Monday, November 30, 2015

Almost Half of Germans 'Don't Want Angela Merkel to Serve Another Term'

Only 44% of voters surveyed were in favour of Mrs Merkel
remaining in power
THE TELEGRAPH: Some 48 per cent of those questioned in a survey for Bild newspaper say they do not want Mrs Merkel to continue in office after the next German election in 2017

Almost half of German voters do not want Angela Merkel to serve another term as chancellor, according to a new poll.

Some 48 per cent of those questioned in the survey for Bild newspaper said they did not want Mrs Merkel to continue in office after the next German election, which is due to be held in 2017.

Forty-four per cent were in favour of Mrs Merkel remaining in power.

The findings are an indication of how dramatically Mrs Merkel’s public support has fallen in recent weeks following opposition to her “open-door” refugee policy.

Just a few months ago she seemed unassailable as Germany’s leader, and her Christian Democrat party was even daring to contemplate the possibility of an overall majority in the 2017 election. » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Monday, November 30, 2015

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PEGIDA Dresden: Live vom Theaterplatz (30.11.2015)

PEGIDA Abendspaziergang

Inside The Heart Of The IS Caliphate

The Head of the Snake: A look at the secretive leader of the Islamic State

Belgium: No Turkish PM or President Will Apologise for Doing Duty - Davutoglu

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that protection of Turkish borders and airspace is "not only a right, but a duty for my government," and therefore "no Turkish Prime Minister, or President or authority will apologise because of doing our duty," following the downing of a Russian military jet by the Turkish airforce, ahead of a meeting of NATO foreign ministers, in Brussels, Monday.

Obama: Paris Talks a Turning Point for Climate Threat

Barack Obama says on Monday in Paris that the growing threat of climate change could define this century. The US president says the world should be optimistic, as the Paris climate conference was a turning point as nations share a sense of urgency about the challenge and understand it is within their power to take action

Read and comment on the Guardian article here

My comment:

Surreal! Can anyone imagine Churchill hosting a climate change conference as an act of defiance in the face of a Nazi invasion during the Forties, in the face of the Blitz?

What planet are these guys living on? François Hollande stated today that the war on global warming is every bit as important as the war of terror. Can this ‘marshmallow’ be serious?

I can just hear it now:
We shall fight with eco light bulbs, we shall fight with eco taxes, we shall fight with green energy, we shall fight with solar panels, we shall fight with low energy appliances, we shall fight with all that is at our disposal, in the fields, in the streets, in the hills; we shall never surrender.

This comment also appears here

London-Based Egyptian Preacher Hani Al-Sibai: I Foresee the Europeans Banishing the Muslims; We Deserve Compensation Like the Jews

'Iran and Russia Have Replaced America's Hegemony'

ARUTZ SHEVA: Ex-Lebanese general tells Iranian media that greater cooperation between Moscow and Tehran has eclipsed US worldwide.

Retired Lebanese General Walid al-Zaitouni told the semi-official Iranian Fars News Agency on Saturday that the growing Iranian and Russian alliance is creating a new "hegemony" in the Middle East, and has effectively ended American influence in the region.

The Lebanese military analyst opined to the Iranian paper that the growing military involvement of Moscow and Tehran in the internecine civil war in Syria, where the two are propping up the autocratic leader Bashar al-Assad, is challenging "US hegemony in the world." » | Arutz Sheva Staff | Saturday, November 28, 2015

Justin Trudeau on Syria, Republicanism, and Being a Sex Symbol - Newsnight

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, gives an exclusive interview to Newsnight's Evan Davis, covering republicanism, Syria, handsomeness in politics, and his family name.

‘Bonkers Bureaucracy’: EU New Law on How to Use Candles

Modern times and the massive issues facing Europe demand careful and insightful decision-making from the continent's leaders. But as RT's Peter Oliver now reports their focus sometimes leaves people bewildered.

France: Climate Change as Much a Priority as the War on Terror - Hollande at COP21

Tackling climate change alongside terrorism is among the major global challenges that must be overcome, said French President Hollande in Paris, Monday, adding "we must leave our children more than a planet free of terror."

France: Fabius and Prince Charles Plead for World Leaders to Tackle Climate Change

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and Prince Charles of Wales gave emotive opening speeches to the 2015 UN COP21 Climate Change Conference in Paris on Monday.

‘Christian State’ Threatens to Kill Muslims in Belgium

THE JEWISH PRESS: An anonymous group has sent threatening letters to Belgian mosques, warning Muslims "will be slaughtered like pigs and crucified as our Lord converts their souls.”

