Showing posts with label anti-Islam film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-Islam film. Show all posts

Friday, September 21, 2012

Pakistan sperrt YouTube

Wie aus einer Rolle ein Albtraum wurde

New Dark Age Alert! Free Speech at Risk as U.S. Synchronizes With Islam

TOWNHALL.COM: What's wrong with the following Associated Press headline? "Charlie Hebdo cartoon spurs French gov't to order embassies, schools to close."

Cartoons of Muhammad in the satirical French weekly Charlie Hebdo didn't send France into lockdown. Their publication this week was a simple exercise in free speech on Islam, which Muslims in France and everywhere else in the world oppose as a violation of Islamic law (Shariah). It is Islamic rage over the fact that Islamic law is not dominant everywhere, all the time -- Muslims' signal weapon against a timid West -- that drove French authorities to take security precautions, not the publication of cartoons.

What's wrong with the following headline? "Cinemaniac: Feds question loon who set Muslim world on fire." Again, this headline in the New York Post leaves the actual pyromaniacs out of the picture, instead demonizing an individual who made a film about Muhammad -- his lawful right. Muslims set "the world" (American embassies) on fire in one more fit of jihad to punish a violation of Islamic law. Like other cycles of Islamic rage before it -- whether the pretext is a Miss World pageant in Nigeria or cartoons in a Danish newspaper -- this one, too, will temporarily abate, ready to flare up next time the point must be driven home: Criticism of Islam and its prophet is verboten.

This is no media flap. This is war. Islam is attempting to dominate the West by attacking the basis of the West -- freedom of speech. Our leaders won't tell us that because too many of them have already surrendered. They deplore the violence against our people and our sovereign territory, yes, but their priority is not to defend free speech but to see that Islamic speech codes are enforced. They have already decided to discard liberty for Shariah. The U.S. government and the Islamic bloc known as the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) couldn't be more in sync on this vital issue.

How to get around the First Amendment? Through "some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said last year. She was speaking about the so-called Istanbul Process, the international effort she and the OIC are spearheading to see Islamic anti-"blasphemy" laws enforced around the world. » | Diana West | Friday, September 21, 2012
Angst vor Freitagsprotesten: Obama schaltet Werbespots in Pakistan

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Die US-Regierung wendet sich an das pakistanische Volk. Washington kauft Sendezeit bei sieben TV-Anstalten in Pakistan, um sich mit Werbespots von dem Mohammed-Video zu distanzieren. Nach den Freitagsgebeten werden in der gesamten islamischen Welt massive Proteste erwartet.

Washington/Islamabad - Die US-Regierung beschreitet neue Wege, um die aufgebrachten Menschen in den muslimischen Ländern zu besänftigen. Vor den am Freitag befürchteten Unruhen wegen des islamfeindlichen Mohammed-Videos kaufte Washington Sendezeit auf Fernsehsendern in Pakistan. Auf sieben Stationen laufe ein Spot der US-Regierung, in dem diese sich von dem Video distanziere, sagte die stellvertretende Sprecherin des US-Außenministeriums, Victoria Nuland, am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) in Washington.

In dem 52 Sekunden kurzen und mit Urdu-Untertiteln versehenen Beitrag sagt US-Präsident Barack Obama mit ernstem Gesicht, die Vereinigten Staaten seien ein Land, das seit seiner Gründung alle Glaubensrichtungen akzeptiere. US-AußenministerinHillary Clinton betont darin außerdem, dass die Regierung der USA mit dem islamfeindlichen Video "absolut nichts" zu tun habe. "Wir lehnen den Inhalt und die Botschaft absolut ab." Der Spot endet mit dem US-Wappen, um den offiziellen Charakter des Spots zu unterstreichen. » | kaz/ler/dpa/Reuters | Freitag, 21. September 2012
Gewalt in Pakistan: "Zur Hölle mit der westlichen Freiheit"

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Die Wut gegen den Mohammed-Film wächst: In Pakistan haben Demonstranten versucht, das Botschaftsviertel zu stürmen. Für Freitag werden im ganzen Land heftige Krawalle erwartet. Westliche Diplomaten und Reisende fürchten um ihr Leben.

