Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Opinion: Cologne Attacks on Muslims Show Incompatibility of Cultures

DEUTSCHE WELLE: Cologne’s xenophobic assaults on Muslims are disgraceful. But DW's Shamil Shams feels that they just show how Germans feel increasingly threatened by a culture that is not compatible with their norms.

As a Pakistani journalist working in Germany, I have been very skeptical about the German government's decision to allow thousands of refugees into the country without much scrutiny of their backgrounds.

Of course, I am empathetic towards the plight of the people who are fleeing war-torn countries like Syria, who are facing immense oppression and violence at the hands of Islamic militants as well as President Bashar Assad. I understand their woes, the pain of losing their loved ones, their homes and livelihoods in a civil war that continues to ravage the once peaceful country.

But at the same time, I was sure that the migrants' influx would ultimately disturb the harmony and balance of German society. I feel that Islamic culture and European norms are not compatible.

Most Germans have responded to the refugee crisis with exemplary humanism. My European friends got angry when I warned them against Chancellor Merkel's migrant-friendly policy. I found it very naïve that many Germans believed that all Middle Eastern and South Asian refugees would conform to their way of life and values. I told my friends that their understanding of the Muslim world was limited and flawed. They didn't pay much attention to my arguments. » | Shamil Shams | Monday, January 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton Slowly Inching to Deep Legal Trouble?

Jan. 11, 2016 - 5:19 - With new allegations that she directed an advisor to send classified info in a non-secure setting and the FBI expanding its probe, will GOP presidential candidate soon find her in legal hot water? 'On the Record' breaks it down

Rep. Mike McCaul Addresses Latest Threats to the US

Jan. 11, 2016 - 4:17 - New concerns Philadelphia gunman may be part of a larger radical group; Lawmaker sounds off on 'The Kelly File'

ISIS Burns Fighters Alive for Letting Ramadi Fall

Read the FoxNews article here

Germany 'Out of Control' Syrian Teens Arrested for Rape of Girl in Pool amid More Attacks

EXPRESS: A TEENAGE girl was surrounded and attacked in a swimming pool in the latest of a series shocking sex assaults emerging from Germany.

Police said they have detained migrants in three more cases - one of which was traced to an asylum centre.

Tensions in the country are at breaking point as protests and counter-protests over the New Year’s Eve attacks in Cologne spark riots.

Yesterday, a masked group of 200 barricaded buildings and smashed shop windows as they demanded action from authorities in the city of Leipzig.

And vigilante groups have attacked foreign migrants as 'revenge' for the sex assaults.

Three teenagers aged 15 from Syria have been arrested for rape after a 17-year-old girl was attacked in a public swimming pool in Munich on Saturday. » | Zoie O’Brien | Tuesday, January 12, 2016

EXPRESS: Now even Merkel says ENOUGH: Germany sends hundreds of migrants 'back to Austria' EACH DAY: ANGELA Merkel has made a huge U-turn in her immigration policies after it emerged Germany has sent 300 migrants back to Austria each day in the last month. » | Katie Mansfield | Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Polish Press Invokes Nazi Imagery as War of Words with EU Heats Up

THE GUARDIAN: A popular Polish weekly news magazine has depicted EU leaders including Angela Merkel wearing Nazi uniforms

Relations between Brussels and Poland’s hardline Eurosceptic government have deteriorated further after a Polish magazine published a cover portraying five leading EU politicians – including the German chancellor, Angela Merkel – in Nazi uniforms beneath the headline These people want to control Poland again.

The photoshopped image on the front of popular weekly Wprost showed Merkel, the European commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, European parliament president Martin Schulz, EU commissioner Günther Oettinger, and Guy Verhofstadt, the former Belgian prime minister, leaning over a map, echoing wartime photographs of Adolf Hitler and his generals.

In a post on his Facebook page, Verhofstadt, who heads the liberal Alde group in the European parliament, described the image as “outrageous”, adding that the EU was a “community of values” and that it was “the duty of all of us – commissioners, chancellors or not, to raise our voice when a government is endangering these principles and attacking democratic institutions”. » | Jon Henley | Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sexuelle Übergriffe in Schweden

Rechte Ausschreitungen in Leipzig: Oberbürgermeister spricht von "Straßenterror"

SPIEGEL ONLINE: In Leipzig warfen 250 rechte Hooligans Scheiben ein und zündeten Autos an. Leipzigs Oberbürgermeister Burkhard Jung verurteilt die Gewaltexzesse im Stadtteil Connewitz scharf.

