Sunday, November 15, 2015

Germany: After Paris, President Gauck Speaks of a "New Type of War"

German President Joachim Gauck addressed the members of the Bundestag (German parliament) during a commemoration ceremony in Berlin, Sunday, held for the victims of the Paris attacks, in which he said a "new type of war" has emerged.

Les Souverains choqués, attristés, révulsés

Les souverains d'Europe, du Maroc, de Jordanie ont adressé
leurs condoléances à la France
PARIS MATCH: Aux lendemains des attentats meurtriers de Paris, les souverains de l’Europe, mais aussi de Jordanie et du Maroc, ont fait savoir qu’ils avaient adressés leurs condoléances à François Hollande et qu’ils partageaient la douleur des Français.

Dans une dépêche officielle adressée au président de la République française François Hollande, le prince Albert II de Monaco a indiqué: «Les attaques qui viennent de frapper Paris au cœur nous révulsent. Mon pays partage le chagrin et l'effroi de la France amie, meurtrie par ces crimes terroristes». Après avoir fait part d’une «profonde émotion» et dit s’incliner «devant la mémoire des si nombreuses victimes et la douleur indicible de leurs familles», le souverain de la Principauté écrit: «En mon nom personnel, en celui de ma Famille et de la population de Monaco, je veux vous assurer de notre profonde et réelle solidarité, en union avec toutes les personnes qui se mobilisent contre le fléau terroriste. Aux côtés de la République française, nous savons qu'il ne l'emportera pas.» » | Dominique Bonnet | samedi 14 novembre 2015

UK: Victims of Paris Attacks Honoured at Trafalgar Square Vigil

Thousands of people gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square to hold a vigil in solidarity with the victims of Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris, Saturday.

New Dark Age Alert! Germany: Neo-Nazi March Honours National Socialism in Wunsiedel

Around one hundred German neo-Nazis marched through the streets of Wunsiedel, Northern Bavaria on Saturday evening, to glorify Nazism and to pay tribute to Nazi Germans who fought under Hitler's command in Second World War.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

How Can Anyone Be Shocked?

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: The West, especially Europe, continues to be taken aback every time a new terror attack occurs, as if each one were the first. / "We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law." — From a leaked German intelligence document. / The current generation of European political leaders has exhibited an irresponsibility and lack of leadership that is almost infantile.

One of the most surprising aspects of the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday night is how "deeply shocked" members of the European political establishment appeared to be.

Angela Merkel, David Cameron and the Pope all expressed their condolences -- and "deep shock" -- at the well-coordinated, citywide terror attacks in six different places across Paris, which as of this writing have claimed at least 128 lives and more than 200 wounded. French President François Hollande confirmed that Islamic State terrorists perpetrated the attacks, carried out with suicide bombings, hand grenades and assault rifles. According to witnesses, terrorists were heard yelling, "Allahu Akbar" ['Allah is the Greatest"] and "this is for Syria" as they shot into the audience at the Bataclan Theater, where a rock concert was underway.

Although the writing has literally been on the wall in blood for the past decade and a half, the West, especially Europe, continues to be taken aback every time a new terror attack occurs, as if each one were the first. » | Judith Bergman | Saturday, November 14, 2015

Schweiz: Tagesschau Spezial vom 14.11.2015

Merkel zu den Anschlägen von Paris: "Wir weinen mit Ihnen"

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat Frankreich nach den Terroranschlägen von Paris "jedwede Unterstützung" zugesichert, die Deutschland bieten könne. "Wir, die deutschen Freunde, wir fühlen uns Ihnen so nah", sagte Merkel.

Tensions in Germany Rise Amid Flood of Asylum-Seekers

ABC NEWS: As a local lawmaker in the east German city of Magdeburg who regularly speaks out against the far right, Soeren Herbst has endured years of animosity. But the sight that greeted him outside his home last week made the Green Party politician realize that the abuse had reached a new level.

Someone had sprayed a gallows on the front of his house, along with Herbst's name and the word "Volksverraeter" — traitor to the German people.

"Now we indeed have a new situation," Herbst said in a telephone interview the day after the incident. "You start worrying about your safety and that of your family."

The incident reflects a growing public tension in Germany. While it's the extremists on the far right who are grabbing most of the headlines, mainstream Germans are increasingly being drawn into inflammatory rhetoric — and at times anti-foreigner sentiment. The country's normally staid — some might say dull — political debates have in particular become inflamed with vitriol amid the influx of hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers in recent months.

Nazi comparisons, once considered beyond the pale of polite political discussion in a country still grappling with its genocidal past, have become a common slur. The co-founder of anti-Islam group PEGIDA, Lutz Bachmann, last week likened Germany's justice minister to Nazi demagogue Joseph Goebbels; in response, a senior official in Justice Minister Heiko Maas' party labeled Bachmann a "crazy fascist."

