Thursday, June 17, 2021

G7 - Benny Hill Showcases ‘Global Britain’ to World Leaders at the Seaside

The G7 meeting which took place in Cornwall last week was meant to be the moment when Boris Johnson could showcase ‘Global Britain’ to the American president Joe Biden and the EU leaders from whose shackles Britain had finally broken free. Instead we saw a hapless disorganised indecisive and rather scruffy individual apparently unaware of the dislike others present feel for him. Despite a huge surge in coronavirus cases and the worst performing economy in the G7 the prime minister remains as popular as ever.

The Catholic Church is a Force for Good in the World - Full Version (2015)

Großbritannien: Ex-Regierungsberater Cummings attackiert Boris Johnson erneut

ZEIT ONLINE: Der Streit zwischen Dominic Cummings und Boris Johnson geht weiter. Der Ex-Berater wirft dem Premier Versagen in der Pandemie vor und veröffentlicht private Chats.

Dominic Cummings, der frühere Berater der Regierung von Boris Johnson, erhebt erneut schwere Vorwürfe gegen den britischen Premier. In einem Beitrag auf seiner Internetseite wirft er der Regierung vor, die Wahrheit zu verdrehen und ihre Entscheidungen in der Corona-Pandemie nachträglich schön zu reden. Aus der Downing Street gibt es bisher keine Reaktion. » | Quelle: ZEIT ONLINE, AFP, dpa, gut | Mittwoch, 16 Juni 2021

Pour Vladimir Poutine, la rencontre avec Joe Biden a été « constructive »

LE POINT : L’échange entre les deux chefs d'État s’annonçait âpre et tendu. « Il n’y avait aucune animosité », a assuré le président russe, ce mercredi.

Le premier sommet entre Joe Biden et Vladimir Poutine a été un peu plus court que prévu. La rencontre entre le président américain et son homologue russe a pris fin à 17 h 05 (15 h 05 GMT) à Genève, ce mercredi 16 juin. Les deux chefs d'État se sont serré la main brièvement avant de commencer leurs discussions peu après 13 h 30 à la Villa La Grange, au bord du lac Léman. À l'issue de leur échange, ils ont donné des conférences de presse séparément, avant de repartir pour Moscou et Washington. De son côté, l'homme fort du Kremlin a jugé la rencontre avec le chef d'État américain « constructive », tout en assurant qu'il n'y avait eu « aucune animosité ». Joe Biden a indiqué que la tonalité du sommet avait été « positive », mais a assuré l'avoir mis en garde contre toute interférence dans les élections américaines. » | Source AFP | Publié : mercredi 16 juin 2021 – Modifié : jeudi 17 juin 2021

A Hongkong, cinq responsables du journal prodémocratie « Apple Daily » arrêtés

LE MONDE : Une descente a eu lieu jeudi dans les locaux du quotidien. Son rédacteur en chef, Ryan Law, a été arrêté.

Cinq responsables du journal prodémocratie de Hongkong Apple Daily, dont son rédacteur en chef Ryan Law, ont été arrêtés jeudi 17 juin en vertu de la loi de sécurité nationale, ont annoncé la police et le média.

Les cinq dirigeants ont été arrêtés au cours d’une descente dans les locaux du média « pour collusion avec un pays étranger ou avec des éléments externes visant à mettre en danger la sécurité nationale », a fait savoir la police de Hongkong dans un communiqué. Apple Daily a précisé que M. Law figurait parmi les personnes interpellées.

« Tous sont des dirigeants d’Apple Daily. Ils connaissent donc très bien les activités quotidiennes de l’entreprise », a déclaré à la presse le commissaire principal, Steve Li. » | Le Monde avec AFP et Reuters | jeudi 17 juin 2021

The Guardian View on Post-Brexit Trade: Counting the Wrong Things

THE GUARDIAN: The government’s obstinate refusal to treat the EU as a valued trading partner is making Britain poorer

The agreement reached with Australia this week is celebrated by the UK government as a landmark trade deal – the first that isn’t a rollover of old European Union membership terms. But that honour surely belongs to a treaty that was signed by Boris Johnson in December 2020. It is the trade and cooperation agreement (TCA) covering the exchange of goods between Britain and 27 other nations.

But those nations constitute the European single market, which Mr Johnson does not appear to count as a valuable trading partner, despite its proximity.

Disruption caused by the pandemic makes it hard to measure the impact of Brexit. Treasury analysis from 2018 estimated the long-term cost of a deal along the lines of the one concluded by Mr Johnson at around 5% of GDP. In March this year, the Office for Budget Responsibility estimated that the fall in trade with the EU under the TCA would shave around 0.5% from GDP in the first quarter of 2021. And that is at a time when “grace periods” are still easing border friction. » | Editorial | Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Inside The Radicalization of Fox News | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Author and Journalist Brian Stelter joins Mehdi to discuss the rapid evolution of Fox News and its symbiotic relationship with the Republican Party.

