Showing posts with label Palestine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palestine. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Arab Fury at Obama UN Speech

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Barack Obama's standing in the Arab world plumbed new depths as protesters in the West Bank denounced his vehement denunciation of the Palestinian statehood bid.

More than 1,000 people gathered outside the Palestinian government headquarters in Ramallah for the first officially sanctioned anti-US protest in the West Bank for years after Mr Obama's unexpected words to the UN.

Posing a fresh challenge to the US administration as it struggles to adapt to the shifting political landscape of the region in the wake of the Arab Spring, activists harnessed the Internet to call for mass pro-Palestinian demonstrations across the Middle East in the coming days.

The growing backlash came as many Arabs reacted with disbelief after Mr Obama addressed the UN General Assembly on Wednesday to deliver the most pro-Israeli speech to a non-Jewish audience of his presidential career.

Given that the United States has announced it will use its Security Council veto to prevent the Palestinians joining the UN as a full member state, many in the West Bank had expected Mr Obama's speech to be robust.

But few supposed he would speak as he did. » | Adrian Blomfield in Jerusalem and Alex Spillius in New York | Thursday, September 22, 2011
US Extreme Capitalism a Problem for the World - Ahmadinejad

Defiant Mahmoud Abbas Ignores Barack Obama's Plea

THE AUSTRALIAN: PALESTINIAN Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will defy international pressure and push for UN membership tonight despite a warning from Barack Obama that "there are no short cuts" to peace.

Top Palestinian officials conceded after Mr Abbas met the US President yesterday that the membership bid was likely to be delayed for months but they brushed off Mr Obama's claim that "one-sided declarations in the UN" would not achieve statehood.

Mr Obama and Mr Abbas discussed the issue for more than 45 minutes.

The US President had a similar meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hours earlier.

The White House refused to confirm whether Mr Obama directly asked the Palestinian leader to abandon his plans to pursue full UN membership, saying only that he reiterated his opposition to the statehood bid and the US intention to issue a veto. » | The Australian | Additional reporting: AP, AFP | Friday, September 23, 2011

Verwandt »

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pour Obama, la paix ne sera pas accélérée par une reconnaissance de l'Etat Palestine à l'ONU

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Les Etats-Unis, proches alliés d’Israël, ont déjà annoncé qu’ils opposeraient leur veto au Conseil de sécurité à toute demande d’admission à l’ONU d’un Etat de Palestine. Barack Obamal a affirmé mercredi qu’il n’existait pas de "raccourci" onusien.

Le président des Etats-Unis Barack Obama a affirmé mercredi qu’il n’existait pas de "raccourci" pour parvenir à la paix au Proche-Orient, rejetant à la tribune de l’ONU la démarche des Palestiniens pour y obtenir la reconnaissance de leur Etat.

"Je suis convaincu qu’il n’existe pas de raccourci à la fin d’un conflit qui persiste depuis des décennies. La paix ne viendra pas de déclarations et de résolutions à l’ONU. Si c’était aussi facile, cela aurait déjà eu lieu à l’heure actuelle", a déclaré M. Obama devant l’Assemblée générale de l’organisation internationale à New York.

"Il y a un an, j’ai souhaité une Palestine indépendante à cette tribune", a reconnu M. Obama. "Je croyais, et je crois toujours, que les Palestiniens méritent leur propre Etat. Mais j’ai aussi dit qu’une paix véritable ne peut être obtenue qu’entre les Israéliens et les Palestiniens eux-mêmes", a-t-il affirmé. » | AFP | Mercredi 21 Septembre 2011
Settlers for Peace – Israel

Watch Journeyman Pictures video here

Monday, July 04, 2011

Israel Claims Diplomatic Victory as Greece Stops Gaza Flotilla

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Israel on Sunday claimed a diplomatic victory in its attempts to stop a flotilla of ships manned by pro-Palestinian activists from sailing towards Gaza after it was banned from leaving port by the Greek authorities.

Eleven ships were due to set sail this weekend, including nine from Greece, but two discovered damage to their propellers which activists blamed on Israeli sabotage.

Another ship was arrested on the high seas by the Greek coastguard for leaving port without permission, and the remainder were told they could not set sail.

Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli foreign minister, claimed credit for the delays to the flotilla. "I welcome all the efforts that have been made to stop the flotilla," he said in a radio interview. "The success of these efforts on the diplomatic side are the fruits of intensive contacts with states in the region and the international community."

