Friday, October 09, 2015

EU in Crisis as Slovakia Threatens to Leave over Controversial Refugee Quota

Mr Fico has blasted the quotas in the past
EXPRESS: SLOVAKIA'S prime minister has threatened to leave the European Union over quotas to accept refugees fleeing war-torn countries.

Robert Fico warned that his country will head for the exit if the EU fails to impose a policy to deal with the influx of refugees entering Europe.

The EU is currently confused on how to deal with the record numbers of refugees, with policy makers left undecided on how to best tackle the situation.

The fed-up prime minister claimed he is ready to propose "a discharge of his country from the European Union" if they are forced to keep taking refugees from the Middle east [sic]. » | Jake Burman | Friday, October 9, 2015

Saudi Arabian Employer Accused of Chopping Off Indian Maid’s Hand

THE GUARDIAN: Family of domestic worker say she was punished when she tried to escape harassment and torture

An Indian maid has claimed her employer in Saudi Arabia cut off her hand in punishment for poor work, after months of mistreatment in the kingdom.

Kashturi Munirathinam, 55, is being treated in a hospital in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, her family told Indian media.

Munirathinam travelled to Saudi Arabia from her home in a rural district of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu three months ago to take up a job as a cleaner in a household in the eastern city of Dammam and then in Riyadh. She was to be paid about £150 a month.

“When she tried to escape harassment and torture, her right hand was chopped off by the woman employer. She fell down and sustained serious spinal injuries,” her sister, S Vijayakumari, told local media. » | Jason Burke in Delhi | Friday, October 9, 2015

Deutschland: Höcke: Ich liebe meine Heimat von ganzem Herzen

Wir werden immer mehr! Danke an alle Mutbürger, die in Erfurt am 7. Oktober Flagge gezeigt haben gegen den Asyl-Wahnsinn der Altparteien! Für dreifachen Klartext haben Alexander Gauland, Paul Hampel und Björn Höcke gesorgt. Höcke kritisierte in seiner Rede die Grundrechtsschänder von den Linken, der SPD und den Grünen, deren Abgeordnete sich nicht zu schade waren, sich vor einem Antifa-Plakat mit der Aufschrift „Nie wieder Deutschland“ zu platzieren. Er bekannte sich außerdem zu seinem Patriotismus. Vor dem Familiennachzug der Asylbewerber warnte er eindrücklich. Sieben Millionen Einwanderer, die mehrheitlich muslimisch sind, würde Deutschland niemals verkraften können.

Refugee Crisis: Germany Creaks Under Strain Of Open Door Policy

THE GUARDIAN: After the initial euphoria, Germany now faces daily clashes in refugee centres, a rising far-right, a backlog of registrations, and dissent among the ranks of Angela Merkel’s government

The realities of shouldering Europe’s refugee crisis are coming home to Germany, amid daily reports of clashes in asylum seeker homes; bureaucrats overwhelmed by a backlog of registration claims and deep divisions within chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative ranks over how to manage the enormity of the challenge.

Just weeks after Merkel responded to the refugee crisis with the declaration: “Wir schaffen es – We can do it” – the euphoric mood has been replaced by a more sombre response with the realisation that the newcomers are here to stay, with all the consequences that entails.

School authorities are calling for at least 25,000 new teaching recruits to cope with the large numbers of new pupils, police officers are being brought out of retirement in their thousands, and the nation is being scoured for suitable accommodation as winter approaches.

“The welcome parties in Munich, Berlin and elsewhere were great,” said the Munich-based Süddeutsche Zeitung in a recent editorial. “They showed a generous and open Germany of which we can be very proud, headed by a chancellor who seemed to surprise herself with her response, (and) tens of thousands of volunteers ... but now we’re in the stark light of day which consists of overcrowded refugee centres and local authorities and police stretched to their limits.”

Arson attacks on refugee shelters continue on an almost daily basis. Reports of refugees being greeted at the doors of their new homes by neo-Nazis humming Third Reich songs or being pelted with banana skins are not uncommon. There are mounting concerns that elements of the far-right have found new oxygen in the crisis by tapping into ordinary people’s fears that Europe’s largest economy may be unable to cope with the decision to allow so many to take refuge within its borders. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Now EU Says Putin's OBLITERATION of ISIS Will Force Millions of Refugees to Flee to Europe

EXPRESS: THREE million refugees are set to leave Syria for Europe as Russia continues to bomb Islamic State terrorists, European Union officials have warned.

