Friday, April 23, 2021

French Policewoman Stabbed to Death in Suspected Islamic Terror Attack

THE TIMES OF ISRAEL: Assailant, a 36-year-old Tunisian man, was shot and killed by officers in town of Rambouillet, southwest of Paris; prosecutors open a ‘terror probe’ over attack

RAMBOUILLET, France (AFP) — A female police employee was stabbed to death by a Tunisian man at a police station southwest of Paris on Friday in a suspected terror attack, officials said.

The attacker was fatally wounded when an officer opened fire on him at the station in Rambouillet, a wealthy commuter town about 60 kilometers (40 miles) from Paris, a police source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Prosecutors said they were opening a “terror probe” into the attack that took place in the secure entrance area of the station at around 2:20 pm (1220 GMT.)

The woman, 48, was stabbed in the throat twice, the police source said. » | Alice Lefebvre and Tiphaine Liboux | Friday, April 23, 2021

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Brexit and the Worst Government Ever - Sheep Led by a Buffoon

The present British government must rank as one of the worst ever. Incompetent and dishonest, they favour their friends and cronies who are rewarded with lucrative contracts. Thirteen (62%) of the 21 members of the cabinet voted remain and yet now champion leave. Four of the eight cabinet members including the Home Secretary and the Foreign Secretary who voted to tighten immigration, are children of immigrants.

The Queen Marks 95th Birthday

THE GUARDIAN: The Queen spending day quietly while still in official royal mourning for Prince Philip

The Queen is marking her 95th birthday on Wednesday while still in official royal mourning for her husband of 73 years, the Duke of Edinburgh.

For a second consecutive year, the traditional 41-gun and 21-gun salutes, traditionally fired in Hyde Park and the Tower of London on the occasion, have been cancelled.

Buckingham Palace is also not expected to issue any official photograph of the monarch.

Instead, she is said to be spending the day quietly. Close family members may join her but it is thought these may not include the Prince of Wales.

Prince Charles is reported to have retreated to his official Welsh home Llwynywermod, in Myddfai, Llandovery, to mourn the loss of his father, having travelled there from Windsor, where he and senior royals were among the 30 mourners to attend Prince Philip’s funeral. » | Caroline Davies | Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Monday, April 19, 2021

Alexei Navalny Moved to Hospital as Fears Grow for Life of Putin Critic

THE GUARDIAN: Doctors say opposition leader, who is on hunger strike, is in danger of a heart attack or kidney failure

Alexei Navalny has been transferred to a prison hospital as concerns have grown among supporters that the Russian opposition leader is dangerously ill and could die “at any minute”.

Navalny’s transfer came after his doctors warned at the weekend that the Kremlin critic, who has been on hunger strike for nearly three weeks, was in danger of a heart attack or kidney failure.

In a statement on Monday, Russia’s prisons service said a doctors’ committee had decided to transfer Navalny to an infirmary in another prison in the Vladimir region that “specialises in dynamic monitoring of similar patients”. » | Andrew Roth in Moscow | Monday, April 19, 2021

Ontario Shifts Strategy as It Scrambles to Combat Worsening Covid Outbreak

THE GUARDIAN: Province announces plans to make coronavirus vaccines more accessible in response to public pressure

Canada’s most populous province has announced plans to make coronavirus vaccines more accessible and the federal government pledged emergency aid as authorities scramble to combat a worsening outbreak in Ontario.

The shift in strategy comes after the premier, Doug Ford, was forced into a U-turn over deeply unpopular new restrictions announced on Friday.

In response to mounting public pressure, Ontario announced late on Sunday that it would lower the age threshold to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine from 55 to 40.

Earlier on Sunday, the federal government promised it would help send nurses and doctors from other provinces to help in Ontario hospitals, where the ICU admissions continue to grow and doctors fear the province may soon begin triaging care. » | Leyland Cecco in Toronto | Monday, April 19, 2021

Sunday, April 18, 2021

König der Einsamkeit: Ein Leben als Aussteiger | ARTE Re: Doku

"Ich wollte der Gesellschaft entkommen, die ich verachte", sagt Mauro Morandi. Seit sage und schreibe drei Jahrzehnten ist der inzwischen 80 Jahre alte Italiener der einzige Bewohner der kleinen Mittelmeer-Insel Budelli. "ARTE Re:" über ein ganz besonderes Leben in Einsamkeit. Und die Angst, vertrieben zu werden aus dem selbst gewählten Paradies.

