Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Pope Francis Makes It Easier for Catholics to Divorce

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: Vatican City: Pope Francis, making the most substantial changes to Catholic marriage annulment procedures in centuries, on Tuesday radically simplified them and said bishops should give greater help to divorced couples.

In a move that again showed his desire for the Church to be more merciful to Catholics in difficulty, Francis reaffirmed traditional teaching on the "indissolubility of marriage", but streamlined annulment procedures many considered cumbersome, lengthy, outdated and expensive.

An annulment, formally known as a "decree of nullity", is a ruling that a marriage was not valid according to Church law because certain prerequisites, such as free will, psychological maturity and openness to having children, were lacking. » | Reuters | Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Saudischer König will für Flüchtlinge in Deutschland 200 Moscheen bauen

TAGES ANZEIGER: Saudiarabien lässt die Flüchtlinge nicht in ihr Land. Nun will sich aber einer der Machthaber engagieren und in Deutschland 200 Moscheen errichten. » | hae/mlr/pat/sda/afp | Dienstag, 8. September 2015

Flüchtlingskrise: Die arabische Halbinsel schottet sich ab

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Die Golfstaaten und Saudi-Arabien stellen sich taub gegenüber ihren muslimischen Glaubensbrüdern aus den Bürgerkriegsstaaten. Riad möchte lieber für die syrischen Flüchtlinge in Deutschland 200 Moscheen bauen.

Die arabischen Golfstaaten sind reich, sie sind muslimisch, und sie schotten sich gegenüber ihren Glaubensbrüdern aus Syrien mit einer Kälte ab, die immer mehr zu einem Skandal wird. Europäische Länder nehmen aber großzügig Flüchtlinge aus den arabischen Bürgerkriegsregionen auf, viele auf dem christlichen Kontinent scheuen keine Lasten, um ihrem humanitären Anspruch gerecht zu werden. Gegenüber diesem Leiden stellen sich die arabischen Golfstaaten jedoch taub, obwohl sich der saudische König als „der Hüter der beiden Heiligen Stätten des Islams“ anreden last

Sie bauen die größten Moscheen, die höchsten Gebäude und die prächtigsten Paläste. Der Flüchtlingsstrom fließt jedoch nach Norden, nach Europa, nicht nach Süden, auf die Arabische Halbinsel. Das hat zwei Gründe. Zum einen wollen die Flüchtlinge nicht in einem unfreien Land wie Saudi-Arabien leben; nach allem, was sie erlebt haben, lechzen sie nach Freiheit und nach Sicherheit.

Zum anderen sind diese Flüchtlinge in den Staaten des Golfkooperationsrats (GCC) auch gar nicht erwünscht. Seit dem Ausbruch erst der Krise und dann des Kriegs in Syrien war es für Syrer immer schwieriger geworden, überhaupt ein Einreisevisum zu bekommen, das zudem sehr teuer ist. Die Syrer könnten ja auf Arabisch, der gemeinsamen Sprache, berichten, was in Syrien tatsächlich geschieht, und sie würden die saudische Gesellschaft in einem unerwünschten Maße politisieren. In den vergangenen Jahren wurden dann, vor allem in Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, zunehmend Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen für syrische Gastarbeiter nicht mehr verlängert. » | Von Rainer Hermann | Dienstag, 9. September 2015

Germany: Protesters Hurl Rocks at Anti-refugee Rally Organisers in Dortmund

Protesters hurled bottles and stones at the car of the organisers of an anti-refugee rally led by right wing political party "Die Rechte" in Dortmund, Monday night.

Germany: PEGIDA Swarm Munich in Anti-refugee March

Germany: 10,000 PEGIDA Protesters Rally against Refugees in Dresden

An estimated 10,000 supporters of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans against Western Islamization), marched through the group's place of origin, Dresden, Monday, decrying Islamism in Europe and the mass immigration of Muslim refugees into Germany.

Germany – Arson Attack: Planned Refugee Shelter Set On Fire

Germany to Spend Six Billion Euros on Refugees

Greeks Evacuate Refugees from Lesbos as Island Overflows

Europe Refugee Crisis: Greek Island of Lesbos "Near Explosion"

The Glazov Gang - The Flood of Fake Syrian Refugees into America

HT: Jihad Watch »

Lammert verurteilt Fremdenhass: "Die Flüchtlingskrise wird Deutschland verändern"

Norbert Lambert verurteilt Pöbeleien und gewaltsame
Übergriffe gegen Flüchtlinge. 
T ONLINE: Der Präsident des Bundestages, Norbert Lammert, hat fremdenfeindliche Tendenzen in Deutschland verurteilt und betont, dass das Land wegen der Flüchtlingskrise vor einem dauerhaften Wandel stehe. "Diese große humanitäre, politische und kulturelle Herausforderung wird Deutschland verändern", sagte er im Bundestag.

