Wednesday, August 19, 2015

ISIS Message to America: ‘We Will Not Stop Fighting Till We Put the Black Flag on the White House

Germany to Receive 750,000 Asylum Seekers This Year, Reports Claim

THE GUARDIAN: Sources put numbers arriving in Germany far higher than previously expected, as UN warns it and Sweden are bearing brunt of migrant crisis

The number of people seeking asylum in Germany is predicted to soar to 750,000 this year according to reports, amid warnings by the United Nations that it and Sweden are unfairly bearing the brunt of Europe’s refugee burden.

Government sources told the business daily Handelsblatt the figures, which are due to be released by the interior minister, Thomas de Maizière, on Wednesday, are far higher than previously expected.

The leak came as the EU’s border agency, Frontex, said 107,500 migrants were detected at its frontiers last month, three times as many as in July 2014. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

From Islamic Extremism to Peace in Christ

Ibrahim's journey and testimony

Muhammad Really Is the Single Most Popular Boys’ Name in England and Wales

THE SPECTATOR: Why doesn’t the Office of National Statistics want us to know that Mohammed is the most popular boys’ name in England and Wales? Yesterday, it put out its annual survey of the top 10 baby’s names. In 2014, it reported, the most popular boys’ names were Oliver, Jack and Harry. This contrasts somewhat with a similar survey by the website BabyCentre last December which claimed that the most popular boys’ name was now Mohammed. » | Ross Clark | Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Muslim Drag Queens: Stars of Channel 4 Show Brave Death Threats to Appear in Film

THE INDEPENDENT: 'There is a whole community that is living in Britain which is hidden - now is the time to come out'

“I’m gay, I’m Muslim, I’m a drag queen, I’m British and Pakistani,” said Asif Quraishi, Britain’s first out and proud Muslim drag queen who performs under the glamorous alter ego, Asifa Lahore. “People say these things shouldn’t fit together but hey, here I am.”

Now Quaraishi and his fellow artistes have been promised police protection amid fears that a Channel 4 documentary shining a spotlight on the “hidden” community of gay British Asians could provoke a violent response.

Quraishi, 33, from Southall, West London, performs a provocative act in which he strips off a Burka and has received death threats from fellow Muslims.

The winner of the LGBT award at Attitude magazine’s Pride ceremony, Quraishi estimates that there are 150 drag queens across Britain who, are devout Muslims, like himself.

The documentary, Muslim Drag Queens, broadcast on 24 August, follows three members of a largely clandestine gay Asian community who are challenging taboos within Islam through their embrace of cross-dressing exhibitionism. » | Adam Sherwin | Media Correspondent | Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Isil Calls On Supporters to Fight 'Traitor' Turkey

The Turkish-speaking jihadist, flanked by two others, accuses
Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan of permitting the U.S.
to "bombard the people of Islam"
THE TELEGRAPH: Call to arms in Islamic State video comes after Ankara allied itself with Washington against the extremist group

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil) has publicly called on its supporters to attack Turkey for the first time, after Ankara allied itself with Washington against the jihadist group.

In a video issued on Monday, an Isil spokesman calls Turkish president Recep Tayep Erdogan a "tyrant traitor" and exhorts its followers inside the country to rise up “wherever they are and however they can” against the government.

In the video, entitled “A Message to Turkey”, Isil accuses Mr Erdogan of being allied to the “American Crusaders, the caretakers of the Jews,” and the “criminal atheists” of the Kurdish militant faction the Kurdistan Workers’ Union, or PKK. » | Nabih Bulos | Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Belgian Fruit Syrup Faces Boycott Calls over Halal Labelling

THE TELEGRAPH: Move by Belgian syrup factory to enter Islamic markets sparks protests and a row over national identity

A fruit syrup that has been a staple of Belgian kitchens for generations is at the centre of a row over national identity, after its manufacturers applied for ‘halal’ certification.

The makers of Sirop de Liège, a molasses made of stewed apples, dates and pears and known by its distinctive blue and green pot, face a bitter backlash after they sought to tap into overseas Islamic markets.

The Siroperie Meurens, the family business that has been boiling fruit to the same recipe since 1902, faces calls for a boycott and has been inundated with online abuse since it announced the move.