Man strandet auf einer einsamen Insel und baut sich dort alleine eine Existenz auf. Für Mauro Morandi ist das weder Wunsch- noch Alptraum, sondern gelebte Realität. Seit sage und schreibe drei Jahrzehnten ist der inzwischen 80 Jahre alte Aussteiger der einzige Bewohner des kleinen Mittelmeer-Eilands Budelli. Ein italienischer Robinson Crusoe? „Nein, das bin ich sicher nicht“, sagt Mauro. „Robinson Crusoe wollte ja wieder weg von seiner Insel. Ich aber will hier sein.“ Ein Film über ein Leben in selbstgewählter Einsamkeit. Wie schnell vergeht die Zeit, wenn man selbst das Tempo vorgibt? Wie viel Natur verträgt der Mensch, wie viel Mensch die Natur? Und was braucht man eigentlich alles zum Glücklichsein? Es sind die großen Fragen, die in der Welt von Mauro eine zentrale Rolle spielen.Doch da ist auch die Sorge, nicht für immer auf der Insel bleiben zu dürfen. Denn, wenn es schlecht für ihn läuft, könnte Mauro Morandi schon bald aus seinem Paradies vertrieben werden.

Reportage (D 2019, 33 Min)

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Mahler: Symphony No.5 In C-Sharp Minor - 4. Adagietto (Sehr langsam)

Mahler: Symphony No.5 In C-Sharp Minor - 4. Adagietto (Sehr langsam) · Simón Bolívar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela · Gustavo Dudamel

The Funeral of The Duke of Edinburgh

The Funeral procession and service for His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.

BBC live HERE »

Elizabeth II et le Royaume-Uni font leurs adieux au prince Philip

LE MONDE: Lors d’une cérémonie en comité restreint, le duc d’Edimbourg sera inhumé dans le domaine du château de Windsor, où Philip a rendu son dernier souffle le 9 avril.

Lors d’une cérémonie en comité restreint pour cause de pandémie et aux accents militaires, la reine et le Royaume-Uni font leurs adieux, samedi 17 avril, au prince Philip, qui a servi sans relâche la couronne et épaulé Elizabeth II pendant plus de sept décennies. Mort « paisiblement » il y a huit jours, l’époux de la reine, connu pour son franc-parler et son humour – flirtant parfois avec le racisme ou le sexisme – aurait eu 100 ans le 10 juin.

Le duc d’Edimbourg sera inhumé dans le domaine du château de Windsor, où Philip, né à Corfou prince de Grèce et du Danemark, a rendu son dernier souffle après une vie dévouée au service de la monarchie depuis son mariage, il y a soixante-treize ans, avec Elizabeth, alors héritière présomptive de la Couronne. La reine perd celui qui était selon les propres mots sa « force » et son « soutien ». Depuis le couronnement d’Elizabeth II en 1952, il était resté en retrait pour soutenir indéfectiblement son épouse et devenir un pilier de la monarchie. » | Le Monde avec AFP | samedi 17 avril 2021

Friday, April 16, 2021

Prince Philip Funeral Will Be Moment of Anguish for Queen, Says Archbishop

THE GUARDIAN: Queen will behave with dignity and courage but will need the support of the nation, says Justin Welby

The Queen may behave “with extraordinary dignity and extraordinary courage” but the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral at Windsor Castle on Saturday will be an “anguished moment” for her, the archbishop of Canterbury has said.

Justin Welby spoke as Buckingham Palace revealed there will be no sermon and no eulogy to Prince Philip, who for seven decades played a prominent role in the nation’s public life.

Eulogies are not common at royal funerals and neither are family readings, which are also absent from the order of service published on Friday night. It includes readings and music chosen by Prince Philip, and the lack of sermon is at his request.

The only words touching on the impact he made as the Queen’s consort of 73 years will be delivered by clergy in the bidding and prayers.

The monarch, who marks her 95th birthday on Wednesday, would require the support of the nation at this difficult time, said Welby, who will give the blessing at St George’s chapel, where the Queen is expected to sit alone. » | Caroline Davies | Friday, April 16, 2021

Funeral of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh »

Prince Philip Funeral: Plans, Timings and TV Coverage

BBC: Funeral preparations are under way for Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II's husband, who died on Friday 9 April aged 99.

