Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2019

Dr. Patrick Vickers Explains Gerson Therapy for Healing Cancer Naturally

Chris Wark interviews Dr. Patrick Vickers of Northern Baja Gerson Center about medical genius Dr. Max Gerson and The Gerson Therapy for cancer.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Christopher Hitchens on ABC1 Lateline - Full (One of His Last Interviews) | 2012

In the first half, Christopher Hitchens talks to Tony Jones about living with cancer and not seeing any valid reason to change his beliefs close to death. In the second half of the interview, Christopher Hitchens talks about his public life, battles and some of the events in recent history which led to his break with the left.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Open Your Eyes to the Parlous State of American Medicine! Oncology Nurse Quits after Discovering Nutrition Heals Cancer

After 17 years as an oncology nurse, Valerie Warwick took a huge risk and walked away from a lucrative income because she could not be a part of the conventional cancer industry anymore. In our interview, Valerie shares insider information about the industry as well as vital resources and therapies that every cancer patient should consider.

My Wellness Tutor »

Monday, August 29, 2016

Webinar: The Cancer Chaos with Dr. Peter Glidden, ND

Cancer affects over 1.6 million people annually in the USA. We have lost the war on cancer – and while we have given ourselves over to the advice of the oncologist we are getting worse and worse.

In this epic webinar you will learn 10 questions that every cancer patient needs to ask their oncologist in the presence of a witness and a recording device.

You will also learn two "Alternative" cancer treatments that have shown clinical effectiveness.

Dr. Glidden is an outspoken, steadfast advocate for the health of people worldwide. He is an unruffled, proud pioneer of wholistic naturopathic medicine with over 27 years of clinical experience.

Dr. Peter Glidden »

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Former President Jimmy Carter to Be Treated for Brain Cancer

REUTERS.COM: Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said on Thursday that he will start radiation treatment for cancer on his brain later in the day, adding that his fate was "in the hands of God" barely a week after announcing he had undergone surgery for liver cancer.

Appearing calm and lucid, Carter, 90, told a news conference that he will cut back dramatically on his schedule to receive treatment every three weeks after doctors detected four "very small spots" of melanoma on his brain. » | David Beasley | Atlanta | Thursday, August 20, 2015

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Surprising Underlying Causes of Cancer Growth

What are they? You may be surprised at the thing that might eventually lead to cancer growth. Dr. Patrick Quillin discusses diet and conventional cancer treatments as well. - The Surprising Underlying Causes of Cancer Growth

Monday, August 26, 2013

Les cigarettes électroniques potentiellement cancérogènes

LE FIGARO – SANTÉ: Une étude menée par 60 millions de consommateurs révèle que les e-cigarettes peuvent émettre des molécules toxiques, dans des teneurs qui dépassent parfois même celles des cigarettes conventionnelles.

Les cigarettes électroniques sont-elles dangereuses? En tout cas, elles ne seraient «pas si inoffensives», selon le magazine 60 millions de consommateurs. «Ce n'est pas une raison pour les interdire. C'est une raison pour mieux les contrôler», écrit Thomas Laurenceau, rédacteur en chef du magazine de l'Institut national de la consommation (INC) dans le numéro de septembre de la revue.

La publication affirme avoir décelé, grâce à une méthode inédite, des «molécules cancérogènes en quantité significative» dans les vapeurs d'e-cigarettes qui, selon elle, n'avaient jamais été mises en évidence jusque-là. «Ainsi dans trois cas sur dix, pour des produits avec ou sans nicotine, les teneurs en formaldéhyde (couramment dénommé formol) relevées flirtent avec celles observées dans certaines cigarettes conventionnelles.» » | Par le | lundi 26 août 2013

Friday, April 06, 2012

Hugo Chavez Weeps and Calls on God to Spare His Life

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez wept and asked God to spare his life during a pre-Easter Mass on Thursday after returning from his latest session of cancer treatment in Cuba.

Very little is known about the 57-year-old socialist leader's condition, including even what type of cancer he has. Chavez has undergone three operations in less than a year, and received two sessions of radiation treatment.

He says the latest surgery was successful, that he is recovering well and will be fit to win a new six-year term at an election in October. Yet big questions remain about his future, and on Thursday the strain appeared to show.

In a televised speech to the Catholic service in his home state of Barinas, Chavez cried and his voice broke as he eulogised Jesus, revolutionary fighter Ernesto "Che" Guevara and South American independence hero Simon Bolivar.

"Never forget that we are the children of giants ... I could not avoid some tears," the former soldier said, his parents and other relatives looking on from the church rows.

"Give me your crown, Jesus. Give me your cross, your thorns so that I may bleed. But give me life, because I have more to do for this country and these people. Do not take me yet," Chavez added, standing below an image of Jesus with the Crucifix. » | Friday, April 06, 2012