Israel is keen to prevent a repeat of the violent outcome to a similar attempt to break the blockade of Gaza last year, when its navy stormed the lead ship, killing nine Turkish activists. » | Phoebe Greenwood in Tel Aviv and Richard Spencer | Sunday, July 03, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

Israel Can’t Trust Obama

YNET NEWS: Op-ed: President Obama’s recent speeches highlighted his affinity for the Palestinian cause

When President Obama announced his support for the establishment of a Palestinian state along the 1967 lines as the starting point for negotiations, he in effect adopted the PLO Phased Plan for the gradual destruction of Israel.

While Hamas adopted the position of destroying Israel in one step through constant armed struggle, the PLO, led by Fatah adopted in 1974 a new political method of achieving that goal through two steps. According to the plan, the first step is the establishment of a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders; the second step is the liberation of all of Palestine by destroying the Jewish state through armed struggle or through the “the right of return” of millions of Palestinians to Israel, thus demographically and democratically causing Israel to lose its Jewish majority and character.

In his Middle East speech, Obama divided the core issues of the negotiations into two phases. According to the order set by the president, he in effect demanded of Israel to give up its only bargaining chip of land, based on the 1967 lines with “mutually agreed swaps” in the first phase, before negotiating t[he] other substantive questions such as the “right of return,” the Hamas-Fatah alliance, and recognition of Israel as the Jewish state.

Obama argued that by mentioning “land swaps,” he did not actually call for Israel to withdraw to the indefensible ‘67 lines, as Israel can trade off other land to avoid the ‘67 lines. But in reality the president handed the Palestinians a tremendous victory by embracing their assertion that they somehow have the implicit right to every square inch beyond the Green Line and thus must be compensated on a 1:1 basis for any adjustment. This means that if Israel wishes to keep the Western Wall or the Jewish Quarter in east Jerusalem, the Palestinians would have to agree first and then in return Israel would have to compensate them with a land swap from inside tiny Israel.

Furthermore, when the president mentioned in his speech “the fate of the Palestinian refugees”, he did not say that there will be no “right of return” to Israel proper and that the Palestinian refugees and their descendants will have to find their home in a future state of Palestine. » | Shoula Romano Horing | Sunday, May 29, 2011
Cameron Cuts His Ties with Jewish Charity in Move Hailed by Pro-Palestine Campaigners

MAIL ONLINE: David Cameron has resigned as a patron of a top Jewish charity in a move hailed by pro-Palestinian campaigners.

The Prime Minister has cut ties with the Jewish National Fund, which describes itself as Britain’s leading Jewish charity.

Downing Street insisted the decision was taken as part of a wider review of the Prime Minister’s involvement with charities.

But the move is a break with convention, as Tony Blair and Gordon Brown both stayed on as patrons while at Number 10.

Mr Cameron has already experienced controversy when it comes to affairs in the Middle East – on a trip to Turkey last July he caused huge offence by calling Gaza a ‘prison camp’.

His latest move will be another disappointment to the government of Israel.

However, activist groups Stop the JNF and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign hailed Mr Cameron’s decision to step down. » | Gerri Peev | Monday, May 30, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Netanyahu Rules Out Return to 1967 Borders

Israel's prime minister has again rejected Barack Obama's push for a two state solution based on the 1967 borders

Palestinian Prime Minister Suffers Heart Attack

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad suffered a heart attack while visiting the U.S. and is recovering at a Texas hospital, a spokesman said on Monday.

Mr Fayyad, who was born in 1952, was in Austin to attend the college graduation of his son, Khaled, when he felt strong chest pains on Sunday, said the prime minister's spokesman, Jamal Zakout.

Mr Fayyad, a heavy smoker, underwent tests showing a blockage in a coronary artery, Mr Zakout said. Mr Fayyad suffered a heart attack while at the Seton Medical Center in Austin, the spokesman said. » | Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Barenboim No Man of Peace

YNET NEWS: Op-ed: Famed musician bashes Israel but says nothing in face of anti-Israeli violence hate

It is difficult for those who enjoy Daniel Barenboim’s music to criticize an artist like him. Yet the famous Israeli conductor just led an ensemble of European musicians to Hamastan, including Italians from world-renowned opera house of La Scala in Milan.

