Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Can Bernie Sanders Win against Donald Trump? l Inside Story

In 2016, Bernie Sanders started what he called a 'revolution' as an independent candidate. He ran for US president on a platform of progressive ideas such as free healthcare for all but eventually lost the Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton.

The 77-year-old is making a second attempt, launching his campaign to be Democratic candidate in 2020 and believes he still has what it takes to win the White House. He's described Donald Trump as the most dangerous president in modern American history.

The list for the Democratic primary looks a crowded one and one of the most diverse ever. At least 12 candidates have confirmed they'll run so far - dozens more have still to decide.

There are already a record number of women, vast age differences between candidates, and ethnic minorities. But have any of them got what it will take to face up to Trump?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Jeffrey Stacey - Former State Department Official in the Obama Administration; Adam Quinn - Senior Lecturer in American Politics, University of Birmingham; Rina Shah - Republican Strategist and Consultant

Saudi Scholar: My Father Faces the Death Penalty in Saudi Arabia for Supporting Human Rights

While the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul in October sparked international outrage, far less attention has been paid to the ongoing Saudi repression at home. We speak with Abdullah Alaoudh, whose father has been locked up in solitary confinement in Saudi Arabia for his political activism since September 2017. Prior to his arrest, prominent Islamic scholar Salman Alodah had been a vocal critic of the Saudi monarchy who had called for elections with 14 million Twitter followers. But for the past 17 months, Salman Alodah has been silenced. He was one of dozens of religious figures, writers, journalists, academics and civic activists arrested as part of a crackdown on dissent in 2017 overseen by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. We speak with Alodah’s son Abdullah Alaoudh. He is a senior fellow at Georgetown University in the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — February 20, 2019

Karl Lagerfeld - German Fashion Designer and Icon | DW Documentary

The German-born designer Karl Lagerfeld has died at the age of 85. He was a designer, an artist and a fashion icon. For this sad occasion we recommend a portrait DW made in 2014.

No living fashion designer, let alone a German one, was as celebrated as Karl Lagerfeld. On September 10, 2018 the man with the trademark ponytail and sunglasses celebrated his 85th birthday. From dawn to late morning, Karl Lagerfeld designs for Chanel, Fendi and his own signature brand - a combined workload of up to 15 collections a year. A workhorse who never takes breaks or even a vacation, he is also a photographer and filmmaker. His passion for fashion was awakened by a Dior show in Hamburg in 1950. Four years later, at the age of 17, Karl Lagerfeld was hired as an assistant to Pierre Balmain. Karl Lagerfeld recounts his beginnings in the industry, as well as his upper class background and childhood in Schleswig-Holstein. Karl Lagerfeld was greatly influenced by his mother, whom he describes as his personal style icon. Karl Lagerfeld's caustic comments were notorious and dreaded by those at the receiving end. As an artist, Karl Lagerfeld worked in several media, from pictures and photographs to book illustrations and videos. The documentary of 2015 follows Karl Lagerfeld to exhibition openings, during the hectic preparations for his fashion shows, and at photo shoots in Paris as it seeks to uncover the man behind the mask.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Bernie Sanders: End US Arms Sales to Saudis and Support for its Yemen War

TRNN Replay: At the Sanders Institute Gathering, Sen. Sanders joins Paul Jay to discuss his Senate resolution to end US support for the Saudi war in Yemen

Shamima Begum Has UK Citizenship Revoked by British Government, ITV News Learns | ITV News

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — February 19, 2019

Türkei: Führende Ex-Mitarbeiter von "Cumhuriyet" müssen ins Gefängnis

DIE PRESSE: Das türkische Berufungsgericht bestätigte die Urteile gegen 14 Angeklagte, die der türkischen Regierung zufolge Unterstützer der Gülen-Bewegung und der PKK sein sollen.

Führende Ex-Mitarbeiter und Journalisten der regierungskritischen türkischen Zeitung "Cumhuriyet" müssen nach einem gescheiterten Berufungsverfahren ins Gefängnis. Das Berufungsgericht in Istanbul wies den Einspruch der 14 Angeklagten zurück, die im vergangenen April zu teils mehrjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt worden waren. » | APA/AFP/dpa | Dienstag, 19. Februar 2019

Former IS Bride: Shamima Begum Should Ask for 'Mercy'

Tania Joya has first hand experience of fleeing the Islamic State after she was married to one of the most influential American-born members of IS in Syria.

Ms Joya believes that like herself, Shamima Begum has been "deceived to believe" in a utopia that simply doesn't exist and that she can be helped if she asks for "mercy".

Shamima Begum: 'I didn't want to be IS poster girl' - BBC News

In an interview with the BBC's Middle East correspondent Quentin Sommerville, Shamima Begum - the schoolgirl who fled London to join the Islamic State group in Syria - has said she never wanted to be an IS "poster girl".

Ms Begum, who has just given birth, said she now wants the UK's forgiveness and supports "some British values".

