Sunday, October 15, 2017

Hillary Clinton on Weinstein, Trump's Threat to World Peace and Losing (Extended Interview) | October 13, 2017

Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks to Matt Frei about why she lost the U.S. Presidential election, how Trump's rhetoric and actions are a threat to world peace and her views on Harvey Weinstein after the recent publication of her new book "What Happened"

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hitlers Frauen - Magda Goebbels - Die Gefolgsfrau

Trump Refuses to Certify Iran Nuclear Deal Despite EU Criticism

US President Donald Trump announced he will not certify Tehran’s compliance with the Iran nuclear deal.

This means the US Congress now has 60 days to decide whether to re-impose sanctions against Iran and come up with new legislation to try and amend the deal.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani responded to Trump, saying it’s not up to any individual leader to make decisions about a global agreement.

Inside Story - What Is Next for the Iran Nuclear Deal?

US President Donald Trump is refusing to endorse the-two year old agreement between Tehran and world powers.

After months of bold talk and threats against Iran, the US president is laying out a new strategy to challenge the leadership in Tehran.

Donald Trump is refusing to certify the major nuclear deal signed with Iran two years ago. The Obama administration and six world powers agreed to lift long-running sanctions in return for Iranian promises to limit development of nuclear weapons. Trump says Iran is not meeting the conditions of the agreement. But he stopped short of completely withdrawing from it. Instead, he is asking Congress to consider new sanctions on Iran. Iran says Trump's allegations are delusional and world leaders have also been quick to condemn the US president.

Is the US risking isolation from its allies?

Presenter: James Bays | Guests: Ali Vaez - International Crisis Group; Daryl Kimball - Arms Control Association; Mostafa Khoscheshm, Applied Sciences University, Tehran

Verschollene Filmschätze 1940: Eva Braun filmt Hitler

Friday, October 13, 2017

Iran Deal, Decertified: Trump Disavows Nuclear Agreement without Walking Away

Trump Decertifies Iran Deal, Outlines New Iran Strategy

Top US News & World Headlines — October 13, 2017

Is Trump Slashing Healthcare Subsidies for the Poor to Decimate Obamacare & Cut Taxes for the Rich?

As President Trump moves to dismantle the Affordable Care Act in an executive order, and the White House announces it will stop paying billions of dollars in federal subsidies to insurance companies to help cover low-income people’s healthcare plans, we get response from Congress member Luis Gutiérrez, who says Trump’s dismantling of the ACA is an attempt to balance the budget. “It’s no coincidence that their next move is to give a tax break to the wealthiest in this nation,” Gutiérrez notes.

Ghosts of 1917 Revolution Still Haunt Russians

Assessing Trump: Is the President Fit for Office? – UpFront | Special Discussion

From pundits to US Senators and former officials, many have expressed concern that US President Donald Trump is mentally unfit for office. But the profession most capable of making this judgement—psychiatric and mental health experts and practitioners— have remained largely silent.

Mental health professionals usually abide by an ethical norm called the "Goldwater Rule", which states that "it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion [on a public figure] unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorisation for such a statement."

President Trump, however, is prompting some psychiatrists to speak out, arguing that his mental unfitness for office is apparent and uniquely dangerous.

"The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" is a new book that offers a collection of essays from 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts, all offering a bleak assessment of the president’s mental state. But is it even possible to diagnose Trump from afar in this way?

Bandy Lee, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and the editor of this new book, and Betty Teng, a trauma therapist and one of the contributors to it, join us to discuss their views and why they believe the US president is a danger to the world.

Editor’s note: Bandy Lee's assessments are her own views and do not represent those of Yale University.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Trump Takes On Tehran: What Future for Iran Nuclear Deal?

UNESCO Reacts to US Withdrawal amid Accusations of 'Anti-Israel Bias'

Top US News & World Headlines — October 12, 2017

Iran - Golestan Palace

A report on Golestan Palace, a historical complex at the heart of the capital, Tehran.

Trailer: Iran's National Jewels: The Witnesses to History

Iran's National Jewelry Museum is home to priceless and dazzling gems and jewels. This sea of light reflects the grandeur of ancient Iran and is a clear manifestation of its rich history.

Inside the Shah's Former Palace

The former home of Iran's Shah in Tehran is attracting many visitors, fascinated by pre-revolution royal times.

The Iranian royal family spent their last days in the Niavaran palace complex, before the 2500-year old Persian monarchy came to an end in 1979.

Peter Hitchens on Theresa May

PETER HITCHENS: Theresa May deserved her ghastly humiliation after doing much to help kill the Tories »