Showing posts with label les différences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label les différences. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama Fails to Convince China’s Ruling Élite

THE TELEGRAPH: America and China have been forced to agree to disagree on a wide range of issues following several hours of talks between US president Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao in Beijing.

Despite reaffirming the importance of deeper US-China co-operation to world peace and stability, the two sides were unable to disguise the deep differences that separate them on trade, security, climate change and human rights.

Speaking after the talks which formed the centrepiece of Mr Obama's five day tour of Asia, the two presidents laid out their separate positions on key issues during a press conference at which no questions were allowed.

Trade protectionism was high on the agenda with the US and China currently embroiled in its worst round of trade spats since China entered the World Trade Organisation in 2002.

"I stressed to President Obama that under the current circumstances our two countries need to oppose and reject protectionism in all its manifestations in an even stronger stance," Mr Hu said, in a thinly veiled attack on recent US trade measures against Chinese goods.

On Monday a poll by the CNN news network found that more than 70 per cent of Americans viewed China as a threat to the US, putting further domestic pressure on Mr Obama to protect US industries from cheap Chinese imports.

Mr Hu studiously avoided mention of China's currency, which the International Monetary Fund has warned is undervalued, but was prodded firmly on the long-standing issue of contention by Mr Obama. China: talks between Barack Obama and Hu Jintao yield few agreements >>> Peter Foster in Beijing | Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 02, 2009

Vingt ans après la chute du Mur de Berlin : Est-Ouest : les différences persistent

Crédits photo : Le Point

LE POINT: Vingt ans après la chute du Mur de Berlin, les différences demeurent entre Allemands de l'Est et de l'Ouest, mais elles sont plus culturelles et sociales que politiques. Et "l'Ostalgie", ou nostalgie pour l'ancienne Allemagne de l'Est, souvent décriée à l'Ouest, tient plus de la volonté de renouer les liens communautaires et de retrouver les "petits plaisirs" d'antan que du souhait d'un retour au système communiste, selon l'étude parue dans le magazine culte de l'Est Superillu . >>> Le Point avec AFP | Lundi 02 Novembre 2009

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sarkozy et Obama à mots voilés Avant la cérémonie de Colleville-sur-mer, célébrant le 65e anniversaire du 6-juin, Barack Obama et Nicolas Sarkozy se sont rencontrés quelques instants, avant de donner une conférence de presse commune. Malgré de nombreux points d'accord, les deux présidents ont montré des divergences sur la question, épineuse, du voile islamique et sur l'entrée de la Turquie dans l'UE.

Avant de se rendre au cimetière de Colleville-sur-mer, Barack Obama a fait un détour par Caen pour une rencontre succincte - d'une heure, photo souvenir comprise - avec Nicolas Sarkozy. Lors d'une conférence de presse qui a suivi, le président français a loué l'action de son homologue américain au Proche et Moyen-Orient: "Ça fait bien longtemps qu'on attendait que les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, la première puissance du monde, prennent toutes leurs responsabilités pour éviter le choc des cultures entre l'Occident et l'Orient.". Le locataire de l'Elysée a même affirmé "être totalement d'accord" avec le discours que Barack Obama a prononcé jeudi au Caire. "Y compris sur la question du voile" islamique, a-t-il ajouté.

Pourtant, Nicolas Sarkozy est loin de la tolérance prônée par la Maison Blanche. La restriction du port du voile était même devenue son cheval de bataille quand il était au ministère de l'Intérieur. Il est l'artisan d'une loi sur la laïcité, entrée en vigueur le 2 septembre 2004, qui interdit le port de signes religieux ostensibles à l'école publique. Une limite qu'il n'a pas manqué de rappeler: "Parce que nous sommes un Etat laïque, [...] aux guichets des administrations, les fonctionnaires ne doivent pas avoir de signes visibles de leur appartenance religieuse. C'est ce que nous appelons l'impartialité de l'administration, la laïcité." >>> Par Gaël VAILLANT, | Samedi 06 Juin 2009

TIMES ONLINE BLOGS – CHARLES BREMNER: Obama Keeps His Distance in France

After Barack Obama's two days in France and Germany, Europe is getting a clearer idea of the way the new US president operates. Lesson number one: he keeps his distance.

In Germany on Friday Chancellor Angela Merkel was put out by Obama's decision to steer clear of Berlin during his flying visit to the Buchenwald concentration camp. In France, Obama's way of imposing his own schedule has been more striking -- to the embarrassment of President Sarkozy.

As I write on Sunday morning, the US imperial cavalcade (30 vehicles), has just driven up to the Pompidou Centre. The Obama family are visiting the modern art museum before the President flies home and leaves Michelle and the children to lunch with Nicolas and Carla Sarkozy and their four offspring at the Elysée Palace (There's an echo of Sarkozy's 2007 barbecue with George W Bush at Kennebunkport, when Cecilia Sarkozy, the President's then wife, failed to turn up.)

In 39 hours in France, staying in Paris a one-minute walk from the presidential palace, Obama was unable to find a moment to accept Sarkozy's repeated invitations to drop by. They had a 20 minute working lunch with their advisers yesterday in Normandy but Obama has also had time to take his family to Notre Dame cathedral and to dinner at La Fontaine de Mars, a good brasserie near the Eiffel tower (230 euros for their dinner in a private upstairs room, with water, no wine).

Sarkozy could not hide his disappointment when they appeared yesterday in Caen, but he has clearly got the message. Theirs is a good working relationship but Obama is not out to play buddy-buddy with Sarko or any other European leader (Gordon Brown of Britain included). >>> Charles Bremner | Sunday, June 07, 2009