Indeed, the Israeli pianist and conductor crossed a red line with a most unethical gesture.

“We are playing this concert as a sign of our solidarity and friendship with the civil society of Gaza”, Barenboim said. He also wished “success” to the Hamas-Fatah unity agreement signed in Egypt.

Barenboim’s performances of Beethoven and Mozart can’t be an excuse for his political irresponsibility. For global public opinion he is an icon of tolerance and he must be judged by his actions. Barenboim refused to take part in Israel’s 60th anniversary festivities and in 2005, while signing a book that he had written with late anti-Israel activist Edward Said, he refused to be interviewed by a reporter for Israel’s Army radio simply because she was wearing an IDF uniform. » | Giulio Meotti | Sunday, May 08, 2011

YNET NEWS: Barenboim in Gaza 'peace concert': Israeli maestro breaks new ground as audience of some 700 attends hour-long concert along beachfront in northern Strip » | Reuters | Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Related »

Friday, May 06, 2011

Inside Story: Palestinian Reconciliation

After four years of rift and rivalry; the two Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah signed a long awaited reconciliation agreement in the Egyptian capital Cairo on Wednesday.

How did the new regime in Egypt achieve in two months what the previous adminsitration had failed to do in years?

Inside Story, with presenter Nick Clark, discusses with Gamal Abdel Gawad, from the Al Ahram Centre of Strategic Studies; Mustafa Barghouti, head of the Palestinian Initiative; and Yaakov Katz, a military and defence analyst from the Jerusalem Post.

This episode of Inside Story aired from [sic] Thursday, May 5, 2011.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Assad's Fall Would Create Shockwaves from Tehran to Tel Aviv

THE OBSERVER: Unrest in Syria has greater potential consequences than any other event in the Arab Spring so far

As decades-old dictatorial regimes crumbled around him in January, Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, denied that revolution would spread to his country. Balhermep, the Ba'athist concept of "the ruling of the people", would keep his country together.

But as demonstrations in towns and villages across Syria seemed only to be spreading last week, even as the regime intensified its crackdown, that notion appeared to be unravelling.

The international consequences of regime change in Syria are many and complex. The fallout will be particularly marked in Lebanon and Palestine, and there will also be impacts on the country's alliances with Iran, Turkey, and Iraq, and, perhaps most importantly, on its relationship with Israel.

Damascus's influence has always been strong in these areas. Syria is vital to Hezbollah, which leads a Lebanese coalition supporting Assad. Lebanon has no land borders except with Syria on the east and north, and with Israel to the south. To the west is the Mediterranean, swimming with battleships and an international force to prevent the smuggling of weapons. Hezbollah's links with Syria are, in turn, the linchpin of the alliance between Tehran and Damascus, for the party's first loyalty is to Iran and the supreme leader of its Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The fall of the Assad regime would mean the loss of Iran's only ally in the region and thus a weakening of the clerical regime. This could boost the enthusiasm of Iranian reformers, who have been sidelined and repressed since the disputed presidential elections in Iran in 2009. » | Zaki Chehab, The Observer | Sunday, May 01, 2011

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Obama, Don’t Be a Hypocrite

YNET NEWS: Op-ed: President Obama must demand Palestinian democracy, just like he’s doing with Egypt

The Obama Administration quickly turned its back on President Hosni Mubarak when it started talking about “an orderly transition to lasting democracy.” Yet as is the case in Egypt, Palestinian society is also struggling with a corrupt, undemocratic, authoritarian, and divisive PA leadership with a long record of human rights violations and an economy artificially resuscitated by handouts from foreign donors.

Hence, Israel’s government should not agree to negotiate for the establishment of a Palestinian state in the strategic hills of the West Bank until the Palestinian people first have a chance to cleanse its leadership and move towards lasting democracy, as Obama has demanded from Egypt. Israel needs to know who will be the ultimate true representative of the Palestinian people before giving away strategic assets.

It is quite dangerous for Israel - and hypocritical of Obama - to ask the Jewish State to agree to the establishment of a state that eventually through free elections or a military coup may be taken over by an Islamic, pro-Iranian terrorist organization. After all, Hamas’ stated goal is the destruction of the Jewish state and global Islamic rule. >>> Shoula Romano Horing | Friday, February 04, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lauren Booth, Tony Blair's Sister-in-law, Having an Anti-Israel Rant

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Middle East Peace Talks Leaks: Obama 'Backed Out of Land Promise to Palestinians'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: President Barack Obama’s efforts to reach out to the Arab world have been tarnished after it emerged that he reneged on an important Bush administration pledge to the Palestinian leadership.

