Friday, December 21, 2018

Don Lemon: If You Are Worried, You Should Be

CNN's Don Lemon reacts to the announcement that Secretary of Defense James Mattis is stepping down from his role.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tucker Carlson Begs Advertisers To Stay, Declaring “I Like Immigrants!”

Tucker Carlson went on an angry tirade on Friday evening about immigrants, saying that they make American “poorer, dirtier, and more divided.” This incredibly racist statement has caused advertisers to flee his program, but now he’s begging them to stay by proclaiming that he actually loves immigrants and that he believes the caravan travelers all have good intentions. This is too little, too late, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

The Rogue Crown Prince & the Dangerous US-Saudi-Israel Alliance

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson and Paul Jay discuss the US Senate resolution condemning Mohamed Bin Salman for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi; there is concern amongst the neocons of both major parties that MBS is undermining the strategy to weaken Iran

Imam Tawhidi: The TRUTH About Islam

In this interview with Imam Tawhidi, the Imam discusses his 2018 book The Tragedy of Islam, as well as the debate surrounding the religion’s history, doctrine, stance on women’s rights, Mohammed, and its connections to terrorism and extremism.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Trump 'Seething' after Cohen Sentencing

President Trump's public silence belied his rising fury over longtime lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen, who the President still insists is not telling the truth, after he turned against him and was sentenced to three years in prison. CNN's Jim Acosta reports.

Cohen on Trump as President: 'He's a Very Different Individual'

Trump's former attorney told ABC News in an exclusive interview that he thinks "the pressure of the job is much more" than what the president thought it was going to be.

Senate Votes To End US Support For Saudi-Led War In Yemen | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

In a stinging rebuke of President Trump and the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the US Senate voted to end military support of the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Theresa May Tries to Salvage Brexit Deal in Brussels

Theresa May is ending the worst week of her political life in the place where she now looks more comfortable than Westminster.

This is her second visit to Brussels in three days and now that she has clung on to her job she came hoping to get her deal across the line in Parliament.

Her fellow EU leaders were long on admiration for her tenacity but came short on the kind of concessions that could save her deal and perhaps her government.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Lord Michael Heseltine on Brexit, Theresa May and Fighting Poverty

Lord Michael Heseltine is a veteran of politics. He served as Deputy Prime Minister under Margaret Thatcher and was crucial in her removal from power. He now sits on the Conservative benches of the House of Lords and has strongly argued against Brexit and to remain in the European Union.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Will Trump Change His Mind on Khashoggi Killing? l Inside Story

Six senior US senators from across party lines have introduced a resolution holding the Saudi Crown Prince personally accountable for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

It directly contradicts statements from President Donald Trump who has insisted repeatedly there is no definitive evidence connecting Mohammed bin Salman with the crime.

But will the senators force Trump to drop his defence of the Saudi royal?

The resolution also criticises Saudi Arabia for the war in Yemen, the blockade of Qatar, and a crackdown on dissent in the Kingdom. It's a testing time for the US president.

Presenter: Martine Dennis | Guests: John Jones, former senior congressional advisor during President Obama's term; Sigurd Neubauer, a Middle East analyst with expertise in Gulf affairs; and Chris Garcia, former deputy director of the US Department of Commerce under President Trump

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Can Macron Survive the Biggest Challenge to His Presidency? l Inside Story

The Arc de Triomphe daubed with graffiti. The Champs Elysée cloaked in clouds of tear gas. It's becoming a familiar story in Paris. The famous sights of the French capital turned into a battle ground for the third successive weekend.

‘Yellow Vest’ protesters again venting their fury at the rising price of keeping their cars on the road; and increasing calls for President Emmanuel Macron to resign.

Facing the biggest challenge to his 18 month presidency, he flew home from the G20 summit in Argentina for an emergency government meeting.

It's not just next month’s proposed fuel tax rise which is infuriating many, falling living standards are too; so, how can Macron calm the rising anger?

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: Anne Giudicelli - Chief Executive, Terrorisc Consultancy; Remi Bourgeot -Economist, French Institute of International & Strategic Affairs; David Lees - Lecturer in French Studies, University of Warwick

Saturday, December 01, 2018

Does Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) Care about New Khashoggi Revelations? l Inside Story

’The Wall Street Journal’ says the Saudi Crown Prince was in contact with the team that killed Jamal Khashoggi.

