Thursday, March 23, 2017

London Attack: Nuttall Says Cut Out Radical Islam Cancer

Canada Passes Blasphemy Motion: Faith Goldy Reacts

Canada's House of Commons has just passed the Liberal blasphemy motion, M103. Faith Goldy of immediately reacts to this attack on Canadians' most precious freedom-- the freedom of speech. SIGN THE PETITION: here

Anti-immigration Politicians Link London Attack to Migrant Policy

THE GUARDIAN: Marine Le Pen calls for tighter borders, while Nigel Farage says London attacks prove Trump’s hardline policies are right

Marine Le Pen, the French far-right leader, has joined anti-immigration politicians in linking the London attack to migrant policy, despite the attacker being British.

Le Pen, who is forecast to reach the second round runoff in France’s presidential election in May, said on Thursday the attack underlined the importance of countries being able to protect their borders and stepping up general security measures.

“We must control our borders,” the Front National leader told France’s BFM TV and RMC radio. “The problem we have today is this form of low-cost terrorism, radicalised individuals acting alone, without a network. It’s a new form of terrorism that requires all the measures we are not taking at present.” » | Jon Henley and Amber Jamieson | Thursday, March 23, 2017

Why Is Russia Still In Love with Putin?

Established politicians the world over are facing crises of confidence with their electorates. But 17 years after he took charge of Russia, Vladimir Putin’s approval ratings are still high. Shaun Walker visits Irkutsk in Siberia to investigate why, despite their lives being tough and thankless, Russians still believe in Putin

Former Russian Lawmaker Killed in Ukraine

Former Russian lawmaker Denis Voronenkov, who feared for his life, has been killed in Ukraine. CNN's Frederick Pleitgen reports.

American Killed in London Terror Attack

Kurt Cochran has been identified by family and his church as one of the victims who died in the London attacks. Cochran was in London celebrating his 25th wedding anniversary with his wife Melissa.

Pauline Hanson Calls for a Muslim Ban after London Terror Attack

May Reveals Details about British-born Westminster Attacker

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Terror Attack in London

German Media Watchdog Instructs Press to Censor Ethnicity and Religion in Reports

BREITBART.COM: BERLIN (AP) — Germany’s media regulator has revised its code of conduct on reporting whether crime suspects belong to an ethnic or religious minority after complaints the previous guidance was unclear.

The German Press Council – a voluntary, industry-run body – says information about a person’s ethnicity shouldn’t be published “unless there is a justified public interest in doing so.” » | Breitbart London | Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Read the Jihad Watch article here

Terror Attack – London: Nigel Farage Just Said What the US Needs to Do and Fast

«Gott will Blut sehen»

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Gewalt gehört zum Islam, sie ist im Koran angelegt und wurde von Mohammed vorgelebt. Das sagt der Islamwissenschafter Hamed Abdel-Samad im Gespräch mit NZZ-Chefredaktor Eric Gujer.

Hamed Abdel-Samad wendet sich entschieden gegen die Entschuldigung, islamistische Gewalt habe nichts mit dem Islam zu tun, sondern sie bedeute einen Missbrauch der Religion. Im Gespräch mit NZZ-Chefredaktor Eric Gujer und der politischen Philosophin Katja Gentinetta sagt er:

«Es ist kein Missbrauch der Religion, sondern ein Gebrauch. Denn die Religion schreit förmlich danach, gebraucht zu werden für Gewalt, weil es ein Bestandteil der Religion ist.» «25 Tötungsbefehle gibt es im Koran, direkte Tötungsbefehle, wo Gott den Tod sehen will. Gott will Blut sehen.» Und: «Mohammed war ein Krieger, lebte von Kriegsbeute.» » | >i>(Bearbeitung: awy.) | Mittwoch, 22. März 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

May: We Will All Move Forward, Never Giving In to Terror

Mar. 22, 2017 - 2:51 - British prime minister comments on London terror attack

A Note to My Visitors: On This Blog

Please note: What is posted on this blog does not necessarily reflect my own opinions; rather, I post items that I feel are interesting for some reason or other. I repeat: I do not necessarily agree with what I have posted. The items (will) have been posted for your interest. – Mark

Turkey Parts 1 & 2 – The Migrants; The New Ottomans: Chainsmoke Series

Part 1 of a discussion about the future of Turkey. With a focus on Erdogan, the migrant crisis, population manipulations, and potential European destabilization. Part 2 of a discussion about the future of Turkey. With a focus on Erdogan, NATO, The Middle East, North Africa, and relations with Russia.

Christianity Is 'Over' in Iraq and Will Not Return, Says Former Vicar of Baghdad

THE INDEPENDENT: War-torn Middle Eastern nation was once home to around 1.5m Christians. There are now thought to be less than 250,000

Christianity is all but dead in war-torn Iraq, according to the so-called British “Vicar of Baghdad”.

Canon Andrew White, who was vicar of the only Anglican church in the country before being pulled out in 2014, said the “time has come” where Christianity “is over” in Iraq.

Mr White, from Kent, was speaking in a Fox News interview as the Iraqi military continues its offensive to drive Isis out of its major Iraqi stronghold Mosul, and after Donald Trump attempted to enforce a travel ban against six Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and north Africa.

“The time has come where it is over, no Christians will be left,” Mr White said. » | Peter Walker | Wednesday, March 22, 2017

U.K. Parliament Assailant Shot by Police

THE NEW YORK TIMES: LONDON — Britain’s Parliament was placed on lockdown on Wednesday afternoon after a man stabbed a police officer and was then shot by other officers. The Metropolitan Police said it was treating the violence as “a terrorist incident,” as the country’s seat of power was put on high alert.

Witnesses also reported that a motorist on Westminster Bridge, next to Parliament, operating a large vehicle, mowed down at least five people before coming to a halt, but it was not clear if the motorist was also the assailant. » | Katrin Bennhold and Stephen Castle | Wednesday, March 22, 2017

US Vets Accuse Saudi Arabia of Tricking Them into Lobbying against Justice for 9/11 Families

The families of 9/11 victims have filed a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia, accusing the Kingdom’s officials of aiding the terrorists. RT’s Gayane Chichakyan looks at how Saudi Arabia is allegedly trying to overturn that law.

Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) »