The Islamic State now has competition, called the “Christian State.”

The anonymous “Christian State” group has sent a threatening letter to Belgium’s major mosque and two other mosques, warning that it will murder Muslims.

The precise language of the letter is:
No mosque and none of your businesses will be safe. Brothers [Muslims] will be slaughtered like pigs and crucified as our Lord converts their souls.
Belgian Muslim leader Jamal Habbachich said he will file a complaint with the police over the threatening letters,, which he called “very serious.” » | Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu | Saturday, November 28, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Turkey and Its 75m People on the Brink of Being Allowed into EU

EXPRESS: TURKEY appeared to be on the brink of joining the EU last night, giving its 75 million citizens free access to Europe.

The daunting prospect of millions of Turks moving to Britain arose after EU leaders tabled a deal in exchange for help stemming the flood of migrants into Europe.

They are offering the huge country £2billion in cash, visa-free travel for its citizens and speeded up membership talks if it clamps down on people trafficking and migration across its borders.

The deal was expected to be signed off by political leaders at a summit in Brussels last night, European Council president Donald Tusk said.

The plan, spearheaded by German chancellor Angela Merkel, will make Muslim-dominated Turkey the EU’s 29th member state.

The deal has provoked anger and prompted fears that Europe’s doors will be left wide open to Islamic extremists. » | Anil Dawar | Sunday, November 29, 2015

Viktor Orbán - The Rôle of Traditional Values in Europe's Future

Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, discussed the approach his government is taking to the economic situation in Europe and how he believes the solution to many of the continent's problems lies in embracing traditional values and recognizing the importance of the nation-state.

Hungary's PM Orbán Calls the European Élite Traitors

‘ISIS Managed to Sell Oil to Turkey on Black Market At Less Than 50% of Global Prices’ – Iraqi MP

A member of the Iraqi Parliament, Dr Mowaffak al Rubaie, tells RT how ISIS manages to earn millions of dollars selling oil on the black market in Turkey and reveals that wounded terrorists are being treated in Turkish hospitals.

Belgium: EU and Turkey Agree €3bn Package for Syrian Refugees, Confirms Tusk

President of the European Council Donald Tusk confirmed on Sunday that a “major step towards changing the rules of the game when it comes to stemming the migration flow that is coming to the EU via Turkey” is coming from a joint press conference with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker following the Heads of States of the European Union with Turkey meeting.

War with Isis: President Obama Demands That Turkey Close Stretch of Frontier with Syria

THE INDEPENDENT: Ankara is accused of tolerance of – if not complicity with – the terrorists, who use border as a crossing point for Isis recruits and oil sales

The US is demanding that Turkey close a 60-mile stretch of its border with Syria which is the sole remaining crossing point for Isis militants, including some of those involved in the massacre in Paris and other terrorist plots.

The complete closure of the 550-mile-long border would be a serious blow to Isis, which has brought tens of thousands of Islamist volunteers across the frontier over the past three years.

In the wake of the Isis attacks in Paris, Washington is making clear to Ankara that it will no longer accept Turkish claims that it is unable to cordon off the remaining short section of the border still used by Isis. “The game has changed. Enough is enough. The border needs to be sealed,” a senior official in President Barack Obama’s administration told The Wall Street Journal, describing the tough message that Washington has sent to the Turkish government. “This is an international threat, and it’s coming out of Syria and it’s coming through Turkish territory.” » | Patrick Cocknurn | Sunday, November 29, 2015

Israel Freezes the EU Out of Peace Talks with the Palestinians

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during
the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem
THE SUNDAT TELEGRAPH: Benjamin Netanyahu announces move in retaliation for EU decision to label products made in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank

Israel has frozen the EU out of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in retaliation for Europe's decision to label products made in West Bank settlements.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, reacted furiously when the labelling decision was announced two weeks ago and on Sunday said he was suspending diplomatic contact with the EU on peace issues.

There has been no real movement on the peace process since US-brokered talks collapsed last year so the move is essentially symbolic.

But it allows Mr Netanyahu to say he is taking action against a European decision that was widely seen in Israel as unfair and discriminatory and it highlights the sour state of relations between the EU and Israel. » | Raf Sanchez, Tel Aviv | Sunday, November 29, 2015

BBC Two: The Life of Muhammad

The Life of Muhammad is a 2011 British three-part documentary miniseries examining the life of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and the origins of Islam. The documentary was directed by Faris Kermani, written by Ziauddin Sardar, and presented by Rageh Omaar.