The CIA has reportedly concluded the order to kill Jamal Khashoggi was given by Crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman.

‘The Wall Street Journal’ says its obtained details of the highly classified CIA document. The newspaper says bin Salman sent at least 11 messages to his closest adviser, Saud al-Qahtani.

He reportedly supervised the so-called 'hit' team.

The CIA says al-Qahtani was in direct communication with the team’s leader in Istanbul - in the hours before and after the journalist was murdered.

The Saudi team was reportedly assembled from the Crown Prince's top security men in the Royal Guard.

The judgment on Bin Salman's likely culpability is based on the prince’s personal focus on Khashoggi who had criticised him - as well as the Prince authorising the same team to target other opponents.

The Saudi leader is reported to have told associates in August last year that if efforts failed to persuade Khashoggi to return to Saudi Arabia, he would be lured somewhere else.

Do the latest revelations make any difference because bin Salman continues to enjoy Donald Trump's support?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests: Imadaldin al-Jubouri -Writer & Academic; Ahmed Al-Burai - Writer, Middle East Eye & Daily Sabah; Jacob Parakilas - Deputy Head, U.S. and the Americas Programme, Chatham House

Friday, November 30, 2018

G20: May in Argentina to Sell Brexit around the World

The Prime Minister arrived in Argentina for the G20 summit keen to sell the benefits of Brexit.

World leaders met against a backdrop of crisis in Crimea and the Saudi Arabian murder of a dissident journalist, but the European Council President Donald Tusk took the opportunity to say the EU stands ready for "no deal or no Brexit at all" if MPs reject the deal. We speak to Theresa May.

Ivanka And Don Jr. Are Mueller’s Next Targets

According to reports, special prosecutor Robert Mueller is now setting his sights on Ivanka and Donald Trump, Jr.’s involvement in a real estate deal that may have been used as a political tool for Donald Trump. The deal revolves around the talks for Trump Tower Moscow and the planned delivery of a $50 million penthouse to Vladimir Putin. The pieces of the puzzle are now out in the open, the only question is whether or not they actually fit together. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

What Do Ex-lawyer Pleas Mean for Trump? - BBC Newsnight

President Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen is back - this time with allegations about the President's Russian links. Trump denies wrong-doing, but how damaging could this new information be?

Kirsty Wark is joined from San Francisco by former US attorney Harry Litman, and from the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires by RT America presenter Scottie Nell Hughes.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

What's Ahead for the US-Saudi Relationship? l Inside Story

US Senators have sent a strong message to the White House – they will hold Saudi Arabia to account over its rôle in the war in Yemen and the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The Senate has voted to hold hearings next week on whether to end US involvement in the 3-year old conflict. That's despite strong opposition from the Trump administration, which sent the Secretaries of State and Defense to persuade Senators to vote against the measure.

So, what will this mean for the future of the US-Saudi relationship?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Charles Moran - Republican Political Strategist; Karen Greenberg - Director of the Center on National Security at Fordham University School of Law; Glenn Carle - A former CIA officer.

Should Saudi Crown Prince Be Charged with War Crimes? G20 Host, Argentina, Considers Probe

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman could face prosecution in Argentina for alleged complicity in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the Saudi-led humanitarian crisis in Yemen. On Wednesday, an Argentine prosecutor reportedly accepted a request by Human Rights Watch to prosecute the crown prince, just hours after he landed in Argentina ahead of the G20 summit. Argentina recognizes universal jurisdiction for war crimes and torture, which means it is able to press charges against the crown prince while he is in the country. We speak with Reed Brody, counsel and spokesperson for Human Rights Watch, and Shireen Al-Adeimi, Yemeni scholar, activist, and an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University.

Despite Tension between Iran and Israel, Iran’s Jewish Minority Feels At Home

Jewish people have called Iran home for nearly 3,000 years. The Trump administration and U.S. ally Israel often depict the Iranian government as composed of anti-Semitic radical Islamists bent on destroying Israel. But within Iran, many of the estimated 15,000 Jews say they're safe and happy living in the Islamic Republic. Reza Sayah takes a rare inside look at life for Iran's Jewish minority.