Wednesday, December 16, 2015

‘ISIS Far Smarter Than We Give Them Credit For’ – McAfee Predicts Cyber War

Islamic State has quote 'unprecented' support within the United States according to a report released by the George Washington University. This comes as cybersecurity pioneer John McAfee warns that world war 3 will be a cyberwar and that civilization has created a doomsday machine that terrorists can use against us. He thinks that the way cybersecurity is handled in America needs to be changed and improved.

Libya's Cultural Heritage 'Being Destroyed and Plundered by Isis'

The Temple of Zeus, part of the world heritage site at Cyrene, Libya.
THE GUARDIAN: Museums and UN say ancient artefacts and artwork are in danger of obliteration or being looted and sold illegally

Greek and Roman antiquities and prehistoric artwork are under threat from Islamic State extremists in Libya, leading world museums and the UN have warned.

The International Council of Museums released a list of cultural treasures in peril and appealed to Interpol, customs officers and art traders to watch out for looted Libyan goods.

Isis extremists have destroyed temples and ancient sites in Iraq and Syria, and experts believe they are also selling plundered antiquities on the illegal market. Isis has also made inroads across Libya, which is split between rival governments and plagued by weapons smuggling, people smuggling and extremism. Read on and comment » | Associated Press in Paris | Tuesday, December 25, 2015

Putin Shows Dave How It's Done: Russia Launches Huge Crackdown on Homegrown ISIS Jihadis

EXPRESS: VLADIMIR Putin today showed David Cameron how Russia deals with homegrown terrorists as he launched a huge crack down [sic] on Islamic State (ISIS) recruiters.

The iron-fisted president has called in his feared secret service to round up thousands of jihadis just hours after it emerged that British police are wilfully letting our extremists flee to safe havens abroad.

Moscow has identified more than 2,900 of its citizens suspected of joining ISIS and other radical Islamist groups, and is actively hunting them down both at home and abroad.

In Syria Mr Putin's warplanes and feared Spetsnaz special forces troops are tracking and killing Russian-born jihadis to prevent them from returning home and carrying out terrorist atrocities.

So far they have taken out 198 radicalised jihadis in a matter of months, whilst a further 214 have fled back to Russia where they have been "put under close control" of the security services. Read on and comment » | Nick Gutteridge | Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Donald Trump on Muslims: 'They're Not Coming to This Country If I'm President'

Rivals go on the attack over Muslim ban plan as they audition to be America's Commander-in-Chief - but Trump defends his policy in final Republican debate of year

Islamist Preacher in Germany Arrested over Terror Links

Islamist preacher Sven Lau delivers a speech during
a pro-Islam demonstration
THE TELEGRAPH: Convert Sven Lau suspected of recruiting volunteers and providing money and equipment a jihadist group with links to al-Qaeda

An Islamist preacher who set up his own “sharia police” in Germany has been arrested on suspicion of links to jihadists in Syria.

Sven Lau, a 35-year-old convert to Islam, is notorious in Germany for the “sharia police” incident, in which he and a group of vigilantes patrolled the streets of Wuppertal in high-visibility vests trying to stop people drinking and listening to music.

He escaped punishment over the episode last week when a court ruled the group had not broken any laws.

But Mr Lau, who is also known as Abu Adam, now faces much more serious charges of supporting a foreign terrorist organisation.

He is suspected of recruiting volunteers and providing money and equipment for Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (JMA), a jihadist group with links to al-Qaeda. » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Verwandt »

EU-Beitritt: Flüchtlingskrise verschafft der Türkei Rückenwind

Die EU-Länder haben die Beitrittsverhandlungen
mit der Türkei ausgeweitet.
SRF: Die Türkei ist für die EU das Schlüsselland in der Bewältigung der Flüchtlingskrise. Als Gegenleistung kommt nun neuer Schwung in die eingeschlafenen Beitrittsverhandlungen: Die EU-Staaten gaben grünes Licht für die Ausweitung der Gespräche.

Angesichts der Flüchtlingskrise hat die Europäische Union trotz offener Menschenrechtsfragen ein neues Kapitel in den Verhandlungen über einen EU-Beitritt der Türkei eröffnet. Künftig wird die EU mit der Türkei Verhandlungen über Wirtschafts- und Währungsfragen führen.

«Die Türkei hat ein eminentes Interesse mit uns zusammenzuarbeiten, wir haben ein Interesse eine vernünftige solide Zusammenarbeit zu machen», erklärte Erweiterungskommissar Johannes Hahn zum Auftakt von Gesprächen über die wirtschaftliche Integration der Türkei in die EU. Die Situation sei zurzeit sehr günstig, um bei den Verhandlungen Fortschritte zu machen. » | SRF 4 News 21:30 Uhr; agenturen/hesa; blur | Montag, 14. Dezember 2019

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Merkel muß weg

Franklin Graham: Put a 'Halt on Immigration'

Evangelist Franklin Graham tells Carol Costello that all immigration to the U.S. should be halted until America's "broken" immigration system is fixed.

Rev. Franklin Graham: 'Our Nation Is In Trouble'

On 'Hannity,' reverend weighs in on 2016, refugee crisis

Pat Condell: We Want The Truth

US confidence in protection from attack lowest in over a decade

Kerry in Moscow: US Secretary of State to Meet Putin for Syria Talks

US Secretary of State John Kerry is in Russia at the request of the White House, with ending the Syrian conflict and countering terrorism dominating the agenda. The top US diplomat is also to hold a meeting with Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin.

