Showing posts with label Davos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Davos. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Davos Elite: Capitalism Has Widened Income Gap

SEATTLE POST INTELIGENCER: DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) — A four-year economic crisis has left societies battered and widened the gap between the haves and have-nots, financial leaders conceded Wednesday — with one suggesting that Western-style capitalism itself may be endangered.

As Europe struggles with its debt crisis and the global economic outlook remains gloomy at best, there's a sense at the heavily guarded World Economic Forum that free markets are on trial.

Many at the elite economic gathering in the Swiss Alps accept that more must be done to convince critics that Western capitalism has a future and that it can learn from its massive failures.

For David Rubenstein, the co-founder and managing director of asset management firm Carlyle Group, leaders must work fast to overcome the current crisis or else different models of capitalism, such as the form practiced in China, may win the day.

"As a result of this recession, that's lasted longer than anyone predicted and will probably go on for a number more years ... we're going to have a lot of economic disparities," Rubenstein said. "We've got to work through these problems. If we don't do in three or four years ... the game will be over for the type of capitalism that many of us have lived through and thought was the best type." » | Pan Pylas, AP Business Writer | Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

WEF: Mit den Mächtigen im Schnee - 40 Jahre Weltgeschichte *

Ein Schweizer Bergort schreibt seit 40 Jahren Weltgeschichte: Davos und sein World Economic Forum (WEF). Hier in Davos hat der damalige deutsche Aussenminister Hans-Dietrich Genscher das Ende des kalten Krieges verkündet, die Premier-Minister Griechenlands und der Türkei verhinderten per Handschlag einen Krieg und es gibt kaum einen Staatschef oder Wirtschaftskapitän, der nicht ein paar Tage im Schnee von Davos verbracht hat.

Das Video hier abspielen | Mittwoch 27. Januar 2010

* Zum Teil in Schweizerdeutsch (Schyzertüütsch) übertragen worden

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Week That Davos Trumped Downing Street

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, has admitted he ‘forgot’ that he was supposed to be running the country in the absence of David Cameron this week.

In an interview, the Liberal Democrat leader was asked whether he was in charge while the Prime Minister was away from Britain travelling in the Middle East.

Sipping from a mug marked “Deputy Prime Minister,” he said: “Yeah, I suppose I am. I forgot about that.

“I’m holding the fort but I’m hoping to take the end of the week off with my kids.

“Someone else will have to do it then. It sounds more haphazard than it probably is. People forget there are emails and there is BlackBerry.”

It later emerged that within hours of giving the interview, to the Metro newspaper, Mr Clegg did indeed go on holiday to his family chalet in the exclusive Swiss ski resort of Davos. Nick Clegg ‘forgot’ he was in charge of the Government this week >>> Rosa Prince, Political Correspondent and James Kirkup in Oman | Thursday, February 24, 2011

Related >>>

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Niall Ferguson: Yes, The US Is Screwed

This is an interview conducted by Business Insider Editor in Chief Henry Blodget In Davos

Sunday, January 30, 2011

„Ägypten muss friedliche Demonstrationen genehmigen!“

Die Stabilität des Landes sei extrem wichtig, aber nicht um den Preis der Meinungsfreiheit, sagte Merkel in Davos.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Davos 2011 - David Cameron

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Davos WEF 2011: Osborne calls time on banker bashing – George Osborne has given a clear signal the Government wants to halt the long period of “banker bashing” by admitting “we need to move on”. >>> Kamal Ahmed, in Davos | Friday, January 28, 2011

What the hell is this chancellor is talking about? Who the hell is he to tell us what we are supposed to think? If this chancellor wants people to stop banker-bashing, then he needs to take action to halt the despicable bonuses which these people are stealing from the system. This is the disgusting face of ‘unbridled’ capitalism. – © Mark

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Davos WEF 2011: Sarkozy Says France and Germany Will 'Never Let the Euro Fail'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: France and Germany will never turn their backs on the euro, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said in his most robust defence of the troubled single currency to date.

Addressing the World Economic Forum in Davos, he told speculators to be prepared for big losses if they bet against the euro. “[Germany’s] Chancellor Merkel and myself will never – do you hear me, never – let the euro fall,” he said.

“The euro is Europe. And Europe spells 60 years of peace. Therefore we will never let the euro go or be destroyed… To those who bet against the euro, watch out for your money because we are fully determined to defend the euro.”

President Sarkozy’s intervention comes with the single currency under greater strain than at any time in its short history. Davos has been abuzz with talk of a two-speed Europe, with billionaire investor George Soros warning that the “euro could possibly fall apart” under the strain.

Greece and Ireland are implementing painful pay cuts and other deflationary measures because they can not devalue, while Germany powers ahead. Ken Rogoff, the Harvard economist, has suggested Greece should be allowed to fail in an orderly fashion because its debts are insurmountable.

