Showing posts with label Kim Jong-Il. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kim Jong-Il. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kim Jong-il Death Sparks Hysterical Outpouring of Grief in North Korea

Local television footage has shown North Korean officials apparently overcome with grief at the news of their leader Kim Jong-il's death.

Read article here | Monday, December 19, 2011
North Korean State TV Announces Death of Leader Kim Jong-il

North Korea’s “Dear Leader”, Kim Jong-il, has died aged 69 following what is believed to be a stroke or heart attack, the communist country’s state media has announced.

Read article here | Monday, December 19, 2011
Kim Jong-il, North Korean Leader, Dies

THE GUARDIAN: Kim Jong-il is understood to have suffered a heart attack on Saturday due to physical and mental over-work

Kim Jong-il, the "dear leader" still venerated by many in North Korea but reviled abroad, has died aged 69, state media announced on Monday morning.

The official KCNA news agency described his young son and heir apparent as "the great successor", urging the nation, people and military to rally behind and "faithfully revere" Kim Jong-un.

The North Korean leader suffered a heart attack on Saturday due to physical and mental over-work, KCNA reported. He was on his train, travelling to offer "field guidance" to workers, when he died.

Kim had recovered from a reported stroke in 2008, and Monday's announcement was unexpected. But he had already begun grooming Kim Jong-un to take control of the "hermit state", appointing him a general last year and giving him several high profile roles.

Experts say there is increasing domestic cynicism about the regime, which has proved incapable of meeting basic economic needs while exerting rigid control. Collective punishment has left an estimated 200,000 people in prison camps and last year the United Nations special rapporteur on human rights in North Korea described the country's situation as "sui generis", adding: "Simply put, there are many instances of human rights violations which are both harrowing and horrific."

But people in the streets of Pyongyang burst into tears as they learnt of Kim's death, Associated Press reported. At a North Korean restaurant in Beijing, staff wept hysterically when told what had happened.

"It is the biggest loss for the party ... and it is our people and nation's biggest sadness," a tearful anchorwoman clad in black Korean traditional dress told viewers as she announced Kim's death.

She urged the nation to "change our sadness to strength and overcome our difficulties". » | Tania Branigan in Beijing | Monday, December 19, 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fear of Uprisings? North Korea Shuts Down Universities for 10 Months

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: North Korea has shut down its universities for the next 10 months and sent students to work in factories, agriculture and the construction sector as it struggles to rebuild its economy.

Pyongyang has told the North Korean people that the nation will have achieved its aim of becoming "a great, prosperous and powerful nation" in 2012, which marks the 100th anniversary of the founder of the reclusive state, Kim Il-sung.

In addition, Kim Jong-il will turn 70 in February and the "Dear Leader" hopes to be able to transfer his power and an economically stronger nation to his son and heir-apparent, Kim Jong-Un.

Reports in South Korea indicated that the government in Pyongyang on Monday ordered all universities to cancel classes until April of next year. The only exemptions are for students who will be graduating in the next few months and foreign students. » | Julian Ryall in Tokyo | Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

La Corée du Nord célèbre l’anniversaire de son fondateur

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Les Nord-Coréens célébraient vendredi la «fête du Soleil», l’anniversaire de la naissance de Kim- Il song, père de l’actuel dirigeant du pays. Parallèlement étaient lancés depuis le Sud des tracts appelant à la chute du régime.

La Corée du Nord célébrait vendredi la naissance de son fondateur dans une ambiance festive, selon la propagande du régime, alors que des activistes lançaient depuis le Sud des tracts appelant à la chute du régime dirigé par son fils Kim Jong-Il.

La «fête du Soleil» célèbre l’anniversaire de la naissance de Kim- Il song, père de l’actuel dirigeant, proclamé «président pour l’éternité» à sa mort en 1994. La foule a déposé des fleurs au pied de la statue du fondateur du régime et d’immenses portraits de Kim étaient affichés dans les rues de Pyongyang, a rapporté l’agence de presse officielle KCNA. » | AFP | Vendredi 15 Avril 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

South Koreans in Anti-North Rally

Feb 16 - South Korean protesters in Seoul say they're hoping the popular uprisings of Tunisia and Egypt will spread to North Korea. Paul Chapman reports

North Korean leader turns 69

Feb 16 - North Korea marks the 69th birthday of leader Kim Jong-il as TV footage emerges of one of his sons attending an Eric Clapton concert in Singapore. Marie-Claire Fennessy reports

