Sunday, January 17, 2021

Donald Trump Isolated and Enraged ahead of Biden Inauguration

THE GUARDIAN: A slew of aides have deserted the president and the Pentagon has decided not to hold an armed forces farewell tribute

It was once easy to determine Donald Trump’s mood. All it took was a look at his Twitter account. But with that gone, it has never been so difficult to gain a glimpse into the president’s mindset.

Where frequently a series of all-caps tweets might have suggested an emotional, frustrated Trump, there is silence.

Where posts screeching at fellow Republicans would have indicated a more vindictive bent, or messages with exclamation points a triumphant mood, all that is left of Trump’s Twitter account – which once had 88.7m followers – is a curt message from Twitter’s admin team: “Account suspended. Twitter suspends accounts which violate the Twitter Rules.”

So how has Trump reacted to the events of the past few weeks? By the accounts available, not well. A notoriously excitable president has remained in a state of high alarm. » | Adam Gabbatt in New York | Saturday, January 16, 2021

Saturday, January 16, 2021

What Will Be Trump's Legacy? Hear Historian's Prediction

CNN's presidential historian Douglas Brinkley talks with CNN's Don and former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci about what President Trump's legacy will be once he leaves office, and how the riots at the US Capitol have affected that legacy.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Deadly Earthquake Hits Indonesia's Sulawesi Island | DW News

An earthquake struck Indonesia's Sulawesi island early on Friday morning, leaving at least 34 people dead and injuring over 600 others. The head of the local disaster mitigation agency Ali Rahman told AFP that "the latest information we have is that 26 people are dead in Mamuju city." The national disaster agency said that a further eight people had died to the south of the city. Many buildings were damaged. Two hospitals and the building that houses the provincial government offices collapsed, said Muhammad Idris, secretary to the governor on national television. A large number of people are trapped under the rubble, officials said. The epicenter of the 6.2 magnitude quake was 6 kilometers (3.73 miles) northeast of Majene city and measured at a depth of 18 kilometers. Thousands of people left their homes when the quake hit. They were evacuated to temporary shelters.

Saukälte in Sibirien: Minus-Rekord - Temperatur sinkt auf minus 49 Grad

Kalt, kälter, am kältesten: Im Süden und Westen Sibiriens haben Meteorologen neue Kälterekorde gemessen. Im Dorf Teguldet nahe der Großstadt Tomsk sei das Thermometer am Wochenende auf minus 49 Grad gesunken, sagte ein Wetterexperte am Montag der russischen Staatsagentur Tass. «Westsibirien hat die Meteorologen tief beeindruckt.»

In Nowosibirsk wurden demnach zwischen minus 37 und minus 41 Grad gemessen. Frühere Rekorde in Sibiriens größter Stadt seien um 5 Grad getoppt worden. In anderen Regionen sei es so kalt gewesen wie in den vergangenen 50 bis 100 Jahren nicht mehr, sagte der Sprecher. Nach Angaben der Behörden mussten viele Menschen mit Erfrierungen behandelt werden. Außerdem habe es zahlreiche Verkehrsunfälle und Flugausfälle gegeben.

Jacob Rees-Mogg Says British Fish Are 'Happier' because of Brexit Deal

The leader of the House of Commons claimed fish delayed for export because of the introduction of the post-Brexit fishing regime were 'happier' because they are now British. 'The key is we’ve got our fish back,' he told MPs. 'They’re now British fish and they’re better and happier fish for it'

Jacob Rees-Mogg? What a tw*t! (Please insert the vowel of your own choosing.) – Mark

Former Spanish King's Ex-lover Says She Was Threatened by Spy Chief

THE GUARDIAN: Corinna Larsen tells court ‘chilling’ warning to her and her children came on the orders of King Juan Carlos

The ex-lover of Spain’s former king Juan Carlos has told a court in Madrid of the “chilling” moment when she claimed the head of the country’s intelligence services threatened her and her children on the monarch’s orders.

