Showing posts with label Roman Polanski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roman Polanski. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Zurich Film Festival: Polanski sagt Danke

Unter tosendem Applaus von hunderten von Fans und dutzenden Kamerateams aus aller Welt wird der Oscar-Preisträger Roman Polanski kurz nach halb zehn Uhr am Zurich Film Festival empfangen. Kurz nach 22 Uhr betritt der Regisseur dann die Bühne des Kinos Corso und bedankt sich gerührt bei seinen Unterstützern.

Zum Teil in Schweizerdeutsch (Schwyzertüütsch)

THE GUARDIAN: Roman Polanski gets Zurich film festival award after two-year wait: Director was arrested on way to collect prize in 2009 when US attempted extradition on 1977 child sex charges » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Zurich Film Festival » [D] [F]

Friday, September 16, 2011

Roman Polanski to Collect Festival Honour in Zurich

BBC: Director Roman Polanski is to collect a career honour at the Zurich Film Festival, two years after his arrest in the city on child sex charges.

Organisers say the 78-year-old will attend the gala to receive his award which he was set to pick up in 2009.

Swiss police arrested Polanski on his arrival in the country over his 1977 US conviction for having sex with a 13-year-old girl.

He was held for 10 months before Swiss courts decided not to extradite him.

The tribute ceremony to present Polanski with his lifetime achievement award is due to be held on 27 September.

Directors of the Zurich Film Festival, Karl Spoerri and Nadja Schildknecht, said: "We are especially proud to welcome Roman Polanski this year to receive his award.

"We have always been tremendous admirers of his work and we are delighted that we will soon be able to express this to him in person," they added.

The Zurich Film Festival is taking place from 22 September to 2 October. » | Friday, September 16, 2011

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Polanski assiste au concert de sa femme

20 MINUTES ONLINE: Roman Polanski s'est rendu à Montreux (VD) samedi soir pour assister au concert de sa femme Emmanuelle Seigner, lors du Jazz Festival.

Roman Polanski a créé l’émeute lors de son arrivée à Montreux. Photo : 20 Minutes Online

Roman Polanski a fait samedi soir sa première apparition publique depuis sa libération lundi: le cinéaste s'est rendu au Montreux Jazz Festival, où son épouse Emmanuelle Seignier donnait un concert. Peu avant dans une interview télévisée, le Franco-Polonais a réaffirmé son amitié pour la Suisse.

«Je suis heureux d'être libre», a indiqué M. Polanski dans le «19:30» de la Télévision suisse romande. Après avoir promis de revenir à Gstaad, le réalisateur a tenu à remercier les milliers de personnes qui lui ont exprimé leur soutien durant ces «neuf longs mois», en particulier les habitants de la station bernoise. Ces derniers lui ont apporté «des fleurs et des bouteilles de vin». >>> ats | Samedi 17 Juillet 2010

Interview mit Roman Polanski

SCHWEIZER FERNSEHEN: Roman Polanski hat sich erstmals nach seiner Freilassung öffentlich geäussert. In einem Interview mit dem TSR betonte der Regisseur, dass er zur Schweiz weiterhin «grosse Freundschaft» pflegen wolle.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

USA empört über Freilassung Polanskis

SCHWEIZER FERNSEHEN: Erste Reaktionen auf die Freilassung von Roman Polanski fielen milde aus. Nach dem Auftritt des Sprechers des amerikanischen Aussenministeriums zeigt sich, dass die USA durchaus verärgert sind.

Tagesschau vom 13.07.2010

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Roman Polanski Victim Calls for End of Sex Case Pursuit

THE TELEGRAPH: Roman Polanksi's victim has called for the sex case against him to be dismissed "once and for all" after Swiss authorities rejected an attempt by prosecutors to have him extradited to the United States.

Samantha Geimer said she hoped the Los Angeles district attorney's office would finally cease its pursuit of the film director over the crime he committed against her 33 years ago.