This is what we know about the event. » | Friday, April 16, 2021

Irlande du Nord : des mensonges à la violence

LE MONDE: La restauration d’une frontière entre l’Irlande du Nord et la Grande-Bretagne, que les loyalistes vivent comme une trahison, résulte d’un choix politique du premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson : celui d’un Brexit dur.

Editorial du « Monde ».
Le Brexit menace la paix en Irlande du Nord. Cette dramatique évidence n’est pas une découverte. Deux semaines avant le référendum de juin 2016 par lequel les Britanniques ont décidé de quitter l’Union européenne (UE), John Major et Tony Blair avaient lancé ensemble, depuis Derry, cet avertissement solennel.

Ces deux anciens premiers ministres britanniques, artisans de l’accord de paix de 1998 qui a mis fin à trois décennies de guerre civile sanglante, savaient de quoi ils parlaient. Personne, à Londres, n’a voulu les entendre. Cinq ans plus tard, les huit nuits de violences qu’a connues la province britannique sonnent comme une terrible validation de leur mise en garde. » | Éditorial, Le Monde | lundi 12 avril 2021

Role Call: The Former Ministers Who Found Private Sector Jobs

THE GUARDIAN: The Greensill affair shows how some of David Cameron’s appointees have been among the most enthusiastic corporate jobseekers. Here’s the list...

David Cameron’s lobbying efforts on behalf of his employer Greensill Capital have shone a spotlight on the often lucrative corporate work on offer to former cabinet members and junior ministers with valuable experience of government and a bulging contacts book.

While the former prime minister’s overtures to serving ministers are unusual in that they prompted an unprecedented formal inquiry, there is nothing new about senior politicians taking private sector jobs after they leave office. Indeed, some of Cameron’s closest allies and cabinet appointees have been among the most enthusiastic corporate jobseekers. » | Rob Davies and Georgina Quach | Friday, April 16, 2021

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Who Are Prince Philip’s German Relatives?

TATLER: His mother was a German Princess from the House of Hesse, while all four of his sisters wed German Princes and Dukes

When he was a suitor for the then Princess Elizabeth, much was made of Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark’s ‘foreign’-ness. Despite growing up in England and being schooled in Scotland at Gordonstoun, Philip was still seen as an outsider in some circles, leading to the decision to naturalise him as a British citizen ahead of the Royal Wedding, removing his Greek and Danish titles. Yet as well as his Danish heritage (his family had inherited the Greek throne but were not actually Greeks), he was also German through his mother’s side, as Princess Alice of Battenberg was a Hessian Princess.

It is perhaps unsurprising then that all four of Philip’s elder sisters married into German royal and aristocratic families, particularly as they had all moved there following the family’s exile from Greece. This was to have tragic consequences for the Duke, as it not only meant that he was to fight against his brothers-in-law during World War II on the opposite side, but that none of his siblings were invited to his wedding in 1947 to Princess Elizabeth. » | Rebecca Cope | Monday, April 12, 2021

A German Royal Cousin and Two Great-nephews Will Be among Mourners at Prince Philip’s Funeral

TATLER: Bernhard, Hereditary Prince of Baden; Prince Donatus, Landgrave of Hesse; and Prince Philipp of Hohenlohe-Langenburg are all reportedly isolating at Ascot ahead of the event

The death of a monarch’s spouse would usually be followed by a funeral complete with much pomp and ceremony – particularly when one considers that the late Duke of Edinburgh, who passed away on 9 April, was the longest-serving royal consort in history. Yet under the exceptional circumstances of the ongoing pandemic, the event is set to be quite a departure from royal tradition, with just 30 mourners in attendance – as opposed to the 800 expected under original plans.

