Thursday, October 22, 2020

Ronald Reagan's Son: We Have Grifters in the White House

Ron Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan and former first lady Nancy Reagan, tells CNN's Ana Cabrera that his father would "be horrified" by the Republican Party of today. He added that the Trump children are profiting off of their father's presidency as "grifters."

Poland Rules Abortion Due to Foetal Defects Unconstitutional

THE GUARDIAN: Constitutional court’s ruling could pave way for governing PiS party to move ahead with legislative ban

Poland’s constitutional tribunal has ruled that abortion due to foetal defects is unconstitutional, rejecting the most common of the few legal grounds for pregnancy termination in the predominantly Catholic country.

The chief justice, Julia Przyłębska, said in a ruling that existing legislation – one of Europe’s most restrictive – that allows for the abortion of malformed foetuses was “incompatible” with the constitution.

After the ruling goes into effect, abortion will only be permissible in Poland in the case of rape, incest or a threat to the mother’s health and life, which make up only about 2% of legal terminations conducted in recent years.

The verdict drew immediate condemnation from the Council of Europe, whose commissioner for human rights, Dunja Mijatović, called it “a sad day for women’s rights”.

“Removing the basis for almost all legal abortions in Poland amounts to a ban and violates human rights,” Mijatović tweeted.

“Today’s ruling ... means underground/abroad abortions for those who can afford and even greater ordeal for all others.” » | Staff and agencies in Warsaw | Thursday, October 22, 2020

US signs anti-abortion declaration with group of largely authoritarian governments »

The Christian fundamentalists are plunging the West into darkness! Does Poland really belong in the European Union? Further, should we be looking to America for leadership anymore? – Mark


Barack Obama Likens Donald Trump to 'Crazy Uncle' in Joe Biden Rally Speech

”Trump isn't going to protect us”: Obama returns to campaign trail for Biden »

Coronavirus: How Well Do Patients Recover from It? | COVID-19 Special

Two-to-six weeks: That's the typical recovery time for a Covid-19 patient, according to the World Health Organization. But not for all. Researchers are trying to figure out why some patients experience the disease more seriously and suffer more long-term consequences. Here's the story of one such case.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Warning of Tens of Thousands of Deaths in England from Covid-19 Second Wave

THE GUARDIAN: Tiered lockdown system not adequate for preventing high rate of virus infections daily, epidemiologist tells MPs

Tens of thousands of deaths are now inevitable in a second wave of coronavirus infections sweeping across England because of the failure to contain the virus, a government scientific adviser has warned.

John Edmunds, a professor at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, told MPs on Wednesday that without further measures England’s tiered Covid-19 strategy would lead to high numbers of new infections every day, putting the NHS under strain and driving up the death toll.

“If you look at where we are, there is no way we come out of this wave now without counting our deaths in the tens of thousands,” Edmunds, an epidemiologist, told the joint hearing of the Commons science and technology committee, and the health and social care committee. » | Ian Sample, Science editor | Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Samuel Paty Posthumously Awarded French Légion d’Honneur

THE GUARDIAN: Two pupils among seven people facing terror charges over teacher’s killing

The French teacher decapitated while returning home last week has been posthumously awarded the Légion d’honneur, hours after France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor said the killer had paid two pupils from the school to identify his victim.

At a private ceremony in the main amphitheatre of the Sorbonne university on Wednesday, President Emmanuel Macron bestowed the country’s highest honour on the family of Samuel Paty, 47, who was killed on Friday after showing his class two cartoons of the prophet Muhammad as part of a discussion on free speech.

An audience of about 400 people, including children, friends, relatives and former presidents, then paid tribute to the history and geography teacher in the university’s main courtyard, during an emotional public service broadcast live on television.

Paty was “a quiet hero”, a visibly moved Macron said in a 15-minute speech. “He was the victim of stupidity, of lies, of confusion, of a hatred of what, in our deepest essence, we are … On Friday, he became the face of the Republic.” » | Jon Henley, Europe correspondent | Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Pope Francis Backs Same-sex Civil Unions

THE GUARDIAN: Pontiff’s endorsement likely to further enrage his conservative opponents in Catholic church

Pope Francis has given his most explicit support to same-sex civil unions in a move that is likely to further enrage his conservative opponents in the Catholic church.