Corinna Larsen told the court Félix Sanz Roldán met her in London after her relationship with the king had ended to warn her that if she did not follow his instructions he could not guarantee her safety. She claimed she later returned to her home in Switzerland where she discovered a book about the death of Princess Diana and subsequently received a cryptic phone call about tunnels, which she took to be an allusion to the princess’s fatal accident in 1997. » | Sam Jones in Madrid | Friday, January 15, 2021

Philipp Blom: Wie sieht unser Lebensmodell nach Corona aus? | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

Für den Bestsellerautor, Historiker und Philosoph Philipp Blom ist klar: Unser Selbstbild und unser Wirtschaftssystem sind bankrott. Wir brauchen ein neues Lebensmodell für die Zukunft. Denn wir Menschen stehen nicht über der Natur. Wir sind Teil von ihr, abhängig und verletzlich. Das zeigt die Pandemie ebenso wie die Klimakrise.

«Menschen lernen nicht aus der Geschichte, aber sie reagieren auf Traumata», schreibt der deutsche Historiker und Philosoph Philipp Blom. Hinterlässt die Pandemie ein solches Trauma? Oder die Klimakrise?

Nach Blom befinden wir uns derzeit am Ende von 3000 Jahren Kulturgeschichte. Am Anfang stand das göttliche Gebot: Macht euch die Erde untertan! Aufklärung, Industrialisierung und Kolonialismus folgten diesem Glauben.

Sternstunde Philosophie vom 10.01.2021

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Zucker – Die süsse Droge | Wie Zucker unsere Gesundheit gefährdet | Doku | SRF DOK

Vier von zehn Schweizern sind übergewichtig. Unter anderem ist auch der zu hohe Zuckerkonsum daran schuld. Überall ist Zucker drin. Selbst dort, wo wir es nicht für möglich halten. Eine fünfköpfige Familie aus dem Aargau hat einen Monat lang zuckerfrei gelebt. Mit überraschenden Erkenntnissen.

«Zucker macht süchtig, denn Zucker aktiviert im Hirn die gleichen Rezeptoren wie andere Drogen», sagt die Basler Ärztin Bettina Wölnerhanssen. Darum sei es auch so schwierig, Eigenverantwortung zu übernehmen, und den eigenen Zuckerkonsum zu reduzieren. Wir alle lieben Süsses. Auch die Familie Rechsteiner mit drei Kindern im Teenageralter aus Döttingen ist der süssen Verführung nicht abgeneigt. Allerdings will die Familie nun herausfinden, was der Zuckerkonsum bei ihnen bewirkt, und lässt sich auf einen Versuch ein: Alle fünf Familienmitglieder wollen einen ganzen Monat lang auf Lebensmittel mit zugefügtem Zucker verzichten. Das ist einfacher gesagt als getan. Denn in vier von fünf Lebensmitteln versteckt sich zugefügter Zucker. Selbst in solchen, die gar nicht besonders süss schmecken.

In der Schweiz ist jedes sechste Kind zu dick. Eine halbe Million Schweizerinnen und Schweizer leiden an Diabetes. Vielen Menschen ist zu wenig bewusst, dass sie Zucker aus gesundheitlichen Überlegungen meiden oder nur in geringen Mengen konsumieren sollten. Eine staatlich verordnete Zuckerreduktion stösst auf wenig Akzeptanz: 2019 wurde die Einführung einer Zuckersteuer von den eidgenössischen Räten abgelehnt. In England hingegen hat man das Problem erkannt und reagiert. Mit der Einführung einer happigen Zuckersteuer konnte dort der Zuckergehalt in Süssgetränken massiv gesenkt werden. Heute enthält beispielsweise eine Orangenlimonade in London nur noch halb so viel Zucker wie eine Limonade derselben Marke in Zürich oder Genf.