The day after Philip passed away aged 99, Buckingham Palace released details of the funeral. Due to take place at St George’s Chapel, Windsor, on Saturday 17 April, it will feature elements such as military Pall Bearers and a ‘small Ceremonial Procession’, made up of ‘members of the Royal Family and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Household’. The Palace announced that the service itself will be ‘attended by Her Majesty The Queen and Members of the Royal Family’, while the coffin, ‘carried by a Bearer Party found by the Royal Marines, will be received… by the Dean of Windsor and the Archbishop of Canterbury.’ » | Hope Coke | Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A French Dinner for the Queen - in the Kitchens of the Elysée Palace

On the occasion of D-Day commemoration ceremonies, the Queen of England is paying an official state visit in France and will be attending a banquet as the guest of honor at the official residence of the President of the Republic of France, the Elysée Palace. This documentary film will describe the event from the kitchens of power, the true vitrine of French gastronomy which has been on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2010. We will follow the work of the teams of the famous chef Guillaume Gomez, from the conception of the menus to the selection of products with the best French producers as well as the installation of the reception hall. A true challenge for a prestigious guest.

Could This Be the Location of Jesus' Tomb? | Secrets of The Cross | Timeline

In 1980, an ancient tomb was uncovered in Jerusalem. Inside were bones dating back to the first century. Could it be the resting place of Christ?

Controversial and compelling, Secrets of The Cross pushes aside centuries of tradition to expose fascinating secrets at the heart of the Christian story.

Prince Philip: Reporter Granted Rare Access by the Duke | 60 Minutes Australia

In his 99 years, it’s hard to guess how many people his Royal Highness met; how many hands he shook; how many events he attended. Far easier to count the number of television interviews he granted. Barely any – and for Australian TV, even fewer. He did, however, give one to 60 Minutes. It was 40 years ago, and the reporter was Ray Martin, who’ll never forget his encounter with the no-nonsense Duke.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

My Years With the Queen

Episode 1 - Lady Pamela Hicks talks for the first time on television about her incredible life growing up within the Royal family and her close relationship with the Queen.

Watch the programme HERE » | Thursday, April 1, 2021

Wie deutsch ist die Queen? Die Wurzeln des Hauses Windsor – Doku

"Queen Elizabeth ist bei den Deutschen sehr beliebt, verkörpert sie doch typisch deutsche Tugenden. Auch die in England gern verschwiegenen Wurzeln ihrer Dynastie liegen in Deutschland. Zum ersten Mal berichten in der Dokumentation ""Wie deutsch ist die Queen?"" Vertreter deutscher Adelshäuser über ihre Verbindung zum britischen Königshaus und zur historischen Verantwortung ihrer Familien - auch in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Kein Monarch ist hierzulande so populär wie Queen Elizabeth II. Ihr Glamour allein kann diese Beliebtheit nicht erklären.

Eine Rolle spielen auch ihre familiären Verbindungen nach Deutschland. Die Queen auf Deutschlandbesuch, 50 Jahre nach ihrer ersten Visite als Staatsoberhaupt, ist ein historisches Ereignis. Nie waren die deutsch-britischen Beziehungen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg so gut wie heute, und kein Monarch ist in der Bundesrepublik so beliebt wie Elizabeth II.

Die Dynastie der Windsors stammt aus dem kleinen fränkischen Ort Coburg. Bis 1917 lautete der Nachname der Mitglieder des britischen Königshauses von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha. Unter dem Eindruck des Ersten Weltkriegs erfand man den Namen Windsor...

Die Vorfahren der Windsor-Dynastie kamen aus den Häusern Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, Hessen, Hannover und Preußen. Wenn die Queen nach Deutschland zum Staatsbesuch kommt, ist das also immer auch eine Stippvisite bei Verwandten. Bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg trug die Royal Family sogar einen deutschen Nachnamen: Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha. Prinz Albert hatte ihn mit ins Königshaus gebracht, als er 1840 seine Cousine Queen Victoria heiratete. Die blutjunge Monarchin stammte ihrerseits ebenfalls aus einem deutschen Adelsgeschlecht, der Dynastie der Welfen. Im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert saßen sie nicht nur in Hannover auf dem Thron, sondern in Personalunion auch in Großbritannien. Prinz Albert und Queen Victoria träumten von einer engen deutsch-britischen Verbindung und verheirateten ihre älteste Tochter mit dem preußischen Thronfolger. Zwei Weltkriege später war das britisch-deutsche Verhältnis zerrüttet.Millionen Menschen beider Nationen hatten ihr Leben auf den Schlachtfeldern verloren, und die enge Verflechtung der Royal Family mit ihren deutschen Verwandten erschien so heikel, dass sie für Jahrzehnte dezent verschwiegen wurde."