Showing posts with label Margaret Thatcher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Margaret Thatcher. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Die Thatcher-Jahre | Doku HD | ARTE

Jun 7, 2023 | Die Thatcher-Ära ist ein Meilenstein der Geschichte und gilt als Geburtsstunde unserer heutigen Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsordnung. Dennoch herrscht bei Weitem kein Konsens darüber, was Thatcherismus genau bedeutet – und zwar aus gutem Grund: Die drei von Margaret Thatcher geführten Regierungen setzten von 1979 bis 1990 erstmals die Konzepte des Neoliberalismus um.

Margaret Thatcher: eine polarisierende Person, die oft sehr undifferenziert wahrgenommen wird. Hinter ihrem übertriebenen Verhalten und ihren exzessiven Äußerungen verblasst der Kontext der damaligen Zeit. Übrig bleibt ein sehr vereinfachendes, nicht selten frauenfeindlich gefärbtes Bild: das einer unaufhaltsamen Dampfwalze, fest entschlossen, zum Erreichen ihrer Ziele alles plattzumachen, was sich ihr in den Weg stellt.

Dabei ist die Realität viel komplexer und chaotischer. Die Eiserne Lady hat nicht immer ihre neoliberalen Überzeugungen konsequent verfochten und entsprach auch nicht unbedingt dem Klischee der Frau aus dem Volk mit dem gesunden Menschenverstand. Gewiss hat sie das Vereinigte Königreich autoritär nach ihrem Bild umgestaltet, doch ein großer Teil dieses Bildes war ein Konstrukt, mit dem sie opportunistisch auf die politischen und kulturellen Verhältnisse ihrer Zeit reagierte.

Der Dokumentarfilm erörtert das Erbe der Eisernen Lady und lässt Mitarbeiter, politische Gegner, Zeitzeugen, Aktivisten und Historiker zu Wort kommen, deren Aussagen ein neues Licht auf diese Jahre des Wandels werfen: Waren Margaret Thatcher und die Neoliberalen wirklich so modern, so „neo“, als sie die progressiven, angeblich archaischen Ideen der Linken in den Orkus beförderten? Oder waren sie nicht vielmehr selbst zutiefst archaisch mit ihrer Rückkehr zum brutalen Liberalismus des 19. Jahrhunderts und seiner rigiden viktorianischen Moral, von PR-Leuten clever als modern verkauft?

Margaret Thatcher war die Matrix des radikalen Konservatismus und verkörperte wie keine andere diesen unauflösbaren Widerspruch, der sich bis heute durch die Gesellschaft zieht.

Dokumentarfilm von Guillaume Podrovnik (F 2022, 92 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 12/08/2023

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Margaret Thatcher (1988): The Woman at Number 10

July 1988 | Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher agreed to speak to Richard Carleton just before she left 10 Downing Street for her visit to Australia in 1988. This exclusive interview was Mrs Thatcher's first appearance on 60 Minutes since her famous, 'Who says I'm pig-headed' clash with George Negus in 1981. | Producer: Gareth Harvey

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Margaret Thatcher on Rising to Power, and Resigning from It

Dec 12, 2013 | Following her memoirs The Path to Power, Stina meet Margaret Thatcher, the previous UK Prime Minister, and also one of the toughest people she met. The 'Iron Lady' is a nickname she definitely lived up to. Baroness Thatcher talks about her background, growing up in Grantham and how the constant interaction with people in her father's store shaped her future political aspiration.

She touches on her relationship with her husband, her role as a woman in world politics, the Falkland Islands war, socialism, the war in Yugoslavia, nuclear weapons and leaving office after resigning. And how did she react when Stina asked her jump?

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Margaret Thatcher: The Rise of the Iron Lady | This Lady's Not for Turning | Timeline

Apr 8, 2021 | The rise of Margaret Thatcher, Conservative Party Leader and UK Prime Minister from 1975 to 1990.

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KERA: A Conversation with Margaret Thatcher

Apr 17, 2013 | In 1991, KERA's Lee Cullum talked with Margaret Thatcher as part of the station's "Conversations" series. At the time of the interview, Thatcher had recently resigned as the 49th prime minister of Great Britain. The former leader recounts her years at the pinnacle of her career and reveals unexpected facets of her personality, her love of poetry and her devotion to her father.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Margaret Thatcher in Her Own Words | Extended Interview with Miriam Stoppard | Timeline

Apr 8, 2019 | Margaret Thatcher's rare interview with Miriam Stoppard, 1985.

