Showing posts with label FN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FN. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Marine Le Pen Says Europe Can't Handle Migrants

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Marine Le Pen, the daughter of France's longtime far-right leader who now heads his National Front party, on Monday advocated turning migrants back to sea before they can reach European shores after she toured a centre for illegal migrants on Italy's southernmost island of Lampedusa.

A group of young protesters yelled "racist" at Miss Le Pen as she toured the island, where some 8,700 north Africans have fled unrest that has spread from Tunisia to Egypt and Libya since January.

Despite her party's anti-immigrant politics, Miss Le Pen, 42, had insisted before her arrival that the visit is aimed at gathering information, not at provocation.

"Europe is impotent and has not come up with any solution," Miss Le Pen said. Instead of patrolling near European shores, she said Europe's navies "in reality ... should go as close as possible to the coasts from where the clandestine boats departed to send them back."

Europe, she said, cannot handle the influx, which "is adding poverty to poverty, and disorder to disorder."

She warned that the migrants were arriving "in proportions that Italy can no longer handle."

"In truth, we are about to witness a catastrophe," she said. » | Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Marine Le Pen à Lampedusa pour parler immigration

LE POINT: La présidente du FN doit se rendre sur l'île italienne, où accostent de nombreux clandestins venus d'Afrique du Nord.

La présidente du Front national Marine Le Pen devait se rendre lundi sur l'île italienne de Lampedusa, où accostent les clandestins venus d'Afrique du Nord, une façon spectaculaire de reparler immigration, thème fétiche de son parti, en pleine campagne électorale en France. Une visite éclair, à peine quelques heures en début d'après-midi sur cette île entre la Sicile et les côtes africaines, où ont accosté depuis quelques semaines des milliers de clandestins fuyant la Tunisie, peut-être la Libye. » | Source AFP | Lundi 14 Mars 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Marine Le Pen brandit ses chiffres de l'immigration

REUTERS FRANCE: TOULON, Var - Marine Le Pen a dénoncé samedi une "extraordinaire poussée" de l'immigration légale en France, s'attirant les foudres du ministère de l'Intérieur qui conteste les chiffres utilisés par la présidente du Front national.

En visite dans le Var pour soutenir les candidats du FN aux cantonales, Marine Le Pen a cité des chiffres qui lui auraient été fournis par des "hauts fonctionnaires patriotes" pour dénoncer l'échec de la politique d'immigration de Nicolas Sarkozy.

Selon elle, la France a accordé 23.504 titres de séjour en janvier 2011, ce qui représenterait une hausse de 42,1% par rapport au mois de janvier l'an dernier. >>> par Jean-François Rosnoblet | Samedi 12 Mars 2011

Monday, March 07, 2011

French Far-right Makes Inroads

An opinion poll in the French Le Parisien newspaper suggests the leader of France's far-right party could win the first-round of next year's presidential election. Al Jazeera's Charlie Angela reports

La vague "bleue Marine" du FN provoque une onde de choc

Marine Le Pen a affirmé dimanche qu'elle partait en 2012 "pour gagner et pas pour faire de la figuration". Photo : Le Point

LE POINT: Un sondage plaçant Marine Le Pen en tête du 1er tour de la présidentielle fait vivement réagir la classe politique.

Après la parution d'un sondage la donnant en tête au premier tour en 2012, Marine Le Pen a assuré dimanche concourir "pour gagner et pas pour faire de la figuration", tandis que la polémique se poursuivait de plus belle sur l'usage par Nicolas Sarkozy des questions de laïcité et de religion. Décontractée, vêtue d'une chemise bleue éclatante, la présidente du Front national a affirmé que le Front national était "dans une grande dynamique". "Je pense qu'effectivement on pourrait assister demain à une vague bleue Marine qui commencera peut-être aux cantonales", a dit la fille de Jean-Marie Le Pen, ex-président du FN, quatre mois à peine après son arrivée à la tête du parti frontiste. >>> Le | Lundi 07 Mars 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sarkozy Calls for Debate on Islam

UPI: PARIS -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy says he wants to launch a national debate on the role and influence in France of Islam, the country's second-largest religion.

Last week Sarkozy joined British Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in announcing "multiculturalism is not working" and setting out to formalize the relationship between Islam and the fiercely secular state of France, France24 reported Friday.

Sarkozy's call for the debate is viewed as a move to woo voters from the far-right National Front party.