LE POINT: La Corée du Nord célèbre, dans la pénurie, le 69e anniversaire de Kim : La Corée du Nord célébrait mercredi le 69e anniversaire de son dirigeant Kim Jong-Il mais, selon un groupe de transfuges, les festivités étaient plus réduites qu'à l'habitude en raison notamment de la pénurie alimentaire chronique. >>> AFP | Mercredi 16 Février 2011

Saturday, July 24, 2010

North Korea Threatens 'Nuclear War' Over Troop Exercises

THE GUARDIAN: Pyongyang ramps up the tension over this weekend's joint US-South Korean wargames in the Sea of Japan

South Koreans take a look at the US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington at Busan. the ship is about to take part in large-scale military exercises in the Sea of Japan Photograph: The Guardian

North Korea has threatened to use its "nuclear deterrent" in response to planned military exercises by the US and South Korea this weekend.

The regime promised a "retaliatory sacred war" amid increased tensions on the Korean peninsula over the March sinking of a South Korean navy vessel, which Seoul and Washington blame on Pyongyang.

North Korea's National Defence Commission (NDC), headed by leader Kim Jong-il, issued the threat today for what it called a second "unpardonable" provocation for again being blamed for the incident in which 46 sailors died.

"The army and people of the [North] will legitimately counter with their powerful nuclear deterrence the largest-ever nuclear war exercises," the commission said in a statement run on the state-run Korean Central News Agency.

Pyongyang routinely threatens war when its southern neighbour and the US hold joint military exercises. South Korea's defence ministry said no unusual North Korean military movements were detected. >>> David Batty and Justin McCurry | Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Kim Jong-il to Meet with Hu Jintao in China

THE TELEGRAPH: The reclusive North Korean leader Kim Jong-il is expected to arrive in Beijing later today for talks with China's president Hu Jintao as he seeks to shore up his country's bankrupt economy and negotiate a way out of the international diplomatic isolation of recent months.

Neither Beijing or Pyongyang has confirmed the visit, but Mr Kim, with his easily recognisable sunglasses and frizzy hair, was photographed in the port city of Dalian where he arrived on Monday from North Korea in his 17-carriage armoured train.

This visit came as South Korea moved closer to blaming the Pyongyang for the sinking of one of its warships last March in an incident that has further raised tensions between the two Koreas in recent weeks.

The South's president Lee Myung-Bak told a televised meeting of his chiefs of staff that it was clear that the sinking was not a "simple accident" and ordered a thorough review of Seoul's military readiness in light of the apparent attack on the 1,200 tonne corvette Cheonan.

Analysts said the sinking, which Pyongyang has denied, was expected to be on the agenda of talks with Chinese leaders along with the North's desperate need for economic aid, including food and fuel.

A disastrous attempt to reform the North Korean currency last November is thought to have deepened the country's economic woes, raising the threat of a repeat of the famines of the mid 1990s. >>> Peter Foster in Beijing | Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Kim Jong-Il: Fashion Icon*

FRANCE 24: The trademark suit sported by North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il is now in fashion worldwide thanks to his greatness, Pyongyang's official website said Wednesday.

Uriminzokkiri, quoting an article in communist party newspaper Rodong Sinmun, said the modest-looking suits have gripped people's imagination and become a global vogue.

"The reason is that the august image of the Great General, who is always wearing the modest suit while working, leaves a deep impression on people's mind in the world," it said.

"To sum it up, that is because his image as a great man is so outstanding."

The article quoted an unidentified French fashion expert as saying world fashion follows Kim Jong-Il's style.

"Kim Jong-Il mode which is now spreading expeditiously worldwide is something unprecedented in the world's history," the stylist was quoted as saying. N.Korea leader sets world fashion trend: Pyongyang >>> AFP | Wednesday, April 07, 2010

*Sound effect courtesy of People Sound Effects

Friday, November 20, 2009

Kim Jong-Il. Crédits photo : Le Monde

En Corée du Nord, la situation des droits de l'homme reste très alarmante

LE MONDE: Le non-respect des droits de l'homme en République populaire démocratique de Corée (RPDC) était un sujet sur lequel les déclarations à Séoul du président Barack Obama étaient attendues. En Chine, l'hôte de la Maison Blanche a été peu mordant. Il ne l'a pas été davantage à Séoul dans le cas d'un pays certes moins puissant dont la situation a été qualifiée de "pire du monde" par Vitit Muntarbhorn, rapporteur auprès des Nations unies sur les droits de l'homme en RPDC.

