Saturday, August 22, 2015

Hitchens Schools a Muslim on Free Speech

David Starkey Schools Muslim about Why Islam is Primitive and Backward

David Starkey educates Mehdi Hasan on Free Speech & "backward Islam".

Channel 4 Dispatches - What Muslims Want (2007)

Problems with Jay Smith (Christian Critic of Islam)

Historical Discrepancy of Quran in Geography and Times - Jay Smith »

Klingschor: Problems with Jay Smith (A Christian Critic of Islām) »

Libya's Struggle To Cope With Surge In Migrant Smuggling

The Migrant Trade: The unscrupulous people smugglers are risking migrant's lives for the sake of easy money.

French Exodus: 'When Jews Flee, a Nation is Sick' (2014)

Before World War II, Jews waited too long to leave an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe and ended up trapped. Jews in France don't want to make the same mistake again.

Brian Lilley - Muslim Anti-Semitism in Canada

Muslims in Canada: Anti-Islamic Sentiment a Growing Concern

Muslims in Canada are concerned their religion has become a lightning rod for fear and anger, and they believe anti-Muslim sentiment is only getting worse. CityNews reporter Avery Haines explores the issues in this four-part series.

Muslim Gangs Take Control of 55 Zones in Sweden | November 2014

Muslim criminal gangs have taken control of 55 “no-go zones,” according to a report released by Swedish police, which mapped out the areas law enforcement has handed over. The areas are overrun by organized crime and drug dealing and officers frequently face direct attacks when trying to enter them. We look at how the gangs have secured these zones from criminal authorities, and how authorities have been powerless to change the tide in this Lip News clip with Elliot Hill and Mark Sovel.

PBS NewsHour – Full Episode | August 21, 2015

Resentment Grows between Christians and Muslims in France

The deadly attack on Charlie Hebdo puts a spotlight on the growing tensions between France's Muslim and immigrant communities and a large portion of French society, which is traditionally Catholic. The NewsHour’s Megan Thompson recently visited Marseille, one of the country’s most diverse cities, to report on the root of the conflict and the rise of anti-Muslim sentiment in France.

Donald Trump Widens Lead Over US Republican Presidential Field: Poll

NDTV: WASHINGTON: Republican Donald Trump is pulling away from the pack in the race for the party's US presidential nomination, widening his lead over his closest rivals in the past week, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Friday.

Republican voters show no signs they are growing weary of the brash real estate mogul, who has dominated political headlines and the 17-strong Republican presidential field with his tough talk about immigration and insults directed at his political rivals. The candidates are vying to be nominated to represent their party in the November 2016 general election. » | Reuters | Saturday, August 22, 2015

Iran Unveils New Missile, Says Seeks Peace through Strength

REUTERS.COM: Iran on Saturday unveiled a new surface-to-surface missile it said could strike targets with pin-point accuracy within a range of 500 km (310 miles) and it said military might was a precondition for peace and effective diplomacy.

The defense ministry's unveiling of the solid-fuel missile, named Fateh 313, came little more than a month after Iran and world powers reached a deal that requires Tehran to abide by new limits on its nuclear program in return for Western governments easing economic sanctions.

According to that deal, any transfer to Iran of ballistic missile technology during the next eight years will be subject to the approval of the United Nations Security Council, and the United States has promised to veto any such requests. An arms embargo on conventional weapons also stays, preventing their import and export for five years.

But Iran has said it will not follow parts of the nuclear deal that restricts its military capabilities, a stance reaffirmed by President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday. » | Reporting by Bozorgmehr Sharafedin; Editing by Gareth Jones | Dubai | Saturday, August 22, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015

Is Christianity in the Middle East Coming to an End?

Christian communities being driven out by ISIS

Dschihadisten-Offensive: IS-Terroristen in Libyen auf dem Vormarsch

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Die Friedensverhandlungen in Libyen laufen zäh. Der "Islamische Staat" nutzt das Chaos und weitet sein Einflussgebiet mit blutigem Terror aus. Warnungen vor einem "neuen Somalia" werden laut.