Russian warships fired 26 cruise missiles into the war-torn country yesterday as Vladimir Putin cranked up his assault on the twisted militants.

But according to Donald Tusk, president of the EU Council, "another three million potential refugees may come from Aleppo and its neighbourhood".

Russian jets hit two towns in the northern province of Aleppo earlier this week, Syrian state television said.

Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have already travelled to Europe, sparking the continent's biggest migration crisis since World War Two. » | Tom Parfitt | Thursday, October 8, 2015

How Many Immigrants Can Germany Take? (English Subtitles)

Poland Doesn't Want Refugees Because They're Muslims - Polish Film Director

Les députés arabes défient Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu veut interdire l'accès à l'esplanade
des Mosquée à des députés arabes.
LE MATIN: PROCHE-ORIENT — Les députés arabes israéliens ont annoncé qu'ils se rendront vendredi sur l'esplanade des Mosquées, malgré l'interdiction du premier ministre israélien.

«Ni Netanyahu ni la droite ne pourront nous empêcher d'entrer dans notre mosquée d'Al-Aqsa», qui se trouve sur l'esplanade à laquelle elle donne souvent son nom, a dit dans un communiqué le député arabe Ahmad Tibi.

La décision de Benjamin Netanyahu est «insensée et illégale», a-t-il ajouté, à la veille de la grande prière du vendredi. «Demain, nous serons tous à la mosquée al-Aqsa, parce que c'est notre mosquée». Les députés arabes sont 13 sur un total de 120 au parlement. Continuez à lire et ajouter un commentaire » | ats/nxp | jeudi 8 octobre 2015

France: Hollande Warns of "Total War" If Syrian Crisis Is Not Ended

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande held a joint speech in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Wednesday, where they addressed the ongoing refugee crisis and the Syrian conflict.

Police Use Water Cannon against Anti-austerity Protesters in Brussels

The demonstrators confronted riot police in central Brussels during a protest over the government's reforms and cost-cutting measures. Protesters began burning waste and pelting stones at the police who responded with a water cannon.

Nato Ready to 'Defend' Turkey as Russia Strikes Syria

Jens Stoltenberg speaks at a press conference at the Nato
headquarters in Brussels.
THE GUARDIAN: Alliance’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, makes comment after violations of Turkish airspace by Russian jets conducting airstrikes in Syria

Nato is ready to send troops to Turkey to defend against threats on its southern flank, the head of the alliance has said following violations of Turkish airspace by Russian jets conducting airstrikes in Syria.

Moscow’s growing military involvement in the Syria conflict – which on Wednesday involved its jets backing an offensive by ground troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad – is expected to be high on the agenda of a meeting of the alliance’s defence ministers.

“Nato is ready and able to defend all allies, including Turkey against any threats,” Jens Stoltenberg, the organisation’s secretary general, told reporters before the Brussels meeting on Thursday. » | Kareem Shaheen in Beirut and agencies | Thursday, October 8, 2015

Steve Bell on Cameron's Legacy: 'Dave, Who Put His Cock in a Pig'

Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell draws David Cameron as he delivers his speech at the Conservative party conference in Manchester on Wednesday. Bell talks about his impressions of Cameron as he watches the PM on stage, sketching ideas before he comes up with his cartoon to encapsulate the moment. He shares his thoughts on how Cameron will be remembered

Saudi Housewife Could Be Put Behind Bars for Posting Online Video of Her Cheating Husband

THE TELEGRAPH: Footage exposing partner as he tried to kiss maid could count as "defamation", lawyers warn

A Saudi woman who posted footage online of her husband cheating on her with a family maid has been warned that she may face jail for "defamation".

The housewife used her mobile phone to secretly film her partner as he made advances to a female servant in the kitchen of the family home.

The video shows a man, dressed in traditional white robes of a Saudi male, apparently trying to kiss the maid as she attempts to pull away from him.

The wife uploaded the footage to YouTube, alongside the caption "the minimal punishment for this husband is to scandalise him".

The footage drew widespread support for the unnamed housewife, but Saudi legal experts have warned that it could be the wife who ends up in jail. Read on and comment » | Colin Freeman | Thursday, October 8, 2015

Twitter: #SaudiWomanCatchesHusbandCheating »

Iran Shuns Frankfurt Book Fair Over Salman Rushdie Invitation

Salman Rushdie was made subject of a fatwa calling for his
killing in 1988, after his novel The Satanic Verses allegedly
depicted prophet Muhammad irreverently.
THE GUARDIAN: Republic calls for other Muslim nations to join boycott after ‘person who is hated by Islamic world’ invited as guest speaker

Iran has announced that it will boycott next week’s Frankfurt book fair after organisers invited the author Salman Rushdie, whom Iranian scholars said should be killed, as a guest speaker. The foreign ministry said the fair had, “under the pretext of freedom of expression, invited a person who is hated in the Islamic world and create the opportunity for Salman Rushdie ... to make a speech”.