Erwachsenen Menschen empfiehlt die Weltgesundheits-Organisation nicht mehr als 50 Gramm Zucker pro Tag. Für Kinder die Hälfte. In der Schweiz sind wir mit der doppelten Zuckermenge alarmierend weit von den WHO-Richtwerten entfernt. Die Politik macht wenig Druck auf die Nahrungsmittelproduzenten. Sie setzt auf die Eigenverantwortung der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten. Wie schwierig das ist, musste auch Familie Rechsteiner feststellen.

Dieser Dokumentarfilm ist zum grossen Teil in Schyzertüütsch (Schweizerdeutsch) übertragen worden. – Mark

Trump 'Refusing to Pay' Rudy Giuliani's Legal Fees after Falling Out

THE GUARDIAN: President said to be offended by personal lawyer’s demand for a reported $20,000 a day

Donald Trump has fallen out with his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and is refusing to pay the former New York mayor’s legal bills, it was reported, with the president feeling abandoned and frustrated during his last days in office.

Giuliani played a key role in Trump’s failed attempts to overturn the results of November’s presidential election through the courts. The lawyer mounted numerous spurious legal challenges, travelling to swing states won by Joe Biden, and spread false claims the vote was rigged.

According to the Washington Post, relations between Trump and Giuliani have dramatically cooled. Trump has instructed his aides not to pay Giuliani’s outstanding fees. The president is reportedly offended by Giuliani’s demand for $20,000 a day – a figure the lawyer denies, but which is apparently in writing. White House officials have even been told not to put through any of Giuliani’s calls. » | Luke Harding | Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Last Days of Pompeo: Secretary of State Lashes Out as Reign Comes to an End

THE GUARDIAN: Trump’s foreign policy chief has pursued confrontation with Iran and other perceived enemies, but his efforts to disrupt diplomacy will end in failure

The finale of Mike Pompeo’s reign at the state department has been as controversial and clamorous as the rest of his 32-month tenure, but it is unclear what traces will remain after he has gone.

The last days of Pompeo have been played out in a blizzard of self-congratulatory tweets, at the rate of two dozen a day, as he seeks to write his own first draft of history.

The former Kansas congressman, with evident ambitions for a presidential run in 2024, has accented his claims of success by frequent derogatory references to the previous administration, portrayed as hapless appeasers. The political point-scoring and aggrandizement have made the use of the megaphone provided by a government Twitter account, with 3 million followers. » | Julian Borger in Washington | Thursday, January 14, 2021

Gay Hollywood: The Last Taboo (2009 – Documentary*

This documentary looks at the challenges facing gay artists in Hollywood past and present. Hollywood in the 1920s was the most homosexual-friendly place to be as most of the behind-the-camera staff were gay. However, for those in front of the camera there was no tolerance from the movie-going public. Any homosexual who wanted to maintain a career had to remain in a well-locked closet. During the 1950s, the studios provided their own "police" who would be the first to arrive at any scene of an "indiscretion" or other scandalous act. Their task was to collect and remove any evidence and then call the real police if necessary. The studios, wanting to safeguard their investments, even forced male gay actors, like Rock Hudson and Cary Grant, into sham marriages.

Watch the documentary HERE »

* This documentary is age-restricted, so it cannot be embedded. It must be watched on YouTube.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Trump Impeached Again

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The House voted on an article of impeachment that accuses President Trump of “incitement of insurrection,” and 10 Republicans supported the move. Senator Mitch McConnell said he would not agree to use emergency powers to bring the Senate back into session for a trial before Jan. 19. » | ohn Eligon and Thomas Kaplan | Nicholas Fandos and Glenn Thrush contributed reporting | Wednesday, January 13, 2021

“American Abyss”: Fascism Historian Tim Snyder on Trump’s Coup Attempt, Impeachment & What’s Next

As the House votes to impeach President Trump, the FBI warns there could be a repeat of the violent insurrection he encouraged on January 6, with Trump loyalists planning to hold armed protests nationwide ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration. We speak with Timothy Snyder, a historian of fascism, who says the riot at the U.S. Capitol was “completely and utterly predictable” given President Trump’s record of stoking extremism and undermining democratic institutions. “The American republic is hanging by a thread because the president of the United States has sought to use violence to stay in power and essentially to overthrow our constitutional system,” says Snyder.