Des organisations de défense des libertés civiles avaient exhorté M. Obama à la fermeté : "le problème nucléaire a trop longtemps éludé d'autres questions", estime Elaine Pearson, directrice adjointe pour l'Asie de Human Right Watch. Dans une lettre ouverte au président américain, Timothy Peter, directeur de Helping Hands Korea, rappelle que la Chine rapatrie de force les Nord-Coréens qui passent clandestinement la frontière. Ils seraient actuellement de 30 000 à 50 000. La plupart sont des migrants économiques qui passent temporairement en Chine en quête de travail et de nourriture. Ramenés en RPDC, ils risquent de lourdes peines de prison. >>> Tokyo Correspondant | Jeudi 19 Novembre 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Kondolenz: Nordkoreas Diktator bedauert Kim Dae-jungs Tod

WELT ONLINE: Der nordkoreanische Machthaber Kim Jong-il hat sein Beileid zum Tod des am Dienstag verstorbenen Ex-Präsidenten Kim Dae-jung ausgesprochen. TV-Berichten zufolge will er sogar eine Delegation zu dessen Beerdingung entsenden. Experten spekulieren über eine Wiederannäherung der beiden verfeindeten Staaten.

Nordkorea wird einem Bericht zufolge eine Delegation zum Begräbnis des früheren südkoreanischen Präsidenten Kim Dae-jung entsenden. Der südkoreanische Sender YTN nannte am Mittwoch keine Quelle für seine Informationen.

Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong-il hatte zuvor nach offiziellen Angaben sein Beileid zum Tod des ehemaligen südkoreanischen Präsidenten Kim Dae-jung übermittelt. Die amtliche nordkoreanische Nachrichtenagentur KCNA zitierte am Mittwoch aus dem Kondolenzschreiben Kim Jong-ils: „Obgleich er zu unserem Bedauern verstorben ist, werden seine Leistungen für eine nationale Aussöhnung und für die Verwirklichung des Wunsches nach einer Wiedervereinigung dem Land noch lange bleiben.“ >>> | Mittwoch, 19. August 2009

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Atomwaffen: Nordkorea droht der Welt mit "Vergeltungsschlag"

WELT ONLINE: Immer schriller werden die Äußerungen des nordkoreanischen Regimes. Im Leitartikel einer staatlichen Zeitung verbreitet es, das Atomarsenal des Landes sei nicht nur ein Mittel der Verteidigung, sondern auch ein für einen "gerechten Vergeltungsschlag" geeignet. Gedroht wird allen, die Nordkoreas "Würde und Souveränität" anrühren.

Nordkorea hat die Rhetorik im Streit um seinen jüngsten Atomtest erneut verschärft. Dabei drohte das kommunistische Regime auch mit einem atomaren Angriff. „Unsere atomare Abschreckung ist ein überzeugendes Mittel der Verteidigung (...) ebenso wie ein erbarmungsloses Mittel zur Offensive als gerechter Vergeltungsschlag gegen diejenigen, die die Würde und Souveränität des Landes anrühren“, hieß es in einem Leitartikel der staatlichen Zeitung „Minju Joson“, den die amtliche Nachrichtenagentur KCNA weiterverbreitete.

Im UN-Sicherheitsrat laufen zurzeit Beratungen über mögliche weitere Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea wegen des jüngsten Atomtests. Diese Waffentests in Verbindung mit der Suche von Staatschef Kim Jong-il nach einem Nachfolger könnten nach Einschätzung des US-Geheimdienstkoordinators Dennis Blair noch sehr gefährlich werden.
Zwar handle die nordkoreanische Führung derzeit nach einem vertrauten Verhaltensmuster. Allerdings seien dieses Mal „gefährlichere Waffen, womöglich Interkontinentalraketen und Atomwaffen“ im Spiel, sagte Blair bei einer Konferenz in Washington. Somit sei das Risiko größer, obwohl das Verhaltensmuster bekannt sei. >>> | Dienstag, 09. Juni 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Barack Obama: President Pantywaist - New Surrender Monkey on the Block

TELEGRAPH BLOG – Gerald Warner: President Barack Obama has recently completed the most successful foreign policy tour since Napoleon's retreat from Moscow. You name it, he blew it. What was his big deal economic programme that he was determined to drive through the G20 summit? Another massive stimulus package, globally funded and co-ordinated. Did he achieve it? Not so as you'd notice.