The victim, who is now a mother of three in her 40s, said: "I am satisfied with this decision and I hope that the district attorney will now close the case and get it over once and for all." However, Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley said the case was not closed and he would continue to pursue Polanski if he is arrested again in another country from where he can be extradited. A US arrest warrant remains active. >>> Nick Allen in Los Angeles | Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Isn’t it about time for the American authorities to stop hounding this 77 year old man for what was supposedly done 33 years ago? It seems totally ridiculous to pursue someone for something that was done so, so long ago, especially since the victim has made it absolutely clear that she wants the case to be closed. One can only imagine the pain that dragging all this up again must be causing the victim! The American authorities should think again, long and hard, about this case, if only for that reason alone. The Swiss authorities must surely have done the right thing in setting the man free. The American authorities should respect that judgement. – © Mark

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Technicalities Underlie Swiss Decision on the Film Director

LOS ANGELES TIMES: Justice ministry says it won't extradite the film director because allegations of judicial misconduct have yet to be disproved and because prosecutors didn't immediately seek the fugitive's arrest.

In the end, the move by Swiss authorities to free Roman Polanski did not come down to whether he drugged and raped a 13-year-old girl.

Instead, the Swiss government's refusal Monday to extradite the director centered in part on a controversial 1977 backroom meeting that a Los Angeles judge held with the prosecutor and defense attorney on the case.

Polanski's lawyers say the judge made it clear at the meeting that he intended to send the director to prison for a 90-day psychiatric test as his full sentence behind bars. They say that Polanski completed his punishment when prison authorities released him after 42 days and that the filmmaker fled the country when the judge indicated he would send him back to prison.

The Swiss justice ministry cited the meeting in a statement explaining its decision, saying that a U.S. court's ruling that kept some records about the meeting secret created "persisting doubts concerning the presentation of the facts of the case."

"In these circumstances, it is not possible to exclude with the necessary certainty that Roman Polanski has already served the sentence he was condemned to at the time," the statement said.

Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley said he was "genuinely surprised and disappointed" by the legal reasoning behind the decision.

He described the failure to return Polanski as a "disservice to justice."

Experts said the latest development in the long-running legal saga was a blow to Cooley's office. Continue reading and comment >>>

2-Min Bio: Fugitive Filmmaker Roman Polanski

TIME: Fugitive filmmaker Roman Polanski's onscreen dramas are rivaled only by his private ones. The latest plot twist came Sept. 26, when the director of Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby and The Pianist touched down at Zurich airport to find police waiting to arrest him in connection with charges of a 1977 sexual assault on a 13-year-old girl. Polanski, 76, was arriving in Switzerland to collect a lifetime-achievement award at the Zurich Film Festival. Fast Facts: >>> Laura Fitzpatrick | Monday, September 28, 2009

TIME: Polanski's Arrest: Why the French Are Outraged – Although the cultural divide between Europe and the U.S. has narrowed over the years, the legal fate of director Roman Polanski shows there are still major differences. Polanski's arrest in Switzerland on Sept. 26 [2009] was greeted with satisfaction in the U.S., where authorities hope he will face sentencing for having sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977. Europeans, meanwhile, are shocked and dismayed that an internationally acclaimed artist could be jailed for such an old offense. >>> Bruce Crumley, Paris | Monday, September 28, 2009

Polanski is Set Free

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«Merci et bravo la Suisse!» : Stimmen zur Freilassung von Roman Polanski

NZZ ONLINE: In den amerikanischen Medien wird der Entscheid, Roman Polanski nicht auszuliefern, relativ nüchtern zur Kenntnis genommen. Ob die Freilassung des renommierten Filmemachers mehr recht denn schlecht ist, mag niemand so recht beantworten.

Es bleibt der Haftbefehl

Die Schweizer Behörden hätten nicht in der Frage, ob der Regisseur eine damals minderjährige Person sexuell missbraucht habe, geurteilt, schreibt die «Los Angeles Times». Die Aufhebung des Hausarrests sei vielmehr von technischer Natur, weil die amerikanischen Justizbehörden den Schweizern die Akteneinsicht verweigert hätten.

