ouverture à gauche. Ses propos, tenus lundi soir à Jérusalem lors de la Conférence des présidents des organisations juives américaines, ont sans doute semé le trouble chez les tenants du Grand Israël. La ministre des Affaires étrangères, qui brigue le poste de Premier ministre après les élections législatives anticipées du 10 février, a martelé que les accords d'Annapolis* devaient s'appliquer. Et, pour faire contrepoint à Benjamin Netanyahou et à Avigdor Lieberman, le leader d'Israël Beitenou, le parti ultranationaliste qui se pose en arbitre avec 16 sièges obtenus à la Knesset, Tzipi Livni a évoqué la possibilité de concessions territoriales importantes aux Palestiniens en échange de la paix. "Nous devons progresser vers la paix selon le plan lancé à Annapolis", a-t-elle déclaré. "Si nous n'appliquons pas ce plan, nous ne pourrons pas compter sur la coopération internationale s'agissant de l'Iran, du Hezbollah ou du Hamas", a ajouté Tzipi Livni. >>> Par Jérôme GUILLAS, | Mardi 17 Février 2009

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Livni: «Non sarò l'alleata di Netanyahu»

CORRIERE DELLA SERA: La leader di Kadima lo ha scritto in un biglietto a Olmert al Consiglio dei ministri: «Basta fare la numero due»

GERUSALEMME - «Non ho alcuna intenzione di entrare in un governo di unità nazionale guidato da Bibi», vale a dire Benyamin Netanyahu. Tzipi Livni, leader di Kadima, non usa mezzi termini. Durante il Consiglio dei ministri, ha scritto un bigliettino al premier Ehud Olmert. Il foglio è stato inquadrato da una cinepresa: «Non accennare a quella idea» ha aggiunto la vincitrice (per pochissimo) delle elezioni legislative di tre giorni fa, allontanando così l'ipotesi di un governo di unità nazionale. Quindi ha messo in guardia il premier dal dar voce a idee che «non rappresentano le posizioni di Kadima». >>> | Domenica 15 febbraio 2009

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Israel Elections: Both Sides Claim Victory

TIMES ONLINE: Israel faced what could be weeks of political uncertainty today after an election that ended with clashing claims of victory by the Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and her rival Benjamin Netanyahu.

Nearly final results gave Ms Livni's Kadima party 28 seats to 27 for Mr Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party in the 120-member parliament. The Foreign Minister said she would become Prime Minister and invited him to join a "unity government".

Mr Netanyahu, pointing to what he called a large "nationalist camp" in parliament, said he would head a coalition government, comprised of rightist parties.

"With God's help I will lead the next government," Mr Netanyahu, 59, told Likud supporters.

Addressing cheering Kadima activists, Ms Livni, 50, said: "The Israeli public can smile again when we form the government."

She would become Israel's first woman prime minister since Golda Meir governed in the 1970s.

Summing up the stalemate was the front page of Israel's biggest newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, with "I won," next to photos of both candidates. >>> Times Online | Wednesday, February 11, 2009

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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Netanyahu Gains as Lieberman Makes Him Appear ‘Less Hawkish’

BLOOMBERG: Israeli Arabs committed treason by protesting the country’s offensive in the Gaza Strip last month. Hamas should be dealt with the way the U.S. handled Japan in the last days of World War II. Egypt, at peace with Israel since 1979, actually plans to attack.

These are just some of the recent comments made by Avigdor Lieberman, whose party could become the third-largest bloc in parliament following Israel’s Feb. 10 elections, polls show.

Lieberman’s jump in popularity may boost the coalition- building efforts of front-runner Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud, while undermining prospects for peace with the Palestinians. Netanyahu’s lead over Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni’s ruling Kadima party has grown as Israel’s war in Gaza raised voter concern about security.

“With Lieberman in the wings, Netanyahu looks less hawkish,” said Uri Dromi, a political analyst who was a spokesman for former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. “He can say, look, the Likud is not so right-wing. It is about security.” >>> By Gwen Ackerman | Tuesday, February 3, 2009

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Israels Aussenministerin warnt Obama: Gegen direkte Gesprächen mit der iranischen Führung

NZZ Online: Die amerikanische Aussenministerin Condoleezza Rice ist zu einem Arbeitsbesuch in Israel eingetroffen. Kurz nach ihrer Landung in Tel Aviv hat das staatliche Radio ein Interview ausgestrahlt, worin Aussenministerin Tzipi Livni den gewählten amerikanischen Präsidenten Barack Obama vor direkten Gesprächen mit Teheran warnt.

Einen direktren Dialog mit der Führung in Teheran zu suchen sei zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt nicht förderlich – vielmehr würde dies als Zeichen von Schwäche interpretiert werden, sagte die amtierende israelische Aussenministerin Tzipi Livi [sic] im staatlichen Radio. >>> hoh. | 6. November 2008

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Israel Complains to Turkey over Iranian President Ahmadinejad Visit

HÜRRIYET: Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni complained on Thursday about a visit to Turkey by Iranian President Ahmadinejad in August and demanded that Ankara act to isolate Tehran.

At a meeting with Turkish Defense Minister Vacdi Gonul, Livni "expressed her discontent over the visit by the Iranian president to Turkey", her office said in a statement.

Ahmadinejad paid a working visit to Turkey in August, in which the international row over Iran's nuclear program topped the agenda.

"We must continue to strengthen international pressure against Iran and its president," Livni, who hopes to become prime minister after snap elections scheduled for February, was quoted as saying by AFP. >>> | October 30, 2008

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Secret Life of Tzipi Livni

Photo of Tzipi Livni courtesy of TimesOnline

TIMESONLINE: How the woman set to be Israel’s new leader earned her spurs as an agent working for a covert cell in an elite spy unit

It is an eye-catching episode on the CV of any would-be prime minister: a dangerous, youthful stint as a spy in one of the world’s most respected and feared secret services.

True to her training, Tzipi Livni, the Israeli leader-in-waiting, has maintained a Sphinx-like silence about her Mossad career in Paris in the early 1980s. Consequently, reports on her service have pegged her as anything from a frontline agent hunting down Arab terrorists across Europe to a mere house-sitter deployed to provide a respectable front for Mossad safe houses in the French capital.

Mossad does not divulge details but The Times can reveal that Ms Livni ran substantial risks as an Israeli agent operating in a covert cell in Europe.

“She was in an elite unit,” said Ephraim Halevy, the former director of Mossad, who for security reasons declined to specify which outfit Ms Livni had served in between 1980 and 1984.

“She was a very promising agent who showed all the attributes of a very promising career. She was very well thought of.”

Ms Livni, a fluent French speaker and daughter of renowned Zionist guerrillas, served her time in Paris when the city was a deadly battle-ground in Mossad’s covert war with Palestinian militant groups and Saddam Hussein’s nuclear ambitions. The Secret Life of Tzipi Livni >>> By James Hider in Jerusalem, Charles Bremner in Paris and Fran Yeoman | September 20, 2008

Livni's Disappointed Rival to Quit Politics >>> | September 20, 2008

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Tzipi Livn