The Mehdi Hasan Show: Insightful reporting and probing interviews that examine the day's events and provide a deeper level of context for the politics of our interconnected society.

FoxNews is an appalling network! It’s an extreme, right-wing outlet spewing ridiculous, manipulating propaganda to the unthinking masses. As a direct result of Brexit, we now have sh*t like that being broadcast here in the UK! So, the minds of Brits will be further polluted by the extreme right-wing one percenters who will make a killing out of steering the masses away from rational thought. This is a very sad state of affairs. – ©Mark

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Web Exclusive Interview (2013): 5 "Ex-Gay" Survivors Share Their Stories | Our America with Lisa Ling | OWN

Just weeks before Exodus International announced that they are closing their organization for good, a group of survivors of ex-gay "reparative therapy" confronted Alan Chambers, the leader of Exodus, to tell him their stories of secrecy, guilt, and liberation. From former pastors who reveal the trauma of losing their jobs, to people's broken marriages and suicidal thoughts, watch highlights from their deeply personal conversation that didn't make it into the episode. For more on #Our America with Lisa Ling, visit

Find OWN on TV »

Jean Castex annonce la fin du port du masque à l’extérieur jeudi

LE POINT: Dès le 20 juin, les Français ne seront plus soumis au couvre-feu, alors qu’il devait être levé le 30 juin, a également annoncé le Premier ministre ce mercredi.

C'est officiel : le port du masque n'est plus obligatoire en extérieur à compter de ce jeudi, sauf dans les lieux clos, les magasins ou encore les transports. Dans les cours de récré, le port du masque restera néanmoins obligatoire, a fait savoir Matignon auprès de BFMTV. Cette mesure sera bien prise « sans délai ». « Les arrêtés préfectoraux qui régissent le port du masque en extérieur seront donc modifiés dès demain », a annoncé Jean Castex, le Premier ministre, à l'issue du conseil des ministres ce mercredi 16 juin. Le couvre-feu sera, quant à lui, levé ce dimanche 20 juin, soit 10 jours avant la date avancée au départ. » | Source AFP | mercredi 16 juin 2021

Fighting Race, Religion and Class to Find Acceptance as a Gay Muslim Man in Modern Britain (2020)

Mohsin Zaidi grew up in a devout Muslim community in a deprived area of East London.

Struggling with his sexuality, he felt isolated from his family, but found a love for education and became the first person from his school to go to Oxford University.

He went on to work at the UN and the UK's Supreme Court, and today is a criminal barrister in one of the country's top chambers, often working on high profile cases.

He is also an advocate of LGBT rights and BAME representation, and has a new book telling his story: 'A Dutiful Boy: A Memoir of a Gay Muslim's Journey to Acceptance'.

NZZ Standpunkte : Corona-Ursprung in China: Kein Zufall | Sinologin Mareike Ohlberg

Nach wie vor ist der Ursprung von Covid-19 nicht vollständig geklärt. Dennoch ist es für Experten nicht unbedingt überraschend, dass das Virus in China ausbrach. Das enge Zusammenleben von Mensch und Tier sowie die unregulierten Märkte befördern die Ausbreitung, wie auch schon frühere Erfahrungen, etwa mit SARS gezeigt haben. Einen komischen Beigeschmack haben jedoch Chinas Versuche, eine unabhängige Untersuchung zu unterbinden. Versucht die Regierung, etwas zu vertuschen?

NZZ-Chefredaktor Eric Gujer und die Politikphilosophin Katja Gentinetta unterhalten sich mit der Ostasien-Expertin Mareike Ohlberg über die Entwicklung Chinas unter Corona.

Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey - When You Believe (Official HD Video)

"When You Believe" by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey from The Prince of Egypt

Hundreds of Thousands of EU Citizens in UK Risk Uncertain Status from 1 July

THE GUARDIAN: Deadline to apply for settled status two weeks away, as academics warn that vulnerable groups face loss of rights

Academics are sounding the alarm about the hundreds of thousands of EU citizens in the UK who face falling into legal limbo on 1 July with their right to rent a home, work or continue in retirement at risk.

With just 13 days to go before the government’s deadline for EU and EEA nationals and their children to apply for settled or pre-settled status, a report from UK in a Changing Europe warns of the dangers ahead for those who do not apply by 30 June.

The academic campaign group is concerned that some who have applied but are still awaiting a decision from the Home Office – including children and the retired – could face difficulties if they cannot prove their status when they try to access the NHS or travel. » | Lisa O'Carroll, Brexit correspondent | Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Jared Kushner Agrees Book Deal for ‘Definitive’ Account of Trump Presidency

THE GUARDIAN: The untitled memoir by the president’s son-in-law will be published in 2022

Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of former president Donald Trump and a senior adviser in his administration, has secured a book deal to recount Trump’s presidency.

Broadside Books, a conservative imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, announced that Kushner’s book will come out in early 2022. Kushner has begun working on the memoir, currently untitled, and is expected to write about everything from the Middle East to criminal justice reform to the pandemic. Financial terms were not disclosed.

