Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Islam vs. Islamism (2011)

Bill Warner, PhD: Vetting the Migrants

Bill Warner, PhD: I, Islamophobe?

I have been called an Islamophobe. Now, what does that mean? A phobia is an irrational fear, but what is the Islam I am phobic about? Islam is the doctrine found in the Koran and the Sunna of Mohammed.

What am I afraid of in the Koran? Certainly not anything found in the early Koran of Mecca, since all it says is that I am going to hell, since I am a Kafir. But in Medina the Koran tells me about “fighting in Allah’s cause”, killing Kafirs in jihad. As a Kafir, should I be afraid of jihad? Or is that a phobia?

The Koran says that Allah will terrorize Kafirs. So am I phobic to fear terror? The Koran says that as a Kafir I can be beheaded. I see pictures of Kafirs being beheaded around the world. Should I be afraid or is it phobic to fear beheading?

Reading the Sunna of Mohammed, I find he ordered his critics to be assassinated. Is it phobic to fear assassination?

The Koran says that I can be crucified. Should I fear crucifixion? Or is that phobic?

Mohammed killed each and every person who opposed him. I oppose Islam, which includes the Sunna of Mohammed, should I be afraid or is that phobic?

I am afraid of violence from Islam. Am I reasonable or am I phobic? What about you?

Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, By Dr Bill Warner

WIKI: Timur (Tamerlane) »

Political Islam (Dr. Bill Warner) »

Krauthammer Explains Why He Can't Vote for Trump or Clinton

Oct. 21, 2016 - 4:51 - Syndicated columnist gives his take on 'The Kelly File'

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Russia's Lost Princesses: Documentary

Interviews with leading historians, archive footage and dramatic reconstruction reveal the childhoods of Tsar Nicholas II's four daughters - Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia - and the truth behind the fairytale images. The sisters were the most photographed princesses of their day, attracting the same frenzied press attention as Princess Diana later would, but their public profile masked the reality of their strange and very isolated upbringing.

Documentary: Last of the Tsars - Nicholas II & Alexandra

Muslims Stage Massive Protest, Chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ Outside Rome’s Colosseum

BREITBART.COM: Thousands of Muslims gathered in protest outside Rome’s Colosseum Friday after Italian authorities shut down a number of so-called “garage mosques” to avoid young people becoming radicalized.

The Muslim community of Rome chose the iconic Colosseum, a worldwide symbol of Christian persecution and martyrdom, to stage their demonstration against the alleged shutting down by police of illegal places of Muslim worship in the city.

An imam led the group in chanting “Allahu Akbar,” which means in Arabic “God is great,” as they prostrated themselves on the ground.

Many Roman citizens were visibly disturbed by the protest, noting that in its propaganda videos, the Islamic State has repeatedly employed images of the Colosseum when threatening to conquer Rome and the “Crusaders.” » | Thomas D Willams, PhD | Sunday, October 23, 2016

Gorka on German Exodus

Oct. 21, 2016 - 2:50 - ‘Defending Jihad’ Author Sebastian Gorka on millions of Germans leaving the country.

Single-payer Health Care System on the Way?

Oct. 21, 2016 - 5:40 - FBN's Charles Payne and Lauren Simonetti on the future of Obamacare

Documentary: The Habsburg Empire - Under the Double Headed Eagle

The Road to War: The End of an Empire | Full Documentary

A co-production by ORF and metafilm in association with BMBF, funded by Austrian Television Fund, Vienna Film Fund and Kultur Niederösterreich.

The Road to War" uses elaborate re-enactments, fascinating Computer Generated Imagery and previously unseen archive footage to examine how the assassination in Sarajevo in 1914 came about and how Austria-Hungary used the death of the heir to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, to start a war against Serbia. The film investigates how this regional conflict caused the Central Powers and the Triple Entente to enter the First World War - at the time, the biggest war in history with 17 million soldiers and civilians killed and more than 20 million injured.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Hilde Schramm - Tochter des NS-Architekten Albert Speer

Hilde Schramm ist Pädagogin und Politikerin - und Tochter von Albert Speer, Hitlers Architekt und Rüstungsminister im NS-Deutschland. Ihr Leben lang versucht sie sich gegenüber ihrem Vater abzugrenzen. Hilde Schramm hat aus dem Nachlass von Albert Speer die Stiftung "Zurückgeben" gegründet und unterstützt damit jüdische Künstlerinnen und Wissenschaftlerinnen. Sie setzt sich für ehemalige Zwangsarbeiter ein und hat jetzt ein Buch über ihre jüdische Geschichtslehrerin geschrieben, die sie maßgeblich politisch geprägt hat. Hilde Schramm saß für die Grünen im Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus und lebt seit Jahren mit anderen Familien in einer Hausgemeinschaft in Berlin.

Rainer Höß: Großvater war KZ-Kommandant | SWR1 Leute

Er ist der Enkel des Auschwitz-Kommandanten Rudolf Höß, der für den Tod so vieler Menschen verantwortlich ist. Rainer Höß stellt sich seiner Familiengeschichte und den Verbrechen des Großvaters.

Bashar Al-Assad Interview | October 6, 2016 | TV2

Why Are People Voting for Trump?

Who's Still With Trump? (2016): As the saying goes, 'win Ohio, win the White House'. Once America's industrial heartland, the so-called Rust Belt has been in steady decline for decades. This report explores why some voters are looking to Trump.

Donald Trump Turns on Michelle Obama during North Carolina Rally

Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, took a rare swipe at First Lady, Michelle Obama, in North Carolina on Friday. Michelle Obama currently leads the popularity polls, ahead of her husband and the two presidential nominees. Trump complained that ‘all she wants to do is campaign’. He then accused her of attacking Hillary Clinton during the 2008 primaries

Read the article here

Polish Woman Booed on Question Time after Describing Discrimination

Mrs. Asma al-Assad Interview with Russia's Channel 24

Mrs. Assad's public interview for the past 8 years. Source: Presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic