Tuesday, April 02, 2019

König zahlt vier Kindern Khashoggis Schweigegeld

DIE PRESSE: Die Nachkommen des ermordeten Journalisten sollen Luxusvillen und Apanagen erhalten.

Tunis. Saudiarabien will die Kinder des ermordeten Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi mit hohen Summen finanziell entschädigen. Nach einem Bericht der „Washington Post“ erhalten die beiden Töchter und die beiden Söhne jeweils eine Vier-Millionen-Dollar-Villa in der Hafenstadt Jeddah, eine fünfstellige Monatszahlung sowie einen Millionenbetrag, dessen Höhe noch ausgehandelt werden muss. Die Luxusgebäude gehören zu einer Wohnanlage, in der der älteste Sohn Salah bereits ein Haus besitzt. Er arbeitet als Banker und ist der einzige der vier Nachkommen Khashoggis, der weiterhin in Saudiarabien leben möchte. » | Martin Gehlen | Dienstag, 02. April 2019

Former German FM Sigmar Gabriel: MBS 'Overestimated His Position in Region' | Talk to Al Jazeera

Sigmar Gabriel, who served Germany as vice chancellor, and more recently as foreign minister, has been very outspoken about the issue of German soldiers in Afghanistan, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the GCC crisis.

The Life and Work of Slain Journalist Jamal Khashoggi | Al Jazeera English

The career of Jamal Khashoggi, who was considered to be the most renowned Saudi journalist before his murder in the Saudi consulate in Turkey six months ago, spanned decades, and for much of it, he was a supporter of the Saudi royal family. But, after he became a critic of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), he was killed by Saudi authorities. Al Jazeera's Mohamed Vall reports on his life and work.

Dr. Adam Gaffney Says “We Should Be Skeptical” of Trump’s Proposed Healthcare Plan

President Trump says doctors and health executives in the Senate will write legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act, just one week after the Justice Department supported a federal court ruling to wipe out the plan entirely. Dr. Adam Gaffney says "we should be extremely skeptical” that any new legislation would be better than Trump’s widely criticized move to dismantle the Affordable Care Act in 2017.

THE GUARDIAN: Universal healthcare could save America trillions: what’s holding us back? » | Adam Gaffney | Tuesday, December 11, 2019

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Americans Borrowed $88 Billion to Pay for Health Care Last Year, Survey Finds » | Karen Zraick | Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Did Saudi Arabia Intentionally Hack Jeff Bezos' Phone? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Bezos' investigation 'concluded with high confidence' that Saudi Arabia had access to the Amazon CEO's phone and had gained private information, according to Bezos' investigator in a new Daily Beast article.

Democracy Now! “This President Is Cruel”: Congresswoman Slams Trump for Fighting against Puerto Rico Disaster Aid

We look at the fight in Congress over disaster aid for Puerto Rico since it was ravaged by Hurricane Maria, one of the deadliest storms in U.S. history. On Monday, two competing disaster relief bills stalled in the Senate. A companion to a January package passed in the House failed after Republicans objected to the lack of relief funding for recent flooding in the Midwest. Another Senate bill supported by Republicans fell short of the 60 votes needed. It contained just $600 million for Puerto Rico’s food stamp program, a number Democrats say is far too low as many Puerto Ricans are still recovering from the devastation of 2017’s Hurricane Maria. Democrats also say aid should cover rebuilding and other forms of disaster relief. Trump responded Monday night on Twitter that “Puerto Rico got far more money than Texas & Florida combined, yet their government can’t do anything right, the place is a mess–nothing works.” We get response from New York Congressmember Nydia Velázquez, who has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1993. She is the first Puerto Rican woman to be elected to Congress and is the former the chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

BBC Hardtalk: MP Ken Clarke

HARDtalk's Stephen Sackur speaks to former Conservative minister and longest serving MP Ken Clarke. It is hard to remember a time when Britain wasn't consumed by Brexit agony. And still it's impossible to say how and when the pain will stop. MPs are currently trying to find a Brexit consensus in defiance of the wishes of prime minister May. Her own deal remains short of a parliamentary majority, though she clings to the hope it will eventually prevail before time runs out. How close to breaking point is Britain's political system?

Peine de mort pour homosexualité : la France appelle Brunei à renoncer

LE POINT: La porte-parole du ministre des Affaires étrangères a annoncé que cette nouvelle législation est « contraire aux engagements internationaux ».

La France a appelé mardi le sultanat de Brunei à renoncer à une législation qui va instaurer la peine de mort en cas d'homosexualité ou d'adultère en invoquant la loi islamique. « Brunei a annoncé l'entrée en vigueur d'un nouveau Code pénal le 3 avril 2019 qui prévoit des châtiments corporels et la peine de mort pour des incriminations notamment d'homosexualité, d'apostasie, de blasphème et d'adultère », a déclaré Agnès von der Mühll, la porte-parole du ministère français des Affaires étrangères.