However, President Sarkozy said: “To imagine that we might pull out shows a complete misunderstanding of the European psychology. It has to do with our identities as Europeans.” >>> Philip Aldrick, Economics Editor, in Davos | Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Le patron du Wef voudrait inviter Julian Assange au Forum de Davos Le fondateur de Wikileaks ne peut actuellement pas quitter l'Angleterre.

Le patron du Forum économique mondial (Wef), Klaus Schwab, qui réunit chaque année à Davos le gotha international des affaires et de la politique, a annoncé dimanche qu'il souhaiterait inviter le fondateur du site WikiLeaks Julian Assange pour le prochain sommet en janvier.

"En réalité, je devrais inviter" Julian Assange à Davos, "mais ce n'est pas possible car il n'est pas autorisé à quitter l'Angleterre", a expliqué M. Schwab dans un entretien avec le journal dominical SonntagsZeitung. >>> AFP | Dimanche 19 Décembre 2010

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Türkei: Erdogans Wut belastet EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen

WELT ONLINE: Der Wutausbruch des türkischen Ministerpräsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan bei einem Gespräch in Davos mit dem israelischen Präsidenten Schimon Peres sorgt für Verstimmung bei deutschen Politikern. Der Bundestagsabgeordnete Philipp Mißfelder will den Abbruch der EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen prüfen.

Der CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Philipp Mißfelder sieht im Israel-kritischen Kurs des türkischen Ministerpräsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan eine Belastung für die EU-Beitrittverhandlungen mit der Türkei. „Solange Erdogan in der Türkei eine derart Israel-feindliche Linie verfolgt, müssen wir prüfen, ob die Verhandlungen über einen EU-Beitritt der Türkei ausgesetzt oder abgebrochen werden müssen“, sagte das CDU-Präsidiumsmitglied der „Bild“-Zeitung. >>> AFP/lk | Samstag, 31. Januar 2009

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Vicenda Gheddafi, mea culpa svizzero, Saif al-Islam Gheddafi

TICINONEWS.CH: Il figlio del leader libico Saif al-Islam Gheddafi spera che una soluzione sia vicina per ristabilire relazioni amichevoli tra la Svizzera e il Paese nordafricano. Il figlio del colonnello Gheddafi sottolinea tuttavia che sarà suo padre a prendere la decisione di risolvere la vertenza che avvelena le relazioni diplomatiche tra i due Paesi da mesi.

"Mio padre e il suo governo" analizzeranno "le nuove proposte svizzere", dichiara Saif al-Islam Gheddafi in un'intervista pubblicata oggi dal quotidiano romando "Le Matin". Il figlio del colonnello precisa che le discussioni avute con la consigliera federale Micheline Calmy-Rey a margine del Forum economico mondiale (WEF) di Davos (GR) si sono svolte in un'atmosfera "molto buona". >>> ATS | Sabato 31 gennaio 2009

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Eklat in Davos: Erdogans Wutausbruch verrät die neue Türkei

WELT ONLINE: Eigentlich präsentiert sich der türkische Regierungschef Erdogan der Welt gern als Brückenbauer zwischen Ost und West. Mit seinem Wutausbruch gegen Israel hat er dieses Bild jetzt nachhaltig zerstört. Sein Auftritt passt zur Stimmung in der Türkei: Die anti-westliche Grundhaltung hat sich unter Erdogan verstärkt.

Als Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan zu unwirtlich später Stunde in Ankara ankam, erwarteten ihn Tausende begeisterte Anhänger. Mit bengalischem Feuer und Fahnengeschwenke feierten sie "den Sieger von Davos".

Die Türkei hat einen neuen Helden. Sie bewundert ihn, weil er auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos laut rief, dass Israel "barbarische Akte" im Gazastreifen begangen habe, dass Israels Führung lüge; er ist auch ein Held, weil er vor wenigen Wochen sagte, Allahs Strafe werde über den Judenstaat kommen, Israel werde sich selbst zerstören.

Wie bekannt die Szene anmutet. Gab es das nicht schon einmal? Gewiss, als "Eroberer Erdogan" kehrte der Regierungschef im Dezember 2004 genauso umjubelt nach Ankara zurück. Da hatte er allerdings den Beginn der offiziellen EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen in Brüssel ausgehandelt. Die Türkei, so schien es damals, wird westlich.

Nicht der Held ist also neu – sondern es ist eine neue Türkei, und es ist Erdogan, der sie schuf. Das Ergebnis nach vier Jahren Westintegration ist mehr Östlichkeit. Nicht unbedingt in den Gesetzen, die wurden teilweise an EU-Normen angepasst; aber in der Stimmung der Gesellschaft und den Äußerungen ihrer Führer, da ist wenig geblieben, was sich mit Europa identifiziert. >>> Von Boris Kalnoky | Freitag, 30. Januar 2009

TODAY’S ZAMAN: US Mideast Envoy Mitchell Postpones Visit to Turkey

The new US envoy for the Middle East, George Mitchell, has postponed a trip to Turkey that was scheduled to take place on Sunday as part of a regional tour aimed at shoring up the Gaza cease-fire and promoting Israeli-Palestinian peace, Turkish and US officials announced yesterday.