His comments came in an interview in a documentary film, Francesco, which premiered at the Rome film festival on Wednesday.

He said: “Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it. What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered. I stood up for that.” » | Harriet Sherwood \ Wednesday, October 21, 2020

She Lost Her Husband to Covid-19. Hear Her Tough Words for Trump

Alice Roberts shares her thoughts on President Trump and reveals she has spoken with presidential candidate Joe Biden following the death of her husband from coronavirus.

Trump Pressures Barr to Investigate Joe and Hunter Biden | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president on Tuesday called on Attorney General William Barr to launch an investigation into unverified claims about his challenger Joe Biden and his son Hunter. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 10/21/2020.

Rassismus in der Schweiz – Moderatorin Angélique Beldner über Alltagsrassismus | Doku | SRF DOK

Angélique Beldner ist die erste schwarze News-Moderatorin des Schweizer Fernsehens. Ihre Hautfarbe und den Rassismus, den sie erlebt hat, wollte sie allerdings nie zum Thema machen. Bis zu diesem Sommer, der alles verändert hat.

In Frutigen verbrachte sie ihre ersten Jahre, in der Agglomeration von Bern wuchs sie auf. Angélique Beldner, 44 Jahre alt, verheiratet, Mutter zweier Kinder. In einer weitgehend behüteten Umgebung wurde sie gross. Die weisse Mutter alleinerziehend, unterstützt von der Schweizer Grossfamilie, der schwarze Vater weit weg.

«Ich bin voll und ganz Schweizerin, realisierte aber schon früh, dass ich anders war. Ich habe diese Erinnerung, wie sich Menschen in den Kinderwagen beugen und meine Haare berühren. Das begleitet mich bis heute und ist mir sehr unangenehm. Leute, die mir ungefragt ins Haar langen, das gibt es immer noch», sagt Angélique Beldner.

Trotzdem: Solche Erlebnisse behält sie für sich. Wenn, spricht sie nur mit ihrer Mutter darüber. Beldners Strategie war stets: Rassismus überhören oder ihn kleinreden. «Bis zu diesem Sommer hat das bestens funktioniert.»

«Black Lives Matter» hat ihre heile Welt aus den Fugen gebracht: «Auf einmal fragten mich alle nach meiner Meinung zum Thema Rassismus, und ich realisierte: Wenn alle schweigen, so wie ich, wird sich nie etwas verändern», sagt Beldner.

SRF Reporter begleitet Angélique Beldner auf Spurensuche ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit in der Schweiz. Warum hat Beldner Rassismus stets beschönigt und nicht sehen wollen? Warum fällt es ihr so schwer, darüber zu reden? Angélique Beldner spricht mit engen Familienangehörigen erstmals über ihre Hautfarbe und macht dabei auch schmerzhafte Erfahrungen.

Boris Johnson and Evgeny Lebedev: A Decade of Politics, Parties and Peerages

THE GUARDIAN: Pair have been friends since 2009, but security concerns were raised because of the Russian tycoon’s father, a one-time Moscow spy

The theme of the party attended by Boris Johnson was unmistakable. On the first floor was a mural of Joseph Stalin, dressed in green military uniform. A hammer and sickle decorated the windows. In the centre of the room was an ice sculpture in the shape of a pistol, from where a barman dispensed vodka shots.

A gun – presumably fake – lay on a red double bed in the basement, next to an outdoor smoking area. “Do you like my gun?” the party’s host, Evgeny Lebedev, reportedly asked one visitor. There was also a stuffed bear.

It was Friday 15 December 2017. Lebedev’s parties held in London and at his palazzo in Umbria, Italy, are a highlight of the social calendar. At this particular USSR–themed bash there was champagne, as much as you could drink, a caviar station, a dancefloor and a DJ, and a guest list including A-list actors, rock stars and members of the cabinet.