Leipzigs Oberbürgermeister Burkhard Jung (SPD) hat die Ausschreitungen von rechtsextremen Hooligans als "Straßenterror" verurteilt. "Es ging um nackte Gewalt, sonst nichts", erklärte Jung. Das müsse nun klare und deutliche Konsequenzen haben.

Zeitgleich zur Versammlung der fremdenfeindlichen Legida-Bewegung in Leipzig hatten am Montagabend rund 250 vermummte Hooligans im linksalternativen Stadtteil Connewitz randaliert. Sie zündeten Feuerwerkskörper, warfen Scheiben von zahlreichen Geschäften ein und versuchten, Barrikaden zu errichten. Die Polizei nahm 211 Rechte vorübergehend in Gewahrsam. Fünf Polizeibeamte wurden verletzt. » | cht/AFP | Dienstag, 12. Januar 2016

Leipzig Unrest: Hundreds Rally at LEGIDA Anniversary, Football Fans Get Wild

Demonstrations attended by hundreds of people celebrating the one-year anniversary of right-wing PEGIDA’s local Leipzig branch were marred by violence, as dozens of hooligans thrashed foreign-owned shops, while massive counter-protests were staged nearby.

German Police Arrest 211 after Far-right Riot in Leipzig

THE GUARDIAN: Hundreds of extremists break away from anti-refugee Pegida rally to smash windows and set fires in leftwing area of city

More than 200 far-right extremists have been arrested after they went on a rampage during a xenophobic rally in the German city of Leipzig, setting cars on fire and smashing windows.

Many of the extremists were already known to police as football hooligans and wrought chaos on Monday in an area known to be left-leaning, while thousands of supporters of the anti-migrant Pegida movement held an anti-refugee demonstration elsewhere in the city, authorities said.

A total of 211 arrests were made after the Connewitz district of the eastern city was attacked, police confirmed. » | Agence France-Presse | Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Monday, January 11, 2016

‪CSU-Rebell gegen Merkel-Politik‬

Ein CSU Rebell, der unter anderem den "Konservativen Aufbruch" mitbegründet und ist ein dezidierte Gegner von Merkels offene-Grenzen Politik. Seehofer scheint aber trotzdem nur Signale auszusenden, ohne Taten sprechen zu lassen.

‘Chaos’: Far-right Thrives in Cologne Attack Fallout

Unknown assailants attacked and injured several immigrants in two districts of Cologne on Sunday evening. One of the attacks took place near the city train station, where mass assaults on women happened on New Year's Eve.

LIVE: LEGIDA Holds One-year Anniversary March in Leipzig

The Leipzig chapter of Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of Europe (PEGIDA) marks its one-year anniversary with a march through Leipzig city centre today.

Stoibers Brandrede gegen wahnsinnige Merkel-Massen-Einwanderungspolitik

The Biggest Political Story in America

Jan. 04, 2016 - 10:25 - 'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 1/4

Robert Spencer on Fox News on Philadelphia Jihad Shooting and Cologne Muslim Sex Assaults

Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer appeared on Fox's America's HQ with Uma Pemmaraju on January 9, 2016 to discuss the jihad shooting of a Philadelphia policeman, the mass sex assaults by Muslims in Cologne, Germany and other cities on New Year's Eve, and the authorities' denial of the jihad motive.

Shocking Treatment of Women and Girls We’re Importing to the West

Germany Just Can't Get It Right

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: How can you explain why Germany, which in the 20th century had such a gigantic anti-Semitism problem, would import so many people from those areas of the world which now have the same gigantic anti-Semitism problem? / The police water cannons were not in evidence on New Year's Eve to break up the migrant gangs committing violent crimes against women. Instead they were used to break up a lawful demonstration of people opposed to such violent attacks on women.

The late Robert Conquest once laid out a set of three political rules, the last of which read, "The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies." This rule comes in handy when trying to understand the otherwise clearly insane and suicidal policies of Chancellor Merkel's government in Germany. These policies only make sense if the German government has in fact been taken over by a cabal of people intent not on holding Germany together but on pulling it entirely apart. Consider the evidence.

There can be few other explanations for why Chancellor Merkel's government last year let in more than one million people (about 1.5% of the current German population) without having any idea of who they were, where they came from or what they think. No democratic leader could possibly push through such a startling measure. How else can you explain why a country that in the 20th century had such a gigantic anti-Semitism problem, would import so many people from those areas of the world which, in the 21st century, now have the same gigantic anti-Semitism problem? » | Douglas Murray | Monday, January 11, 2016

Terror in Cologne - Germany Becoming a Failed State

Pegida Köln: 09 01 2016 Rede Tommy Robinson