Showing posts with label new president. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new president. Show all posts

Monday, May 07, 2012

France's Hollande Plunges into Debt Crisis

President-elect Francois Hollande's decisions on eurozone austerity and NATO troop withdrawals will be closely watched.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Joachim Gauck Elected President: A Beautiful Sunday for Germany

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Joachim Gauck is Germany's new president after being elected on Sunday. The expectations for him are already unbelievably high, but he has a good chance of being a great head of state. He has experienced much of Germany's turbulent postwar history firsthand, and as a former East German pastor, he knows the value of freedom.

All's well that ends well, one might say. Many people believed that Germany was on the verge of a national crisis following the recent resignation of Christian Wulff, the second German president to step down in two years. But they were proved wrong on Sunday.

The atmosphere in the Reichstag building in Berlin was cheerful and relaxed as the specially convened body known as the Federal Assembly met Sunday to elect the new German president. The unspoken message was clear: A mature democracy can take such things in its stride.

On days like these, it's also clear that, despite our political differences, we all mainly want the same thing: We want to be able to live together in the same country and feel reasonably free and happy. Nobody put that better than Joachim Gauck in his first speech as the new German president after being elected. "What a beautiful Sunday," he said. » | A Commentary By Roland Nelles | Monday, February 19, 2012

Monday, March 16, 2009

Marxist Muricio Funes Is New President of El Salvador

Mauricio Funes and wife Vanda Pignato as he declares victory. Photo courtesy of TimesOnline

TIMESONLINE: A party of former Marxist guerillas has gained power in El Salvador, bringing an end to 20 years of conservative rule.

Mauricio Funes, leader of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), declared himself President late on Sunday night as early counting gave him 51.2 per cent of the vote with more than 90 percent of ballots counted. Shortly afterwards his rival, the right-wing candidate Rodrigo Avila, conceded defeat

"I'm the president-elect of the Salvadorans," Mr Funes told a news conference as jubilant supporters, dressed in red, poured on to the streets of San Salvador cheering and waving FMLN flags. "This is the happiest night of my life, and I want it to be the night of El Salvador's greatest hope."

The FMLN and the military government fought a bloody 12-year civil war between 1980 and 1992 in which 75,000 people died. The FMLN's victory will place El Salvador firmly on the Latin American left-of-centre axis led by President Chávez of Venezuela.

Although Mr Funes, 49, has promised unity, the rise to power of the FMLN will be watched closely by Washington, already unnerved by the "pink tide" sweeping Central America. >>> Anne Barrowclough | Monday, March 16, 2009

WELT ONLINE: Linkskandidat wird neuer Präsident in El Salvador

Mauricio Funes hat die Präsidentenwahl in El Salvador aller Voraussicht nach gewonnen. Der Kandidat der linken Befreiungsfront FMLN erklärte sich zum Sieger der als historisch bezeichneten Wahl. Funes versprach Frieden für das Land, andere warnen vor Kommunismus und dem Einfluss Kubas.

Der Kandidat der linken Befreiungsfront FMLN, Mauricio Funes hat nach Auszählung von mehr als 90 Prozent der Stimmen die Präsidentenwahl in El Salvador gewonnen. Der 49-Jährige erreichte bei der als historisch bezeichneten Wahl 51 Prozent der Stimmen. Sein Gegner von der Regierungspartei Arena, Rodrigo Ávila (44) brachte es auf 48 Prozent.

Damit muss die rechte Arena-Partei zum ersten Mal seit rund 20 Jahren in die Opposition. Mehr als 4000 nationale und internationale Beobachter waren im Einsatz, darunter mehrere Dutzend aus Europa. Schwerwiegende Zwischenfälle wurden nicht gemeldet.

Funes erklärte sich am Abend zum Wahlsieger, noch ehe die Oberste Wahlbehörde das offizielle Ergebnis mitgeteilte hatte. Er wandte sich an die Nation und versprach, er wolle dem von Bürgerkrieg und sozialen Gegensätzen gespaltenen Land endlich den Frieden bringen. „Ich möchte zum Präsidenten des Friedens und des Wiederaufbaus werden“, rief er den jubelnden Anhängern zu. „El Salvador gehört uns allen.“ >>> dpa/lk | Montag, 16. März 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA) >>>