Germany: Suspected Arson Attack Guts Turkish-Islamic Union Building Near Stuttgart

The building of the Turkish-Islamic Union, in Stuttgart-Feuerbach, was damaged in a suspected arson attack, in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Yemen: Peace Talks Start in Switzerland While ISIS Gains Foothold

In just a few hours a ceasefire should take effect in Yemen. If it holds, it will bring a respite to nine months of fighting between Houthi rebels and a Saudi-led coalition seeking to reinstall the ousted government.

Geert Wilders: Dutch Politician of the Year: Anti-Islamist, Anti-Immigration

Right-wing populist Geert Wilders has been named Dutch Politician of the Year for the third time. The anti-immigration and anti-Islam MP likens the Koran to Hitler's ‘Mein Kampf’ and wants to close national borders to stop an “Islamic invasion.”

Terrorverdacht gegen Salafistenprediger: Bundesanwaltschaft verhaftet Sven Lau

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Der Verdacht lautet auf Unterstützung einer terroristischen Vereinigung: Der Generalbundesanwalt hat am Morgen den Salafistenprediger Sven Lau verhaften lassen.

Staatsschützer der Polizei haben am Dienstagmorgen in Mönchengladbach den Salafistenprediger Sven Lau gefasst. Die Bundesanwaltschaft verdächtigt den Initiator der "Scharia-Polizei", die Terrororganisation Dschaisch al-Muhadschirin wal-Ansar (Jamwa) in Syrien unterstützt zu haben. So soll Lau, 35, in vier Fällen einem Flügel der Gruppe geholfen haben, der sich dem "Islamischen Staat" (IS) angedient hatte. » | Von Jörg Diehl und Fidelius Schmid | Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2015


ISIS Jihadis' Death Threat to West - Civilians Told to Convert to Islam or Be DECAPITATED

EXPRESS: CRAZED Islamic State (ISIS) jihadis have sent letters to European civilians ordering them to convert to Islam within three days or face being DECAPITATED in their own homes.

Bloodthirsty Daesh Islamists posted notes through the doors of dozens of random neighbours in several cities across Sweden, including the capital Stockholm, threatening to murder "non-believers" in a terrifying campaign of violence.

Sweden is now on lockdown after the chilling letters pledged to behead innocent civilians and then "bomb your rotten corpses afterwards".

Intelligence officials confirmed they are investigating the horrifying threats - which were signed by "ISIS" - as a state of fear gripped the nation.

The notes, written in Swedish, order people to convert to Islam or pay a religious tax, known as the jizya, warning that the police "will not save you from being murdered". Read on and comment » | Nick Gutteridge | Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Saudi Arabia Announces 34-country Islamic Coalition to Fight Terrorism

THE TELEGRAPH: US has frequently called on Gulf states to do more against Isil but it remains to be seen whether new coalition will attack targets in Syria and Iraq

Saudi Arabia on Tuesday announced the formation of a 34-state Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism, according to a joint statement published on state news agency SPA.

"The countries here mentioned have decided on the formation of a military alliance led by Saudi Arabia to fight terrorism, with a joint operations centre based in Riyadh to co-ordinate and support military operations," the statement said.

A long list of Arab countries such as Egypt, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, together with Islamic countries Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan and Gulf Arab and African states were mentioned.

The announcement cited "a duty to protect the Islamic nation from the evils of all terrorist groups and organizations whatever their sect and name which wreak death and corruption on earth and aim to terrorize the innocent." » | Reuters | Tuesday, December 15, 2015

'Saudis Playing Dangerous Game As Oil Prices Plunge'

The Russian economy, which is heavily reliant on oil prices, is bearing the brunt of the low oil prices. For more on the falling oil and what it means for the Russian and Saudi economies – RT is joined by Michael Klare, an expert on natural resources, and author of 'Resource Wars, Blood and Oil'

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sophie&Co: ‘US Doesn’t Understand What It’s Doing in Syria’ – CIA Veteran

The skies above Syria are crowded with military planes from various nations. However, the non-stop bombardment of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) seems to be producing nothing in return. The group still maintains the ability to strike anytime, anywhere - even in the US. And while Western nations along with Russia are trying to destroy IS, some of America’s alleged "allies" in the region seem to be playing their own game. Can a war be won in such conditions? Can progress be made if only some are committed to end the fighting? We pose these questions, and many more, to an ex-CIA agent and counter-terrorism expert. Philip Giraldi is on Sophie&Co today.

Iran Deploys Ski Police at Country's Slopes, Enforces Segregation of Men and Women

THE TELEGRAPH: Immoral offences by the skiers will be prevented by the deployment of police officers to enforce segregation between women and men, says a police commander

Winter snow is bringing thousands of skiers to the slopes of the Elburz mountains outside Tehran – but their experience has a uniquely Iranian twist. Police have also been deployed to enforce the segregation of male and female skiers.

General Hossein Sajadinia, the commander of the Greater Tehran police force, promised that his officers would “prevent any immoral offences by the skiers”.

He told local media that a “ski police unit” had been equipped with new uniforms to “withstand the mountainous conditions and yet be flexible enough to arrest offenders while chasing them on the slopes”.

Young Iranians meet and mix on the mountains, where some women push back their veils while dining in ski slope restaurants and shisha cafes. » | Ahmed Vahdat | Monday, December 14, 2015