It said the Islamic republic “strongly protests” Rushdie’s appearance and had decided against participating in the fair, which is one of the world’s largest such events. The ministry called on other Muslim nations to join its boycott.

For his part, deputy culture minister Abbas Salehi said: “Fair officials chose the theme of freedom of expression, but they invited someone who has insulted our beliefs.” » | AFP in Tehran | Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Farage Mocks ‘Pipsqueak’ France Before UKIP Leader Takes Aim at German Refugee Plan

Read the Express article here | Greg Heffer, Political Reporter | Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Back an Integrated EU or Quit, François Hollande Warns Britain

THE TELEGRAPH: The French president tells Nigel Farage that it is logical for Britain to quit the union during an altercation with the Ukip leader in the European parliament

Britain must back deeper integration of the European Union or quit altogether, Francois [sic] Hollande, the French president, declared on Wednesday night.

During furious exchanges with Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, Mr Hollande said British voters who do not like the idea of a “strengthened” EU must take the “logical path” of Brexit.

It came as he spelled out France’s support for a series of radical new institutions to cope with the continent’s multiple crises, including a common defence policy, a share asylum system, a coast guard and powerful new eurozone institutions. » | Matthew Holehouse, Brussels | Wednesday, October 7, 2015

David Cameron Speech at Conservative Party Conference

Prime Minister David Cameron speaks live at the Conservative Party Conference. Watch the full speech here.

Merkel et Hollande veulent plus d'Europe face aux crises

Angela Merkel et François Hollande se sont tour à tour exprimés
devant le parlement européen ce 7 octobre à Strasbourg.
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: La crise migratoire était au cœur des discours des deux chefs d'Etat devant le parlement européen. La chancelière juge «obsolètes» les règles actuelles de l'UE sur l'asile.

François Hollande et Angela Merkel ont réclamé mercredi un renforcement de l'intégration européenne pour faire face à la multiplication des crises. Se limiter à l'Etat-nation condamnerait, selon eux, l'Europe à l'impuissance et au déclin.

«Le débat n'est pas entre plus d'Europe et moins d'Europe, mais entre l'affirmation de l'Europe et la fin de l'Europe», a lancé le président français devant le parlement européen à Strasbourg. Le président français et la chancelière allemande se sont exprimés 26 ans après un exercice du même type mené par François Mitterrand et Helmut Kohl après la chute du Mur de Berlin.

François Hollande a cité la formule «le nationalisme, c'est la guerre», utilisée par François Mitterrand en 1995 devant la même assemblée pour l'un de ses derniers discours. Il a ajouté: «le nationalisme, c'est le déclinisme».

Le président français a insisté sur l'objectif «d'une fédération d'Etats-nations qui doit rester notre horizon», une idée défendue par Jacques Delors il y a 26 ans. «Rien n'est pourtant plus vain que de chercher à se sauver seul, à se dérober, à s'abriter quand des événements majeurs se produisent dans le monde entier», a-t-il ajouté. » | afp/nxp | mercredi 7 octobre 2015

Jailed Saudi Blogger Raif Badawi Wins PEN Pinter Prize

BBC: Saudi blogger Raif Badawi, who is in jail for "insulting Islam", has won the Pen Pinter Prize for championing free speech.

Mr Badawi is serving a 10-year sentence in Saudi Arabia and is due to receive 1,000 lashes.

He shares the prize with British poet and journalist James Fenton.

Accepting the award for Mr Badawi, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said the British government should "show moral leadership" and seek his release.

"Raif should have been honoured for founding a website that allowed healthy public discourse in Saudi Arabia; he should not have been held behind bars, facing flogging," he added. » | Tuesday, October 7, 2015

WIKI: PEN Pinter Prize »

Bericht aus Berlin: Angst vor einem Verlust der Werte

Jeden Tag erreichen Tausende Flüchtlinge Deutschland. In den Flüchtlingsunterkünften kommt es zu Spannungen. Wie können deutsche Werte wie Freiheits- oder Frauenrechte gewahrt werden? Die Politik sucht noch überzeugende Konzepte.