Showing posts with label Xi Xinping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Xi Xinping. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Trump Spews Blatant Lies in Fox News Interview | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Feb 11, 2025 | Donald Trump sat down with Fox News' Bret Baier last night and spoke on everything from Elon Musk to Ukraine. Steve Schmidt breaks down the lies and revealing answers from the softball sit down.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The New World of Xi Jinping I Documentary

Jan 12, 2022 • Behind his polite exterior lies a formidable leader with a ruthless character, ready to do anything to make China the world's leading power by the People’s Republic’s centenary in 2049. This well-documented portrait of the Chinese president gives an unprecedented insight into his politics and shows how Xi Jinping's personal journey has shaped his choices as he steers China towards world domination.

On January 1oth, I posted this excellent documentary in German. You can watch it in German here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Historian Alfred McCoy Predicts the US Empire Is Collapsing as China’s Power Grows

Nov 16, 2021 • President Joe Biden’s virtual summit Monday with Chinese President Xi Jinping follows the two countries’ announcement just days earlier they will work together to confront the climate emergency after Xi did not attend the U.N. climate summit in Glasgow. Tension has been mounting between the two superpowers, especially over Taiwan and Hong Kong, with some speculating that a new Cold War is developing. “The United States, in the immediate future, is faced with the possibility of fighting a war over Taiwan … that it would probably lose,” says Alfred McCoy, professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in an extended interview about U.S.-China relations. “China is also working to break the U.S. geopolitical hold over the Eurasian landmass.” McCoy is a prolific author and his newest book is out today: “To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change.”

China Warns US about 'Playing with Fire' on Taiwan - BBC News

Nov 16, 2021 • Chinese President Xi Jinping has used a virtual summit with US counterpart Joe Biden to warn that encouraging Taiwanese independence would be "playing with fire".

The talks are the most substantial since Mr Biden took office in January. Both sides emphasised the two men's personal relationship and the summit was an attempt to ease tensions.

But they could not escape one of the most sensitive topics: the self-ruled island of Taiwan. China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province to be reunified with the mainland one day.

The US recognises and has formal ties with China. But it has also pledged to help Taiwan defend itself in the event of an attack.

La réunification de Taïwan est «une aspiration partagée» par tous les Chinois, selon le gouvernement »

Thursday, November 11, 2021

La «pensée» de Xi Jinping déclarée «quintessence de la culture et de l'âme chinoises»

Le président chinois Xi Jinping sort encore renforcé de cette résolution. CARLOS GARCIA RAWLINS / REUTERS

LE FIGARO : Le Parti communiste chinois a adopté sans surprise un texte qui a encore élevé la stature du président en exercice parmi les icônes du pays.

Un siècle d'histoire pour mieux verrouiller l'avenir: le Parti communiste chinois (PCC) a adopté sans surprise jeudi 11 novembre un texte qui a encore élevé la stature du président Xi Jinping parmi les icônes du pays. Dans le plus grand secret, les près de 400 membres du Comité central, le «parlement» du PCC, ont approuvé une résolution sur «les grandes réussites» du mouvement fondé en 1921.

Dithyrambique, le texte publié par l'agence Chine nouvelle affirme que le PCC, qui gouverne le pays d'une main de fer depuis 72 ans, a écrit «l'épopée la plus magnifique de l'histoire de la nation chinoise sur des millénaires». Dans un pays où l'histoire est traditionnellement utilisée pour légitimer le pouvoir, Xi Jinping a profité de cette résolution pour se présenter en héritier incontestable du régime. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | jeudi 11 novembre 2021

À LIRE AUSSI : Xi Jinping, la quête du pouvoir absolu : RÉCIT - Lancé lundi, le plénum du PCC doit préparer le pays à une «nouvelle ère» à l’image du numéro un chinois. »