Sunday, December 31, 2017

Protests over Economic Situation in Iran | Inside Story

Iranian protesters are angry at the high cost of basic goods. The price of eggs, for example, has gone up 40 per cent in just six months. Some Iranians say it's time for the government to focus on domestic issues, and to forget Syria, and forget Palestine.

These protesters hoped the Iran Nuclear Deal in 2015 would ease their financial struggles. Most international sanctions were lifted, but life for many Iranians has not improved. Government critics say the economic benefits of the deal haven't been passed on because of mismanagement and alleged corruption. They add that the budget announced this month cuts vital social welfare programmes, while giving more money to religious and revolutionary institutions.

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Ali Fathollah-Nejad –Brooking Doha center

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Inside Story: Why Are So Many Countries Expanding Their Presence in the Red Sea?

Turkey has signed an agreement with Sudan that will allow it to have a military presence on the Red Sea. It's the latest country to expand into the area.

The list of countries already in the region or building bases there include: Saudi Arabia, China, Israel, United Arab Emirates and the US. The US and European Union maintain regular security patrols. But the Red Sea is also one of the world's busiest maritime gateways for transporting oil. So, why is there a sudden interest in the Red Sea region?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Metin Gurcan - Security Analyst and Columnist for Al Monitor; James Moran - Associate Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy; Mamoun Abu Nowar - Retired Jordanian Air Force General

American Decline: Global Power in the 21st Century

Nigel Farage's Having a Rant

Donald Trump, the Decline of an Empire

Donald Trump's views, policies and rhetoric have raised concerns among Americans. This documentary elaborates on Trump's standpoint on different issues.

The 7 Signs Of An Empire In Decline

The common signs of all empires collapse from the Moores to the Romans to now the United States?

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Fishers of Men: Winning Converts to the Orthodox Faith

Baptisms and Chrismations in the Parish of St. Andrew Orthodox Christian Church in Riverside CA.

Joseph Stiglitz: Trump Has 'Fascist' Tendencies

The economist and author of Globalisation and its Discontents talks to the Guardian's Larry Elliott about why he considers Donald Trump unfit to be US president. He says stagnant incomes, the opioid crisis and falling life expectancies all pointed towards a political problem in the US but no one imagined it leading to a Trump presidency

Monday, December 25, 2017

The Christmas Broadcast, 1957

The first televised Christmas Broadcast or 'Queen's Speech', filmed at Sandringham House in Norfolk.

The Queen's Christmas Broadcast 2017

Inside Story - Are the US and Russia Headed for More Tension in 2018?

The Trump administration kicked off 2017 with hope for better relations with Russia. But the year ends with hardening rhetoric between two of the world's most influential powers.

Washington is now taking a tougher stance on Moscow for what it calls 'destabilizing activities'. Just this week, Donald Trump announced the United States will give Ukraine 'enhanced defensive capabilities' to fight pro-Russia separatists, in other words, weapons. Vladimir Putin's responded with a warning that this will only increase the use of force, and he used the same tone in outlining how Russia will move into 2018. So are relations now at their lowest since the end of the Cold War? And what will 2018 bring?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan | Guests Nikolay Surkov, foreign policy analyst at the Russian International Affairs Council; Lawrence Korb, a former assistant secretary of defense and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress; Macharia Munene, international relations expert at the United States International University

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Life of Jesus • English • Official Full HD Movie

Veteran British filmmaker Philip Saville directs the religious epic The Gospel of John| a production of the Canadian company Visual Bible International. This three-hour drama attempts to accurately follow the Gospel According to John| written sometime during the first century. The gospel contains four segments: an introduction to the nature of Jesus Christ; testimony by disciples and the presence of miracles; the Last Supper and crucifixion; and the appearance of the risen Christ. Henry Ian Cusick plays Jesus and Christopher Plummer provides voice-over narration. The Gospel of John was shown in a special presentation at the 2003 Toronto Film Festival.

Sanders: Voters' Views on Trump Is Trouble for GOP

Friday, December 22, 2017

Joe: What Nikki Haley Did At The UN Was An Embarrassment | Morning Joe | MSNBC

On Thursday, the UN General Assembly voted in favor of a nonbinding resolution against President Trump's Jerusalem decision. U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley spoke out, saying 'This vote will be remembered.'

Top US News & World Headlines — December 22, 2017