Monday, November 30, 2009

Kommt jetzt die grosse Islam-Debatte? Minarett? Nein danke! Klare Abstimmung, unklare Folgen. Polit-Bern reibt sich die Augen.

Die beiden Väter der siegreichen Initiative: Die SVP-Nationalräte Ulrich Schlüer und Walter Wobmann schütteln sich die Hand. Bild:

Paukenschlag zum ersten Advent: Mit unerwartet deutlichen 57,5 Prozent haben die Schweizer der Initiative «Gegen den Bau von Minaretten» zugestimmt – gegen die Empfehlung von Parlament, Bundesrat, aller Parteien ausser der SVP und den Kirchen.

«Das Verbot ist direkt anwendbar und tritt ab sofort in Kraft», erklärte Justizministerin Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf. Alle Minarette, die heute noch keine rechtskräftige Bewilligung hätten, dürften nicht mehr gebaut werden.

«Das Verbot widerspricht der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention», warnt aber Widmer-Schlumpf. Ein Bauverbot könne deshalb an den Europäischen Menschenrechtshof weitergezogen werden. Erhält die Beschwerde recht, gibt es laut Widmer-Schlumpf nur zwei Möglichkeiten: «Das Verbot müsste erneut vors Volk, oder wir müssten aus dem Europarat austreten.»

Die Väter der Initiative beeindruckt Widmer-Schlumpf damit wenig: «Wir erwarten, dass die Regierung jetzt nicht via ausländische Gerichte das Resultat hintertreibt.» Sie freuen sich über das «fantastische Resultat» >>> Von Nicole Freudiger, Simon Spengler und Hannes Heldstab | Montag, 30. November 2009 Kommentar von Blick-Politik-Chef Clemens Studer: Minarette waren nicht das Problem >>> | Montag, 30. November 2009

Walter Wobmann: Ihr Volksvertreter im Bundeshaus >>>

TIMES ONLINE: Balderdash from The Times >>>

My COMMENT on The Times leader, which, of course, will not be printed!

Rarely have I ever read an article, still less a leader, which is based on such woeful ignorance. The writer misunderstands the nature of Islam and equally disturbingly misunderstands the nature of democracy too.

The Swiss enjoy democratic rights that other Europeans could only dream of, and that is because of their direct democracy. Their direct democracy allows the Swiss to call for a referendum on any issue if enough signatures can be collected from Swiss citizens. (200,000?).

In this case, enough signatures could be collected; and the referendum was held. The Swiss voted on it, and this is the result. The people have spoken. Basta!

It's no use talking up democracy then decrying it when the people give you an answer which you don't want to hear.

I know Switzerland very well indeed. I have lived there for many years. I also know Schwyzertüütsch and German (and French), so I know something about the mentality of the people. Let me assure you that minarets do not sit comfortably in Switzerland, no more than Islam does. Yet, in fairness to the Swiss, Muslims have been welcomed. But clearly there are limits. The minaret is one such limit.

If Muslims continue to live in Switzerland in peace and tranquility, I feel sure there will be no problems. But the Swiss have done what all other Western politicians should have done long ago: They have said you are welcome to work here, as long as you abide by our rules. How can sensible people argue with that?
– © Mark

TIMES ONLINE: More Balderdash from The Times >>>

Here’s my comment which probably won’t get printed:

This article is nothing but balderdash. Hatred of the Swiss. Contempt for democracy. Shame on the 'The Times' for printing such rubbish! – © Mark

VOA: Kouchner Talks Krap on Swiss Referendum >>>

THE TELEGRAPH: Tosh! This Time from The Telegraph: What can Muslims teach the Swiss about tolerance? Churches are totally banned in Saudi Arabia! The Swiss haven’t banned mosques, just minarets. As for the Vatican… it had better remain silent, for there will be no Vatican if Islam gets too strong in Europe >>> | Monday, November 30, 2009