Showing posts with label AQIM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AQIM. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Al-Qaida: Produzent von Mohammed-Film "hinrichten"

DIE PRESSE: Auch ein ägyptischer Imam rief "junge Muslime in den USA und Europa" auf, das Film-Team umzubringen. In Kabul riss eine Selbstmordattentäterin zwölf Menschen mit in den Tod.

Die Terrorgruppe al-Qaida im Islamischen Maghreb (AQMI [sic]) hat zur Tötung des Produzenten des islamfeindlichen Mohammed-Videos aufgerufen. In einer auf Islamisten-Website veröffentlichten Erklärung hieß es, wer einen Propheten beleidige, müsse hingerichtet werden. Die Terrorgruppe warf der US-Regierung vor, die Produzenten des Videos zu schützen.

In der Botschaft von AQMI wird die Tötung des US-Botschafters in Libyen, Chris Stevens, als "Geschenk" bezeichnet. Die Gruppe ruft ihre Sympathisanten zu weiteren Protesten gegen den in den USA produzierten Videofilm auf, in dem Mohammed als brutaler Lüstling dargestellt wird.

In Ägypten hat zudem ein salafistischer Imam eine Fatwa zur Tötung aller Beteiligten an dem in den USA produzierten Anti-Islam-Film erlassen. Wie das auf die Überwachung islamistischer Internetseiten spezialisierte US-Unternehmen SITE am Montag mitteilte, rief Ahmed Fuad Ashush die "jungen Muslime in den USA und in Europa" auf, die Macher und Schauspieler des Films sowie alle, die zu seiner Verbreitung beitrugen, wegen Verunglimpfung des Propheten Mohammed umzubringen. Die Fatwa wurde SITE zufolge auf mehreren jihadistischen Foren im Internet veröffentlicht. » | APA/dpa | Dienstag, 18. September 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hostages in Northern Mali in Plea for Help

Al Jazeera has obtained footage of Western nationals taken hostage in northern Mali last year. The three men are urging their governments to secure their release. Reports indicate that al-Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb is demanding the release of certain prisoners in return for freeing the hostages. Al Jazeera's Omar Al Saleh reports.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mali: How the West Cleared the Way for Al-Qaeda’s African March

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: With the world’s attention elsewhere, Islamists and al-Qaeda have seized a vast area of northern Mali. David Blair reports.

A few days after desert gunmen swept out of the Sahara and captured Timbuktu, the city’s conquerors broadcast a message over its radio station.

“We are going to welcome some foreigners,” the inhabitants of this ancient trading centre in northern Mali were told. “Do not be afraid when you see them: we must all welcome them.”

A convoy of Land Cruisers duly arrived, laden with bearded fighters clad in sand-coloured turbans and robes. These were not rebels from the local Tuareg tribe, who had claimed credit for the fall of Timbuktu, but international jihadists from across the Muslim world including Algerians, Nigerians, Somalis and Pakistanis. This multinational parade drove home a harsh message: a new state had been born under the effective rule of al-Qaeda. Bewildered townspeople, who had only seen Tuareg insurgents up to that point, realised its true significance.

“We first saw the foreigners when they were in our city,” said Mousa Maigar, who witnessed the arrival of the column. “How they entered our country, we don’t know.”

Almost unnoticed by the outside world, a branch of al-Qaeda has seized a swathe of Africa covering more than 300,000 square miles. “Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb” (AQIM) and its allies have taken over an area of the Sahara more than three times the size of Britain, complete with airports, military bases, arms dumps and training camps.

Ever since the September 11 attacks, Western counter-terrorism policy has been designed to prevent al-Qaeda from controlling territory. Yet that is exactly what AQIM has now achieved. » | David Blair, Segou, Mali | Tuesday, July 10, 2012

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mali: le chef d'Aqmi appelle à imposer la charia "graduellement" au nord

AFP: DAKAR — Le chef d'Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique (Aqmi) a donné une série de conseils à ses combattants contrôlant en partie le nord du Mali pour y réussir la création d'un Etat islamique, les appelant en particulier à y imposer "graduellement" la charia, selon le site spécialisé américain SITE.

Dans un enregistrement sonore de 12 minutes posté mercredi sur le site Sahara Media basé en Mauritanie, Abdelmalek Droukdel, alias Abou Moussaab Abdelouadoud, "félicite" ses combattants pour la "victoire historique" remportée dans le nord du Mali, qu'Aqmi contrôle avec d'autres groupes armés depuis fin mars.

Il les exhorte cependant à ne pas rater l'occasion de créer un Etat islamique dans cette région, leur donnant huit conseils afin d'y parvenir.