Nahtoderfahrungen | Was passiert, wenn wir sterben? | Reportage | SRF DOK

Menschen mit Nahtoderfahrungen berichten darüber, wie es ist, mit einem Fuss im Jenseits stehen. Was passiert, wenn wir sterben? Sie reden darüber, wieso sie keine Angst mehr haben vor dem Tod. Und wie ihre Nahtoderfahrung ihr weiteres Leben verändert hat.

Andrea Pfeifer war 26 Jahre alt, als sie im Urlaub eine Lebensmittelvergiftung bekam, an der sie beinahe gestorben wäre. Was sie erlebte, als sie mit einem Fuss im Jenseits stand, behielt sie für sich. «Ich habe es ganz lange niemandem erzählt, weil man automatisch in eine Schiene reingedrängt wird: In eine spirituelle oder religiöse Schiene, wo ich überhaupt nicht hingehöre.» Heute kann sie von dem erzählen, was in jener Nacht passiert ist: «Es gab einen Moment, als etwas in meinem Körper zum Stillstand gekommen ist. Als wäre ich ein Uhrwerk: Plötzlich rastete es ein. Da wusste ich: Jetzt ist es gar nicht mehr gut.» Dann habe sie eine Bewegung wahrgenommen. «Ich habe den Kopf gedreht. Es sass jemand neben meinem Bett: ein junger Mann. Aber er war ganz etherisch, ausgefüllt mit Licht.»

Rund fünf Prozent der Menschen machen im Laufe ihres Lebens eine sogenannte Nahtoderfahrung. Aber nur wenige reden darüber – oft aus Angst, nicht ernst genommen zu werden. Bei jenen, die davon erzählen, lassen viele wiederkehrende Elemente identifizieren: Sie erleben bewusstes Sein ohne physischen Körper, berichten von einem Tunnel, von Licht, von tiefen Gefühlen des Friedens und der Liebe – und von Lichtwesen oder verstorbenen Angehörigen, mit denen sie kommunizieren konnten. Viele Schulmedizinerinnen und -mediziner sind indes überzeugt, dass es ganz simple Erklärungen gebe für solche Erfahrungen: etwa Sauerstoffmangel, zu viel Kohlendioxid oder chemische Reaktionen im Gehirn. Andrea Pfeifer kann darüber nur lächeln: «Was ich erlebt habe, ist so viel grösser als alles, was wir uns vorstellen können: Ich bin in einer Ekstase explodiert und zu Licht geworden. Es war pures Glück.»

Viele sagen, die Nahtoderfahrung habe sie verändert. «Ich habe den Eindruck, ich wurde intuitiver», erzählt die promovierte Historikerin Magdalen Bless, «ich hatte plötzlich Vorahnungen, die ich mir nicht erklären konnte.» Dem Hauswart Marcel Gasser geht es ähnlich: «Plötzlich habe ich Bauchweh. Oder Krämpfe. Mir wird schlecht. Dann ist etwas. Oder es kommt etwas.» Bei Ramón Gartmann, der als sogenannter «Lebenscoach» sein Geld verdient, gehen die Veränderungen noch weiter: «Wenn ich jemanden ansehe, sehe ich verschiedene Schichten von Energien um die Person herum.» Allen gemeinsam ist, dass das Ende des Lebens für sie den Schrecken verloren hat. «Ich freue mich auf den Tod, auch wenn ich ihn noch nicht will», sagt Magdalen Bless. «Der Tod ist ein grossartiger Übergang, in dem sich die Rätsel des Universums entschlüsseln.»

Dieser Dokumentarfilm ist zum Teil in Deutsch aber zum großen Teil in Schwyzertüütsch. – Mark

De Blasio: City of New York Severing All Contracts with Trump Organization | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Mayor Bill de Blasio, D-NY, joins Morning Joe to discuss why New York City is severing all contracts with the Trump Organization and what it means. Aired on 1/13/2021.

