Friday, June 04, 2021

Right-wing Populists and the EU | DW Documentary (2019)

2019 looks to be a good year for right-wing populists in Europe. Be it Italy, France, Hungary, Poland or Germany, many European countries are experiencing a shift to the right. Right-wing populists are expected to make significant gains in the European Parliament elections this spring.

Right-leaning party representatives have an agenda: they want to dismantle to the European Union. Guido Reil of Germany’s AfD party believes the best way to do that is by going to Brussels. "It is easier to destroy something from the inside than from the outside." Joseph Sauvage, a cafe owner in Denain in northern France, backs Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National party, because he doesn't want to see people in Denain abandoned. "When the factories closed, the small shops closed. There is nothing here, economically speaking. No work. It’s also changed politically. It used to be communist. But that changed with the end of opportunities for the working class." His view of migration has also changed. "Immigrants are entitled to the same social benefits without ever having worked here." Like Joseph Sauvage, Luca Davide, a member of Italy’s Northern League party, says he's had enough of living in a run-down block in a small city full of foreigners. "We don't need drug dealers, we don't need illegals! We just want to live here in peace and safety." In early February 2018, a right-wing supporter targeted Africans in a drive-by shooting rampage. According to Northern League leader Matteo Salvini, the EU shares "moral responsibility” for the act because it "filled the country with illegal foreigners." Messages like these are met with support. Evidence of just how a state’s society and institutions change when right-wing populists come to power is evident in Hungary. Many judges, organizations that support refugees or human rights, scientists, and journalists speak of massive restrictions in Orban's "illiberal democracy". But a lot of young Hungarians starting to push back.

German Cardinal’s Resignation Offer Sends Shockwaves through the Catholic Church | DW News

Germany's most senior cleric has offered his resignation to Pope Francis. Munich's Cardinal Reinhard Marx said that he wanted to share responsibility for what he called the "catastrophe of sexual abuse" by members of the Catholic church.

Marx has long been a leading voice in the call for church reforms. Those calls have been growing louder as sex abuse investigations revealed a decades-long cover-up by the clergy. Marx said investigations and reports of the past 10 years showed him there had not only been "a lot of personal failure and administrative errors," but "also institutional and systemic failure" within the Catholic Church.

Recent discussions had shown "that some in the church do not want to acknowledge this element of co-responsibility and thus also complicity of the institution and are therefore opposed to any reform and renewal dialogue in connection with the abuse crisis," he wrote in a letter to the pope dated May 21 and published on Friday by his archdiocese in Munich.

The archdiocese said in its press release on the issue that Pope Francis had since responded to Cardinal Marx, telling him that he could make the letter public, and to remain in his role until he received an answer.

Grèce : vrai départ pour la loi anti-tabac ?

Le dispositif législatif était resté jusque-là lettre morte.…

Grèce : vrai départ pour la loi anti-tabac ? »

How Canada Became a Country of Smokers | The Agenda

Daniel Robinson's new book, "Cigarette Nation," draws a link between cigarette marketing strategies of the 1950s and today's global pandemic and examines the history of smoking to discover why Canadians continued to light up despite the health risks. Robinson, a historian and associate professor in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies at the Western University, discusses his research.

Australia’s Mouse Plague

Families and farmers in New South Wales are doing everything they can to fend off a biblical incursion of rodents. Guardian Australia’s Matilda Boseley has spent months reporting on the story – and hearing the experiences of those who have been affected

Listen to the podcast HERE »

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Want to Live to 100? Dan Buettner Tells You How | Amanpour and Company

Dan Buettner is a National Geographic fellow and founder of The Blue Zones Project, a well-being improvement initiative launched in over 40 cities across the United States. It also inspired a cookbook called “The Blue Zones Kitchen,” based on the diet of people who live in these zones living long and healthy lives. Buettner tells Hari exactly what makes these places so special to him. Originally aired on January 17, 2020.