The signing of the Kushner deal comes amid a debate in the book industry over which Trump officials, notably Trump himself, can be taken on without starting a revolt at the publishing house. Thousands of Simon & Schuster employees and authors signed an open letter this spring condemning the publisher’s decision to sign up former vice-president Mike Pence. » | Associated Press | Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Brands Pull Ads from GB News TV Channel over Content Concerns

THE GUARDIAN: Ikea, Grolsch and Kopparberg have suspended adverts due to station’s perceived conflict with their values

GB News, the television channel that launched this week with backing from pro-Brexit tycoons and a mission to produce “anti-woke” US-style news content, is facing an advertiser backlash after big consumer brands including Ikea, Nivea and Grolsch said they would pull their adverts from the network.

Fronted by a clutch of familiar names including the former BBC and Sky presenters Andrew Neil and Kirsty Gallacher, GB News, which launched on Sunday evening, is pitching itself as an alternative to the mainstream media with a focus on generating opinion and controversy, rather than original reporting.

However, activists are already calling for boycotts of brands that advertise on the channel, on the grounds that they believe it is hoping to monetise divisive political issues and to push the boundaries of UK TV news regulations, which require politically balanced broadcasts. » | Jasper Jolly | Tuesday, June 15, 2021

How GB News is bringing US-style opinionated TV news to the UK »

Hungary Passes Law Banning LGBT Content in Schools

THE GUARDIAN: New legislation outlaws sharing information seen as promoting homosexuality with under-18s

Hungary’s parliament has passed a law banning LGBT content in schools, as Viktor Orbán’s ruling party intensified its campaign against gay rights.

The national assembly passed the legislation by 157 votes to one, after MPs in the ruling Fidesz party ignored a last-minute plea by one of Europe’s leading human rights officials to abandon the plan as “an affront against the rights and identities of LGBTI persons”.

Despite a boycott of the vote by some opposition politicians, the outcome was never in doubt, as Fidesz has a healthy majority and the plans were supported by the far-right Jobbik party.

The measures have been likened by critics to Russia’s 2013 law against “gay propaganda” that independent monitors say has increased social hostility and fuelled vigilante attacks against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the EU country’s eastern neighbour. » | Jennifer Rankin in Brussels | Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Can Brazil Survive Bolsonaro? | The Economist

Since coming to power President Jair Bolsonaro has shaken democracy, accelerated deforestation in the Amazon and played down the danger of the coronavirus pandemic, with calamitous results. Could Brazil survive another four years of his leadership?

Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Widespread in Top Makeup Brands, Study Finds

THE GUARDIAN: Researchers find signs of PFAS in over half of 231 samples of products including lipstick, mascara and foundation

Toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” are widely used in cosmetics produced by major brands in the US and Canada, a new study that tested for the chemicals in hundreds of products found.

The peer-reviewed study, published in Environmental Science & Technology, detected what the study’s authors characterized as “high” levels of organic fluorine, an indicator of PFAS, in over half of 231 makeup and personal care samples. That includes lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, foundation, concealer, lip balm, blush, nail polish and more.

The products that most frequently contain high levels of fluorine include waterproof mascara (82% of brands tested), foundations (63%) and liquid lipstick (62%). » | Tom Perkins | Tuesday, June 15, 2021

NATO Declares China 'A Systematic Challenge to the Global Order' | DW News

NATO leaders had branded China a security risk to the alliance and criticized its "opaque" weapons development programs. "China's stated ambitions and assertive behavior present systemic challenges to the rules-based international order and to areas relevant to alliance security," NATO leaders had said in a communique. The final communique was NATO's first change of focus for an alliance created to defend Europe from the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

China on Tuesday accused NATO of "creating confrontations" after the alliance's members pledged to cooperate to counter "systemic challenges" posed by Beijing's policies. In a statement, the Chinese Mission to the European Union called for NATO to "view China's development rationally, stop exaggerating various forms of 'China threat theory' and not to use China's legitimate interests and legal rights as excuses for manipulating group politics [while] artificially creating confrontations."

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg spoke about Chinese investment in Western infrastructure, likely referring to Chinese projects in Africa and a row over 5G networks built by Chinese telecoms giant Huawei. "China is coming closer to us. We see them in cyberspace, we see China in Africa, but we also see China investing heavily in our own critical infrastructure," Stoltenberg said. "We need to respond together as an alliance." However, Stoltenberg earlier stressed that: "We're not entering a new Cold War and China is not our adversary, not our enemy."

Joe Biden, who was attending the alliance's summit for the first time as president of the United States, urged his fellow NATO leaders to stand up to China's authoritarianism. Over the weekend, Biden and his fellow G7 leaders also scolded China over its human rights record, called for Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy and demanded a probe into the origins of the coronavirus in China. The G7 also announced a new infrastructure fund which Biden said would be "much more equitable" than China's Belt and Road Initiative.