Dennoch sei der Sieg, den Polanski durch die Aufhebung der Auslieferungshaft in der Schweiz davonträgt, ein kleiner. Der Haftbefehl bleibe; die zu den längsten Kriminalsaga der kalifornischen Kriminaljustiz zählende Causa Polanski gehe bloss in eine weitere Runde, folgert die «Los Angeles Times». Weiter lesen und einen Kommentar schreiben >>> hoh. | Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010

THE GUARDIAN: French parliament approves ban on face veils: Move sparks concern amongst Muslim and human rights groups but is popular with French voters >>> Associated Press | Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Burkas sollen in Frankreich verboten werden

SCHWEIZER FERNSEHEN: Die französische Regierung hat das Verbot für die Vollverschleierung muslimischer Frauen vorgestellt. Frauen, die gezwungen werden eine Burka zu tragen, können ihre Männer anklagen.

Tagesschau vom 19.05.2010

Frankreich führt konflikträchtige Debatte über Burka-Verbot (07.07.10)

SCHWEIZER FERNSEHEN: Die französische Nationalversammlung diskutiert derzeit über ein Burka-Verbot. Mit dem von der konservativen Regierung eingebrachten Gesetzentwurf sollen sämtliche Ganzkörperverschleierungen aus dem öffentlichen Raum verbannt werden. Zum Aufakt der Debatte hat sich Justizministerin Michèle Alliot-Marie für das geplante Gesetz starkgemacht.


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Roman Polanski Released: US Says Case Is Not Closed

THE TELEGRAPH: The district attorney prosecuting Roman Polanski in the United States have criticised the Swiss government's refusal to extradite the director and said the case was not closed.

Polanski was freed after the Swiss government rejected a US extradition request that he be brought back there and sentenced for having unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977.

However, Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley said he was "deeply disappointed" by the decision and would work to try to extradite Polanski if he is arrested again. An arrest warrant on the 33-year-old case remains active in Los Angeles. >>> Nick Allen in Los Angeles | Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Schweiz wegen Polanski auf der «Anklagebank»

SCHWEIZER FERNSEHEN: Der Bezirksstaatsanwalt von Los Angeles, Steve Cooley, will auch nach Ablehnung des Gesuches durch die Schweiz die Auslieferung von Filmregisseur Roman Polanski fordern, sollte er in einem anderen Land festgenommen werden. Polanski nicht auszuliefern sei eine Unterlassung der Schweiz und ein Affront gegen das Gericht in Kalifornien.

Tagesschau vom 13.07.2010

Schweiz wegen Polanski auf der «Anklagebank» – 2

Tagesschau vom 13.07.2010

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Roman Polanski a quitté son chalet de Gstaad

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: AFFAIRE POLANSKI | Le cinéaste «a quitté son chalet de Gstaad» (BE) où il était assigné à résidence, a assuré une employée du cinéaste à des journalistes sur place. Son bracelet électronique lui a été retiré à la mi-journée.

Une employée de Roman Polanski, qui a demandé à ne pas être identifiée, a ouvert la porte du chalet «Milky Way» (Voie Lactée) du cinéaste lorsqu'une journaliste de l'AFP a sonné et a assuré que Roman Polanski avait quitté les lieux. «Il n'est plus là», a-t-elle encore insisté. >>> AFP / ATS | Lundi 12 Juillet 2010

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Polanskis Anwalt erleichtert

SCHWEIZER FERNSEHEN: Hervé Temime, Anwalt des Regisseurs Polanskis ist erleichtert über den Entscheid der Schweiz. Für ihn ist die Entscheidung die einzig richtige. Einschätzungen von den SF-Korrespondenten Fritz Reiman in Bern, Adrian Arnold in Paris und Tilman Lingner in Washington.

Tagesschau vom 12.07.2010

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Polanski Extradition to U.S. Is Blocked by Switzerland

THE NEW YORK TIMES: BERN, Switzerland (AP) -- The Swiss government has rejected a U.S. extradition request for Roman Polanski on a charge of having sex in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl.

The Justice Ministry said Monday in a statement that national interests were taken into consideration in the decision, and that Polanski was now a free man. [Source: The New York Times] | The Associated Press | Monday, 12, 2010

Roman Polanski Free After Swiss Reject US Extradition Request

THE TELEGRAPH: Roman Polanski is free after the Swiss government rejected a US extradition request on a charge that the film director had sexual intercourse in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl.

The Justice Ministry said in a statement that national interests were taken into consideration in the decision, and that Polanski was now a free man.

"The reason for the decision lies in the fact that it was not possible to exclude with the necessary certainty a fault in the US extraditionary request," the Swiss Justice Ministry said in a statement.