3 Dinge die Dein Leben verlängern! - Ein Arzt packt aus und verrät, worauf es wirklich ankommt

Wer möchte es nicht: ein möglichst langes und gesundes Leben führen. Und tatsächlich gibt es einen Haufen Angebote, die das bewerkstelligen sollen. Nur: Welche davon sind sinnvoll, und worauf kommt es wirklich an? Das verrät der Arzt und Bestsellerautor Dr. Gerd Reuther im Gespräch mit Robert Fleischer bei Welt im Wandel.TV.

Israel May Have Avoided a Fifth Election and Ended Up with Two Prime Ministers | ABC News

A deal between rivals announced in the nick of time may have sealed the fate of Israel's longest-serving prime minister, with a power-sharing arrangement announced that would oust him from government.

Israeli Opposition Parties Strike Deal to Form New Government | DW News

An unlikely coalition of disparate Israeli opposition parties struck a deal on Wednesday night to form a government. The agreement could potentially resolve an extended period of political deadlock and force beleaguered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from the political stage after 12 years in office. Yair Lapid, a centrist, and Naftali Bennett, an ultranationalist, announced the deal after they succeeded in cobbling together a coalition government with a number of parties from across the political spectrum. Lapid managed to pull together signatures from seven parties signaling their willingness to form a coalition shortly before his mandate to form a new government expired at midnight.

Lapid has officially informed President Rivlin that he has the backing of the majority of the Knesset to form a cabinet — over two months after the March 23 election. The new government could face a vote of confidence in Israel's Knesset parliament sometime before next Wednesday unless Lapid asks for time to negotiate any disagreements before parties sign on to a binding coalition. Such a move would delay the vote by another week and give parties time to iron out any disagreements about the policies and appointments of the new government. It is expected that Netanyahu, the country's longest-serving prime minister, will attempt to bring lawmakers from the coalition over to his side. Unless the newly formed coalition collapses before being sworn in, Netanyahu's 12-year stint in the top job will come to an end.

Die unglaubliche Wahrheit: Das musst Du wissen, wenn Du zum Arzt gehst - Ein Mediziner packt aus!

Der Medizinethiker Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio fordert einen radikalen Umbruch im Medizinsektor. Denn viele Ärzte sind von wirtschaftlichen Zwängen getrieben - der Mensch, der Patient und seine Krankheit geraten dabei aus dem Fokus. Die Verwirtschaftlichung eines eigentlich sozialen Bereiches - der Medizin - schadet den Patienten. Der Fehler liegt im System: So erhalten Ärzte beispielsweise nur eine Pauschale von etwa 100 € pro Quartal für alle Gespräche mit ihren Patienten. Geld verdienen sie nur durch mehr oder weniger notwendige Behandlungen. Im Gespräch mit Robert Fleischer schildert Prof. Mayo die Abgründe des deutschen Medizinsystems, in dem die Behandlung eines Patienten davon abhängt, wie profitabel seine Genesung ist.

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio ist Direktor des Instituts für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin an der Uni Freiburg, Mitglied der zentralen Ethik-Kommission für Stammzellenforschung, Mitglied des Ausschusses für ethische und juristische Grundsatzfragen der Bundesärztekammer und seit 2010 ständiger Berater der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz.

Psychiatrist: ‘Donald Trump Is Delusional’ Even Out of Office

Dr. Lance Dodes, retired Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss Donald Trump reportedly making false claims that he will be “reinstated” as president by August and why “lack of power is the thing Trump can’t stand and doesn’t acknowledge.”

‘It’s Dehumanizing’: Texas Valedictorian Goes Off Script to Attack Abortion Ban

THE GUARDIAN: Paxton Smith criticizes near-total ban that makes no exception for rape or incest

The valedictorian at a Texas high school went off script while delivering her graduation speech, criticising the state’s extreme abortion ban in an address that has since been widely shared on social media.

School administrators had signed off on Paxton Smith’s pre-written speech on how TV and media have shaped her worldview. But, when it came time to address the graduating class of Lake Highlands high school, she pivoted.

“In light of recent events, it feels wrong to talk about anything but what is currently affecting me and millions of other women in this state,” she said, her voice shaking as she began. » | Maanvi Singh | Thursday, June 3, 2021

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Opinion: France Is Becoming More Like America. It’s Terrible.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: PARIS — It’s become a familiar refrain in French political life. From President Emmanuel Macron and his cabinet to the far-right opposition, from print columnists to talking heads, “Americanization” is increasingly held responsible for a whole set of social ills ailing the nation.

