Showing posts with label Elisabeth of Austria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elisabeth of Austria. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Austria – Free Speech: The Trial of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff Commences

GATES OF VIENNA: The Trial of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Day 1 >>> Baron Bodissey | Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff Enters Vienna Courtroom

Sunday, December 06, 2009

FPÖ-Seminar: "Islam ist böse, Muslime hassen uns"

DIE PRESSE: Das Freiheitliche Bildungsinstitut veranstaltet ein Islam-Seminar mit umstrittenen Inhalten. "Der Islam ist feindselig. Der Koran ist böse", sagt eine Seminar-Leiterin. "News" berichtet und klagt wegen Verhetzung.

Das freiheitliche Bildungsinstitut veranstaltet offenbar Islam-Seminare mit sehr umstrittenen Inhalten. Das berichtet die Info-Illustrierte "News" und titelt mit "Straches Hass-Schule". Eine "News"-Redakteurin hat sich bei einem solchen Seminar eingeschleust und berichtet nun darüber.

"Muslime vergewaltigen wegen Religion"

Als Vortragende diente dabei unter anderem Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff. Sie war im Kabinett von Wolfgang Schüssel (ÖVP) und später an mehreren Botschaften im arabischen Raum tätig. Sie doziert in der vom FPÖ-Bildungsinstitut organisierten Veranstaltung laut "News" unter anderem folgendes: "Der Islam ist feindselig. Der Koran ist böse. Muslime hassen uns und befinden sich im Dauerkrieg mit uns."

Weiters soll Sabaditsch-Wolff in der dreiteiligen Vortragsreihe gemeint haben: "Wenn Kardinäle Kinder vergewaltigen, machen sie das trotz der Religion. Muslime vergewaltigen Kinder wegen der Religion." "News" hat eigenen Angaben zu Folge Anzeige bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Wien wegen Verhetzung erstattet. FP rechnet mit mehr Anmeldungen >>> APA | Mittwoch, 25. November 2009

"I Want to Preserve Europe and Its Democratic and Secular Values": Austrian Freedom Fighter Charged with "Hate Speech"

JIHAD WATCH: Free Speech Death Watch Alert: "Interview with Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff," by S.M. Steinitz for profil (Austria's equivalent to "Time" magazine and "Der Spiegel"):
"I Am Against Dialogue"

A criminal complaint is being filed against Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff for "hate speech" under Austrian law, essentially the same thing that Susanne Winter was convicted of early this year.

Elisabeth gave a presentation about Islam at an FPÖ-organized seminar, and said some of the usual things that anti-jihad advocates say when they talk about Islam. A left-wing magazine, which had planted someone in the audience, caused charges to be brought against her at the same time as they publicized it in their magazine.

Elisabeth held the controversial Islam Seminar at the FPÖ-political academy. Charges of defamation of a religious group have been filed against the daughter of a diplomat. This is her only interview in which she explains her views.

Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff, are you afraid of Muslims?

No, I am afraid of political Islam, which is massively gaining influence in Europe. That is what I am against.

What is your goal?

I want to preserve Europe and its democratic and secular values. What bothers you about the Islamic way of life? >>> Robert Spencer | Saturday, December 05, 2009

Monday, February 11, 2008

Is Austria to Be the Venue for the Next Showdown?

SONS OF APES AND PIGS: One of our very informed correspondent in Austria, the representative of the Austrian Association of Academics-Vienna chapter at the Counterjihad Conference in Brussels, sent me what appears to be a prelude to very alarming developments that would set the stage for an open challenge to Austrians and Austrian authorities from Muslims.

What we see happening, is what all people aware of the subversive and insidious nature of Islam knew will happen since years ago. A confrontation with Islam is inevitable. Unless all the Chamberlains of the Western governments see the obvious, that the situation is reaching the point of no return in every Western country, and act urgently by probing the evil teaching of that “holy” book that will put the world on fire with unimaginable consequences. I urge all Western populations to show their resolve in fighting for their freedom and survival by all means. Forgetting about their political affiliations and support the politicians that are exposing the only “religion” that thrived on spreading death and desolation wherever it existed. This is the priority without which, all your other priorities and aspirations will not see the day. Islam is like the brake pedal, you have to step on it, to stop and control the car. … >>> By Elisabeth of Austria

Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)