Saturday, November 10, 2018

Doku: ZDF History - Der Erste Weltkrieg in Farbe [HD]

November-Pogrome 1938: Wie wurden aus Nachbarn Todfeinde?

Im November 1938 kommt es zu brutalen Ausschreitungen gegen Juden in Deutschland. Synagogen werden angezündet, jüdische Mitbürger verfolgt und angegriffen. Doch wie wurden aus Nachbarn Todfeinde?

Anfang des 20. Jahrhundert scheinen Juden in der deutschen Gesellschaft angekommen. Aber mit dem 1933 verstaatlichten Judenhass schwingt die Stimmung in der Bevölkerung um. Juden gelten als Sündenböcke, überall wo Unzufriedenheit herrscht. Der bestehende Neid auf die meist erfolgreichen jüdischen Unternehmer wird genutzt, um gezielt ein Feindbild aufzubauen. Die Nationalsozialisten beginnen zunächst damit polnisch-stämmige Juden nach Polen abzuschieben, wo sie jedoch auch nicht aufgenommen werden. Mit dem Attentat auf einen deutschen Diplomaten will der junge Herschel Grynszpan auf die verzweifelte Lage der jüdischen Familien aufmerksam machen. Doch die Propaganda verfälscht die einsame Verzweiflungstat wirkungsvoll zum Angriff einer angeblichen „jüdischen Weltverschwörung“. Es folgt eine bis dahin unvorstellbare Woge der Zerstörung, Brandstiftung, Plünderung bis hin zum Totschlag.

Dieses Video ist eine Produktion des ZDF, Autor: Peter Hartl.

1938 - Die Reichspogromnacht (Kristallnacht)

Merkel besucht die Gedenkfeier zur Kristallnacht in Berliner Synagoge

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel nahm am Freitag an einer Gedenkveranstaltung zum 80. Jahrestag der Kristallnacht 1938 in der Synagoge an der Rykestrasse in Berlin teil. Auch Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier war unter den Teilnehmern.

Vom Altar aus sagte Merkel: "Man kann einfach all dieses Leiden nicht in Worte fassen. Ich habe einfach keine Worte. Deshalb spreche ich heute aus einem anderen Grund zu euch."

Die Kristallnacht – abgeleitet von der Bezeichnung "die Nacht des Glasbruchs" – war ein staatlich gefördertes antijüdisches Pogrom, das von den Nazis am 9. und 10. November 1938 initiiert wurde. So benannt ist das Ereignis auch wegen der Zerstörung jüdischen Eigentums während des Pogroms, in dem Synagogen, Schaufenster und Häuser zu Tausenden zerstört wurden.

Rund 30.000 jüdische Männer wurden in derselben Nacht zusammengetrieben und in Konzentrationslager gebracht, über 500 wurden ermordet.

Aufnahmen: ©ZDF

Lest We Forget! Kristallnacht: Night Of Broken Glass

Kristallnacht Anniversary: "There Has Been a Real Sense of Contrition amongst Germans"

Friday, November 09, 2018

Inside Story - How Close Is the World to Another Global Conflict? | Inside Story

It was the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th month -- and became a pivotal moment in world history. It marked the armistice agreement that officially ended the First World War in 1918.

This weekend, 100 Years later, leaders from more than 50 countries are gathering in France for commemorative events; but the solemn occasion is being overshadowed by deep divisions between trans-Atlantic allies.

This week, the French President called for a 'European army' to defend itself from potential threats from nations such as Russia, China and, remarkably, the United States. Emmanuel Macron's global philosophy is at odds with U.S. President Donald Trump's nationalist, America First agenda.

A century after what is also called the Great War, there's another conflict looming - one of world visions. How stark are the divisions between the ideologies of Trump and Macron?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests: Theresa Fallon, Director of Centre for Russia Europe Asia Studies (CREAS); David Lees, Lecturer in French Studies at Warwick University and Co-editor of “Contemporary France”; Thorsten Benner, Director of the Global Public Policy Institute

The End of American Exceptionalism

“We don’t look after each other at all,” says Jeffrey Sachs on America today. Jeffrey Sachs sits down with Rob Johnson to discuss his new book, A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism (Columbia University Press, 2018).