Polanski had suggested the case against him was unjust and riddled with discrepancies.

Polish-born Polanski, 76, won a best director Oscar for his portrait of life in the Warsaw Jewish ghetto of the Second World War in "The Pianist".

The announcement follows months of uncertainty over whether Polanski would have to return to the United States after having been arrested in September 2009 upon arrival in Zurich to receive a lifetime achievement award at a film festival.

His arrest prompted an outcry in the global film industry and in some political circles in France, where he has been a long-time resident, with directors from Woody Allen to Martin Scorsese to Jean-Luc Godard showing public support for the director.

After a short jail stint, Polanski, who holds dual French and Polish citizenship, was put under house arrest in December 2009 at his chalet in luxury ski resort Gstaad while Swiss officials awaited the outcome of US legal proceedings.

Polanski pleaded guilty to having sexual intercourse with the girl but fled the United States on the eve of his 1978 sentencing because he believed a judge might overrule his plea and put him in jail for 50 years. >>> | Monday, July 12, 2010

Polanski est libre de ses mouvements

LE FIGARO: La Suisse a annoncé lundi son refus d'extrader le cinéaste franco-polonais, assigné depuis le 4 décembre dans son chalet de Gstaad.

Il aura fallu presque un an à la justice suisse pour trancher. Roman Polanski «ne sera pas extradé vers les Etats-Unis et les mesures de restriction de sa liberté sont levées», a annoncé lundi la ministre suisse de la Justice. «Les clarifications approfondies qui ont été menées à bien n'ont pas permis d'exclure avec toute la certitude voulue que la demande d'extradition américaine présentait un vice», a fait valoir Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf au cours d'une conférence de presse. >>> Par Flore Galaud | Lundi 12 Juillet 2010

Roman Polanski est libre!

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: BERNE | Le cinéaste franco-polonais ne sera pas extradé vers les Etats-Unis, vient d'annocer la conseillère fédérale Evelyn Widmer-Schlumpf. Roman Polanski est libre.

La demande d'extradition américaine de Roman Polanski pouvait présenter un vice. Les clarifications approfondies n'ont pas permis d'exclure une telle éventualité avec toute la certitude voulue, a expliqué lundi la conseillère fédérale Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf.

L'Office fédéral de la justice (OFJ) a demandé le 3 mars 2010 aux autorités américaines de lui faire parvenir, à titre de complément à la demande, le procès-verbal d'une audition du procureur Roger Gunson, alors chargé du dossier, menée le 26 janvier 2010. >>> ATS | Lundi 12 Juillet 2010

Die Schweiz liefert Polanski nicht aus: Der Regisseur ist wieder ein freier Mann

NZZ ONLINE: Die Schweiz liefert Starregisseur Roman Polanski nicht aus. Justizministerin Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf begründete den Entscheid mit einer mangelnden Kooperation der USA. Seit Freitag, 11 Uhr 30, ist Polanski ein freier Mann.

Die Schweiz liefert den vor knapp 10 Monaten verhafteten Regisseur Roman Polanski doch nicht an die USA aus. Justizministerin Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf begründete den Entscheid mit einer mangelnden Kooperation der USA.

Polanski hatte argumentiert, er habe die Strafe schon abgesessen. Er sei für den sexuellen Missbrauch einer 13-Jährigen im Jahre 1977 bereits verurteilt worden und habe damals nach einem Schuldbekenntnis für eine diagnostische Untersuchung 42 Tage in einem kalifornischen Gefängnis verbracht. Der damalige Richter, der inzwischen verstorben ist, habe zugesichert, dass Polanski keine weitere Haftstrafe absitzen müsse, erklärte der Regisseur.

Die USA sind offenbar nicht bereit, hierüber Klarheit zu schaffen. Wie die Justizministerin vor den Medien erklärte, hat sich die Schweiz vergeblich um das entsprechende Protokoll bemüht. In dieser Situation könne die Schweiz den Regisseur nicht ausliefern. Denn ein Mangel im Auslieferungsgesuch der USA sei damit nicht auszuschliessen.