Barack is not the first New World ingenue to discover that European leaders will load him with praise, struggle sycophantically to be photographed with him and outdo him in Utopian rhetoric. But when it comes to the critical moment of opening their wallets - suddenly it is flag-day in Aberdeen. Okay, put the G20 down to inexperience, beginner's nerves, what you will. Read on and comment here >>> Gerald Warner | Saturday, April 10, 2009

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nordkorea droht Südkorea mit "Zerstörung"

DIE PRESSE: Das kommunistische Land wirft dem Nachbarn eine "Lügenkampagne" vor und droht mit der Anwendung seines "gesamten Arsenals". Diktator Kim Jong-il befindet sich laut japanischem Geheimdienst im Krankenhaus.

Nordkorea hat Südkorea die Zerstörung seines "Marionettenregimes" angedroht. Das Militär des kommunistischen Landes warf dem südlichen Nachbarn am Dienstag eine "Lügenkampagne" vor und erklärte, sollte diese nicht beendet werden, werde die Armee "ihr gesamtes Arsenal" anwenden.

"Präventivschlag" gegen "Marionettenregime"

"Das Marionettenregime sollte sich darüber im Klaren sein, dass unser progressive Präventivschlag es nicht nur unter Feuer nehmen, sondern alles in Trümmer legen wird, was gegen unsere Nation und die Wiedervereinigung ist", hieß es in der Erklärung. Konkret kritisierte die Militärführung eine Flugblattaktion südkoreanischer Bürgerrechtler. Die Aktivisten haben in den vergangenen Monaten wiederholt kritische Erklärungen per Luftballon in den Norden geschickt.

"Wir bekräftigen unsere Haltung, dass wir eine entschlossene praktische Aktion unternehmen werden, wenn das südkoreanische Marionettenregime weiterhin Flugschriften verbreitet und die Lügenkampagne mit reinen Fantasiegespinsten fortsetzt", betonte das nordkoreanische Militär. Nordkorea hat die Aktion am Montag bei einer der wenigen Militärberatungen mit dem Süden scharf kritisiert.

Das Verhältnis zwischen den beiden Staaten hat sich seit dem Amtsantritt des neuen südkoreanischen Präsidenten Lee Myung-bak im Februar verschlechtert, der einen harten Kurs gegenüber dem Norden angekündigt hat. Die USA haben Tausende Soldaten an der innerkoreanischen Grenze stationiert. >>> 28. Oktober 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>

Monday, September 08, 2008

Kim Jong-Il 'Died in 2003', Says Japanese Professor

THE TEHEGRAPH: The health of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il is not worsening, according to South Korean official, but a Tokyo professor has meanwhile asserted that Kim died in any case in 2003.

Speculation has recently grown again that Kim, who is 66 and has not been seen in public for more than three weeks, is unwell. Some media have long thought that Kim, a former smoker and heavy drinker, was ill but Seoul intelligence officials say they believe he has diabetes and heart problems, but those are not serious enough to affect his job.

But a book by Japan's Professor Toshimitsu Shigemura at Japan's respected Waseda University says Kim died in the autumn of 2003 and a series of stand-ins have since taken his place at official state event.

Prof Shigemura says Kim was not seen in public for the 42 days after September 10, 2003, and in his book "The True Character of Kim Jong Il" claims the man that North Koreans refer to as the "Dear Leader" died of diabetes. Kim Jong-Il 'Died in 2003', Says Japanese Professor >>> By Julian Ryall in Tokyo | September 7, 2008

Watch BBC video: N Korea marks 60th anniversary >>>

N Korea’s Kim Missing from Parade: There is growing speculation about the health of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, 66, after he failed to attend a huge martial parade in Pyongyang.

The military ranks marking the nation's 60th anniversary were instead overseen by North Korea's second most senior figure, Kim Yong-nam.

Rumours were already rife about the well being of the North Korean leader.

Reports quoting Western intelligence sources said on Tuesday it was possible Mr Kim had suffered a stroke.
| September 9, 2008

North Korea Leader Is Seriously Ill, U.S. Official Says >>>
By Mark Mazzetti and Choe Sang-Hun | September 9, 2008

Kim Jong-Il aurait eu une attaque cérébrale >>> C.M. ( avec AFP | 09.09.2008

La Corée du Nord fête ses 60 ans sans son "cher leader" >>> LEMONDE.FR avec AFP | 09.09.08

Nordkorea wird 60 - Gerüchte über Kim Jong Il >>> | 09.09.2008

Pyongyang dément 
la maladie de Kim Jong-Il >>> C.M. et C.J. ( avec AFP | 10.09.2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)