Hunderte Menschen stehen vor dem Serena, dem luxuriösesten Hotel in Pakistans Hauptstadt Islamabad, und rütteln an den Zäunen. "Nieder mit Amerika", brüllen sie, "Lang lebe der Islam, zur Hölle mit der westlichen Freiheit", dazwischen das islamische Glaubensbekenntnis. Leute von radikalen Parteien sind mit kleinen Suzuki-Transportern und auf Motorrädern unterwegs. Sie stacheln die Demonstranten per Lautsprecher weiter an.

Die Randalierer wollen zum Diplomatenviertel, aber sie dringen nicht durch, weil die Polizei die Wege blockiert hat. Seit Stunden liefern sich Sicherheitskräfte und Demonstranten Schlägereien. Viele Botschaften haben geschlossen, aus Sorge vor Gewalttaten in Folge desSchmähvideos aus den USA, in dem der Prophet Mohammed als blutrünstiger Kinderschänder dargestellt wird, und in Folge derfranzösischen Mohammed-Karikaturen. » | Von Hasnain Kazim, Islamabad | Donnerstag, 20. Septemebr 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Islamic Protests Sweep Pakistan Over Anti-Mohammed Video and Cartoon

Protesters took to the streets of several Muslim countries as demonstrations gathered pace over a low-budget anti-Islamic video and cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed published by a French magazine.

Read the article here | Rob Crilly, in Islamabad and Devorah Lauter in Paris | Thursday, September 20, 2012
Protesters Target France Over Prophet Cartoons, Anti-Islam Film

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: Anti-France protesters marched in countries ranging from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Sri Lanka, after a satirical magazine published cartoons depicting Prophet Mohammed. In anticipation of potential protests on Friday, Paris planned to shut its diplomatic missions, cultural centres and French schools in around 20 Muslim countries.

France was swept up Thursday in the wave of anger washing over the Muslim world as protesters in Afghanistan and Iran denounced a magazine's publication of obscene cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

Chanting "Death to France! Death to America!", hundreds demonstrated in the Afghan capital Kabul against the cartoons and a US-made anti-Islam film that has sparked widespread outrage.

In Tehran, up to 100 people protested in front of France's embassy, chanting "Death to France!" as dozens of police deployed around the compound prevented the crowd from approaching.

France has been bracing for a backlash following Wednesday's publication of the cartoons -- two of which show the founder of Islam naked -- by satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.

In anticipation of potential protests on Friday, the Muslim day of prayer, Paris said it would shutter its diplomatic missions, cultural centres and French schools in around 20 Muslim countries.

More than 30 people have been killed in attacks and violent protests linked to the film "Innocence of Muslims", including 12 people who died in an attack by a female suicide bomber in Afghanistan and four Americans, among them the US ambassador, killed at the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Afghan demonstrators block a road during a protest against an anti-Islam movie in Kabul on September 20. » | AFP | Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Al-Qaida: Produzent von Mohammed-Film "hinrichten"

DIE PRESSE: Auch ein ägyptischer Imam rief "junge Muslime in den USA und Europa" auf, das Film-Team umzubringen. In Kabul riss eine Selbstmordattentäterin zwölf Menschen mit in den Tod.

Die Terrorgruppe al-Qaida im Islamischen Maghreb (AQMI [sic]) hat zur Tötung des Produzenten des islamfeindlichen Mohammed-Videos aufgerufen. In einer auf Islamisten-Website veröffentlichten Erklärung hieß es, wer einen Propheten beleidige, müsse hingerichtet werden. Die Terrorgruppe warf der US-Regierung vor, die Produzenten des Videos zu schützen.

In der Botschaft von AQMI wird die Tötung des US-Botschafters in Libyen, Chris Stevens, als "Geschenk" bezeichnet. Die Gruppe ruft ihre Sympathisanten zu weiteren Protesten gegen den in den USA produzierten Videofilm auf, in dem Mohammed als brutaler Lüstling dargestellt wird.