For some of these critics, it’s the reason so many young people — adopting the view of Black Lives Matter activists — believe police violence is a problem. For others, it explains why the quality of academic research is in decline, as fanciful ideas concocted on American college campuses like intersectionality and post-colonialism supposedly flourish. To others still, it’s why people can’t speak their mind anymore, suffocated by the threats of “ cancel culture.”

Perhaps the most common gripe is that ideas and practices imported from the United States are making the French obsessed with ethnic , religious and sexual difference at the expense of their shared identity as citizens of the universal Republic.

They’re not wrong: French politics are, in fact, becoming Americanized. But the problem is not left-wing theories or censorious scolds. It is instead the rise of an insular, nationalistic, right-wing discourse driven by a belligerent style of press coverage. Distinctively French in content, the form this discourse takes — grievance-wallowing hosts conjuring embittered conversations about national decline, immigration and religion — follows America’s lead. As in the United States, the result is a degraded political landscape that empowers the far right, dragging mainstream politicians into its orbit. » | Cole Stangler * | Wednesday, June 2, 2021

* Mr. Stangler is a journalist based in France who writes extensively about the country’s politics and culture.

Finding the Cure for Dementia | 60 Minutes Australia

Listet Fehler und Versäumnisse der Medizingeschichte auf | Dr. Gerd Reuther | Radiologe | SWR1 Leute

„Ich bin aus dem Medizinbetrieb ausgestiegen, weil meine Zweifel zunehmend gewachsen sind und ich kein Erfüllungsgehilfe mehr für schlechte Medizin sein wollte!“ Gerd Reuther hat 30 Jahre in verschiedenen Kliniken als Radiologe gearbeitet, um sich dann aus einem System zu verabschieden, das er für grundlegend renovierungsbedürftig hält. Das geht für ihn bei sinnlosen und überflüssigen Operationen los und endet bei einer dramatischen Über-Medikamentierung der Patienten. In seinem neuen Buch „Heilung Nebensache" blickt Reuther kritisch auf 2500 Jahre Europäische Medizingeschichte zurück. Moderation: Wolfgang Heim

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Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey - When You Believe

Whitney Houston - Hold Me

Das Geschäft mit der Krankheit: Das solltest Du wissen, bevor Du zum Arzt gehst - Dr. Gerd Reuther

Der Radiologe Dr. med. Gerd Reuther erklärt im Gespräch mit Sabine Linek, warum Menschen in Gefahr sind, wenn sie sich in medizinische Behandlung begeben. Jährlich sterben in deutschen Kliniken rund 18.800 Menschen durch Behandlungsfehler. Das sind etwa fünfmal so viele Todesfälle wie im Straßenverkehr. Doch Dr. Gerd Reuther, geht noch weiter: Die Dunkelziffer der Todesopfer von Ärzten dürfte sogar noch deutlich höher liegen. Seine Recherchen hat der Arzt in dem vielbeachteten SPIEGEL-Bestseller „Der betrogene Patient“ zusammengefasst und gibt hier im Gespräch wichtige Ratschläge.

Was dieser Spezialist über Medikamente zu sagen hat sollte gar nicht verpaßt sein! Er spricht über Vieles Klartext. Was er über Medikamente für hohen Blutdruck, Blutverdünnungsmittel, Beta Blocker, und vieles Andere zu sagen hat ist maßgebend und ist zudem ein Augenöffner! – ©Mark

USA: Conspiracy Theories Pose a Real Threat

Mehdi explains the nonsense and dangerous conspiracy theories Trump's allies and former White House officials have been pushing. Then, Rep. Adam Smith joins to discuss just how dangerous they could be to the future of the republic.

A Professor Gives the Most Well-researched Analysis of the 1950s

The speaker is a University of Texas at Austin Prof. Steven Mintz, being interviewed in 1990 about families in the 1950s by David Hoffman. The filmmaker. Prof. Mintz is America's leading historian on the history of the American family. He is the author of 14 books on this subject.