Polanski stehe nicht länger unter Hausarrest, erklärte Widmer-Schlumpf. «Er ist seit 11 Uhr 30 ein freier Mann», betonte sie. Weiter lesen und einen Kommentar schreiben >>> tsf | Montag, 12. Juli 2010

Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf über eine mögliche Entschädigung für Polanski

SCHWEIZER FERNSEHEN: Der Regisseur wird nicht an die USA ausgeliefert. Zur Begründung wies das Schweizer Justizministerium darauf hin, dass ein Mangel im Auslieferungsgesuch der USA nicht ausgeschlossen werden könne.


THE GUARDIAN: The prurient hounding of Roman Polanski is over at last: The Swiss decision not to extradite the director is just – it was a vengeful demand and his victim wanted the case closed >>> Agnès Poirier | Monday, July 12, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Nouvelles accusations d'abus sexuels contre Polanski

LE FIGARO: Charlotte Lewis, 42 ans, a déclaré à la presse qu'elle avait été «abusée sexuellement de la pire façon possible» par le cinéaste, actuellement assigné à résidence en Suisse dans l'attente d'une éventuelle extradition aux Etats-Unis.

Roman Polanski à nouveau dans la tourmente. Une actrice britannique a affirmé à Los Angeles avoir été «abusée sexuellement» par le cinéaste Roman Polanski dans son appartement parisien au début des années 80, alors qu'elle était âgée de 16 ans. >>> Par | Samedi 15 Mai 2010

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Rompant son silence, Polanski se dit victime d'un mensonge

LE FIGARO: Toujours poursuivi aux Etats-Unis pour avoir eu des relations sexuelles avec une mineure en 1977, le cinéaste franco-polonais continue de clamer son innocence dans une lettre ouverte publiée dimanche.

«Je ne peux plus me taire.» Dimanche soir, Roman Polanski a décidé de rompre le silence dans lequel il s'était muré depuis plusieurs mois en publiant un texte dans lequel il considère que la demande d'extradition dont il fait l'objet aux Etats-Unis «est basée sur un mensonge». «Je ne peux plus me taire parce que les Etats-Unis continuent de réclamer mon extradition plus pour me livrer en pâture aux médias du monde entier que pour prononcer un jugement sur lequel un accord a été pris il y a 33 ans», écrit-il dans cette lettre publiée sur un site Internet dirigé par le philosophe Bernard-Henri Lévy.

«Je ne peux plus me taire car la demande d'extradition aux autorités suisses est basée sur un mensonge», poursuit le cinéaste franco-polonais à propos de son incarcération en dans une prison de Californie durant 42 jours en 1977. Selon Polanski, poursuivi aux Etats-Unis pour avoir eu cette année-là des relations sexuelles avec une adolescente de 13 ans, cette incarcération correspondait à la peine à laquelle il aurait du être condamné et qu'il aurait par conséquent déjà exécutée. >>> Par Bastien Hugues | Dimanche 02 Mai 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Roman Polanski Loses Bid to Be [sic] Avoid Extradition

TIMES ONLINE: Oscar-winning film director Roman Polanski has lost his latest bid to be sentenced while outside the United States for having unlawful sex with a minor more than three decades ago.

Affirming the decision of a Los Angeles judge in January, a state appeals court ruled Polanski must return to California before he can be sentenced and bring his 33-year-long legal saga to a close.

The decision clears the way for Swiss authorities to extradite the 78-year-old fugitive filmmaker to the US. >>> Times Online | Friday, April 23, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Polanski muss für Prozess in die USA: Amerikanisches Gericht gegen Verfahren in Abwesenheit

NZZ ONLINE: Der bekannte Filmregisseur Roman Polanski muss am Prozess in den USA teilnehmen. Ein Gericht in Los Angeles lehnte am Freitag das Begehren Polanskis ab, den Prozess wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs einer 13-Jährigen in Abwesenheit durchzuführen.

Der polnisch-französische Regisseur Roman Polanski muss, sofern er von der Schweiz an die USA ausgeliefert wird, persönlich am Prozess gegen ihn teilnehmen. Richter Peter Espinoza lehnte am Freitag in Los Angeles einen Antrag von Polanskis Anwälten auf Verurteilung in Abwesenheit ab. >>> ddp/sda | Freitag, 22. Januar 2010

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Roman Polanski Asks to Be Sentenced in Absentia

THE TELEGRAPH: Roman Polanski has asked a judge to sentence him in his absence for having sex with a 13-year-old girl more than three decades ago.

