Showing posts with label Angela Merkel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angela Merkel. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Merkel wirbt in Neujahrsansprache für mehr Zusammenhalt

Die Bundeskanzlerin sagte, 2018 sei ein überaus schwieriges politisches Jahr gewesen. Die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit könnten nur durch Zusammenarbeit über Grenzen hinweg gemeistert werden.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Merkel besucht die Gedenkfeier zur Kristallnacht in Berliner Synagoge

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel nahm am Freitag an einer Gedenkveranstaltung zum 80. Jahrestag der Kristallnacht 1938 in der Synagoge an der Rykestrasse in Berlin teil. Auch Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier war unter den Teilnehmern.

Vom Altar aus sagte Merkel: "Man kann einfach all dieses Leiden nicht in Worte fassen. Ich habe einfach keine Worte. Deshalb spreche ich heute aus einem anderen Grund zu euch."

Die Kristallnacht – abgeleitet von der Bezeichnung "die Nacht des Glasbruchs" – war ein staatlich gefördertes antijüdisches Pogrom, das von den Nazis am 9. und 10. November 1938 initiiert wurde. So benannt ist das Ereignis auch wegen der Zerstörung jüdischen Eigentums während des Pogroms, in dem Synagogen, Schaufenster und Häuser zu Tausenden zerstört wurden.

Rund 30.000 jüdische Männer wurden in derselben Nacht zusammengetrieben und in Konzentrationslager gebracht, über 500 wurden ermordet.

Aufnahmen: ©ZDF

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Erdogan Demands Answers as Macron Urges Sanctions | Al Jazeera English

Saudi Arabia's public prosecutor is due to arrive in Istanbul later on Sunday, to discuss the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Turkish prosecutors want the extradition of 18 suspects, but Saudi Arabia's foreign minister has rejected that call. It all comes at a time of mounting European pressure on Saudi Arabia. German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she and French President Emmanuel Macron are considering a common European Union position on selling arms to Saudi Arabia, following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. But the Saudi foreign minister has dismissed what he described as "hysteria in the media" over the killing - and rejected calls to extradite the suspects. Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher reports from Istanbul.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Angela Merkel Under Fire in Bavaria - BBC Newsnight

Gabriel Gatehouse reports from Bavaria where German Chancellor Angela Merkel has come under fire over her refugee policy.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Krach um Flüchtlinge: Stürzt Merkel? | DW Deutsch

Stürzt Angela Merkel über die Flüchtlingsfrage? Der Angriff aus den Reihen der Schwesterpartei ist der gefährlichste in Merkels gesamter langer Kanzlerschaft. Schafft sie es, mit einer europäischen Lösung ihre Macht zu sichern? Gäste: Anna Sauerbrey (Der Tagesspiegel), Hélène Kohl (freie Korrespondentin), Jörg Quoos (Funke-Mediengruppe)

Thursday, November 23, 2017

After Collapse of Coalition Talks, What's Next for Germany?

"The problem is that many people in Germany are really sick of all the old parties; they don't believe any of them, they're unhappy and dissatisfied," says author and journalist Victor Grossman

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Far-Right Enters Germany's Parliament for First Time in 60 Years

The Alternative for Germany party, which has moved so far right that it includes neo-Nazis, now has a seat at the table. Meanwhile, both the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats lost big, explains TRNN's Shir Hever

Merkel's Bittersweet Election Victory

The German right wing party AfD has been voted into parliament with the third largest share in votes. Many say their surge is due to Angela Merkel's controversial refugee policies, but is it that simple? PBS NewsHour Weekend Special Correspondent Christopher Livesay reports.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Inside Story - The Resurgence of the Right in Germany

She was expected to win, and she did. But Angela Merkel's re-election victory in Germany on Sunday is bittersweet. The Chancellor's Christian Democratic Union won 34 percent of seats in the parliament or Bundestag - that's enough to be the biggest party, but not for a majority government. She'll start talks to build a coalition. At the same time, Merkel's contending with a surge of support for the AfD - the nationalists won the largest far-right representation in parliament since Hitler's Nazis in the 1940s.

For the first time in decades, a right wing party that's opposed her every move has a seat at the political table. Merkel says her party has a clear mandate. How will she govern this time?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: Dietrich Von Kyaw - Former German Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the EU; Thorsten Benner - Director of Global Public Policy Institute; Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian - Contributing Writer, Foreign Policy

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Worlds Apart: German Elections – Harold James, Professor of History and International Affairs

Germany is soon going to the polls for an election that most probably won’t change much, but will mean a whole lot. This is because the country, which once was blamed for destroying Europe, is now tasked with saving it. How well are the Germans coping in balancing their guilt for Europe's past with their sense of responsibility for its future? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by Harold James, Professor of History and International Affairs at Princeton University.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Merkel’s Struggle for Re-election | DW Documentary

Angela Merkel wants to remain chancellor. She continues to defend her decision to allow hundreds of thousands of refugees into Germany despite significant criticism from all sides, including that of her SPD challenger Martin Schulz.

Angela Merkel changed Germany with her refugee policy and over the past few years, hundreds of thousands of people have arrived in the country. The chancellor has been praised but also heavily criticized, especially by right-wing populist AfD party. She’s currently touring Germany and campaigning for her CDU party, all the while meeting vocal opponents but also new supporters, for example many Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans.

Four More Years for Angela Merkel?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Inside Story: Will Germany's Merkel Win a Record Fourth Term?

She has been called calculating and warm, a pragmatist and an idealist. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is a woman of contradictions, but one thing is for sure - she has made a mark on her country and the rest of Europe.

The Chancellor's campaigning for re-election to a fourth term. Voting is on September 24th and for what it is worth, opinion polls say she has a strong lead. But if we have learned anything over the past year, it is that anything can happen in elections. Germany's veteran leader faced her main opponent Martin Schulz in a TV debate last week. He leads the Social Democratic Party which is expected to win second place in parliament.

There has been a close race for third, between the far-right and far-left parties. As Merkel said a month ago, that means there are 'no natural coalitions'.

Will voters forgive Merkel for some of her controversial policies? And how has her long running leadership changed Germany and the EU?

Presenter: Jane Dutton | Guests: Joerg Forbrig - The German Marshall Fund of the United States; Nina Schick - Hanbury Strategy; Bethany Allen Ebrahimian - Foreign Policy magazine

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Merkel Booed, Pelted with Tomatoes on Campaign Trail in Eastern Germany

With September's federal election fast approaching, Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is travelling around the country to drum up support. In spite of her general popularity, she's received quite the hostile response in some areas.