Sunday, May 27, 2018

Why is the Capitalist West Fighting with Capitalist Russia? (2016)

Alexandr Buzgalin and Paul Jay discuss the antagonism between Russia and US despite the former adopting ‘Jurassic Park capitalism’ since the demise of the USSR

Mikhail Gorbachev: America needs a Perestroika (2014)

The Ukrainian issue has intensified the tension that existed between the West and Russia: now, another Cold War is possibly lurking on the horizon. Are we to witness another stand-off - or will it be averted? The relations between Russia and the West seem to be stuck at dead-end, so is there hope common ground will emerge between the two? We ask these questions to the man who prides himself on ending the Cold War, the last leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, on Sophie&Co today.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Steve Bannon Interview on Europe's Far-right and Cambridge Analytica

One man who knows how Donald Trump rolls is Steve Bannon. The former chairman of the hard, right-wing Breitbart News website was appointed by Trump as his chief strategist after helping run the presidential campaign. But while the White House may have broken ties with Steve Bannon he's still carrying on with the work that brought him to the President in the first place - flying the flag for right wing populism in the US and across the globe. Our Europe Editor Matt Frei went to meet him.

Steve Bannon: The Full Euronews Interview

Steve Bannon on populism, the media, Nato and the future of the EU.

Have Bolton and Pence Killed US-North Korea Peace?

After cancelling his June 12th summit with Kim Jong-un, President Trump now says talks are still possible. We speak to journalist Tim Shorrock about North Korea's overlooked and misunderstood concerns and how Mike Pence and John Bolton stand in the way of peace.

Iran's Leader to Europe: Fulfil Demands or Nuclear Deal Is Dead | Al Jazeera English

Iran's supreme leader has set out conditions for Tehran to stay in its nuclear deal with world powers, including steps by to be taken by European banks to safeguard trade with Tehran after the US withdrawal from the deal.

European powers must continue buying crude oil, protect Iranian oil sales from US pressure and promise to not seek new negotiations on Iran's ballistic missile programme and Middle East activities, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's official website said on Wednesday.

Al Jazeera's Zein Basravi reports from Tehran.

Reports: A New Concern For Donald Trump Jr. | The Last Word | MSNBC

New reporting from Yahoo News that the FBI has obtained foreign intelligence wiretaps of a Putin ally who met Trump Jr. at an NRA convention in 2016 and a prosecutor with knowledge of the calls say the President’s son should be concerned. It is apparently all tied to the Russia Probe. Michael Isikoff explains his reporting and Joy Reid is joined by Danny Cevallos and David Corn.

Trump Seeks Regime Change in Iran, as He Rips up Nuclear Deal and Imposes 'Strongest' Sanctions

Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani said the US president is very "committed to regime change" in Iran, in a speech for the Iranian opposition cult the MEK. Then Trump sabotaged the JCPOA and Mike Pompeo announced "the strongest sanctions in history."

Friday, May 25, 2018

Weinstein in Court; Ireland Abortion Vote; Italy's Populist Takeover

What Next for North Korea? | Inside Story

Donald Trump called off much-awaited talks with Jong-un scheduled for next month in Singapore. North Korea said Trump's decision was 'extremely regrettable', a sentiment echoed worldwide, as a missed opportunity for peace.

The US President called it a 'sad moment of history'. He blamed Pyongyang's anger and open hostility for the cancellation. But both aren't ruling out a change of mind sometime in the future. The North's Vice Foreign Minister said that they are willing to meet any time to resolve any issues. So what happens to the North's nuclear weapons now?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: Mintaro Oba - Former US State Department diplomat specialising in North Korea; Ra Mson - Lecturer in International Relations and Japanese Foreign Policy, University of East Anglia; Se-Woong Ko - Dormer Korean Studies Lecturer, Yale University

George Galloway: "The Truth about Syria Is Finally Being Told”

George delivered a true-to-style monologue in which he said "The day will come when we will look back on our role in Syria and conclude THIS is the worst thing we have ever done." He also discussed Grenfell Tower, the Manchester arena bombing, and Tommy Robinson.

Top US News & World Headlines — May 25, 2018

WW3: George Galloway : North Korea Will Never Bow To Trump

Thursday, May 24, 2018

After Iran, North Korea: Trump Scraps Summit While Macron Visits Putin

Pompeo Makes War Not Deals Says Trita Parsi

As tough talk between the US and Iran heats up and diplomatic relations deteriorate, the majority of Americans remain opposed to the American withdrawal from the JCPOA. To analyze the impact of crumbling relations between the two countries, RT America’s Ed Schultz is joined by author of ‘Triumph of Diplomacy’ and President of the National Iranian-American Council, Trita Parsi.

Democracy in Chains: The Radical Right’s Stealth Attack on American Democracy

In part one, Nancy Maclean reveals Nobel-prize winning economist James M. Buchanan as the architect of the Koch Brothers' secret campaign to undermine public education, unions and to reshape America

Will Europe Defy Trump and Save the Iran Deal?

After withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, the US is threatening those countries who remain in it. We speak to scholars Eskandar Sadeghi and Pooya Ghoddousi, who have organized an open letter urging the European Union to withstand US pressure and save the agreement

Open Letter to Federica Mogherini »

Steve Bannon: 'Martin Luther King Would Be Proud of Trump' - BBC Newsnight

Donald Trump's former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, talks to Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis about President Trump, the Mueller investigation and US-UK relations.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018