Confidential Palestinian documents leaked to Al Jazeera, the Qatar-based television network, suggest that Mr Obama retreated from a promise that territory occupied by Israel after the Six Day War of 1967 should become the basis for a future Palestinian state.

The documents, part of a second tranche of the “Palestine Papers” released by Al Jazeera on Monday evening, indicate that Mr Obama’s change of heart was the result of Israeli pressure.

That fact alone is likely to damage Mr Obama’s carefully-cultivated image as a friend of the Arab world.

According to the papers, Condoleezza Rice, President George W Bush’s secretary of state, explicitly endorsed the use of 1967 borders as a basis for future negotiations on dividing territory in the months after the Annapolis peace conference in 2007.

The gesture was a hugely significant one for the Palestinians as it acknowledged the broad outlines of the state they craved. >>> Adrian Blomfield, Ramallah | Tuesday, January 25, 2011

AL JAZEERA ENGLISH: Deep frustrations with Obama: Obama pressured PA negotiators to restart talks and refused to honour one of the Bush administration's key promises. >>> Gregg Carlstrom Monday, January 24, 2011

The Palestine Papers: Obama Envoy Shunned Bush Parameters

The Palestine Papers also reveal that US president Barack Obama's administration refused to build upon agreements made under his predecessor George Bush. The documents show that they wanted to start negotiations from scratch. And as Al Jazeera's Mike Hanna reports, that is something that the Palestinian negotiators found extremely frustrating

Friday, January 21, 2011

Jerusalem Can Never Be Surrendered, Khalifa Says

GULF NEWS: Abu Dhabi Declaration urges OIC countries to recognise palestine [sic]

Abu Dhabi: The UAE is pressing for taking a firm stand against countries which move their embassies to occupied Jerusalem or recognise it as the capital of Israel.

The Abu Dhabi Declaration confirmed recognition by the OIC member countries of the State of Palestine that includes all of the territories captured in 1967, including occupied east Jerusalem.

It demanded all member countries immediately recognised the Palestinian State and raise the diplomatic representation to an embassy level.

President His Highness Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan said the Arab-Muslim [occupied] Jerusalem can never be surrendered as history, law and international legitimacy confirm Muslims' inalienable rights to it, irrespective of the Israeli occupation's measures to increase the Jewish presence there.

His speech at the meeting of Inter-parliamentary Union of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) was read out by His Highness Shaikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah.

The Abu Dhabi declaration demanded that the UN Security Council issue a resolution recognising the independent Palestinian state.

Parliamentary leaders also condemned the Israeli occupation's atrocities in Palestine, especially in the Gaza Strip, which claimed the lives of many innocent people, demanding that Israeli officials be brought to account for their war crimes in Gaza.

The UAE has also urged the OIC member countries to take action to halt Islamophobia in the West.

Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair, Speaker of the Federal National Council, said concerted efforts were necessary to stop the spread of Islamophobia that impaired Muslim-West relations. >>> Samir Salama, Associate Editor | Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Europe Threatens to Recognise Palestinian State

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Europe's foreign ministers have threatened to recognise an independent Palestinian state to punish Israeli refusal to halt "illegal" Jewish settlements.

A text, seen by The Daily Telegraph, warned of EU "readiness, when appropriate, to recognize a Palestinian state" increasing the international pressure on Israel following the effective collapse of direct Middle East peace talks last week.

Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, on Monday called "on the EU to take a step towards recognition of the state of Palestine based on the 1967 borders".

"We hope that the EU will take this step to maintain the requirements for the success of the peace process, which was thwarted by Israel," said Saeb Erakat, the chief Palestinian negotiator.

There has been a week of intense EU diplomacy after an initiative by the so-called "quint" of Britain, France, Germany, Italy and the US, to push Israel into negotiations.

"There is growing frustration with Israel after its refusal to commit to a new settlements freeze and patience is running out," said a European diplomat. >>> Adrian Blomfield in Jerusalem and Bruno Waterfield in Brussels | Monday, December 13, 2010