George Conway: Trump Is Leaving in Complete Disgrace | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A growing number of Republican lawmakers publicly endorsed impeaching President Donald Trump ahead of a Wednesday vote in the House. Attorney George Conway says support for Trump is collapsing and he compares and contrasts Trump with Richard Nixon. Aired on 1/13/2021.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Mike Pompeo Claims without Evidence That Iran Is Al-Qaida's New 'Home Base'

THE GUARDIAN: Move seems designed to restrict Biden administration’s options as secretary of state confirms killing of al-Qaida leader in August

The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has claimed, without providing evidence, that al-Qaida leaders have established a new “home base” in the Iran, in what appeared to be his latest effort to raise the political cost of the next administration reviving the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran.

Speaking with just eight days left in office, Pompeo alleged that Iran was “the new Afghanistan”, telling a news conference in Washington: “Unlike in Afghanistan, when al-Qaida was hiding in the mountains, al-Qaida today is operating under the hard shell of the Iranian regime’s protection.” » | Julian Borger in Washington | Tuesday, January 12, 2021

This assertion appears to be manifestly absurd! Al-Qaeda is a Sunni terrorist group. Iran is Shia. Sunnis and Shiites hate each other with a vengeance. This alone makes Pompeo’s assertion highly unlikely to be true. Pompeo is playing to people’s ignorance. He, in his position, should know better than this. The man needs to go back to school! – ©Mark Alexander

The Guardian View on Covid's Widening Gaps: The Rich Are Getting Richer

THE GUARDIAN: Rishi Sunak ought to make it clear that it is the real economy that needs rescuing, not the City

For speculators, the cryptocurrency party was just starting. At the beginning of last year one bitcoin was worth £5,614 before almost reaching £30,000 at the end of last week. On Monday, Britain’s financial watchdog took the punch bowl away, by warning bitcoin investors that they could lose all their money. While it may sober up a few of the partygoers many will find solace in their bank balances. Anyone who bought cryptoassets at the beginning of the year was sitting potentially on a 400% gain, an extraordinary return in a year when a health crisis has morphed into an economic one.

Thanks to the government’s actions, owners of assets have had a very good pandemic. Shares in London are back to where they were in late February last year. House prices in 2020 rose by 6%, helped by the chancellor’s temporary stamp duty holiday. Economic euphoria needs a drug. It turns out that the dealer with the best supply of credit is the government. Its central bank has flooded the financial system with cash meant to be loaned to chase a positive rate of return. In Britain’s distorted economy investors, even in the midst of Covid, prefer to make outlandish short-term capital gains rather than income from productive investment. » | Editorial | Monday, January 11, 2021

Monday, January 11, 2021

Ex-Melania Trump Adviser: First Lady Is President's Enabler

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, author and former senior adviser to first lady Melania Trump, speaks to CNN's Brianna Keilar about her article in The Daily Beast where she writes that Melania and the President "lack character, and have no moral compass."

Turkish Televangelist Sentenced to 1,075 Years for Sex Crimes

THE GUARDIAN: Adnan Oktar was detained in 2018 along with more than 200 other suspects in his group

A Turkish court has sentenced a Muslim televangelist who surrounded himself with scantily clad women he called “kittens” to more than 1,000 years in jail for sex crimes

. Adnan Oktar preached creationism and conservative values while women in revealing outfits – many of whom appeared to have had plastic surgery – danced around him to upbeat music in the TV studio.

The bearded 64-year-old was detained in 2018 along with more than 200 other suspects as part of a crackdown on his group by the financial crimes unit of the Istanbul police.

He was sentenced to 1,075 years for crimes including sexual assault, sexual abuse of minors, fraud and attempted political and military espionage, the private NTV broadcaster reported. » | AFP in Istanbul | Monday, January 11, 2021