"It is out of the question that French society should be influenced by Islam," Sarkozy said. "This is a secular country." >>> | Friday, February 18, 2011

HT: Pastorius >>>

Sarkozy Sets Sights on Defining Role of Islam in a Secular France

FRANCE 24: Following last year’s controversial ban on the full Islamic veil in public places, French President Nicolas Sarkozy now wants to formalise the relationship between Islam and France's fiercely secular state.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has set his sights on the role of Islam in a secular France, which looks set to become a major theme ahead of the 2012 presidential elections.

Sarkozy said Tuesday that he wants to launch a debate in April on the role and influence of the country’s second-biggest religion.

The call for a discussion on Islam follows comments Sarkozy made last week that “multiculturalism is not working” and is seen as a bid to win back voters from the far-right National Front party.

“There is a growing gulf between the media portrayal of Islam and the preoccupations of the French people,” Sarkozy told members of his conservative Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party at a dinner he hosted this week.

And while it remains unclear whether the president would look to encode the debate’s findings in a new law, one unnamed UMP lawmaker told right-wing daily Le Figaro, “The role of Islam in France is going to be a central issue in the 2012 presidential campaign.” ‘This is a secular country’ >>> Tony Todd | Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Marine Le Pen 'Chosen to Lead France's National Front'

BBC: France's far right National Front has chosen Marine Le Pen as its new leader, replacing her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, party officials say.

The results will be officially announced on Sunday, but party sources said she had secured about two-thirds of members' votes.

Mr Le Pen is stepping down after leading the ultra-nationalist party, which he founded, for almost 40 years.

In 2002 he came a shock second in the first round of presidential elections.

Mr Le Pen lost the second round to incumbent Jacques Chirac.

A count of votes cast ahead of the annual FN congress in the central city of Tours showed Ms Le Pen, 42, who had the backing of her father, had easily beaten her rival, Bruno Gollnisch. >>> | Sunday, January 15, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Marine Le Pen Posing a Growing Threat to Nicolas Sarkozy

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: France's National Front is set to widen its support base if Marine Le Pen is chosen to succeed her father as the far-Right party's new leader this weekend, posing a growing threat to President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Marine Le Pen
Marine Le Pen is candidate for the Front National presidency against FN second vice-president Bruno Gollnisch. Photo: The Daily Telegraph

The 42-year old mother of three is the runaway favourite to succeed her 82-year-old father Jean-Marie Le Pen, who founded the National Front (FN) in 1972 and will remain its honorary president.

On Friday, vote counting took place from a mail ballot among the FN's 24,000 members and the official result is due to be announced on Sunday at a party congress in Tours.

The firebrand Mr Le Pen was in no doubt of the outcome. "I have been unable to enact the programme that I believe salutatory for France, (but) the second stage of the Le Pen rocket is Marine," he told Le Parisien.

His daughter is up against Bruno Gollnisch, 60, a white-haired, bookish euro MP who represents the party old guard, and whose supporters include ex-colonialists, anti-Semites and pagan white supremacists.

One FN party member told the Libération newspaper that a Gollnisch victory would "set the party back 30 years". "It would be the Soviet Union under Brezhnev," he said. >>> Henry Samuel, Paris | Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday, December 17, 2010

Accommodating Sarkozy Allows National Front to Set France's Agenda

THE AUSTRALIAN: The President's divisive policies on immigration and race could derail the next election.

IF Nicolas Sarkozy's presidency is consumed by the hydra-headed monster that is France's National Front, reinvigorated under Marine Le Pen, he has only himself to blame.

When Sarkozy was elected president in 2007, there was rejoicing that despite his dangerous campaign embrace of far Right rhetoric and policies, Sarkozy had at least vanquished veteran culture warrior Jean-Marie Le Pen's extremist political movement as an electoral force.

But Sarkozy's long-term strategy of battling the racist Right on its own territory, with strident anti-immigrant and law and order policies and polemics, has manifestly failed. As the political establishment gears up for an early start to the 2012 presidential poll, Le Pen's daughter and heir apparent is now attracting 27 per cent of the vote in some popularity surveys and she hasn't even been officially crowned successor to her father.

Throughout his career Sarkozy has made it his practice to "steal" the policies of the extreme Right, and slightly repackage them for majority consumption. >>> Emma-Kate Symons | The Australian | December 18, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nicolas Sarkozy’s Right-wing UMP Thrashed in French Elections

THE TELEGRAPH: Nicolas Sarkozy will seek to relaunch his embattled presidency on Monday after his Right-wing party suffered a crushing defeat in France’s regional elections, seen as a test of his popularity.