In Ägypten hat zudem ein salafistischer Imam eine Fatwa zur Tötung aller Beteiligten an dem in den USA produzierten Anti-Islam-Film erlassen. Wie das auf die Überwachung islamistischer Internetseiten spezialisierte US-Unternehmen SITE am Montag mitteilte, rief Ahmed Fuad Ashush die "jungen Muslime in den USA und in Europa" auf, die Macher und Schauspieler des Films sowie alle, die zu seiner Verbreitung beitrugen, wegen Verunglimpfung des Propheten Mohammed umzubringen. Die Fatwa wurde SITE zufolge auf mehreren jihadistischen Foren im Internet veröffentlicht. » | APA/dpa | Dienstag, 18. September 2012
France Says It Will Not Authorize Protests Over Anti-Muslim Video

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Al-Qaida Threatens Attacks on US Diplomats

THE SEATTLE TIMES: Al-Qaida's branch in North Africa is calling for attacks on U.S. diplomats and an escalation of protests against an anti-Islam video that triggered a wave of demonstrations in Muslim countries.

CAIRO — Al-Qaida's branch in North Africa is calling for attacks on U.S. diplomats and an escalation of protests against an anti-Islam video that triggered a wave of demonstrations in Muslim countries. » | The Associated Press | Monday, September 17/18, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Protests Spread Over Anti-Islam Film

VOICE OF AMERICA: Hundreds of protesters rioting against an anti-Islam film torched a press club and a government building Monday in northwest Pakistan, sparking clashes with police that left at least one person dead.

Demonstrations also turned violent outside a U.S. military base in Afghanistan and at the U.S. Embassy in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the leader of the Shi'ite militant group Hezbollah called for sustained protests in a rare public appearance before thousands of supporters at a rally in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah accused U.S. spy agencies of being behind events that have unleashed a wave of anti-Western sentiment in the Muslim and Arab world. » | VOA News | Monday, September 17, 2012

VOICE OF AMERICA: California's Coptic Christians Condemn Anti-Islam Film: LOS ANGELES — California Coptic Christians say they are shocked that an Egyptian Coptic immigrant appears to be the producer of an inflammatory film that has sparked violent protests across the Muslim world. They say the film violates the tenets of their faith. » | Mike O'Sullivan | Monday, September 17, 2012
Family of Anti-Islam Filmmaker Joins Him in Hiding

ABC NEWS: Family members of the California man who wrote and produced the controversial anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims" fled their home early Monday morning to join the filmmaker in hiding.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula has not returned to his Cerritos, California home since being interviewed late Friday night by federal probation officers about his role in the creation of the film, excerpts of which have ignited violent anti-American protests across the Muslim world.

Shortly before 4 a.m. Monday, officers from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department escorted members of Nakoula's family, who had their faces covered, out of the house and into police vehicles so they could rejoin Nakoula at an undisclosed location.

"They decided they would be safer where they could move about and live a normal life," said Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for the Sheriff's Department. "All we did was pick them up and reunite them with Mr. Nakoula."

Whitmore said the family's current whereabouts are unknown to him, and it was his understanding that they won't ever return to their Cerritos house, though that decision was "entirely up to the family." (+ video) » | Frank Elaridi and Randy Kreider | Monday, September 17, 2012
Iran to Target Makers of Anti-Islamic Film

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Iran vowed to track down and punish the makers of a video mocking the Prophet Mohammad in the first state-sponsored threat to the people behind the inflamatory [sic] footage.

The video made in California and posted on YouTube portrayed the Prophet Mohammad as a womaniser and a fool. It has ignited a week of violent protests across the Muslim world.

"The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran condemns ... this inappropriate and offensive action," First Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi said, according to the Mehr news agency.

"Certainly it will search for, track, and pursue this guilty person who ... has insulted 1.5 billion Muslims in the world."

The Islamic Republic's founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, condemned to death the Indian-born British novelist Salman Rushdie in 1989 for his novel "The Satanic Verses," saying its depiction of the Prophet Mohammad was blasphemous.

Iranian officials have demanded that the United States apologise to Muslims for the movie, saying it is only the latest in a series of Western insults aimed at Islam's holy figures. » | Monday, September 17, 2012
Karachi ‘Anti-Islam Film’ Protest Turns Violent

DAWN.COM: KARACHI: A rally in Karachi in protest of an anti-Islam film met with shelling from police personnel on Monday as the demonstrators tried to march on the US Consulate, DawnNews reported.

