Monday, February 13, 2017

Paris' Banlieues Are Burning

Flynn On Thin Ice after Turbulent Few Days

National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is on shaky ground with President Trump over Flynn's inability to deny that he spoke about sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.

'The EU Has Not Kept Its Promises to Turkey'

Joe Takes Stephen Miller 'To School' On Law | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Morning Joe panel continues its conversation on Trump senior advisor Stephen Miller and Miller's shocking interviews on the Sunday news talk shows.

French Election Contender Macron Is Russian 'Fake News' Target - Party Chief

French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron is a 'fake news' target of Russian media and his campaign is facing thousands of cyber attacks, his party chief said Monday. Mia Womersley reports.

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"Trump and I See Eye-to-Eye": Netanyahu

On the eve of his trip to meet U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington, DC, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he and Trump see "eye-to-eye" on both the dangers and opportunities

Watch the video here

Bernie Sanders Full Interview: President Trump Is A 'Pathological Liar' | Meet The Press | NBC News

In an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) tells Chuck Todd that he would like the Democratic Party to be more open to voters.

White House Adviser Stephen Miller: A Single Judge 'Cannot Make Immigration Law' | Meet The Press | NBC News

On Meet the Press, White House Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller argues that immigration policy should be made by the executive branch.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Holocaust Survivor: Ester Fiszgop Testimony

Wilders will Islam aus Niederlanden „vertreiben“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Den Koran vergleicht er mit Hitlers „Mein Kampf“, Moscheen mit „Nazi-Tempeln“: Mit verstörenden Aussagen deckt der niederländische Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders auf, wie er im Falle eines Wahlsieges mit dem Islam umzugehen gedenkt.

Der niederländische Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders will sich nach einem Wahlsieg seiner Partei im März für ein weitgehendes Verbot des Islam in seinem Land stark machen. „Die islamische Ideologie ist womöglich noch gefährlicher als der Nationalsozialismus“, sagte der Politiker im niederländischen Fernsehen am Sonntag in Den Haag. Er forderte abermals ein Verbot des Korans und die Schließung der Moscheen. » | Quelle: dpa | Sontag, 12. Februar 2017

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Muslim Students On Trump Ban: 'I Don't Belong Here'

BBC: Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian and Pakistani students in the US react to President Donald Trump's executive order banning people from seven countries. (+ BBC video) » | Wednesday, February 1, 2017

US Preacher's Warning to Islamic Militants: 'The Women of Montana Are Armed'

BBC: Donald Trump's travel ban against immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries have caused controversy around the world - but one poll shows a majority of Americans support the move.

They certainly agree with Trump's stance in the state of Montana, where officials and residents have fought against efforts to resettle refugees.

Aleem Maqbool reports. (+ BBC video) » | Thursday, February 9, 2017

États-Unis : première vague d'expulsions de sans-papiers

LE POINT: Les autorités américaines ont arrêté et expulsé des centaines de clandestins lors d'opérations qui ont créé la panique dans les communautés d'immigrés.

Les autorités américaines ont arrêté et expulsé plusieurs centaines de sans-papiers considérés comme prioritaires, la semaine passée, lors d'opérations présentées comme routinières, mais qui ont créé la panique dans les communautés d'immigrés à travers les États-Unis. Les opérations des agents de ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), l'agence fédérale spécialisée dans les reconduites à la frontière, ont ciblé des foyers d'immigrés clandestins à Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Austin et d'autres villes. "Les objectifs de ces opérations ne diffèrent pas des arrestations ciblées et de routine conduites quotidiennement par les équipes de recherche de fugitifs", a déclaré la porte-parole d'ICE, Jennifer Elzea, à l'Agence France-Presse. » | Source AFP | samedi 11 février 2017

Holocaust Survivor: Margaret Lambert Testimony

Russia Considering Edward Snowden As ‘Gift’ To President Trump (Exclusive) | NBC Nightly News

Intel sources tell NBC News that offering Edward Snowden would be part of an ongoing Russian campaign to disrupt the American system, as they did during the election.

Trevor Noah: 'Any Leader Tweeting Policy Is Ridiculous' - Talk to Al Jazeera

Russia 'Considering Handing Edward Snowden to the US as a Gift to Trump'

THE TELEGRAPH: Vladimir Putin is reportedly considering handing Edward Snowden over to the US in an effort to “curry favour” with Donald Trump - who has branded the NSA leaker a “traitor” and called for his execution.

US intelligence has intercepted evidence of high-level discussions within the Russian government over the potential benefits for Moscow of sending Mr Snowden back to the US to face trial, according to NBC News. » | Raf Sanchez and David Millward | Saturday, February 11, 2017

John Sweeney Meets Geert Wilders - BBC Newsnight

Populist parties are growing in strength across Europe - emboldened by both Brexit and Trump. There's Marine Le Pen and the National Front in France of course. But there's a critical election before that: next month, in Holland. Geert Wilders - who leads the anti Muslim Freedom Party is hoping to top the ballot. He wants to take them out of the EU, and to 'de-islamise the Netherlands' with a ban on immigration from Muslim countries. In 2016 he was convicted of inciting discrimination. The Dutch coalition system means it's unlikely Wilders will be crowned Prime Minister. But he could end up leading the largest party which would chill European centrists and boost other populist movements throughout the continent. We sent John Sweeney in pursuit.

'America first'? Trump Hits Nordstrom for Dropping Ivanka's Brand