French current Socialist President of Poitou-Charentes region Segolene Royal. Photograph: The Telegraph

Mr Sarkozy’s Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) was on course last night to lose in all but one of 22 regions in mainland France. As one analyst put it, the president must reinvent “le Sarkozysme 2.0” — a new ideology to woo disillusioned voters in the run-up to 2012 presidential elections.

A coalition between the opposition Socialists and Greens, whose party is called Europe Ecologie, swept the floor in the second round vote marked by a low turnout - 51 per cent - and the lowest score for the Right in more than three decades.

As polling stations closed, exit polls gave the Socialists and Greens 54 per cent of the vote, the UMP 36 percent and the far-Right National Front just under nine per cent.

Despite pushing hard-line policies on immigration and security, the president’s allies were weakened by a strong showing for the National Front, which won no regions but was in 12 run-offs.

The UMP’s sole consolation, besides holding Alsace, was taking the Indian Ocean island of Réunion. >>> Henry Samuel in Paris | Sunday, March 21, 2010 La gauche en force : Comme annoncé, la gauche a largement remporté les élections régionales, dont le second tour s'est déroulé dimanche. Dans le détail, la majorité UMP-Nouveau centre a toutefois évité une déroute totale en conservant l'Alsace. Outre-mer, La Réunion a également basculé de gauche à droite. >>> Nicolas Moscovici, | Dimanche 21 Mars 2010

Regionalwahlen in Frankreich: Das angekündigte Debakel des Nicolas Sarkozy

WELT ONLINE: Nicolas Sarkozys Partei UMP erleidet bei den französischen Regionalwahlen eine schwere Niederlage – Sozialisten siegen in fast allen Regionen. Schon bald trifft Sarkozy mit Premierminister Fillon zusammen: Es wird damit gerechnet, dass der Präsident zumindest mit einer kleinen Kabinettsumbildung reagiert.

Regierungschef François Fillon nannte das Ergebnis von 36 Prozent "eine Enttäuschung" für die Bürgerlichen, für die er Verantwortung übernehme. Bild: Welt Online

Die Regierungspartei von Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy hat in der zweiten Runde der Regionalwahlen die erwartete deutliche Niederlage hinnehmen müssen. Nach ersten Hochrechnungen kam die UMP im Landedurchschnitt auf lediglich 36,1 Prozent der Stimmen. Die Sozialisten (PS), die in den meisten Regionen mit Grünen und Kommunisten gemeinsame Listen gebildet hatten, kamen dagegen auf 54,3 Prozent. Die rechtsextreme Front National erreichte landesweit 8,7 Prozent.

In den 22 französischen Kern-Regionen konnte sich die UMP lediglich im traditionell rechten Elsass durchsetzen. Selbst im ebenfalls in der Regel konservativ tendierenden Korsika setzte sich die PS – wie in 19 weiteren Regionen - durch. Im Languedoc-Roussillon siegte zudem mit Gerge Frèche ein Kandidat, der nur deswegen nicht mehr offiziell als Sozialist gilt, weil die Parteiführung unter der Vorsitzenden Martine Aubry den Provinzfürsten wenige Wochen vor der Wahl wegen als antisemitisch interpretierbarer Bemerkungen von ihrer Liste gestrichen hatte.

Die Regionalwahlen sind die letzten Wahlen in Frankreich vor der nächsten Präsidentschaftswahl im Jahr 2012 und gelten deshalb als wichtiger Stimmungstest. Sarkozy wird am Montagmorgen mit Premierminister François Fillon im Élysée-Palast zusammenkommen und über Konsequenzen aus dem Wahlergebnis beraten. >>> Von Sascha Lehnartz | Sontag, 21. März 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Nicolas Sarkozy Identity Debate 'Boosted Votes for Far-right'

THE TELEGRAPH: Nicolas Sarkozy's controversial "national identity" debate has been blamed for helping the far-right to reestablish itself in French elections.

Jean-Marie Le Pen's National Front remains in the running in 12 of France's 22 mainland regions. Photo: The Telegraph

Opponents said the president's decision to start a high-profile discussion about issues including immigration, the burka and social cohesion led voters to back Jean-Marie Le Pen's National Front (FN).

The near-bankrupt FN had been written off after a disastrous showing in the 2007 presidential elections, but on Sunday scored almost 12 per cent in the first round of regional elections.

