Friday, May 25, 2018

Weinstein in Court; Ireland Abortion Vote; Italy's Populist Takeover

What Next for North Korea? | Inside Story

Donald Trump called off much-awaited talks with Jong-un scheduled for next month in Singapore. North Korea said Trump's decision was 'extremely regrettable', a sentiment echoed worldwide, as a missed opportunity for peace.

The US President called it a 'sad moment of history'. He blamed Pyongyang's anger and open hostility for the cancellation. But both aren't ruling out a change of mind sometime in the future. The North's Vice Foreign Minister said that they are willing to meet any time to resolve any issues. So what happens to the North's nuclear weapons now?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: Mintaro Oba - Former US State Department diplomat specialising in North Korea; Ra Mson - Lecturer in International Relations and Japanese Foreign Policy, University of East Anglia; Se-Woong Ko - Dormer Korean Studies Lecturer, Yale University

George Galloway: "The Truth about Syria Is Finally Being Told”

George delivered a true-to-style monologue in which he said "The day will come when we will look back on our role in Syria and conclude THIS is the worst thing we have ever done." He also discussed Grenfell Tower, the Manchester arena bombing, and Tommy Robinson.

Top US News & World Headlines — May 25, 2018

WW3: George Galloway : North Korea Will Never Bow To Trump

Thursday, May 24, 2018

After Iran, North Korea: Trump Scraps Summit While Macron Visits Putin

Pompeo Makes War Not Deals Says Trita Parsi

As tough talk between the US and Iran heats up and diplomatic relations deteriorate, the majority of Americans remain opposed to the American withdrawal from the JCPOA. To analyze the impact of crumbling relations between the two countries, RT America’s Ed Schultz is joined by author of ‘Triumph of Diplomacy’ and President of the National Iranian-American Council, Trita Parsi.

Democracy in Chains: The Radical Right’s Stealth Attack on American Democracy

In part one, Nancy Maclean reveals Nobel-prize winning economist James M. Buchanan as the architect of the Koch Brothers' secret campaign to undermine public education, unions and to reshape America

Will Europe Defy Trump and Save the Iran Deal?

After withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, the US is threatening those countries who remain in it. We speak to scholars Eskandar Sadeghi and Pooya Ghoddousi, who have organized an open letter urging the European Union to withstand US pressure and save the agreement

Open Letter to Federica Mogherini »

Steve Bannon: 'Martin Luther King Would Be Proud of Trump' - BBC Newsnight

Donald Trump's former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, talks to Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis about President Trump, the Mueller investigation and US-UK relations.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Iran Slams US over Threat of 'Strongest Sanctions in History' | Al Jazeera English

Iran has condemned the US for its threat of the "strongest sanctions in history". Secretary of State Mike Pompeo outlined new demands for Tehran in a speech on Monday.

Top US News & World Headlines — May 23, 2018

Highly-skilled Migrants Told to Leave UK under ‘Hostile Environment’ Policy

It’s been estimated that a thousand highly-skilled migrants, among them doctors, teachers and entrepreneurs, have been told to leave the country under measures intended in part to expel terrorists and war criminals.

US Sanctions on Iran Sends a Wrong Message to North Korea: Bill Richardson

The US decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and re-impose sanctions may imperil the upcoming summit with North Korea, former US ambassador Bill Richardson tells RT America’s Ed Schultz.

'We Are Seeking a New Deal', Pompeo Advisor Says on Iran

Populist Takeover: Italy Approves Unprecedented Coalition

Italy is raising anchor and setting sail for unchartered waters, with Europe's boat rocked by an unprecedented populist coalition. President Sergio Mattarella is expected to approve law professor Giuseppe Conte as premier. The new government, led by the anti-establishment Five-Star Movement and the far-right League, is promising a flat tax, welfare payments to poor families, a pivot towards Russia and the deportation of migrants. Will this government be the kiss of death for a strong EU?

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

What If Iran Does Not Comply with US Demands? | Inside Story

Mike Pompeo has outlined America's tough new policy on Iran in his first major speech since becoming Secretary of State.

Tensions between the two countries grew considerably when President Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out of the 2015 Iran Nuclear deal. But Pompeo’s hardline stance goes far beyond the nuclear issue, although he did threaten that America was ready to respond if Iran resumed its nuclear activities, refusing to elaborate.

The Iranian President Hassan Rouhani dismissed Pompeo's demands saying the world would no longer blindly follow America's lead.

One senior Iranian official said Pompeo's remarks showed the U.S. was seeking régime change in Iran.

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam | Guests: Michelle Dunne, Senior Associate at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Mohamed Marandi, Head of American Studies Post-Grad. Program at the University of Tehran; Ali Vaez, Director of Iran Project at the International Crisis Group

British Royals Rebrand with Royal Wedding, but Critics Say White, Neoliberal Monarchy Needs to Go

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were married Saturday at Windsor Castle in a ceremony that many heralded for celebrating black culture and history. Markle is biracial, divorced and a self-proclaimed feminist. The wedding featured a sermon about slavery, poverty and the enduring power of love by Bishop Michael Curry, the first African American to preside over the Episcopal Church. The British royal family is a “celebration of wealth, of elitism, of privilege in the hands of the few, of all the resources concentrated in the hands of a very small percentage of the country. In that sense it very much represents the current economic order in which we all live,” says Priya Gopal, a university lecturer in the faculty of English at the University of Cambridge.

Pompeo Threatens Iran With Strongest Sanctions in History, Speeding US March Toward War

On Monday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo used his first major policy address to threaten Iran with “the strongest sanctions in history.” Pompeo presented a list of 12 “basic requirements” for a new nuclear treaty with Iran, including “unqualified access” to all nuclear sites and an end to its interventions in Yemen. This comes just under two weeks after the Trump administration withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear deal. “Pompeo and Bolton have made the choice for the international community much, much easier,” says Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council. “Either you collaborate with the Trump administration and go along with these sanctions, walk away from this nuclear deal and speed up this march toward war—or you resist.”

Monday, May 21, 2018

Pompeo Lays Out US List of Demands for Iran

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid out a list of demands for the Iranian regime for the country to achieve relief from sanctions and reach a new international agreement.