Der CDU-Poltiker zeigte sich überzeugt, dass die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen zum Vorteil des Landes geschehe. Dafür müssten die Verantwortlichen aber so mutig und entschlossen handeln, wie das zuletzt etwa bei der Finanz- und Bankenkrise geschehen sei. » | rtr, dpa, t-online.de | Dienstag, 8. September 2015

Röszke: Zusammenstöße als Flüchtlinge Polizeikette durchbrechen

Flüchtlinge haben gestern in Röszke nahe der ungarischen Grenze zu Serbien eine Polizeikette durchbrochen, um ihre Reise nach Westeuropa, vor allen Dingen Deutschland, fortzusetzen. Auf ihrem Weg riefen sie im Chor „Germany“. Die Gruppe wurde später von der Polizei angehalten und ungefähr die Hälfte der Menschen in ein so genanntes „Auffanglager " gebracht, der Rest setzte seinen Marsch Richtung Budapest über eine Autobahn fort.

Syrien-Report der UNO

Die Untersuchungskommission der UNO zur Menschenrechtslage in Syrien zeichnet in ihrem neusten Bericht ein düsteres Bild der Lage. Von wahllosen Tötungen und sexueller Sklaverei ist die Rede.

Germany Says It Could Take 500,000 Refugees A Year

THE GUARDIAN: German vice-chancellor repeats call for EU countries to take their fair share of refugees, as violence flares on Greek island of Lesbos

Germany could take 500,000 refugees each year for “several years”, the country’s vice-chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, has said, as fresh clashes broke out overnight between police and refugees on the Greek island of Lesbos and thousands of people gathered amid chaotic scenes on the Greek border with Macedonia.

“I believe we could surely deal with something in the order of half a million for several years,” he told ZDF public television. “I have no doubt about that, maybe more.” Germany expects to receive 800,000 asylumseekers this year, four times the total for 2014.

Gabriel also stressed that other European countries must also accept their fair share as refugees flee war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa and head for the EU. » | Helena Smith in Athens, Mark Tran in London and agencies | Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Monday, September 07, 2015

British Jihadist Killed after Plot to Kill the Queen

The Prime Minister told MPs that three jihadists had been
killed in Syria
THE TELEGRAPH: David Cameron says an Isil jihadist was assassinated by an RAF drone in an attack he describes as a "new departure" for Britain in the fight against terrorists.

A British jihadist has been killed by UK forces in Syria after he directed a plot to kill the Queen, it emerged on Monday night.

In a move David Cameron said was “a new departure” for Britain, Reyaad Khan was last month assassinated in an RAF drone strike after security services uncovered his bid to stage a terror attack in the UK.

The Prime Minister said that it is the first time UK forces have directed a targeted attack against one of its own citizens when Britain is not at war.

It is also marks the first British military action in Syria and Mr Cameron made clear that UK forces are now prepared to carry out more strikes in Syria, Iraq and Libya against specific targets.

Downing Street denied the existence of a “kill list” of terrorists.

However, it has been made clear by Whitehall sources that British-born Isil fighters including Jihadi John, the terrorist responsible for executing westerners in Syria, are targets for UK forces. » | Peter Dominiczak, Ben Farmer and Steven Swinford | Monday, September 7, 2015

Migrant Crisis: Influx Will Change Germany, Says Merkel

BBC: Chancellor Angela Merkel has said the "breathtaking" flow of migrants into Germany will "occupy and change" the country in the coming years.

She said Germany would speed up asylum procedures and build extra housing, but called on other EU states to help.

French President Francois Hollande said quotas for EU countries to relocate 120,000 migrants were being planned and that France would take 24,000.

Meanwhile, the flow of migrants across Europe shows no sign of easing.

On Monday, large numbers of people were reported to be streaming into Hungary across its southern border with Serbia. » | Monday, September 7, 2015

East-West Divide: Clashes in Budapest, Eastern Europe Rejects Migrant Sharing Quotas (September 4, 2015)

Clashes break out in Budapest as a crowd of football fans marches by a camp of refugees in the heart of the Hungarian capital. Meanwhile, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia have unanimously rejected a quota system for sharing migrants.

ISIS Cells in USA & Europe Ready to Launch Third World War - Terrorism Expert

Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has been calling in recruits from all across the globe – and it’s not just men who answer. Young women come to IS to join the jihad, to be sex slaves for terrorists – or to commit terror attacks themselves. What lures girls into a life of fanaticism and violence? And how does desperation drive one into donning a belt with explosives? We pose these questions to a criminologist and terrorism expert, a reserve lieutenant colonel of the Israeli Army and a recently elected member of the Knesset. Dr Anat Berko is on SophieCo today.

RT Documentary: ISIS vs Christ

In early 2015, a small Egyptian village was dealt a cruel blow. ISIS killed 20 men from Al-Ur because they were Christian. Now their families take comfort from their faith as they to come to terms with the loss. The whole community honours the dead as martyrs, Christian and Muslim neighbours alike mourn their deaths and condemn the killers. A few survived and are torn between survivor’s guilt and admiration for the courage shown by their fallen friends. However hard times may be for this village, the community finds solace and pride in how the martyrs’ faith remained strong to the very end.