Mitchell, a former US senator and a mediator who helped to resolve the Northern Ireland conflict, was named by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last week to lead US efforts to end the six-decade-long Arab-Israeli conflict.

Mitchell's tour, including visits to Egypt, Israel, the West Bank, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, is scheduled to run through Feb. 3 and is aimed at consolidating the cease-fire that ended Israel's 22-day offensive in the Gaza Strip and to "reinvigorate the peace process."

Mitchell was expected to arrive in İstanbul on Sunday, where he was scheduled to have talks with both Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Foreign Minister Ali Babacan -- who were also originally supposed to return on Sunday from Davos, Switzerland, where they participated in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

US Embassy officials in Ankara cited technical reasons and scheduling conflicts as the reason behind the postponement of Mitchell's visit, with embassy spokesperson Kathryn Schalow being quoted by the Anatolia news agency as saying, "The way the schedule was, [it was] very tight, we have tried very hard to make a trip to Turkey fit in, and it just could not for technical reasons." >>> Today’s Zaman with wires, Ankara | Saturday, January 31, 2009

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can You Imagine How Fraught with Difficulty Having Turkey in the EU Would Be?

Watch BBC video: Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has stormed off the stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos after an argument with Israel's president. >>>

BBC: Turkey's prime minister has stormed off the stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos after a heated debate on Gaza with Israel's president.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan clashed with Shimon Peres, whose voice had risen as he made an impassioned defence of Israel's actions, jabbing his finger.

Mr Erdogan said Mr Peres had spoken so loudly to conceal his "guilt".

He accused the moderator of not allowing him to speak and said he did not think he would return to Davos.

The Turkish PM stressed later that he had left the debate not because of his disagreements with Mr Peres but because he had been given much less time to speak than the Israeli leader.

Turkey is one of the few Muslim countries to have dealings with Israel, but relations have been under strain since the Islamist-rooted AK Party was elected to power in 2002. >>> | Thursday, January 29, 2009

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Erdogan quitte Davos et rentre en héros en Turquie

Le premier ministre turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a été fêté en héros à son retour dans son pays après son éclat face au président israélien Shimon Peres lors du WEF.

Les manifestants brandissaient des drapeaux turcs et palestiniens, ainsi que des banderoles proclamant: "Bienvenue, conquérant de Davos" ou "Monde, regarde notre premier ministre". Des slogans anti-israéliens ont également été scandés. 
L'incident avait éclaté lors d'un débat extrêmement tendu sur Gaza. Dernier orateur à prendre la parole, M. Peres a défendu la politique de son pays avec une rare véhémence, criant par moments dans son micro. >>> ATS | Vendredi 30 Janvier 2009

YAHOO! NEWS: Turkish PM Returns to Hero's Welcome after Gaza Row

ISTANBUL (Reuters) – Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan received a hero's welcome on his return to Istanbul on Friday after accusing Israel of "knowing very well how to kill" during a heated debate at the World Economic Forum.

Erdogan stormed out of a debate on Israel's Gaza offensive on Thursday, and vowed he might never return to the annual gathering of the rich and powerful in Davos.

President Shimon Peres had launched a fiery defense of his country's offensive in Gaza over the past month, and with a raised voice and pointed finger, questioned what Erdogan would do if rockets were fired at Istanbul every night.

"When it comes to killing, you know very well how to kill," Erdogan, visibly angry, responded as he sat next to Peres at the debate, which also included United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and Arab League chief Amr Moussa. >>> By Paul de Bendern | Friday, January 30, 2009

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Good on You, Bibi!

Bibi Netanyahu at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Photo courtesy of Times Online

TIMES ONLINE: Binyamin Netanyahu, the front-runner to become the next Israeli Prime Minister, today warned that Iran’s “100-yard dash” to securing nuclear weapons is a graver danger to the world than the global economic crisis.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, before Israel’s election in 12 days, Mr Netanyahu claimed that Tehran was now close to securing an atomic bomb, and was in a “100-yard dash” to the finish line in the race to obtain the weapon.

Mr Netanyahu said that despite all its intractable problems, the financial and economic crisis would ultimately prove reversible and be beaten by governments and central banks.

But in an ominous alert to world leaders, he said: “What is not reversible is the acquisition of nuclear weapons by a fanatic radical regime committed to a pre-medieval view of the world. Netanyahu: Iran Nuclear Threat Outstrips Economy >>> Gary Duncan, Davos | Thursday, January 29, 2009

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