The rally was being led by the Islami Jamiat-i-Talaba (IJT), the student wing of the Jamaat-i-Islami (JI). The atmosphere turned tense when the protestors, demonstrating near the city’s MT Khan road, tried to march towards the US Consulate located a small distance from the scene of the protest.

A large contingent of Rangers and police personnel was guarding the area, and roads had been blocked in anticipation of the protests.

Security personnel opened aerial fire to stop the protestors from marching towards the high security area where the consulate is located. Clashes ensued as demonstrators pelted security personnel with stones, damaging one of their vehicles.

A senior police official said 30 students were arrested at the demonstration organised by the religious party. » | DawnNews | Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rushdie: Video Protests 'An Ugly Reaction'

BBC – AUDIO: The author Sir Salman Rushdie has said that the protests in Arab capitals against a film which some Muslims say insults Islam is "an ugly reaction that needs to be named as such".

Sir Salman spent more than a decade in hiding under armed protection following a Fatwa in 1989 over his novel The Satanic Verses.

He told Today presenter James Naughtie that the film at the centre of the protests was an "idiotic video... A piece of garbage".

And he added "respect is a code for fear" which is "something we need to overcome".

There is, he explained "no trick to defend stuff you agree with. It's when you have to defend something that you despise and loathe that you realise you believe in freedom of speech.

"We need to insist that the culture of this country is one of open discourse."

At least seven people have died in demonstrations across the Middle East and North Africa over the US-produced film. Listen to the audio here » | Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Middle East Protests: Meet the Hardline 'Tele-Islamist' Who Brought Anti-Islam Film to Muslim World's Attention

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The violent protests over a new film insulting Islam has highlighted two conflicting new visions emerging in the post-Arab Spring world

His inflammatory chat show on satellite television has long prided itself on baiting liberals, Christians and Jews, but last week saw Sheikh Khalid Abdullah stage the broadcasting controversy of a lifetime.

The rabble-rousing Egyptian tele-Islamist knew he had found a ratings-grabber when he found an obscure, badly-made film on the internet called the Innocence of Muslims.

It had actually been online since July, but nobody had paid attention to its crude libels against the Prophet Mohammed until Mr Abdullah's show broadcast clips from it last weekend, calling for the film-makers to be executed.

Within hours the hardline Salafi Islamists who watch his programme, and who have been growing in strength since last year's revolution, were demonstrating in Cairo's Tahrir Square and outside the US embassy, which they stormed on Tuesday, burning the US flag.

Thus came the spark to a week of violent protests against the film, leading to the killing of the US ambassador to Libya on Tuesday evening and assaults on Western embassies across the Middle East, leaving at least nine dead and hundreds injured.

Also taking a battering are hopes that the democratic processes unleashed by the Arab Spring might mean that violent, anti-Western feeling was becoming a thing of the past. » | Nick Meo, Cairo and Colin Freeman, additional reporting by Richard Spencer in Cairo and Ruth Sherlock in Beirut | Saturday, September 15, 2012

My comment:

If anyone should be executed, it is he! Islam is totally and utterly incompatible with Western values. All these Muslims should NEVER have been allowed into the West in the first place. Now that they are here, any Muslim/Muslimah who is unwilling to reject this barbaric 'religion' should be sent packing forthwith. Enough already! – © Mark

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Kopten verurteilen Mohammed-Film

Australian Police Tear Gas Anti-US Demonstrators in Sydney

New Dark Age Alert! Anti-Islam Film Sparks Protests and Violence across the Muslim World

Protests and violence breaks-out across the Middle East, Africa and Asia, as demonstrators take to the streets, enraged by a US-made film that demeaned the Prophet Mohammad. In the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, the German embassy is burned and the British embassy attacked

Auch in Sydney musste bei einer Demonstration von Muslimen die Polizei einschreiten

Die anti-westliche Gewalt radikaler Muslime wegen eines islamfeindlichen Internetvideos hat weltweit Besorgnis ausgelöst. Während die Gewalt in den arabischen Ländern etwas abflaute, brachen in Australien neue Proteste aus.

Tagesschau vom 15.09.2012