Martine Aubry, leader of the Socialist opposition, said Mr Sarkozy was guilty of "reopening a door for the FN" by organising a "debate on national identity aimed at opposing [native] French with French from elsewhere, or foreigners".

And Francois Bayrou, former presidential candidate and head of the centrist MoDem party, said: "It's a worrying moment. The National Front is back at a level not seen in years." >>> Henry Samuel in Paris | Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Frankreich: Debakel für Nicolas Sarkozy bei Regionalwahlen

WELT ONLINE: Denkzettel für Frankreichs Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy: Sein bürgerlich-rechtes Regierungslager hat bei einem wichtigen Stimmungstest eine bittere Niederlage erlitten. In der ersten Runde der Regionalwahlen kam die konservative UMP nach ersten Prognosen nur auf 26,7 Prozent der Stimmen.

Bei den Regionalwahlen musste Frankreichs Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy eine bittere Niederlage verkraften. Bild: Welt Online

Das bürgerlich-rechte Regierungslager von Frankreichs Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy hat bei einem der wichtigsten Stimmungstests seiner Amtszeit eine bittere Niederlage erlitten. In der ersten Runde der Regionalwahlen am Sonntag kam die konservative UMP nach ersten Prognosen nur auf 26,7 Prozent der Stimmen. Sie geht damit nahezu chancenlos in die zweite Runde in einer Woche. >>> dpa/fp | Sonntag, 14. März 2010

THE TELEGRAPH: Nicolas Sarkozy votes with Carla Bruni in regional polls in show of unity: President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and his wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, put on a show of unity on Sunday following rumours of infidelities, arriving together to vote in regional elections in which the French president faces a drubbing. >>> Henry Samuel in Paris | Sunday, March 14, 2010

TIMESONLINE: President Sarkozy faces poll wipeout: France signalls its displeasure with its President in the first round of regional elections with Socialists taking 53.6 per cent of the vote >>> Charles Bremner, Paris | Monday, March 15, 2010

THE TELEGRAPH: Far-Right National Front performs well in French regional elections: France's far-Right National Front (FN) has re-emerged on the French political scene after enjoying a surprisingly strong showing in regional elections on Sunday. >>> Henry Samuel in Paris | Monday, March 15, 2010

Nicolas Sarkozy's Party Humbled by the Left in French Regional Elections

THE TELEGRAPH: French voters scarred by the economic crisis have dealt President Nicolas Sarkozy and his conservative leadership a stern blow by coming out in support of leftist candidates in regional elections.

Some voters took their worries about immigration and France's growing Muslim population to the ballot box - helping the far right National Front party upset predictions and perform strongly in first-round voting to choose regional governments.

With more than 96 per cent of votes counted, candidates from the Socialist and other leftist parties won 53.6 per cent of the overall vote, according to the Interior Ministry. Mr Sarkozy's centre-right UMP party and others on the right won 39.8 per cent.

The UMP's poor showing combined with an unusually low turnout of 47 per cent, highlights widespread discontent with the increasingly unpopular Mr Sarkozy. >>> | Monday, March 15, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Le Front national plagie l'affiche anti-minarets

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: FRANCE | Le Front national (FN) a repris le symbole des minarets en forme de missiles pour une campagne régionale en France. L'agence de communication suisse qui l'a conçue veut poursuivre le parti.

Intitulée "Non à l'islamisme", l'affiche émane du mouvement jeune du Front national (FNJ) de Provence-Alpes-Côtes-d'Azur. Crédits photo: Tribune de Genève

"C'est un vol! On va engager une action en justice contre ça. Nous allons lancer une procédure", indique Alexander Segert, directeur de l'agence Goal, dans une interview jeudi au quotidien "La Liberté", qui révèle l'affaire. "Notre agence va lutter avec tous les moyens contre ceux qui pillent nos idées. >>> ATS | Jeudi 25 Février 2010

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Jean-Marie Le Pen to Quit 'Next Year'

THE TELEGRAPH: Jean-Marie Le Pen, the veteran French far-right leader, has indicated he will step [down] as leader of the National Front party, probably next year.

The 81-year old firebrand has led the FN party since 1972 and long pledged only to vacate his post "feet first".

But in an interview on Tuesday, Mr Le Pen said he was "not eternal" and that it was "probable" he would not run in the 2012 presidential election.

"It's reasonable to hand over to young people to allow the FN to continue," he said on France 2, the state TV channel. He would probably step down "in 2011 or 2010," he added. >>> Henry Samuel in Paris | Tuesday, September 08, 2009