Showing posts with label French justice minister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label French justice minister. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2013

French Justice Minister: Front National Sees 'Blacks into Branches of the Trees, Jews into the Ovens'

Christiane Taubira, French Justice Minister
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: The black French justice minister, who was labelled a monkey by a Front National, is being sued by the party over the 'outrageous' claim that it is racist and homophobic

Marine Le Pen's far-Right Front National (FN), which had to jettison a party member for comparing Christiane Taubira to a monkey, now plans to sue the minister for her "outrageous" claim that the FN is racist and homophobic.

The monkey comparison was made by Anne-Sophie Leclere, an FN candidate for France's spring's municipal elections in a small town in the northeastern Ardennes region.

She posted a photomontage on her Facebook page of a baby monkey, with the caption: "At 18 months", next to a photo of Miss Taubira, with the caption: "Now".

She denied any racist intent but last week told the investigative TV programme that unearthed the montage: "I'd rather see her (Taubira) in the branches of a tree than in the government." » | Rory Mulholland, Paris | Sunday, October 20, 2013

Friday, January 23, 2009

Frankreichs umstrittene Justizministerin tritt ab

Photo courtesy of The Telegraph

TAGES ANZEIGER: Rachida Dati will ihr Regierungsamt abgeben. Die 43-Jährige hat neue politische Pläne und kandidiert bei den Europawahlen. >>> (vin / sda) | Freitag, 23. Januar 2009

WELT ONLINE: Sarkozy schiebt Rachida Dati nach Brüssel ab

Die viel gescholtene französische Glamour-Ministerin Dati kandidiert offenbar für die Europawahl im kommenden Sommer und gibt ihr Regierungsamt auf. Zu groß ist der Ansehensverlust der einstigen Vorzeigefrau in Frankreichs Kabinett – und das nicht nur wegen ihrer rekordverdächtig kurzen Babypause.

Die umstrittene französische Justizministerin Rachida Dati wird wahrscheinlich in Kürze ihr Amt aufgeben, um für die Europawahl im Juni für die Regierungspartei UMP zu kandidieren. Dies berichtete die französische Zeitung "Le Figaro". Der französische Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy hätte damit doch noch sein Ziel erreicht, eine Ministerin loszuwerden, die in den vergangenen Monaten zunehmend zu einer Belastung für seine Regierung geworden war. Vor kurzem hatte Dati das Angebot, Spitzenkandidatin der UMP bei den Europawahlen für die Region Ile de France zu werden, noch abgelehnt. Nun akzeptiert sie den zweiten Listenplatz. Angeführt wird die UMP bei der Europawahl inzwischen vom bisherigen Landwirtschaftsminister Michel Barnier. >>> Von Sascha Lehnartz | Freitag, 23. Januar 2009 Dati quitterait le gouvernement

Selon plusieurs sources concordantes, Rachida Dati a finalement accepté, jeudi, de s'engager dans la dans la bataille des Européennes, où elle figurera en deuxième position de la liste UMP conduite en Ile-de-France par Michel Barnier. Conséquence de ce choix, voulu par l'Elysée, la ministre de la Justice devrait quitter le gouvernement, sans doute courant mai.

L'Elysée aurait obtenu gain de cause, Rachida Dati devrait quitter son poste de ministre de la Justice. Maintes fois annoncé, au gré notamment de chaque remaniement ministériel, le départ de la locataire de la place Vendôme résulterait d'un jeu de vases communicants. Pas forcément emballée par ce choix, - elle avait notamment décliné une première offre de l'Elysée - Rachida Dati a finalement accepté de prendre place en deuxième position sur la liste UMP pour les élections européennes en Ile-de-France. Cette liste sera conduite par Michel Barnier, l'actuel ministre de l'Agriculture, dont les services ont fait savoir qu'il démissionnera du gouvernement courant mai. Il y a fort à parier que, du côté de la Chancellerie, sa consoeur fasse ses cartons au même moment (ou peut-être un peu plsu tard). On devrait en savoir davantage samedi. Dans le cadre de son Conseil national, l'UMP, qui intronisera officiellement Xavier Bertrand à sa tête, dévoilera ses têtes de listes pour le scrutin européen du 7 juin prochain. >>> Par N.M (avec Reuters) | Vendredi 23 Janvier 2009

BBC: France's Dati to Quit Government

French Justice Minister Rachida Dati, the first politician of North African origin to hold a senior cabinet post in France, is stepping down.

Ms Dati, 43, has attracted criticism for her management style and gossip about her clothes and love life.

She is to run for the ruling UMP party in the June European elections.

President Nicolas Sarkozy did not explain why she was quitting, but made it clear that she could not stay in the cabinet if she became a Euro MP.

While her move has been confirmed by the UMP, Ms Dati herself has not yet commented on it. >>> | Friday, January 23, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Broché) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Relié) >>>

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Glamorous French Minister Rachida Dati Faces Sack

Photo of Rachida Dati courtesy of

THE TELEGRAPH: France's glamorous cabinet minister Rachida Dati could be ousted in a government reshuffle, amid complaints over her high-handed manner, authoritarianism and political inexperience.

France's judges and prison staff are no longer on speaking terms with Miss Dati, 42, the justice minister and France's first top cabinet member of North African origin.

Such is their fury against her methods that President Nicolas Sarkozy was obliged to step in personally to quell tensions, meeting the country's main magistrate's union at the Elysée palace.

The USM union said it was "satisfied" by Mr Sarkozy's reassurances but that it would not have to see whether there was any change in his protégé's "behaviour". "She is in systematic denial of all problems posed," said its president.

Elisabeth Guigou, a former Socialist justice minister, said that Mr Sarkozy's personal intervention was a "disavowal" of Miss Dati.
Mr Sarkozy has reportedly transferred much of her power to his own judicial adviser at the Elysée, Patrick Ouart.

Prison staff have threatened to block the country's jails after the Miss Dati suspended three guards following the murder of a prisoner by another inmate. She then failed to show up to an emergency meeting to discuss how to tackle exploding prison populations and record suicide rates among inmates – already 90 this year.

"The prison system is in its death throes and the Minister does not see it," they said. "If this goes on, there's going to be an explosion," they added. >>> By Henry Samuel in Paris | October 28, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Broché) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Relié) >>>