« La France appelle Brunei à renoncer à ce projet et à maintenir son moratoire de fait des exécutions capitales depuis 1957 », a-t-elle ajouté dans un communiqué. Cette législation est « contraire aux engagements internationaux » pris par Brunei en matière de droits de l'homme, que ce soit à l'ONU et au sein de l'Association des nations l'Asie du Sud-Est (Asean), a-t-elle relevé. » | Source AFP | mardi 02 avril 2019

Rees-Mogg and the AfD’s Alice Weidel Have a Lot In Common – All of It Nasty

THE GUARDIAN: The ERG supremo and the far-right German leader are nationalists linked by their hatred of the EU and much else

My first reaction on hearing that Jacob Rees-Mogg had retweeted a video by the populist German Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)was: “Well, that figures.” And not just because the AfD is the nasty party in German politics and because Rees-Mogg represents the faction that wants the Conservatives to remain the nasty party in Britain. One of the driving forces behind the AfD is a very German inferiority complex regarding the second world war. Rees-Mogg, with his foppish retro look and accent, embodies the Britain that German nationalists think they lost the war to. A Britain they despise, envy and admire in almost equal measure. » | Alan Posener | Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Erdoğan’s Grip on Turkey Slips as Opposition Makes Election Gains

THE GUARDIAN: Local elections viewed as referendum on president’s handling of economic crisis

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s grip on Turkey has been challenged by a resurgent opposition in local elections, with his ruling Justice and Development party (AKP) losing control of Ankara and on track to lose Istanbul, according to unofficial local election results. » | Bethan McKernan in Istanbul | Monday, April 1, 2019

THE GUARDIAN: Is Turkish poll shock the beginning of the end for Erdoğan? »

Saudi Arabia Paying Jamal Khashoggi's Children Thousands Each Month – Report

THE GUARDIAN: Four children of murdered journalist have also been given houses to ensure they ‘continue to show restraint in their public statements’

The children of murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi have received multimillion-dollar homes and are being paid thousands of dollars per month by the kingdom’s authorities, the Washington Post has reported.

Khashoggi – a contributor to the Post and a critic of the Saudi government – was killed and dismembered in October at the kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul by a team of 15 agents sent from Riyadh. His body has not been recovered.

The payments to his four children – two sons and two daughters – “are part of an effort by Saudi Arabia to reach a long-term arrangement with Khashoggi family members, aimed in part at ensuring that they continue to show restraint in their public statements”, the Post said. » | Agence France-Presse | Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Monday, April 01, 2019

An Explainer on Sharia Law and Why It Shouldn't Be Used to Punish Gays

ADVOCATE: Draconian laws like those in Brunei are based on a misapplication of Sharia, which isn't really a legal code, Islamic scholars and activists say.

There has been, understandably, much outcry against the sultanate of Brunei’s imposition of what is often called Sharia law — a legal system based on Islam. But Sharia is not monolithic, according to many scholars of Islam; it can be and is interpreted in different ways from one country to another. And some point out that referring to Sharia as “law” is problematic — it’s a religious way of life.

Brunei, ruled dictatorially by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, began incorporating aspects of Sharia into its penal code in 2014, causing international outrage and a boycott of the luxury hotels owned by the sultan’s company, the Dorchester Collection. Some portions of the code going into effect in April provide for death by stoning for people who have sex with a person of the same gender and women who have sex outside of marriage, and for amputation of a hand or foot for thieves. » | Advocate.com Editors | Monday, April 1, 2019

ADVOCATE: Brunei's Antigay Laws Are Too Much Even for Ted Cruz » | Trudy Ring | Monday, April 1, 2019r

PINK NEWS: Bill Maher says Brunei boycott is ‘chickens**t tokenism’ » | Nick Duffy | Monday, April 1, 2019

Brunei to Punish Homosexuals with Death by Stoning

PERSPECTIVES | The sultan of Brunei has declared homosexuality is now punishable by stoning to death. The sultan's move has LGBT groups and human rights organizations worried, as the sultanate in southeast Asia takes a step in a more conservative direction. How is the international community perceiving this? Truth Wins Out founder Wayne Besen analyzes.

Gay Sex Is About To Become Punishable With Death By Stoning In Brunei | TIME

UN Joins Clooney in Decrying 'Inhuman' Brunei Anti-gay Law

THE GUARDIAN: Penal code that imposes death by stoning for gay sex is serious setback for rights, says commissioner

The United Nations has condemned “cruel and inhuman” laws set to take effect in Brunei this week that impose death by stoning for gay sex and adultery, and amputations for theft.

