Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More Troops for Afghanistan? Non, Mr President!

MAIL ONLINE: France is to stop sending soldiers to Afghanistan, Nicolas Sarkozy has announced.

It comes as leaders in Germany revealed plans to send more troops - but only to train local security forces and help with elections.

The decisions defy U.S. President Barack Obama's call for more troops from Europe. He had piled pressure on Nato allies after vowing to send up to 30,000 more troops to the country last year.

Mr Obama believed more troops were needed to fight a growing Taliban insurgency.

The French President yesterday said he would consider sending more trainers and civilian helpers in the hope of improving the efficiency of the Afghan Army.

But he ruled out extra soldiers to carry out these duties.

Mr Sarkozy said in a live interview on TF1 television on Monday night: 'If there is a need for more people to train, to help the police to undertake civil engineering, to help the population, to help Afghanisation, why not?

‘But combat troops? No.’ France and Germany risk diplomatic row after snubbing Obama's call to send more troops to Afghanistan >>> Peter Allen and Mail Foreign Service | Tuesday, January 26, 2010