Parmi ceux-ci, ne pas faire preuve de "vanité" et appliquer la charia (loi islamique) "graduellement". "L'imposition de la charia ne doit pas seulement être limitée à la juste punition des gens, c'est beaucoup plus large que cela", dit-il, ajoutant: "Sachez que c'est une erreur d'imposer toutes les règles de l'islam d'un seul coup". » | AFP | jeudi 24 mai 2012

Friday, May 04, 2012

Former Cern Nuclear Physicist Jailed for Al-Qaida Terrorist Plot

THE GUARDIAN: Algerian-born Frenchman Adlène Hicheur sentenced to five years for exchanging emails with alleged al-Qaida contact

A French court has sentenced an Algerian-born nuclear physicist to five years in prison for his role in plotting terrorism with al-Qaida's north African affiliate.

Adlène Hicheur, a former researcher at Switzerland's Cern laboratory, was convicted on Friday of "criminal association with a view to plotting terrorist attacks".

Hicheur, who has been in custody since he was arrested in October 2009, could have received up to 10 years in prison.

The 35-year-old scientist and his defenders claim he was a victim of overzealous French anti-terror laws and that he explored ideas on jihadist websites but never took any concrete step toward terrorism.

Speaking after the judgment, Hicheur's lawyer Patrick Baudouin called the verdict "scandalous".

Hicheur has yet decide whether to appeal against the verdict. If he does not, with time off for good behaviour, he "should be out rather quickly", added Baudouin. » | Associated Press in Paris | Friday, May 04, 2012

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Terrorisme: Adlène Hicheur condamné à [de] la prison ferme

LE FIGARO: Adlène Hicheur, un physicien franco-algérien détaché au Cern de Genève, a été condamné aujourd'hui pour terrorisme à 5 ans de prison, dont un an avec sursis. Le tribunal correctionnel de Paris a reconnu coupable cet homme de 35 ans d'avoir préparé en 2009 un attentat en France lors de conversations sur internet avec un islamiste basé en Algérie.

"Je ne conteste pas le fait que je sois passé par une phase de turbulences, j'ai fait amende honorable, je ne peux rien dire de plus", s'était défendu fin mars Hicheur, en mettant ces mails "tangents" sur le compte de son "état de santé physique et psychologique" de l'époque, où il était en arrêt-maladie pour une hernie discale. » | Le avec agencies | vendredi 04 mai 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

Al-Qaeda 'Will Free British Hostage' If Abu Qatada Can Go Where He Wants

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, an affilate of the terrorist organisation, have offered to free a British-South African hostage if Abu Qatada, the radical cleric, is allowed to choose a country for his extradition, according to the US monitoring service SITE.

AQIM also threatened that Britain would "open the door of evil" unto its country and people should it send the imam back to his native Jordan where he faces jail, the report said.

The group which is Al-Qaeda's North African franchise - has been holding Stephen Malcolm and two other western men hostage since abducting them last November in the northern Mali desert city of Timbuktu.

Britain has been trying to deport Abu Qatada for more than six years, arguing he is a threat to national security, to Jordan, where the cleric was convicted in 1998 in absentia of involvement in terror attacks. » | Source: AFP | Monday, April 30, 2012

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Al-Qaeda Supports the Events in Tunisia and Algeria

ENNAHAR ONLINE ENGLISH: Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has called on demonstrators to extend their movements in Tunisia and Algeria to overthrow the governments in place and institute Sharia law, reported Thursday the U.S. service monitoring Islamist websites SITE.

In a 13-minute video, the leader of AQIM, Abu Musab Abdul Wadud, suggests to Tunisian dissidents, who have been demonstrating for a month: "send us your son so that they receive military training", SITE reported.

"We offer our support and our comfort and our help in your distress and your uprising," said Islamist leader.

Abu Musab Abdul Wadud called Tunisians to rise throughout the country against "the corrupt, criminal and tyrannical" in place in Tunis and establish Islamic law, (Sharia).

"But we will sooner or later retaliate against your torturers and their masters," he threatened. >>> ennahar | Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday, February 19, 2009

British Tourist Kidnapped by Islamic Extremists in Sahara Desert

MAIL Online: An Islamic extremist group has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of a group of tourists in west Africa, including a Briton. According to SITE Intelligence, a US group which monitors extremist websites, the claim comes from al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).

The tourists - a Briton who was working in Austria, two Swiss citizens and a German woman - were seized near the border between Niger and Mali on January 22.

The group released images of some of the captives and also said it was holding two Canadian diplomats seized two months ago.

AQIM spokesman Salah Abu Muhammad made the claim in an an audio message, SITE said.

He reportedly said: "We announce to the general public that the mujahideen reserve the right to deal with the six kidnapped according to Islamic Shariah (law).

"On the other hand, the mujahideen will announce later, Allah willing, their conditions in exchange for the release of the kidnapped." >>> By Mail Foreign Service | Thursday, February 19, 2009

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