If you wish to do so, you can subscribe to History Hit and receive a 50% discount by clicking here and by using the code ‘TIMELINE’.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Beneath the Crown: The True Story of Margaret Thatcher’s Rise to Power

Nov 15, 2020 | How did the daughter of a greengrocer become Britain’s first ever female Prime Minister? Join Anita Rani to examine Margaret Thatcher’s rise to power and how her beliefs changed the United Kingdom forever.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Margaret Thatcher—'The Iron Lady' or 'The Benighted Lady'?—Warns of 'Extremist' Anti-racist, Pro-gay Teachers

Margaret Thatcher, Conservative Party Conference 1987

Gay rights: Life under Section 28 - BBC Newsnight

30 years ago Section 28 was introduced. It was - the now repealed - clause of a local government act, to stop a council promoting the teaching of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship. That's a quote.

The prominent gay writer and journalist Matthew Todd - he was editor at Attitude magazine for many years - was in school in those days, and looks back now, at the effect it had.

Monday, August 08, 2022

Der lange Schatten der «eisernen Lady»

Jahre nach ihrem Tod feiert Margaret Thatcher im Rennen um die Johnson-Nachfolge ein postumes Comeback. Sowohl Liz Truss wie auch Rishi Sunak präsentieren sich als politische Erben Thatchers – und streiten darüber, wie die «eiserne Lady» auf die heutige wirtschaftliche Misere reagieren würde.

Die britische Premierministerin im Mai 1980 vor der Downing Street Nummer 10. Auch 42 Jahre später bleibt sie für die britischen Konservativen prägend. | John Redman / AP

1987 erklärte Margaret Thatcher in einem BBC-Interview, sie hoffe, als Premierministerin immer weiter- und weiterzumachen. Im Herbst 1990 musste sie nach einer parteiinternen Rebellion dann doch zurücktreten, 2013 verstarb sie im Alter von 87 Jahren. Nun aber feiert die «eiserne Lady» im Rennen um die Nachfolge von Boris Johnson eine Art Comeback. Sowohl die Favoritin Liz Truss als auch ihr Gegner Rishi Sunak erklärten Thatcher zu ihrem grossen Vorbild im Amt des Premierministers – und liefern einander seither einen erbitterten Wettstreit um ihr politisches Erbe.

Gezielte Assoziationen

Mit ihrer Kleiderwahl und Symbolik weckt Truss schon seit längerem Assoziationen zu Thatcher. Im Februar reiste die Aussenministerin in einem ähnlichen Pelzmantel nach Moskau wie einst ihr grosses Vorbild. Im letzten Herbst liess sie sich in Estland auf dem Dach eines britischen Panzers fotografieren – und stellte damit ein Bild Thatchers aus dem Jahr 1986 nach. Zudem präsentiert sich Truss als stramme und durchsetzungsfähige Macherin, die charakterlich der «eisernen Lady» gleicht. » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Montag, 8. August 2022

Friday, August 05, 2022

Margaret Thatcher : “The Lady's Not for Turning”

Beleagured Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher makes pun during the 1981 Conservative Party conference speech: "the lady's not for turning" she says to her critics in her Cabinet and in the country, Brighton; 10 Oct 80

This Lady Is for Turning ; She Loves U-Turns,! Truss’s Motto: Keep Turning until You Reach Your Goal!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher: a photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

In a strange way, even though Margaret Thatcher has been dead for nine years, her influence can still be felt in British politics.

Thatcher was loved by so many, yet hated by so many others. However, whichever side of the divide one stands, it cannot be denied that she was a wonderful leader. Certainly the best British peacetime leader of the twentieth century. She was also very intelligent–though, especially in hindsight, not always correct–and very charismatic and powerful. She was also a fascinating character.

Over the years, I have read a lot about her, both in English and in German. At the moment, however, I am reading an excellent book in French on her, written by Jean-Louis Thiériot, entitled simply Margaret Thatcher. Why in French? Because I like to understand the perspective of others on such important politicians. It is very interesting to understand how other Europeans perceive such important British public figures.

Whilst reading it early morning today, the following paragraph jumped out at me. In my opinion, it is a very powerful short paragraph, which enables us to better understand her. Here it is:
« On ne comprend rien aux fondements du projet thatchérien si l’on ne comprend pas la conception qu’elle a de l’égalité. Pour elle, l’égalité, c’est uniquement l’égalité de droit, la possibilité pour chacun de développer au mieux ses talents dans un environnement favorable. Ce n’est en aucun cas une quelconque « justice sociale » qui réduirait l’écart entre riches et pauvres. L’égalité doit seulement offrir au pauvre la possibilité de devenir riche, s’il en a le don et le courage. » [Page 288]
This paragraph, in just a few words, tells us so much about her. © Mark Alexander


Margaret Thatcher in English, en français, auf Deutsch.