Mehr als zehn Monate hat der Uno-Sondergesandte Bernardino León zwischen den zwei zerstrittenen Fraktionen in Libyen vermittelt, ein Friedensvertrag soll bald unterzeichnet werden. Doch nun eskaliert die Lage, sodass Italiens Außenminister Paolo Gentiloni vor einem "neuen Somalia" warnt.

Denn der "Islamische Staat" (IS) ist auf dem Vormarsch. Dessen Kämpfer töteten innerhalb einer Woche bis zu 200 Salafisten und Bewohner der Stadt Sirt, von denen ein Dutzend geköpft oder gekreuzigt zur Schau gestellt wurden. Der IS hat nun die volle Kontrolle über die nordlibysche Hafenstadt, damit ist auch der Weg frei zu dem östlich gelegenen "Ölhalbmond". » | Von Mirco Keilberth | Freitag, 21. August 2015

The Muslim George Galloway?

Frenzied Armed Riots in Migrant Camp after Man Tears Up Koran and Throws Pages in TOILET

EXPRESS: RIOTS broke out in an overcrowded German refugee camp after a resident tore pages out of a Koran and threw them in the TOILET.

At least 17 people were injured when 20 Syrian refugees chased down an Afghan man after he ruined and discarded the Islamic holy book.

But the situation turned nasty when the crowd turned their anger to the camp's security guards as they protected the alleged offender.

More than 50 men armed themselves with steel rods and began hurling rocks at the guards and police.

The migrants smashed car windows, ransacked buildings and demolished the walls, which divide the shelter in Suhl, Thuringia, in a rampage which lasted several hours. » | Rebecca Perring | Friday, August 21, 2015

Cameron's 'Knee-jerk' Policies Will Fail to Root Out Hate Preachers, Blasts Muslim Leader

EXPRESS: GOVERNMENT proposals aimed at cracking down on extremism in the UK are “knee-jerk” and have allowed hate preachers to radicalise thousands of young British Muslims, a senior faith leader has claimed.

Speaking ahead of the country’s biggest annual gathering of Muslims this weekend, Naseer Dean, the London head of the influential Ahmadiyya Muslim group, launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister David Cameron and Home Secretary Theresa May.

He argued that Tory ministers had allowed for the radicalisation of 4,000 young British Muslims by failing to grasp the scale of the problem of religious extremism.

He accused the media regulator Ofcom of being “reactive” rather than proactive and attacked the Home Office for cutting off funding to vital services aimed at monitoring extremist preachers.

And he called on the Government to “educate itself” about Islam so that "they have a better handle of what is going on in the mosques".

Shortly after the General Election, the Prime Minister announced plans for tough new rules to tackle extremism, claiming Britain had become a “passively tolerant” society.

They included “closure orders” brought in to shut buildings used by extremist preachers and a ban on radical clerics mixing with vulnerable young Muslims.

But, in an exclusive interview with, Mr Dean rubbished the proposals as “a knee-jerk reaction”.

“They are expecting the local authority and everybody to be monitors and to snoop, which is not the way to go,” he said.

“They need to find out what is going on in the mosques and a lot of the clerics that are coming to the United Kingdom are being allowed to come here.” » | Tom Batchelor | Friday, August 21, 2015

The Threat of ISIL in Saudi Arabia

After a number of recent attacks, ISIL claimed responsibility for the bombing that killed at least 15 at a Saudi mosque.

North Korea - South Korea: Kim Jong-un Promises 'Indiscriminate Strikes' and Places Country on 'War Footing' after Artillery Shots Fired

THE INDEPENDENT: Tensions arose following South Korea's use of loudspeakers on DMZ

Kim Jong-un has put North Korea on a war footing and threatened "indiscriminate strikes" against the South if it doesn't agree to halt propaganda broadcasts by Saturday evening at 5pm.

Mr Kim claimed North Korea’s soldiers were in a “quasi-state of war” and ordered them to prepare for battle, according to state news outlet KCNA.

The country has threatened action unless South Korea stops its anti-Pyongyang broadcasts over the heavily fortified North-South border by 5pm (local time) on Saturday.

South Korea's defence ministry has warned that the nation will "strongly retaliate against any kind of North Korean attacks". » | Rose Troup Buchanan | Friday, August 21, 2015