She told the BBC while it was "wrong" innocent people died in the 2017 Manchester attack, it was "kind of retaliation" for attacks on IS.

The 19-year-old left Bethnal Green four years ago with two school friends

Shamima Begum: I Didn't Do Anything Dangerous

Sky News has spoken exclusively to Shamima Begum, the British schoolgirl who left the UK to join Islamic State when she was 15.

Now aged 19, she has given birth to a baby boy and she wants to return to the UK.

She says she knew about IS executions before she left for Syria, and thinks that people should have sympathy 'for everything [she has] been through'.

'A Woman's Life in Saudi Arabia Is Determined by the Roll of a Dice'

Monday, February 18, 2019

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — February 18, 2019

Mike Pence Met With Silence; Angela Merkel Hammers President Donald Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC

While speaking at the 55th Munich Security Conference, VP Mike Pence was met with silence after mentioning President Trump. Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized the Trump administration's foreign policies.

Where Is the Missing Wife of Scientology's Ruthless Leader? | 60 Minutes Australia

Rift Between Trump and Europe Is Now Open and Angry

THE NEW YORK TIMES: MUNICH — European leaders have long been alarmed that President Trump’s words and Twitter messages could undo a trans-Atlantic alliance that had grown stronger over seven decades. They had clung to the hope that those ties would bear up under the strain.

But in the last few days of a prestigious annual security conference in Munich, the rift between Europe and the Trump administration became open, angry and concrete, diplomats and analysts say.

A senior German official, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak on such matters, shrugged his shoulders and said: “No one any longer believes that Trump cares about the views or interests of the allies. It’s broken.”

The most immediate danger, diplomats and intelligence officials warned, is that the trans-Atlantic fissures now risk being exploited by Russia and China. » | Steven Erlanger and Katrin Bennhold | Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Macron Condemns Antisemitic Abuse During gilets jaunes Paris Protest

THE GUARDIAN: Police protect philosopher Alain Finkielkraut after he is targeted during 14th weekend of protests

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has condemned antisemitic abuse of a leading intellectual by gilets jaunes (yellow vests) protesters and said it would not be tolerated.

Police intervened to protect philosopher and writer Alain Finkielkraut after he was targeted by a group of protesters on the fringe of a demonstration in central Paris on Saturday, according to videos posted on social networks.

“The antisemitic insults he has been subjected to are the absolute negation of what we are and what makes us a great nation. We will not tolerate it,” Macron tweeted.

“The son of Polish immigrants who became a French academician, Alain Finkielkraut is not only a prominent man of letters but the symbol of what the Republic allows everyone,” the president added in another tweet.

Several protesters shouted “dirty Zionist”, “we are the people” and “France is ours”, according to a video broadcast by Yahoo! News. » | Agence France-Presse | Sunday, February 17, 2019

Third of Britons Believe Islam Threatens British Way of Life, Says Report

THE GUARDIAN: Anti-Muslim prejudice replacing immigration as key driver of far-right growth

More than a third of people in the UK think that Islam is a threat to the British way of life, according to a report by the anti-fascist group Hope not Hate.

The organisation’s annual “State of Hate” report, which will be launched on Monday, argues that anti-Muslim prejudice has replaced immigration as the key driver of far right growth.

In polling conducted by the group in July last year, 35% of people thought Islam was generally a threat to the British way of life, compared with 30% who thought it was generally compatible. Forty-nine per cent of those who voted Conservative in the 2017 general election shared thought it was generally incompatible, while 21% of Labour voters did. » | Frances Perraudin | Sunday, February 17, 2019

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Lee Radziwill, Jackie Kennedy's Younger Sister, Dies Aged 85

THE GUARDIAN: Radziwill, born Caroline Lee Bouvier in 1933, was a successful interior designer and PR executive in the fashion industry

The American socialite Lee Radziwill, who was Jackie Kennedy’s younger sister, has died. She was 85.

The website WWD reported the news, saying Radziwill died at home in New York City on Friday. The cause of death was not immediately known.

Radziwill was born Caroline Lee Bouvier in 1933, four years after her sister. Briefly and unsuccessfully an actor, she achieved success as an interior designer and public relations executive in the fashion industry, working for Giorgio Armani. » \ Martin Pengelly in New York | Saturday, February 16, 2019

Karl Marx's London Memorial Vandalised for Second Time

THE GUARDIAN: The words ‘doctrine of hate’ and ‘architect of genocide’ were painted on Highgate cemetery memorial

The tomb of Karl Marx in Highgate cemetery in London has been vandalised for the second time in the space of a month.

The words “doctrine of hate” and “architect of genocide” were found daubed in red paint across the Grade I-listed monument in the north London graveyard on Saturday.

The latest attack comes less than two weeks after the marble plaque on the tomb was defaced by an apparent attempt to scrape and chip Marx’s name off the marble slab with a hammer. » | Ruth Quinn | Saturday, February 16, 2019