Here is the cover of this excellent book:

This excellent book by Jean-Louis Thiériot is available on Mr Thiérot is actually a lawyer, essayist and member of the French Parliament. Read all about him on Wikipedia here.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Margaret Thatcher Statue Egged within Hours of It Being Installed

THE GUARDIAN: The memorial of the former prime minister in her home town of Grantham was unveiled without ceremony

The newly installed statue of Margaret Thatcher in her home town of Grantham, Lincolnshire.Photograph: Joe Giddens/PA

Warnings that a new statue of Margaret Thatcher would attract egg-throwing protests came true within two hours of it being installed in her home town of Grantham on Sunday.

The bronze statue was, without ceremony, placed on a 3-metre (10ft) high plinth to make it more difficult for protesters to inflict any damage.

Shortly afterwards a man was seen throwing eggs from behind a temporary fence and, when one connected, a cry of “oi” could be heard.

The egg throwing came as a surprise to nobody in Grantham. There is pride but also heightened awareness of how divisive a figure Thatcher remains.

After it was installed on a warm Sunday morning, a number of people stopped to take selfies. But loud booing could also be heard from passing motorists. » | Mark Brown | Sunday, May 15, 2022

Monday, January 24, 2022

The Extra Special Relationship: Thatcher, Reagan, and the 1980s

ASSOCIATION FOR DIPLOMATIC STUDIES & TRAINING: The “special relationship” between the United States and the United Kingdom has served to unite the two nations over the past century. Thanks in part to a shared language, historically common enemies and similar political structures, leaders of the two countries have found it easier than most to achieve common objectives around the world. Perhaps no relationship between American and British leaders has been stronger than that of President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.

Heads of their respective conservative political parties, Reagan and Thatcher shared similar views on economics and anti-Communism. In spite of their different approaches to politics, they formed a close bond that allowed them to strengthen the Anglo-American alliance at a time when the international order was undergoing profound change with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany. » | Liz Dee | Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Margaret Thatcher - Speech to the College of Europe | "The Bruges Speech"

The Bruges speech, 20 September 1988

It is very interesting to listen to Margaret Thatcher's remarkable Bruges speech. Maggie was so often thought of as anti-EU. But was she really?

It is true that she was an anti-federalist. But she was certainly NOT anti co-operation in Europe. We hear this in this very polished speech. She worked so hard to free up trade in the European Union, working so hard for the creation of the Single Market.

One can but wonder what she would have thought about the idiocy of Brexit and especially of Britain's withdrawal from the Single Market, the greatest single market in the world.

The current Conservative administration has destroyed Maggie's hard work and legacy. They should be ashamed of themselves! I realise that Margaret Thatcher wasn't everyone's cup of tea; however, it cannot be denied that she was hard-working, committed, sincere in her beliefs, and delivered her speeches with polish and class. That is far more than can be said of Conservative politicians today. – © Mark

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Margaret Thatcher - Speech to the College of Europe ("The Bruges Speech") [1988]

In this impressive speech in Bruges, Margaret Thatcher spoke strongly in favour of the Single Market. Indeed, the Single Market was Thatcher’s baby. Today’s Conservatives under BoJo have betrayed Thatcher’s legacy. Whilst Maggie was anti-federalism, she was certainly pro-European free trade; and she was certainly very much against erecting barriers to European free trade, which Brexit does. All I can say is this: Thatcher must be turning in her grave! All her hard work has gone up in smoke. – ©Mark Alexander

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

A Conversation with Margaret Thatcher

In 1991, KERA's Lee Cullum talked with Margaret Thatcher as part of the station's "Conversations" series. At the time of the interview, Thatcher had recently resigned as the 49th prime minister of Great Britain. The former leader recounts her years at the pinnacle of her career and reveals unexpected facets of her personality, her love of poetry and her devotion to her father.

Margaret & Denis Documentary

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Thatcher Sent Pinochet Finest Scotch During Former Dictator's UK House Arrest

THE GUARDIAN: New revelation adds colour to close relationship between pair / Pinochet oversaw death and torture of thousands of Chileans

While he was under house arrest in Surrey in 1999, the former Chilean military dictator Augusto Pinochet received a fine malt from an old friend.

“Scotch is one British institution that will never let you down,” read the accompanying note from its sender: the former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher.

The detail, revealed this week in the third volume of Charles Moore’s biography of Baroness Thatcher, adds further colour to the close relationship between Thatcher and the man responsible for the death of more than 2,000 people and the torture of many more.

Thatcher was appalled that the Labour government had allowed the arrest of Pinochet while he was in London for medical treatment, overriding his diplomatic immunity. » | Matt Youkee in Santiago | Friday, October 4, 2019