Securing ‘halal’ certification would help the firm to target markets such as Indonesia and Egypt, at a time when the European fruit industry is under pressure due to sanctions on Russia that have halted food exports.

The move would confirm to Muslim consumers that the sticky brown syrup, which is eaten with bread and pancakes, or used as an ingredient in meatball sauces, does not contain pork gelatine. The recipe would stay the same, as would the labelling, the firm said. » | Matthew Holehouse, Brussels | Monday, August 17, 2015

LA MEUSE: Trahison, appel au boycott: rien ne va plus pour le sirop de Liège depuis l'annonce de la certification halal du produit de tradition : Nous vous l’annoncions ce week-end: le sirop de Liège de chez Meurens est désormais certifié «halal». Un label qui va permettre à la siroperie d’Aubel d’augmenter ses exportations. Seulement voilà, pour certains, il s’agit là d’une véritable trahison et la nouvelle a déchaîné les passions sur les réseaux sociaux. » | K. Wuyard | mardi 11 août 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Another Bush Invasion of Iraq? US Presidential Candidate Jeb Says Use Troops to Fight ISIS

The former Florida said the US must be prepared to send
ground troops to tackle ISIS
DAILY EXPRESS: REPUBLICAN presidential candidate Jeb Bush has signalled he would support further military interventions in Iraq to defeat Islamic State.

The brother of former president George W Bush said the US may need to send more ground troops into the country to defeat militants fighting for the terror group - also known as ISIS.

In his first speech on foreign policy since launching his bid for the White House, Mr Bush attacked President Barack Obama for allowing the fanatical regime to take hold in the Middle East.

He said: "Who can seriously argue that America and our friends are safer today than in 2009, when the president and Secretary Clinton - the storied 'team of rivals' - took office?"

The 62-year-old former Florida governor blasted Hillary Clinton for standing by as the "hard-won victory by American and allied forces was thrown away".

He added: "ISIS grew while the United States disengaged from the Middle East and ignored the threat. » | Tom Batchelor | Wednesday, August 13, 2015

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lavrov: Ousting Assad Militarily Equals ISIS Taking Over Syria

The ousting of President Bashar Assad by force would only lead to ISIS seizing power in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned, adding that Islamic State can only be defeated if all forces who are battling it unite

Isil Claim to Have Beheaded Croatian Hostage in Egypt

THE TELEGRAPH: Tomislav Salopek, 31, was kidnapped in the early hours of July 22 as his car left Cairo

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) loyalists appear to have murdered their first western hostage in Egypt.

Tomislav Salopek, 31, was kidnapped in the early hours of July 22 as his car left Cairo. He reappeared last week in a video released by the extremist group.

On Wednesday, a photograph showing what appeared to be Mr Salopek’s body was circulating on the social media accounts of Isil loyalists. The image could not immediately be verified.

The Isil-affiliated group, known as Sinai Province, had set a 48-hour deadline last Wednesday for Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to release female Muslim prisoners, warning that they would kill Mr Salopek if their demands were not met.

Isil sympathisers shared the macabre countdown on social media as the deadline expired. Several accounts carried images of knives alongside the message: “Croatia participated in the war with the Islamic State”. » | Louisa Loveluck | Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Historical Discrepancy of Quran in Geography and Times - Jay Smith

Jay Smith has been researching for many years about Islam. He found that there is some fundamental issues in terms of reliability of Quran and geographical different direction early period of Islam.

Tom Holland on the Quran

Tom Holland - Author, "In the Shadow of the Sword".

Anti-Islam Politician Geert Wilders' Visit Draws Heavy Police Presence in Mountain View

NBC BAY AREA: A heavy police presence in Mountain View Tuesday blocked roads for a controversial foreign dignitary.

Police late Tuesday guided drivers around the IFES Portuguese Hall, where Dutch politician Geert Wilders spoke to the Conservative Forum of Silicon Valley. Wilders is widely known for his criticism of Islam, and has repeatedly called for the Quran to be banned in the Netherlands.

Wilders is often heavily guarded by private guards, but Mountain View Police were on hand for Tuesday's event. This comes after two gunman fired shots outside an event in Texas earlier this year, where a contest was held to draw the prophet Muhammad. Wilders was a speaker at that event.