USA - Trump and the Midterms | DW Documentary | Trump Documentary

The US midterm elections have arrived. Has Trump fulfilled voters’ expectations since being elected president two years ago? [Online until: 07.12.2018]

The deadly shooting attack by a right-wing extremist on a synagogue in Pittsburgh and the letter bombs addressed by a Donald Trump supporter to former US president Barack Obama and others, have caused consternation in America. The attacks, coming just ahead of the midterm congressional elections on 6 November, demonstrate how polarized and poisonous the political atmosphere in the US has become. In our documentary, Ernst Kernmayer asks factory workers, who made a major contribution to the election of Donald trump two years ago, whether their expectations have been fulfilled. He enquires from farmers, who are footing the bill for the trade disputes with China, whether having Trump as president is a good thing, after all. And he meets Lindsay James, one of many women who feel they have to take a stand against Trump. She is running for one of Iowa’s seats in the House of Representatives.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Antisemitism in Europe | DW Documentary

Has antisemitism returned to Europe? Our documentary asks: what is it like to be a Jew in Germany, Poland and France today?

Fear has returned to Europe. Jewish people are afraid of attacks in the street and their children report bullying at school. Cemeteries have been desecrated and hate slogans chanted at parades. Reporters Andreas Morell and Johanna Hasse set out to investigate Europe’s reawakened nationalism and find rising anti-Semitism, especially in Poland. Why does anti-Semitism still exist in society? Why are some prejudices apparently impossible to eradicate? France has even witnessed violent attacks against Jews in recent years, which has led to an increase in emigration of French Jews to Israel. The finger of blame for this new anti-Semitism is usually pointed at Muslims. Morell and Hasse talk to historians and philosophers such as Georges Bensoussan and Elisabeth Badinter, as well as with Rabbi Michel Serfaty, who has tried to mediate between the religions for many years. But when they return to Germany, they realize the same problems exist here too. Perhaps Germany has been too preoccupied with finding solutions and dealing with the idea that anti-Semitism is an immutable problem instead of a social challenge to be confronted. The documentary is an inventory of anti-Semitism in Europe, a film about people caught between despair and hope, and resignation and resistance.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — November 8, 2018

Lawrence: Democrats Win, President Donald Trump Panics | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence sums up the victory for Democrats and democracy, after American voters rose up in resistance to the Trump presidency.

Monday, November 05, 2018

How Jesus Became God - An Interview With Bart Ehrman

An interview excerpt with author, New Testament scholar, and Professor of Religious Studies Bart D. Ehrman.

Misquoting Jesus

Best-selling author and New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman picks apart the Gospels that made him a disbeliever and discusses problems with "The Da Vinci Code." Ehrman gave the 2006 Luther H. Harshbarger Lecture in Religious Studies at Penn State.

How the US Media Became the 'Enemy of the People' | The Listening Post

Saturday, November 03, 2018

Lisbon - What Makes Portugal's Capital City So Attractive? | DW Documentary

Who Will Be Worst Hit by US Sanctions on Iran? | Inside Story

US President teased his 55 million Twitter followers about his latest action against Iran in the style of a Hollywood movie poster - a picture of him with the words: Sanctions are Coming.

But Donald Trump's taunt wasn't a joke - and it's expected there'll be real life consequences for millions of Iranians. The strict economic and trade penalties come into effect on Monday. The White House says the aim is to force Iran to abandon what it calls its "destructive" behaviour in the Middle East.

But the move's been condemned by Russia, China, and many European allies. International investigators say Tehran is complying with the terms of the 2015 nuclear agreement.

As Trump keeps his promise to punish Iran, could the new tough measures end up hurting the Iranian people the most?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests: Francois Nicoullaud, former French ambassador to Iran; Mohammad Eslami, columnist and political researcher; Drew Liquerman, Republicans Overseas UK

Will the Body of the Saudi Journalist Ever Be Found? | Inside Story

It's a month to the day since Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul - and was never seen again.

What happened to the Saudi Arabian journalist and critic of the Saudi Crown Prince has been the subject of denials, official leaks, presidential speeches, changing Saudi narrative, and global outrage.

His killing has caused countries world-wide to reexamine their relationship with the Kingdom, especially the United States.

Donald Trump's response has kept shifting.

One thing has remained constant: his commitment to the US-Saudi relationship - and the billions of dollars in oil and weapons sales it brings. So, where do things go from here?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie | Guests: Mehmet Celik - Political analyst, Political News Editor, Daily Sabah newspaper; Selva Tor - International Financial Security Expert and International Strategist; Ahmet Kasım Han - Altinbas University