Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher: a photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

In a strange way, even though Margaret Thatcher has been dead for nine years, her influence can still be felt in British politics.

Thatcher was loved by so many, yet hated by so many others. However, whichever side of the divide one stands, it cannot be denied that she was a wonderful leader. Certainly the best British peacetime leader of the twentieth century. She was also very intelligent–though, especially in hindsight, not always correct–and very charismatic and powerful. She was also a fascinating character.

Over the years, I have read a lot about her, both in English and in German. At the moment, however, I am reading an excellent book in French on her, written by Jean-Louis Thiériot, entitled simply Margaret Thatcher. Why in French? Because I like to understand the perspective of others on such important politicians. It is very interesting to understand how other Europeans perceive such important British public figures.

Whilst reading it early morning today, the following paragraph jumped out at me. In my opinion, it is a very powerful short paragraph, which enables us to better understand her. Here it is:
« On ne comprend rien aux fondements du projet thatchérien si l’on ne comprend pas la conception qu’elle a de l’égalité. Pour elle, l’égalité, c’est uniquement l’égalité de droit, la possibilité pour chacun de développer au mieux ses talents dans un environnement favorable. Ce n’est en aucun cas une quelconque « justice sociale » qui réduirait l’écart entre riches et pauvres. L’égalité doit seulement offrir au pauvre la possibilité de devenir riche, s’il en a le don et le courage. » [Page 288]
This paragraph, in just a few words, tells us so much about her. © Mark Alexander


Margaret Thatcher in English, en français, auf Deutsch.

Here is the cover of this excellent book:

This excellent book by Jean-Louis Thiériot is available on Amazon.fr. Mr Thiérot is actually a lawyer, essayist and member of the French Parliament. Read all about him on Wikipedia here.