At Tuesday’s event, attendees say Wilders spoke about “why the west should stop the spread of Islamic political and cultural influence." » | Ian Cull | Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Russia and Nato 'Actively Preparing for War'

THE TELEGRAPH: Rival war games by Russian armed forces and Nato represent greatest build up of military tension in Europe since Cold War, warns think tank

Russia and Nato are actively preparing for war with one another amid the greatest build up of military tension in Europe since the end of the Cold War, a new report says.

Rival exercises by the Russian armed forces and Nato have led to several near-miss incidents that could result in confrontation between the two sides, and leaders need to consider a new arms control treaty to avert the possibility of heightened tensions spilling into war.

The report by the European Leadership Network, a think tank, comes amid the most intense fighting for six months in eastern Ukraine and as Michael Fallon, the defence minister, pledged to expand a British army training mission to Ukraine. » | Roland Oliphant, Moscow | Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Turkey PM: Syria No-fly Zone Needed

BBC AMERICA: The Turkish prime minister has told the BBC that Turkey will push again for a no-fly zone over northern Syria to protect civilians fleeing both Islamic State and Syrian government forces.

Ahmet Davutoglu said he would work with the US to establish a "safe area" for people displaced by Syria's conflict.

Mr Davutoglu did not rule out sending Turkish troops in to protect the area.

Turkey is home to more Syrian refugees than any other country - more than 1.8 million according to recent UN figures.

In a wide-ranging interview with the BBC's Jeremy Bowen, Mr Davutoglu called on the international community to do more to resolve the four-year conflict in Syria and denied that Turkey had helped so-called Islamic State and other extremist groups.

He criticised the five permanent members of the UN Security Council for failing to make a "strong decision" to stop the atrocities in Syria. (+ BBC video) » | Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Islam - The Untold Story

A very interesting story about the islamic religion and where it is believed to have originated, by Tom Holland

Woman Drowns in Dubai after Father Blocks Rescue to Save 'Honour'

THE TELEGRAPH: Asian man "considered that if these men touched his daughter, then this would dishonour her" according to reports

A young Asian woman drowned after her father allegedly prevented Dubai lifeguards from coming to the rescue because that would "dishonour" her, Emirati news media reported Monday.

Emirates 24/7 reported that Dubai police arrested the unnamed man.

When two lifeguards tried to help the drowning 20-year-old, her father "started pulling and preventing the rescue men and got violent with them", it reported. » | AFP | Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Russia Welcomes Jeremy Corbyn in Labour Leadership Contest

Jeremy Corbyn moves a step to winning the backing of Vladimir Putin
THE TELEGRAPH: Fyodor Lukyanov, a key associate close to the Russian foreign ministry, says Russia would welcome a leader like Jeremy Corbyn after leftwinger suggests Britain should have closer ties with the country

Russia would welcome Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader, a key associate linked to the Russian foreign ministry has said.

It comes after the leftwinger hinted that he would want to form a closer relationship between Britain and Russia.

Fyodor Lukyanov, the editor of the journal "Russia in Global Affairs" and considered very close to the Russian foreign ministry, said of Mr Corbyn: "I think Russia would certainly be pleased to see such a person as the head of either major party. But my intuition tells me it is not very likely."

Mr Corbyn told the Russia Today news channel that he wanted Britain to work closer with its international opponents and treat them with more respect.

He told the Kremlin-funded media outlet: "What is security? Is security the ability to bomb, maim, kill, destroy, or is security the ability to get on with other people and have some kind of respectful existence with them?"

The Russia Today presenter said that the last leader to oppose US policy was Harold Wilson, adding: "We know all about the smear tactics against him". » | Michael Wilkinson, Political Correspondent, and Roland Oliphant, Moscow Correspondent | Tuesday, August 11, 2015

BBC Documentary : Freedom To Broadcast Hate

A fascinating BBC documentary that portrays the deep hate between the various factions in the Muslim world and the cynical use of media to deliver hate and violence.

BBC Documentary: Leaving Islam and Converting to Christianity in the Middle East

A documentary on converts from Islam to Christianity in the Middle East and the strong challenges they face for religious freedom