“I appeal to the government to stop the entry into force of this draconian new penal code, which would mark a serious setback for human rights protections for the people of Brunei if implemented,” the UN high commissioner for human rights, Michelle Bachelet, said in a statement.

Brunei, an absolute monarchy ruled for 51 years by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, has said it will implement the code starting on Wednesday.

Brunei first announced the measures in 2013, but their implementation has been delayed in the face of opposition by rights groups, and as officials worked out the practical details.

The law stipulates the death penalty for a number of offences, including rape, adultery, sodomy, robbery and insulting or defaming the prophet Muhammad.

It also introduces public flogging as punishment for abortion as well as amputation for theft, and criminalises exposing Muslim children to the beliefs and practices of any religion besides Islam. » | Agence France-Presse in Geneva | Monday, April 1, 2019

UK 'Silver Spoon' Cabinet Will Escape Brexit Fallout, Says German Minister

THE GUARDIAN: Michael Roth describes Brexit as a ‘big shitshow’ run by out-of-touch politicians

Germany’s Europe minister has accused “90 percent” of the British cabinet of having “no idea how workers think, live, work and behave”, as politicians in the union are finding Westminster turmoil to be a useful argument in the campaign for upcoming elections.

At the Social Democratic party’s (SPD) conference on Saturday, Michael Roth dispensed with diplomatic etiquette to condemn what he called the “big shitshow” of Brexit.

UK politicians “born with silver spoons in their mouths, who went to private schools and elite universities” were responsible for the current impasse in parliament, but were unlikely to suffer the direct consequences of their actions, he said. » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin | Monday, April 1, 2019

Rees-Mogg Defends Promotion of German Far-right AfD Video

THE GUARDIAN: Tory MP tweeted video of Alice Weidel criticising role of Germany and Merkel in Brexit

Jacob Rees-Mogg has defended his decision to tweet a video of a speech by a senior member of Germany’s far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), saying he did not endorse the party’s views but the opinions expressed had “real importance”.

The Conservative backbencher and leading Brexiter faced strong criticism from some Labour MPs after tweeting a YouTube video of a speech by Alice Weidel, the leader of the AfD’s 91 deputies in the Bundestag, the German parliament.

Rees-Mogg added the message: “The AfD leader asks: ‘Is it any wonder the British see bad faith behind every manoeuvre from Brussels?’” » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Monday, April 1, 2019

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Interview: Michael Heseltine: ‘Britain Is Stepping Down from World Pre-eminence’

THE GUARDIAN: The veteran Tory Remainer on the British leaders of his lifetime and how he came to be the hero of the Put it to the People march

Lord Heseltine is a Conservative politician and businessman. He served as an MP between 1966 and 2001 and now sits in the House of Lords. He has held several government positions, including defence secretary under Margaret Thatcher and deputy prime minister under John Major, and worked as an adviser to David Cameron. He lives in Northamptonshire with his wife, Anne, and is co-founder of the publishing company Haymarket. A longstanding Europhile, he is now a prominent critic of Brexit. » | Dorian Lynskey | Sunday, March 31, 2019

Leaked Reports Reveal Severe Abuse of Saudi Political Prisoners

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: cuts, burns and bruising documented, despite government denials of torture

Political prisoners in Saudi Arabia are said to be suffering from malnutrition, cuts, bruises and burns, according to leaked medical reports that are understood to have been prepared for the country’s ruler, King Salman.

The reports seem to provide the first documented evidence from within the heart of the royal court that political prisoners are facing severe physical abuse, despite the government’s denials that men and women in custody are being tortured.

The Guardian has been told the medical reports will be given to King Salman along with recommendations that are said to include a potential pardon for all the prisoners, or at least early release for those with serious health problems. » | Nick Hopkins, Stephanie Kirchgaessner and Kareem Shaheen | Sunday, March 31, 2019

Elton John Joins call for Boycott of Brunei-owned Hotels

THE GUARDIAN: Singer follows George Clooney in protest at sultanate’s death penalty for gay sex and adultery

Elton John has joined George Clooney in calling for a boycott of nine Brunei-owned hotels over the sultanate’s new death penalty laws for gay sex and adultery.

“I commend my friend, George Clooney, for taking a stand against the anti-gay discrimination and bigotry taking place in the nation of Brunei – a place where gay people are brutalised, or worse – by boycotting the sultan’s hotels,” the singer wrote on his Twitter page late on Saturday.

The 72-year-old, a veteran gay rights campaigner, said his “heart went out” to staff at the hotels, but that “we must send a message, however we can, that such treatment is unacceptable”.

The nine hotels mentioned by Clooney, in the US, Britain, France and Italy, include London’s exclusive Dorchester and the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles. » | Agence France-Presse | Sunday, March 31, 2019