The most senior was Johnson, then foreign secretary. The prime minister is a regular attendee of parties hosted by Lebedev, which have a reputation for decadence. Prior to the December event, an email had told staff hired for their model looks to prepare for excess. “This party will be on the wilder side so PLEASE BEHAVE YOURSELF,” it said.

The question of how wild it was depends on who is asked. One attendee called it a “vodka assault course” – others say it was more restrained. » | Luke Harding and Dan Sabbagh | Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Evgeny Lebedev: 'Russia is not a homophobic country' »

Jamal Khashoggi's Fiancée Sues Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

THE GUARDIAN: Hatice Cengiz files US lawsuit against leader and 28 ‘co-conspirators’ over journalist’s murder

The fiancée of the murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is suing the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, and two dozen other Saudis in the US courts, accusing them of direct involvement in the dissident’s gruesome killing in Istanbul two years ago.

Hatice Cengiz and Democracy for the Arab World Now (Dawn), a Washington-based rights group set up by Khashoggi shortly before his death, filed a lawsuit in the US district court for the District of Columbia on Tuesday seeking unspecified damages against the kingdom’s de facto leader and 28 “co-conspirators” over the killing.

Khashoggi broke with the Saudi elite in 2017 and moved to the US, where he began to write critically about Saudi government policy as a columnist for the Washington Post. » | Bethan McKernan in Istanbul | Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Trump Says Biden Is Lucky AG Barr Hasn't Locked Him Up | Morning Joe | MSNBC

With just two weeks before the election, the president's closing message seems to be attacks on Dr. Fauci, coronavirus fatigue and locking up Joe Biden. The panel discusses. Aired on 10/20/2020.

Desperate Don! – Mark

New Yorker Suspends Jeffrey Toobin for Allegedly Masturbating on Zoom Call

THE GUARDIAN: Magazine says it is investigating matter / Toobin says ‘I thought I had muted the Zoom video’ in apology

The New Yorker magazine has suspended one of its long-time staff writers, legal expert Jeffrey Toobin, while it investigates a report that he was allegedly masturbating during a Zoom work call earlier this month.

“I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I was off-camera,” Toobin said in a statement on Monday about the situation, first reported by Vice.

He added: “I apologize to my wife, family, friends and co-workers. I thought I had muted the Zoom video, I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me.”

He has so far declined to confirm details. » | Guardian staff | Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020

Trump Says Americans 'Tired of Hearing Fauci and All These Idiots' Discuss Covid

THE GUARDIAN: President calls top infectious disease expert ‘a disaster’ / Fauci told CBS he was not surprised Trump got coronavirus

Donald Trump has once again attacked his top public health expert, using a call with campaign staff on Monday to call Anthony Fauci “a disaster” and to claim “people are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots” discuss ways to combat the coronavirus.

The president spoke one day after CBS’s 60 Minutes aired an interview with Fauci, in which the 79-year-old said he was “absolutely not” surprised Trump recently contracted the coronavirus himself, because he was holding crowded events with minimal social distancing and mask usage in the days before he developed symptoms.

Fauci also told CBS the White House had been controlling his media appearances.

“I certainly have not been allowed to go on many, many, many shows that have asked for me,” he said, adding that restrictions had been inconsistent. » | Joan E Greve in Washington | Monday, October 19, 2020

The real idiot is Trump. He is the one that people are tired of hearing speak and being spoken of. – Mark

What Are the Rules of Wales's Circuit Breaker Coronavirus Lockdown?

THE GUARDIAN: We look at what the measures are, when they begin, and for how long they will be in place

The Welsh first minister, Mark Drakeford, has announced a two-week national lockdown to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Read the article » | Steven Morris | Monday, October 19, 2020

Fauci on His Media Restrictions, Trump Contracting Covid, Masks, Voting and More

In a wide-ranging 60 Minutes interview, Dr. Anthony Fauci expresses his frustration with a Trump campaign ad; explains why, early in the pandemic, masks were largely recommended for health care workers; and says whether he plans to vote in person.