"The situation that we have at the moment is leading to a split in society where people are drifting apart," said Joachim Trebbe, a communications researcher at Berlin's Free University. » | Frank Jordans, Associated Press | Berlin | Saturday, November 14, 2015

Leaders Express Condolences to France over Paris Attack

France: Hollande Blames ISIS for 'Act of War' against Paris

French President Francois Hollande gave a press conference from Paris, Saturday, after an emergency security meeting following Friday night's attacks across the French capital which left over 120 dead and at least 200 injured.

Le Président de la France : Déclaration à l'issue du Conseil de défense : Après les attaques à Paris, le président François Hollande s'est exprimé à l'issue du Conseil de défense ce matin »

France: 'We Are At War' - Sarkozy

Former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy said that "the terrorists have declared war on France" during a press conference in Paris, Saturday, following Friday night's attacks across the French capital which left at last 127 dead and 200 injured.

LIVE Outside the Bataclan Theatre in Paris Following Deadly Attack

Warning! Disturbing Images! Paris Attacks: People Clamber Out of Bataclan Concert Hall to Escape Gunfire

Le Monde journalist Daniel Psenny, who lives overlooking the Bataclan concert hall, has posted a video of people climbing out of windows and running from the emergency exit as gunfire breaks out. Psenny himself was shot in the arm as he attempted to help people shelter in his apartment, and is being treated at the Georges-Pompidou hospital.

THE GUARDIAN: Paris attacks: Hollande holds Islamic State responsible for 'act of war' – live »

President Obama Offers a Statement on the Attacks in Paris

LIVE: Paris Under Attack, Hostage Situation, Dozens Dead in Gunfire, Blasts

Watch the video here

National Borders Must Be Closed across Europe to Halt an 'Islamic Invasion' Says Far-right Dutch Politician Geert Wilders

DAILY MAIL: 'We close our borders to migrants, not refugees,' Geert Wilders said / Polls showed his PVV would win 38 seats in the 150-seat Lower House / Holland is bracing to take in 60,000 asylum seekers by the end of the year

The best way to deal with Europe's growing refugee crisis is to close national borders to stop an 'Islamic invasion', Dutch anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders says.

As the popularity of his far-right Freedom Party (PVV) skyrockets amid Europe's largest movement of migrants since World War II, Wilders has his sights set on becoming the next prime minister of the Netherlands in elections due in 2017. 'The only way to deal with it (the refugee crisis) is to regain our national sovereignty and close our national borders,' Wilders said.

Talking to AFP, he continued: 'I'm not asking for anything strange, I am asking that our government close its doors as Hungary did ... that we close our borders to those we consider to be migrants, not refugees.'

Reviled and supported in equal measure, Wilders' fiery rhetoric is finding fertile ground among working and middle-class Dutch, who fear social upheaval as thousands of asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan and other conflict areas reach the Netherlands. Read on and comment » | Ted Thornhill for MailOnline and AFP | Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

Multiple Attacks Roil Paris; President Hollande Is Evacuated From Stadium

THE NEW YORK TIMES: PARIS — Shootings in central Paris on Friday night have left several people dead and wounded, French television reported, while an explosion near Paris at the country’s main sports stadium forced the hasty evacuation of President François Hollande. The explosion occurred during a France-Germany soccer match.

The shooting broke out at a concert hall. Some reports said as many as 18 had been killed in the 10th and 11th Arrondissements of Paris. Others said hostages had been taken.

It was unclear whether there was a link in any of the violence to terrorism but French media reported that Kalashnikov rifles were involved in the shootings — a favored weapon of militants who have attacked targets in France — and that many rounds were fired.

The shootings occurred near the former headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, the satirical newspaper where shootings in January traumatized France.

Police sirens sounded throughout central Paris on Friday night. » | Adam Nossiter | Friday, November 13, 2015

Helmut Schmidt 2015

Menschen bei Maischberger vom 28. April 2015

Angela Merkel's Future Under Scrutiny for the First Time as German Asylum Process Criticised

THE TELEGRAPH: A popular talk show […] the possibility of a coup against the German chancellor after her own party made implicit criticisms of her policy

Angela Merkel’s political future is being questioned for the first time in Germany as divisions continue to grow in her government over her “open-door” refugee policy.

Guests on a popular television political talk show debated the possibility of a coup against the German chancellor from within her own party.

The discussion came as civil servants at the government refugee agency published warned identity checks for Syrian asylum-seekers were ineffective and open to abuse by economic migrants and terrorists.

Wolfgang Schäuble, the finance minister, warned that Germany was facing an “avalanche” of refugees set off by a “careless skier”.

And Thomas de Maiziere, the interior minister, twice acted unilaterally to introduce stricter controls on Syrian asylum-seekers without informing Mrs Merkel. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Friday, November 13, 2015

Frau Merkel: Treten Sie ab!