The request came in a letter signed by the film director in Switzerland, where he is under house arrest, and was submitted to a judge in Los Angeles.

It said Polanski understood he had the right to be present at all legal proceedings, but added: "I request that judgment be pronounced against me in my absence."

The request followed a ruling last month by an appeal court in California which suggested Polanski would not serve any additional time in jail of he agreed to being sentenced in his absence.

However, prosecutors who have long sought to bring him back to Los Angeles, said they would oppose any attempt to sentence him until he turns up in court there.

At a hearing in Los Angeles on Wednesday prosecutor David Walgren said Polanski should come back to California and not continue to fight the case "from the comfort of his Swiss chalet in the Alps." >>> Nick Allen in Los Angeles | Thursday, January 07, 2010

Monday, December 28, 2009

Roman Polanski 'Overwhelmed' by Messages of Support

THE TELEGRAPH: The film director Roman Polanski said he was overwhelmed by messages of support as he battles extradition to the US to face a decades-old sex case involving a 13-year-old girl.

"In the darkest moments, each of their notes has been a source of comfort and hope, and they continue to be so in my current situation," wrote Polanski in a letter released online.

The 76-year-old Oscar winner made his first public statement since his arrest in September in a letter to the French philospher Bernard-Henri Levy, who has been been one of his strongest supporters.

The director of Rosemary's Baby and The Pianist is living under house arrest at his chalet in the Swiss Alpine resort of Gstaad after being released on bail on Dec 4.

Swiss authorities have said a decision on his extradition to the US is expected in January.

"I have been overwhelmed by the number of messages of support and sympathy I have received in Winterthur prison, and that I continue to receive here, in my chalet in Gstaad, where I am spending the holidays with my wife and my children," Polanski wrote. >>> | Monday, December 28, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Roman Polanski to Be Freed on Bail, Swiss Government Says

THE TELEGRAPH: Roman Polanski will be released on bail and placed under house arrest at his chalet in the Alps, the Swiss government has said.

The justice ministry said in a statement released on Thursday that Polanski will be transferred as soon as possible.

A Swiss court granted the film director his wish to be released on a bail of $4.5 million (£2.6m) and the government has decided not to challenge that decision.

"Polanski will be released from custody as soon as bail has been transferred, ID and travel documents have been lodged, and the electronic monitoring system has been installed and tested," the ministry said.

The bail, however, does not affect the justice ministry's pending decision on whether to extradite the 76-year-old director to the United States for having sex in Los Angeles in 1977 with a 13-year-old girl.

He pleaded guilty to having sex with the girl but fled the United States in 1978 before he was sentenced because he believed a judge might overrule a plea bargain and sentence him to 50 years in prison.

Acting on a US warrant, Swiss police detained Polanski on when he arrived at Zurich airport on September 26 to attend a film festival where he was to receive a special award. >>> | Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Polanski : la victime demande l'abandon des poursuites

Samantha Geimer, lors de la projection du documentaire sur l'affaire Polanski, en juin 2008. Crédits photo : Le Figaro

LE FIGARO: Des documents judiciaires révélés lundi indiquent que Samantha Geimer, harcelée par les médias et victime de problèmes de santé, réclame officiellement l'abandon des poursuites devant la justice californienne.

Samantha Geimer veut en finir avec l'affaire Polanski. Harcelée par les journalistes depuis l'arrestation de Roman Polanski en Suisse, la jeune fille violée à 13 ans par le cinéaste souhaite que la justice californienne abandonne les charges contre lui. C'est ce que révèlent des documents judiciaires lundi.

Son avocat Lawrence Silver confie avoir reçu près de 500 appels téléphoniques pour obtenir une réaction à l'arrestation du cinéaste. Une surmédiatisation qui a entraîné des problèmes de santé chez Samantha Geimer, ainsi que des soucis dans son travail. «La procédure a entraîné (...) l'ennui compréhensible de son employeur, et rend véritablement possible que Samantha perde son emploi» écrit son avocat. >>> L.D. ( avec AFP | Lundi 26 Octobre 2009